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Comment: 0,0:00:02.43,0:00:02.48,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H101614&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 185 b 353 189 357 192 363 193 b 365 196 367 198 371 199 b 373 201 377 203 381 202 b 382 203 384 205 385 206 b 386 207 387 209 387 211 b 389 215 393 219 399 221 b 401 227 405 231 411 233 b 415 239 420 244 427 246 b 431 251 437 254 442 254 b 443 255 444 257 445 259 b 445 264 448 267 453 268 b 459 270 462 268 463 263 b 467 263 471 260 474 255 b 478 252 482 249 485 246 b 489 244 491 242 491 240 b 496 239 499 236 501 231 b 507 226 513 219 511 214 b 514 213 516 209 518 203 b 523 203 529 203 533 201 b 537 201 541 200 545 197 b 552 197 556 193 557 184 b 559 185 562 185 565 185 b 568 191 573 193 577 193 b 579 197 582 200 587 199 b 589 202 593 203 596 201 b 597 202 599 204 599 205 b 599 208 600 211 603 213 b 605 217 609 220 614 222 b 615 228 620 232 627 234 b 629 240 632 243 637 244 b 639 245 641 246 643 247 b 644 251 648 254 656 254 b 657 255 658 257 659 258 b 659 263 661 266 665 268 b 670 271 677 270 677 263 b 681 263 685 259 689 254 b 697 251 701 245 705 241 b 710 239 714 235 717 229 b 722 225 725 220 726 213 b 729 211 731 207 731 203 b 751 205 769 199 772 183 b 775 184 777 185 780 185 b 781 189 785 191 791 192 b 794 197 798 199 802 199 b 804 202 808 203 813 201 b 813 202 815 205 813 207 b 815 209 816 210 817 211 b 817 215 821 217 827 220 b 829 225 835 230 841 233 b 845 239 850 243 857 245 b 860 250 865 253 871 253 b 871 255 873 257 873 259 b 875 263 877 265 879 265 b 885 271 889 269 891 261 b 897 261 901 257 905 252 b 911 250 916 245 922 239 b 927 237 931 233 933 226 b 937 223 940 219 941 213 b 944 211 945 207 945 203 l 945 129 l 349 129 m 436 186 b 439 185 443 184 446 181 b 449 181 451 180 453 180 b 455 181 458 183 460 184 b 462 185 463 186 465 185 b 467 185 469 185 470 185 b 471 186 471 187 472 189 b 471 189 471 191 470 191 b 468 193 468 195 469 197 b 467 198 466 199 465 200 b 464 201 463 203 462 205 b 461 205 460 207 459 207 b 458 208 457 209 455 209 b 454 209 452 210 451 210 b 450 209 449 209 449 208 b 448 205 446 204 444 203 b 444 201 442 199 440 199 b 439 197 438 196 436 194 b 436 192 436 189 435 187 m 650 187 b 654 186 657 185 659 181 b 661 181 664 179 666 179 b 668 181 671 183 674 184 b 676 185 679 186 681 185 b 683 187 685 189 687 189 b 684 191 682 194 682 197 b 680 198 679 200 678 202 b 677 203 676 204 675 205 b 674 207 672 209 671 210 b 668 209 666 209 663 209 b 663 205 661 203 658 203 b 658 200 656 199 653 199 b 653 196 653 195 650 193 b 650 191 650 189 649 187 m 545 176 b 545 179 544 182 544 185 b 541 186 538 188 535 191 b 532 190 529 190 526 192 b 523 189 519 186 516 183 b 518 179 519 175 517 171 b 516 168 516 165 515 163 b 515 161 516 159 516 157 b 517 155 518 155 519 153 b 521 157 523 161 527 162 b 527 167 529 169 533 171 b 535 175 539 176 543 176 m 634 187 b 630 188 627 189 623 190 b 619 189 616 189 613 189 b 609 187 605 185 602 184 b 600 182 598 180 597 178 b 599 175 599 171 598 168 b 599 165 600 163 599 159 b 601 157 603 155 603 151 b 606 153 609 155 612 157 b 611 160 613 163 615 164 b 616 167 618 169 619 171 b 621 173 622 175 625 177 b 627 179 629 181 631 184 m 721 177 b 719 179 718 182 717 185 b 715 185 711 185 709 187 b 707 185 704 185 702 183 b 701 181 699 180 697 178 b 699 176 699 175 701 173 b 703 171 705 168 705 166 b 707 165 709 163 709 160 b 712 158 713 155 713 153 b 715 149 717 147 720 145 b 719 150 718 155 720 159 b 719 161 718 165 718 168 b 719 170 721 173 722 175 m 759 176 b 759 179 759 183 758 185 b 755 186 751 188 749 191 b 746 190 743 190 741 192 b 738 189 735 187 731 184 b 732 179 731 174 731 171 b 731 168 731 165 729 162 b 729 160 730 158 730 156 b 731 155 731 154 731 153 b 733 155 734 155 735 157 b 736 159 737 161 739 162 b 740 167 743 169 747 171 b 749 175 753 176 759 176 m 848 186 b 845 187 841 187 838 189 b 834 188 831 187 825 189 b 824 186 821 184 816 183 b 815 181 813 180 812 178 b 813 175 813 171 813 167 b 814 164 815 161 815 157 b 817 155 819 151 819 149 b 821 151 823 154 825 157 b 826 160 828 163 831 165 b 833 167 833 168 835 169 b 835 173 837 175 841 177 b 842 179 844 182 847 183)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.48,0:00:02.52,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H101714&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 181 b 353 185 357 188 363 189 b 365 192 367 194 371 195 b 373 197 377 199 381 198 b 382 199 384 201 385 202 b 386 203 387 205 387 207 b 389 211 393 215 399 217 b 401 223 405 227 411 229 b 415 235 420 240 427 242 b 431 247 437 250 442 250 b 443 251 444 253 445 255 b 445 260 448 263 453 264 b 459 266 462 264 463 259 b 467 259 471 256 474 251 b 478 248 482 245 485 242 b 489 240 491 238 491 236 b 496 235 499 232 501 227 b 507 222 513 215 511 210 b 514 209 516 205 518 199 b 523 199 529 199 533 197 b 537 197 541 196 545 193 b 552 193 556 189 557 180 b 559 181 562 181 565 181 b 568 187 573 189 577 189 b 579 193 582 196 587 195 b 589 198 593 199 596 197 b 597 198 599 200 599 201 b 599 204 600 207 603 209 b 605 213 609 216 614 218 b 615 224 620 228 627 230 b 629 236 632 239 637 240 b 639 241 641 242 643 243 b 644 247 648 250 656 250 b 657 251 658 253 659 254 b 659 259 661 262 665 264 b 670 267 677 266 677 259 b 681 259 685 255 689 250 b 697 247 701 241 705 237 b 710 235 714 231 717 225 b 722 221 725 216 726 209 b 729 207 731 203 731 199 b 751 201 769 195 772 179 b 775 180 777 181 780 181 b 781 185 785 187 791 188 b 794 193 798 195 802 195 b 804 198 808 199 813 197 b 813 198 815 201 813 203 b 815 205 816 206 817 207 b 817 211 821 213 827 216 b 829 221 835 226 841 229 b 845 235 850 239 857 241 b 860 246 865 249 871 249 b 871 251 873 253 873 255 b 875 259 877 261 879 261 b 885 267 889 265 891 257 b 897 257 901 253 905 248 b 911 246 916 241 922 235 b 927 233 931 229 933 222 b 937 219 940 215 941 209 b 944 207 945 203 945 199 l 945 125 l 349 125 m 436 182 b 439 181 443 180 446 177 b 449 177 451 176 453 176 b 455 177 458 179 460 180 b 462 181 463 182 465 181 b 467 181 469 181 470 181 b 471 182 471 183 472 185 b 471 185 471 187 470 187 b 468 189 468 191 469 193 b 467 194 466 195 465 196 b 464 197 463 199 462 201 b 461 201 460 203 459 203 b 458 204 457 205 455 205 b 454 205 452 206 451 206 b 450 205 449 205 449 204 b 448 201 446 200 444 199 b 444 197 442 195 440 195 b 439 193 438 192 436 190 b 436 188 436 185 435 183 m 650 183 b 654 182 657 181 659 177 b 661 177 664 175 666 175 b 668 177 671 179 674 180 b 676 181 679 182 681 181 b 683 183 685 185 687 185 b 684 187 682 190 682 193 b 680 194 679 196 678 198 b 677 199 676 200 675 201 b 674 203 672 205 671 206 b 668 205 666 205 663 205 b 663 201 661 199 658 199 b 658 196 656 195 653 195 b 653 192 653 191 650 189 b 650 187 650 185 649 183 m 545 172 b 545 175 544 178 544 181 b 541 182 538 184 535 187 b 532 186 529 186 526 188 b 523 185 519 182 516 179 b 518 175 519 171 517 167 b 516 164 516 161 515 159 b 515 157 516 155 516 153 b 517 151 518 151 519 149 b 521 153 523 157 527 158 b 527 163 529 165 533 167 b 535 171 539 172 543 172 m 634 183 b 630 184 627 185 623 186 b 619 185 616 185 613 185 b 609 183 605 181 602 180 b 600 178 598 176 597 174 b 599 171 599 167 598 164 b 599 161 600 159 599 155 b 601 153 603 151 603 147 b 606 149 609 151 612 153 b 611 156 613 159 615 160 b 616 163 618 165 619 167 b 621 169 622 171 625 173 b 627 175 629 177 631 180 m 721 173 b 719 175 718 178 717 181 b 715 181 711 181 709 183 b 707 181 704 181 702 179 b 701 177 699 176 697 174 b 699 172 699 171 701 169 b 703 167 705 164 705 162 b 707 161 709 159 709 156 b 712 154 713 151 713 149 b 715 145 717 143 720 141 b 719 146 718 151 720 155 b 719 157 718 161 718 164 b 719 166 721 169 722 171 m 759 172 b 759 175 759 179 758 181 b 755 182 751 184 749 187 b 746 186 743 186 741 188 b 738 185 735 183 731 180 b 732 175 731 170 731 167 b 731 164 731 161 729 158 b 729 156 730 154 730 152 b 731 151 731 150 731 149 b 733 151 734 151 735 153 b 736 155 737 157 739 158 b 740 163 743 165 747 167 b 749 171 753 172 759 172 m 848 182 b 845 183 841 183 838 185 b 834 184 831 183 825 185 b 824 182 821 180 816 179 b 815 177 813 176 812 174 b 813 171 813 167 813 163 b 814 160 815 157 815 153 b 817 151 819 147 819 145 b 821 147 823 150 825 153 b 826 156 828 159 831 161 b 833 163 833 164 835 165 b 835 169 837 171 841 173 b 842 175 844 178 847 179)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.52,0:00:02.56,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H101714&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 177 b 353 181 357 185 363 186 b 365 189 367 191 371 191 b 373 194 377 195 381 195 b 382 196 384 197 385 199 b 386 200 387 202 387 203 b 389 207 393 211 399 214 b 401 219 405 223 411 226 b 415 231 420 237 427 239 b 431 244 437 247 442 247 b 443 248 444 250 445 251 b 445 257 448 260 453 261 b 459 263 462 261 463 256 b 467 255 471 253 474 247 b 478 245 482 241 485 239 b 489 237 491 235 491 233 b 496 232 499 229 501 223 b 507 219 513 212 511 207 b 514 205 516 201 518 195 b 523 195 529 196 533 194 b 537 194 541 193 545 190 b 552 190 556 185 557 177 b 559 177 562 178 565 178 b 568 183 573 186 577 185 b 579 190 582 193 587 192 b 589 195 593 195 596 194 b 597 195 599 197 599 198 b 599 201 600 203 603 205 b 605 209 609 213 614 215 b 615 221 620 225 627 227 b 629 233 632 236 637 237 b 639 237 641 239 643 239 b 644 244 648 247 656 247 b 657 248 658 249 659 251 b 659 255 661 259 665 261 b 670 264 677 263 677 255 b 681 255 685 252 689 247 b 697 243 701 238 705 233 b 710 232 714 228 717 221 b 722 218 725 213 726 206 b 729 204 731 200 731 195 b 751 197 769 191 772 176 b 775 177 777 177 780 177 b 781 181 785 184 791 185 b 794 189 798 191 802 191 b 804 195 808 195 813 193 b 813 195 815 198 813 200 b 815 201 816 203 817 203 b 817 207 821 209 827 213 b 829 218 835 223 841 226 b 845 231 850 235 857 238 b 860 243 865 245 871 246 b 871 248 873 250 873 252 b 875 256 877 258 879 258 b 885 263 889 262 891 254 b 897 253 901 250 905 245 b 911 243 916 238 922 231 b 927 230 931 225 933 219 b 937 216 940 211 941 206 b 944 203 945 199 945 195 l 945 121 l 349 121 m 436 179 b 439 178 443 177 446 173 b 449 173 451 173 453 173 b 455 174 458 175 460 177 b 462 178 463 179 465 178 b 467 178 469 178 470 178 b 471 179 471 180 472 181 b 471 182 471 183 470 184 b 468 185 468 187 469 190 b 467 191 466 192 465 193 b 464 194 463 196 462 197 b 461 198 460 199 459 200 b 458 201 457 201 455 202 b 454 202 452 203 451 203 b 450 202 449 201 449 201 b 448 198 446 197 444 195 b 444 193 442 191 440 192 b 439 190 438 189 436 187 b 436 185 436 182 435 180 m 650 179 b 654 179 657 177 659 174 b 661 173 664 172 666 172 b 668 174 671 175 674 177 b 676 178 679 179 681 178 b 683 179 685 181 687 182 b 684 184 682 187 682 190 b 680 191 679 193 678 195 b 677 196 676 197 675 198 b 674 199 672 201 671 203 b 668 202 666 202 663 201 b 663 198 661 196 658 195 b 658 193 656 192 653 191 b 653 189 653 187 650 186 b 650 184 650 182 649 180 m 545 169 b 545 171 544 175 544 177 b 541 179 538 181 535 183 b 532 183 529 183 526 185 b 523 181 519 179 516 175 b 518 172 519 168 517 163 b 516 161 516 158 515 155 b 515 153 516 151 516 149 b 517 148 518 147 519 146 b 521 149 523 153 527 155 b 527 159 529 162 533 164 b 535 167 539 169 543 169 m 634 179 b 630 181 627 181 623 183 b 619 182 616 181 613 182 b 609 180 605 178 602 177 b 600 175 598 173 597 171 b 599 167 599 164 598 161 b 599 158 600 155 599 151 b 601 150 603 147 603 143 b 606 145 609 148 612 150 b 611 153 613 155 615 157 b 616 159 618 161 619 164 b 621 166 622 167 625 169 b 627 172 629 174 631 177 m 721 170 b 719 172 718 175 717 178 b 715 178 711 178 709 179 b 707 178 704 177 702 176 b 701 174 699 173 697 171 b 699 169 699 167 701 165 b 703 163 705 161 705 159 b 707 157 709 155 709 153 b 712 151 713 148 713 145 b 715 142 717 140 720 137 b 719 143 718 148 720 152 b 719 154 718 157 718 161 b 719 163 721 165 722 167 m 759 169 b 759 172 759 175 758 178 b 755 179 751 181 749 183 b 746 183 743 183 741 185 b 738 182 735 179 731 177 b 732 172 731 167 731 164 b 731 161 731 157 729 155 b 729 153 730 151 730 149 b 731 148 731 147 731 146 b 733 147 734 148 735 149 b 736 151 737 153 739 155 b 740 159 743 162 747 163 b 749 167 753 169 759 169 m 848 179 b 845 179 841 180 838 181 b 834 181 831 180 825 181 b 824 179 821 177 816 176 b 815 174 813 173 812 171 b 813 167 813 163 813 160 b 814 157 815 153 815 150 b 817 147 819 144 819 142 b 821 144 823 147 825 149 b 826 153 828 156 831 158 b 833 159 833 161 835 162 b 835 165 837 167 841 169 b 842 172 844 175 847 176)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.56,0:00:02.60,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H101814&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 173 b 353 177 357 181 363 182 b 365 185 367 187 371 187 b 373 190 377 191 381 191 b 382 192 384 193 385 195 b 386 196 387 198 387 199 b 389 203 393 207 399 210 b 401 215 405 219 411 222 b 415 227 420 233 427 235 b 431 240 437 243 442 243 b 443 244 444 246 445 247 b 445 253 448 256 453 257 b 459 259 462 257 463 252 b 467 251 471 249 474 243 b 478 241 482 237 485 235 b 489 233 491 231 491 229 b 496 228 499 225 501 219 b 507 215 513 208 511 203 b 514 201 516 197 518 191 b 523 191 529 192 533 190 b 537 190 541 189 545 186 b 552 186 556 181 557 173 b 559 173 562 174 565 174 b 568 179 573 182 577 181 b 579 186 582 189 587 188 b 589 191 593 191 596 190 b 597 191 599 193 599 194 b 599 197 600 199 603 201 b 605 205 609 209 614 211 b 615 217 620 221 627 223 b 629 229 632 232 637 233 b 639 233 641 235 643 235 b 644 240 648 243 656 243 b 657 244 658 245 659 247 b 659 251 661 255 665 257 b 670 260 677 259 677 251 b 681 251 685 248 689 243 b 697 239 701 234 705 229 b 710 228 714 224 717 217 b 722 214 725 209 726 202 b 729 200 731 196 731 191 b 751 193 769 187 772 172 b 775 173 777 173 780 173 b 781 177 785 180 791 181 b 794 185 798 187 802 187 b 804 191 808 191 813 189 b 813 191 815 194 813 196 b 815 197 816 199 817 199 b 817 203 821 205 827 209 b 829 214 835 219 841 222 b 845 227 850 231 857 234 b 860 239 865 241 871 242 b 871 244 873 246 873 248 b 875 252 877 254 879 254 b 885 259 889 258 891 250 b 897 249 901 246 905 241 b 911 239 916 234 922 227 b 927 226 931 221 933 215 b 937 212 940 207 941 202 b 944 199 945 195 945 191 l 945 117 l 349 117 m 436 175 b 439 174 443 173 446 169 b 449 169 451 169 453 169 b 455 170 458 171 460 173 b 462 174 463 175 465 174 b 467 174 469 174 470 174 b 471 175 471 176 472 177 b 471 178 471 179 470 180 b 468 181 468 183 469 186 b 467 187 466 188 465 189 b 464 190 463 192 462 193 b 461 194 460 195 459 196 b 458 197 457 197 455 198 b 454 198 452 199 451 199 b 450 198 449 197 449 197 b 448 194 446 193 444 191 b 444 189 442 187 440 188 b 439 186 438 185 436 183 b 436 181 436 178 435 176 m 650 175 b 654 175 657 173 659 170 b 661 169 664 168 666 168 b 668 170 671 171 674 173 b 676 174 679 175 681 174 b 683 175 685 177 687 178 b 684 180 682 183 682 186 b 680 187 679 189 678 191 b 677 192 676 193 675 194 b 674 195 672 197 671 199 b 668 198 666 198 663 197 b 663 194 661 192 658 191 b 658 189 656 188 653 187 b 653 185 653 183 650 182 b 650 180 650 178 649 176 m 545 165 b 545 167 544 171 544 173 b 541 175 538 177 535 179 b 532 179 529 179 526 181 b 523 177 519 175 516 171 b 518 168 519 164 517 159 b 516 157 516 154 515 151 b 515 149 516 147 516 145 b 517 144 518 143 519 142 b 521 145 523 149 527 151 b 527 155 529 158 533 160 b 535 163 539 165 543 165 m 634 175 b 630 177 627 177 623 179 b 619 178 616 177 613 178 b 609 176 605 174 602 173 b 600 171 598 169 597 167 b 599 163 599 160 598 157 b 599 154 600 151 599 147 b 601 146 603 143 603 139 b 606 141 609 144 612 146 b 611 149 613 151 615 153 b 616 155 618 157 619 160 b 621 162 622 163 625 165 b 627 168 629 170 631 173 m 721 166 b 719 168 718 171 717 174 b 715 174 711 174 709 175 b 707 174 704 173 702 172 b 701 170 699 169 697 167 b 699 165 699 163 701 161 b 703 159 705 157 705 155 b 707 153 709 151 709 149 b 712 147 713 144 713 141 b 715 138 717 136 720 133 b 719 139 718 144 720 148 b 719 150 718 153 718 157 b 719 159 721 161 722 163 m 759 165 b 759 168 759 171 758 174 b 755 175 751 177 749 179 b 746 179 743 179 741 181 b 738 178 735 175 731 173 b 732 168 731 163 731 160 b 731 157 731 153 729 151 b 729 149 730 147 730 145 b 731 144 731 143 731 142 b 733 143 734 144 735 145 b 736 147 737 149 739 151 b 740 155 743 158 747 159 b 749 163 753 165 759 165 m 848 175 b 845 175 841 176 838 177 b 834 177 831 176 825 177 b 824 175 821 173 816 172 b 815 170 813 169 812 167 b 813 163 813 159 813 156 b 814 153 815 149 815 146 b 817 143 819 140 819 138 b 821 140 823 143 825 145 b 826 149 828 152 831 154 b 833 155 833 157 835 158 b 835 161 837 163 841 165 b 842 168 844 171 847 172)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.60,0:00:02.64,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H111814&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 169 b 353 173 357 176 363 177 b 365 180 367 182 371 183 b 373 185 377 187 381 186 b 382 187 384 189 385 190 b 386 191 387 193 387 195 b 389 199 393 203 399 205 b 401 211 405 215 411 217 b 415 223 420 228 427 230 b 431 235 437 238 442 238 b 443 239 444 241 445 243 b 445 248 448 251 453 252 b 459 254 462 252 463 247 b 467 247 471 244 474 239 b 478 236 482 233 485 230 b 489 228 491 226 491 224 b 496 223 499 220 501 215 b 507 210 513 203 511 198 b 514 197 516 193 518 187 b 523 187 529 187 533 185 b 537 185 541 184 545 181 b 552 181 556 177 557 168 b 559 169 562 169 565 169 b 568 175 573 177 577 177 b 579 181 582 184 587 183 b 589 186 593 187 596 185 b 597 186 599 188 599 189 b 599 192 600 195 603 197 b 605 201 609 204 614 206 b 615 212 620 216 627 218 b 629 224 632 227 637 228 b 639 229 641 230 643 231 b 644 235 648 238 656 238 b 657 239 658 241 659 242 b 659 247 661 250 665 252 b 670 255 677 254 677 247 b 681 247 685 243 689 238 b 697 235 701 229 705 225 b 710 223 714 219 717 213 b 722 209 725 204 726 197 b 729 195 731 191 731 187 b 751 189 769 183 772 167 b 775 168 777 169 780 169 b 781 173 785 175 791 176 b 794 181 798 183 802 183 b 804 186 808 187 813 185 b 813 186 815 189 813 191 b 815 193 816 194 817 195 b 817 199 821 201 827 204 b 829 209 835 214 841 217 b 845 223 850 227 857 229 b 860 234 865 237 871 237 b 871 239 873 241 873 243 b 875 247 877 249 879 249 b 885 255 889 253 891 245 b 897 245 901 241 905 236 b 911 234 916 229 922 223 b 927 221 931 217 933 210 b 937 207 940 203 941 197 b 944 195 945 191 945 187 l 945 113 l 349 113 m 436 170 b 439 169 443 168 446 165 b 449 165 451 164 453 164 b 455 165 458 167 460 168 b 462 169 463 170 465 169 b 467 169 469 169 470 169 b 471 170 471 171 472 173 b 471 173 471 175 470 175 b 468 177 468 179 469 181 b 467 182 466 183 465 184 b 464 185 463 187 462 189 b 461 189 460 191 459 191 b 458 192 457 193 455 193 b 454 193 452 194 451 194 b 450 193 449 193 449 192 b 448 189 446 188 444 187 b 444 185 442 183 440 183 b 439 181 438 180 436 178 b 436 176 436 173 435 171 m 650 171 b 654 170 657 169 659 165 b 661 165 664 163 666 163 b 668 165 671 167 674 168 b 676 169 679 170 681 169 b 683 171 685 173 687 173 b 684 175 682 178 682 181 b 680 182 679 184 678 186 b 677 187 676 188 675 189 b 674 191 672 193 671 194 b 668 193 666 193 663 193 b 663 189 661 187 658 187 b 658 184 656 183 653 183 b 653 180 653 179 650 177 b 650 175 650 173 649 171 m 545 160 b 545 163 544 166 544 169 b 541 170 538 172 535 175 b 532 174 529 174 526 176 b 523 173 519 170 516 167 b 518 163 519 159 517 155 b 516 152 516 149 515 147 b 515 145 516 143 516 141 b 517 139 518 139 519 137 b 521 141 523 145 527 146 b 527 151 529 153 533 155 b 535 159 539 160 543 160 m 634 171 b 630 172 627 173 623 174 b 619 173 616 173 613 173 b 609 171 605 169 602 168 b 600 166 598 164 597 162 b 599 159 599 155 598 152 b 599 149 600 147 599 143 b 601 141 603 139 603 135 b 606 137 609 139 612 141 b 611 144 613 147 615 148 b 616 151 618 153 619 155 b 621 157 622 159 625 161 b 627 163 629 165 631 168 m 721 161 b 719 163 718 166 717 169 b 715 169 711 169 709 171 b 707 169 704 169 702 167 b 701 165 699 164 697 162 b 699 160 699 159 701 157 b 703 155 705 152 705 150 b 707 149 709 147 709 144 b 712 142 713 139 713 137 b 715 133 717 131 720 129 b 719 134 718 139 720 143 b 719 145 718 149 718 152 b 719 154 721 157 722 159 m 759 160 b 759 163 759 167 758 169 b 755 170 751 172 749 175 b 746 174 743 174 741 176 b 738 173 735 171 731 168 b 732 163 731 158 731 155 b 731 152 731 149 729 146 b 729 144 730 142 730 140 b 731 139 731 138 731 137 b 733 139 734 139 735 141 b 736 143 737 145 739 146 b 740 151 743 153 747 155 b 749 159 753 160 759 160 m 848 170 b 845 171 841 171 838 173 b 834 172 831 171 825 173 b 824 170 821 168 816 167 b 815 165 813 164 812 162 b 813 159 813 155 813 151 b 814 148 815 145 815 141 b 817 139 819 135 819 133 b 821 135 823 138 825 141 b 826 144 828 147 831 149 b 833 151 833 152 835 153 b 835 157 837 159 841 161 b 842 163 844 166 847 167)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.64,0:00:02.68,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H111914&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 165 b 353 169 357 173 363 174 b 365 177 367 179 371 179 b 373 182 377 183 381 183 b 382 184 384 185 385 187 b 386 188 387 190 387 191 b 389 195 393 199 399 202 b 401 207 405 211 411 214 b 415 219 420 225 427 227 b 431 232 437 235 442 235 b 443 236 444 238 445 239 b 445 245 448 248 453 249 b 459 251 462 249 463 244 b 467 243 471 241 474 235 b 478 233 482 229 485 227 b 489 225 491 223 491 221 b 496 220 499 217 501 211 b 507 207 513 200 511 195 b 514 193 516 189 518 183 b 523 183 529 184 533 182 b 537 182 541 181 545 178 b 552 178 556 173 557 165 b 559 165 562 166 565 166 b 568 171 573 174 577 173 b 579 178 582 181 587 180 b 589 183 593 183 596 182 b 597 183 599 185 599 186 b 599 189 600 191 603 193 b 605 197 609 201 614 203 b 615 209 620 213 627 215 b 629 221 632 224 637 225 b 639 225 641 227 643 227 b 644 232 648 235 656 235 b 657 236 658 237 659 239 b 659 243 661 247 665 249 b 670 252 677 251 677 243 b 681 243 685 240 689 235 b 697 231 701 226 705 221 b 710 220 714 216 717 209 b 722 206 725 201 726 194 b 729 192 731 188 731 183 b 751 185 769 179 772 164 b 775 165 777 165 780 165 b 781 169 785 172 791 173 b 794 177 798 179 802 179 b 804 183 808 183 813 181 b 813 183 815 186 813 188 b 815 189 816 191 817 191 b 817 195 821 197 827 201 b 829 206 835 211 841 214 b 845 219 850 223 857 226 b 860 231 865 233 871 234 b 871 236 873 238 873 240 b 875 244 877 246 879 246 b 885 251 889 250 891 242 b 897 241 901 238 905 233 b 911 231 916 226 922 219 b 927 218 931 213 933 207 b 937 204 940 199 941 194 b 944 191 945 187 945 183 l 945 109 l 349 109 m 436 167 b 439 166 443 165 446 161 b 449 161 451 161 453 161 b 455 162 458 163 460 165 b 462 166 463 167 465 166 b 467 166 469 166 470 166 b 471 167 471 168 472 169 b 471 170 471 171 470 172 b 468 173 468 175 469 178 b 467 179 466 180 465 181 b 464 182 463 184 462 185 b 461 186 460 187 459 188 b 458 189 457 189 455 190 b 454 190 452 191 451 191 b 450 190 449 189 449 189 b 448 186 446 185 444 183 b 444 181 442 179 440 180 b 439 178 438 177 436 175 b 436 173 436 170 435 168 m 650 167 b 654 167 657 165 659 162 b 661 161 664 160 666 160 b 668 162 671 163 674 165 b 676 166 679 167 681 166 b 683 167 685 169 687 170 b 684 172 682 175 682 178 b 680 179 679 181 678 183 b 677 184 676 185 675 186 b 674 187 672 189 671 191 b 668 190 666 190 663 189 b 663 186 661 184 658 183 b 658 181 656 180 653 179 b 653 177 653 175 650 174 b 650 172 650 170 649 168 m 545 157 b 545 159 544 163 544 165 b 541 167 538 169 535 171 b 532 171 529 171 526 173 b 523 169 519 167 516 163 b 518 160 519 156 517 151 b 516 149 516 146 515 143 b 515 141 516 139 516 137 b 517 136 518 135 519 134 b 521 137 523 141 527 143 b 527 147 529 150 533 152 b 535 155 539 157 543 157 m 634 167 b 630 169 627 169 623 171 b 619 170 616 169 613 170 b 609 168 605 166 602 165 b 600 163 598 161 597 159 b 599 155 599 152 598 149 b 599 146 600 143 599 139 b 601 138 603 135 603 131 b 606 133 609 136 612 138 b 611 141 613 143 615 145 b 616 147 618 149 619 152 b 621 154 622 155 625 157 b 627 160 629 162 631 165 m 721 158 b 719 160 718 163 717 166 b 715 166 711 166 709 167 b 707 166 704 165 702 164 b 701 162 699 161 697 159 b 699 157 699 155 701 153 b 703 151 705 149 705 147 b 707 145 709 143 709 141 b 712 139 713 136 713 133 b 715 130 717 128 720 125 b 719 131 718 136 720 140 b 719 142 718 145 718 149 b 719 151 721 153 722 155 m 759 157 b 759 160 759 163 758 166 b 755 167 751 169 749 171 b 746 171 743 171 741 173 b 738 170 735 167 731 165 b 732 160 731 155 731 152 b 731 149 731 145 729 143 b 729 141 730 139 730 137 b 731 136 731 135 731 134 b 733 135 734 136 735 137 b 736 139 737 141 739 143 b 740 147 743 150 747 151 b 749 155 753 157 759 157 m 848 167 b 845 167 841 168 838 169 b 834 169 831 168 825 169 b 824 167 821 165 816 164 b 815 162 813 161 812 159 b 813 155 813 151 813 148 b 814 145 815 141 815 138 b 817 135 819 132 819 130 b 821 132 823 135 825 137 b 826 141 828 144 831 146 b 833 147 833 149 835 150 b 835 153 837 155 841 157 b 842 160 844 163 847 164)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.68,0:00:02.73,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H111915&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 163 b 353 167 357 170 363 171 b 365 174 367 176 371 177 b 373 179 377 181 381 180 b 382 181 384 183 385 184 b 386 185 387 187 387 189 b 389 193 393 197 399 199 b 401 205 405 209 411 211 b 415 217 420 222 427 224 b 431 229 437 232 442 232 b 443 233 444 235 445 237 b 445 242 448 245 453 246 b 459 248 462 246 463 241 b 467 241 471 238 474 233 b 478 230 482 227 485 224 b 489 222 491 220 491 218 b 496 217 499 214 501 209 b 507 204 513 197 511 192 b 514 191 516 187 518 181 b 523 181 529 181 533 179 b 537 179 541 178 545 175 b 552 175 556 171 557 162 b 559 163 562 163 565 163 b 568 169 573 171 577 171 b 579 175 582 178 587 177 b 589 180 593 181 596 179 b 597 180 599 182 599 183 b 599 186 600 189 603 191 b 605 195 609 198 614 200 b 615 206 620 210 627 212 b 629 218 632 221 637 222 b 639 223 641 224 643 225 b 644 229 648 232 656 232 b 657 233 658 235 659 236 b 659 241 661 244 665 246 b 670 249 677 248 677 241 b 681 241 685 237 689 232 b 697 229 701 223 705 219 b 710 217 714 213 717 207 b 722 203 725 198 726 191 b 729 189 731 185 731 181 b 751 183 769 177 772 161 b 775 162 777 163 780 163 b 781 167 785 169 791 170 b 794 175 798 177 802 177 b 804 180 808 181 813 179 b 813 180 815 183 813 185 b 815 187 816 188 817 189 b 817 193 821 195 827 198 b 829 203 835 208 841 211 b 845 217 850 221 857 223 b 860 228 865 231 871 231 b 871 233 873 235 873 237 b 875 241 877 243 879 243 b 885 249 889 247 891 239 b 897 239 901 235 905 230 b 911 228 916 223 922 217 b 927 215 931 211 933 204 b 937 201 940 197 941 191 b 944 189 945 185 945 181 l 945 107 l 349 107 m 436 164 b 439 163 443 162 446 159 b 449 159 451 158 453 158 b 455 159 458 161 460 162 b 462 163 463 164 465 163 b 467 163 469 163 470 163 b 471 164 471 165 472 167 b 471 167 471 169 470 169 b 468 171 468 173 469 175 b 467 176 466 177 465 178 b 464 179 463 181 462 183 b 461 183 460 185 459 185 b 458 186 457 187 455 187 b 454 187 452 188 451 188 b 450 187 449 187 449 186 b 448 183 446 182 444 181 b 444 179 442 177 440 177 b 439 175 438 174 436 172 b 436 170 436 167 435 165 m 650 165 b 654 164 657 163 659 159 b 661 159 664 157 666 157 b 668 159 671 161 674 162 b 676 163 679 164 681 163 b 683 165 685 167 687 167 b 684 169 682 172 682 175 b 680 176 679 178 678 180 b 677 181 676 182 675 183 b 674 185 672 187 671 188 b 668 187 666 187 663 187 b 663 183 661 181 658 181 b 658 178 656 177 653 177 b 653 174 653 173 650 171 b 650 169 650 167 649 165 m 545 154 b 545 157 544 160 544 163 b 541 164 538 166 535 169 b 532 168 529 168 526 170 b 523 167 519 164 516 161 b 518 157 519 153 517 149 b 516 146 516 143 515 141 b 515 139 516 137 516 135 b 517 133 518 133 519 131 b 521 135 523 139 527 140 b 527 145 529 147 533 149 b 535 153 539 154 543 154 m 634 165 b 630 166 627 167 623 168 b 619 167 616 167 613 167 b 609 165 605 163 602 162 b 600 160 598 158 597 156 b 599 153 599 149 598 146 b 599 143 600 141 599 137 b 601 135 603 133 603 129 b 606 131 609 133 612 135 b 611 138 613 141 615 142 b 616 145 618 147 619 149 b 621 151 622 153 625 155 b 627 157 629 159 631 162 m 721 155 b 719 157 718 160 717 163 b 715 163 711 163 709 165 b 707 163 704 163 702 161 b 701 159 699 158 697 156 b 699 154 699 153 701 151 b 703 149 705 146 705 144 b 707 143 709 141 709 138 b 712 136 713 133 713 131 b 715 127 717 125 720 123 b 719 128 718 133 720 137 b 719 139 718 143 718 146 b 719 148 721 151 722 153 m 759 154 b 759 157 759 161 758 163 b 755 164 751 166 749 169 b 746 168 743 168 741 170 b 738 167 735 165 731 162 b 732 157 731 152 731 149 b 731 146 731 143 729 140 b 729 138 730 136 730 134 b 731 133 731 132 731 131 b 733 133 734 133 735 135 b 736 137 737 139 739 140 b 740 145 743 147 747 149 b 749 153 753 154 759 154 m 848 164 b 845 165 841 165 838 167 b 834 166 831 165 825 167 b 824 164 821 162 816 161 b 815 159 813 158 812 156 b 813 153 813 149 813 145 b 814 142 815 139 815 135 b 817 133 819 129 819 127 b 821 129 823 132 825 135 b 826 138 828 141 831 143 b 833 145 833 146 835 147 b 835 151 837 153 841 155 b 842 157 844 160 847 161)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.73,0:00:02.77,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H111915&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 159 b 353 163 357 167 363 168 b 365 171 367 173 371 173 b 373 176 377 177 381 177 b 382 178 384 179 385 181 b 386 182 387 184 387 185 b 389 189 393 193 399 196 b 401 201 405 205 411 208 b 415 213 420 219 427 221 b 431 226 437 229 442 229 b 443 230 444 232 445 233 b 445 239 448 242 453 243 b 459 245 462 243 463 238 b 467 237 471 235 474 229 b 478 227 482 223 485 221 b 489 219 491 217 491 215 b 496 214 499 211 501 205 b 507 201 513 194 511 189 b 514 187 516 183 518 177 b 523 177 529 178 533 176 b 537 176 541 175 545 172 b 552 172 556 167 557 159 b 559 159 562 160 565 160 b 568 165 573 168 577 167 b 579 172 582 175 587 174 b 589 177 593 177 596 176 b 597 177 599 179 599 180 b 599 183 600 185 603 187 b 605 191 609 195 614 197 b 615 203 620 207 627 209 b 629 215 632 218 637 219 b 639 219 641 221 643 221 b 644 226 648 229 656 229 b 657 230 658 231 659 233 b 659 237 661 241 665 243 b 670 246 677 245 677 237 b 681 237 685 234 689 229 b 697 225 701 220 705 215 b 710 214 714 210 717 203 b 722 200 725 195 726 188 b 729 186 731 182 731 177 b 751 179 769 173 772 158 b 775 159 777 159 780 159 b 781 163 785 166 791 167 b 794 171 798 173 802 173 b 804 177 808 177 813 175 b 813 177 815 180 813 182 b 815 183 816 185 817 185 b 817 189 821 191 827 195 b 829 200 835 205 841 208 b 845 213 850 217 857 220 b 860 225 865 227 871 228 b 871 230 873 232 873 234 b 875 238 877 240 879 240 b 885 245 889 244 891 236 b 897 235 901 232 905 227 b 911 225 916 220 922 213 b 927 212 931 207 933 201 b 937 198 940 193 941 188 b 944 185 945 181 945 177 l 945 103 l 349 103 m 436 161 b 439 160 443 159 446 155 b 449 155 451 155 453 155 b 455 156 458 157 460 159 b 462 160 463 161 465 160 b 467 160 469 160 470 160 b 471 161 471 162 472 163 b 471 164 471 165 470 166 b 468 167 468 169 469 172 b 467 173 466 174 465 175 b 464 176 463 178 462 179 b 461 180 460 181 459 182 b 458 183 457 183 455 184 b 454 184 452 185 451 185 b 450 184 449 183 449 183 b 448 180 446 179 444 177 b 444 175 442 173 440 174 b 439 172 438 171 436 169 b 436 167 436 164 435 162 m 650 161 b 654 161 657 159 659 156 b 661 155 664 154 666 154 b 668 156 671 157 674 159 b 676 160 679 161 681 160 b 683 161 685 163 687 164 b 684 166 682 169 682 172 b 680 173 679 175 678 177 b 677 178 676 179 675 180 b 674 181 672 183 671 185 b 668 184 666 184 663 183 b 663 180 661 178 658 177 b 658 175 656 174 653 173 b 653 171 653 169 650 168 b 650 166 650 164 649 162 m 545 151 b 545 153 544 157 544 159 b 541 161 538 163 535 165 b 532 165 529 165 526 167 b 523 163 519 161 516 157 b 518 154 519 150 517 145 b 516 143 516 140 515 137 b 515 135 516 133 516 131 b 517 130 518 129 519 128 b 521 131 523 135 527 137 b 527 141 529 144 533 146 b 535 149 539 151 543 151 m 634 161 b 630 163 627 163 623 165 b 619 164 616 163 613 164 b 609 162 605 160 602 159 b 600 157 598 155 597 153 b 599 149 599 146 598 143 b 599 140 600 137 599 133 b 601 132 603 129 603 125 b 606 127 609 130 612 132 b 611 135 613 137 615 139 b 616 141 618 143 619 146 b 621 148 622 149 625 151 b 627 154 629 156 631 159 m 721 152 b 719 154 718 157 717 160 b 715 160 711 160 709 161 b 707 160 704 159 702 158 b 701 156 699 155 697 153 b 699 151 699 149 701 147 b 703 145 705 143 705 141 b 707 139 709 137 709 135 b 712 133 713 130 713 127 b 715 124 717 122 720 119 b 719 125 718 130 720 134 b 719 136 718 139 718 143 b 719 145 721 147 722 149 m 759 151 b 759 154 759 157 758 160 b 755 161 751 163 749 165 b 746 165 743 165 741 167 b 738 164 735 161 731 159 b 732 154 731 149 731 146 b 731 143 731 139 729 137 b 729 135 730 133 730 131 b 731 130 731 129 731 128 b 733 129 734 130 735 131 b 736 133 737 135 739 137 b 740 141 743 144 747 145 b 749 149 753 151 759 151 m 848 161 b 845 161 841 162 838 163 b 834 163 831 162 825 163 b 824 161 821 159 816 158 b 815 156 813 155 812 153 b 813 149 813 145 813 142 b 814 139 815 135 815 132 b 817 129 819 126 819 124 b 821 126 823 129 825 131 b 826 135 828 138 831 140 b 833 141 833 143 835 144 b 835 147 837 149 841 151 b 842 154 844 157 847 158)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.77,0:00:02.81,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H111a15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 153 b 353 157 357 161 363 162 b 365 165 367 167 371 167 b 373 170 377 171 381 171 b 382 172 384 173 385 175 b 386 176 387 178 387 179 b 389 183 393 187 399 190 b 401 195 405 199 411 202 b 415 207 420 213 427 215 b 431 220 437 223 442 223 b 443 224 444 226 445 227 b 445 233 448 236 453 237 b 459 239 462 237 463 232 b 467 231 471 229 474 223 b 478 221 482 217 485 215 b 489 213 491 211 491 209 b 496 208 499 205 501 199 b 507 195 513 188 511 183 b 514 181 516 177 518 171 b 523 171 529 172 533 170 b 537 170 541 169 545 166 b 552 166 556 161 557 153 b 559 153 562 154 565 154 b 568 159 573 162 577 161 b 579 166 582 169 587 168 b 589 171 593 171 596 170 b 597 171 599 173 599 174 b 599 177 600 179 603 181 b 605 185 609 189 614 191 b 615 197 620 201 627 203 b 629 209 632 212 637 213 b 639 213 641 215 643 215 b 644 220 648 223 656 223 b 657 224 658 225 659 227 b 659 231 661 235 665 237 b 670 240 677 239 677 231 b 681 231 685 228 689 223 b 697 219 701 214 705 209 b 710 208 714 204 717 197 b 722 194 725 189 726 182 b 729 180 731 176 731 171 b 751 173 769 167 772 152 b 775 153 777 153 780 153 b 781 157 785 160 791 161 b 794 165 798 167 802 167 b 804 171 808 171 813 169 b 813 171 815 174 813 176 b 815 177 816 179 817 179 b 817 183 821 185 827 189 b 829 194 835 199 841 202 b 845 207 850 211 857 214 b 860 219 865 221 871 222 b 871 224 873 226 873 228 b 875 232 877 234 879 234 b 885 239 889 238 891 230 b 897 229 901 226 905 221 b 911 219 916 214 922 207 b 927 206 931 201 933 195 b 937 192 940 187 941 182 b 944 179 945 175 945 171 l 945 97 l 349 97 m 436 155 b 439 154 443 153 446 149 b 449 149 451 149 453 149 b 455 150 458 151 460 153 b 462 154 463 155 465 154 b 467 154 469 154 470 154 b 471 155 471 156 472 157 b 471 158 471 159 470 160 b 468 161 468 163 469 166 b 467 167 466 168 465 169 b 464 170 463 172 462 173 b 461 174 460 175 459 176 b 458 177 457 177 455 178 b 454 178 452 179 451 179 b 450 178 449 177 449 177 b 448 174 446 173 444 171 b 444 169 442 167 440 168 b 439 166 438 165 436 163 b 436 161 436 158 435 156 m 650 155 b 654 155 657 153 659 150 b 661 149 664 148 666 148 b 668 150 671 151 674 153 b 676 154 679 155 681 154 b 683 155 685 157 687 158 b 684 160 682 163 682 166 b 680 167 679 169 678 171 b 677 172 676 173 675 174 b 674 175 672 177 671 179 b 668 178 666 178 663 177 b 663 174 661 172 658 171 b 658 169 656 168 653 167 b 653 165 653 163 650 162 b 650 160 650 158 649 156 m 545 145 b 545 147 544 151 544 153 b 541 155 538 157 535 159 b 532 159 529 159 526 161 b 523 157 519 155 516 151 b 518 148 519 144 517 139 b 516 137 516 134 515 131 b 515 129 516 127 516 125 b 517 124 518 123 519 122 b 521 125 523 129 527 131 b 527 135 529 138 533 140 b 535 143 539 145 543 145 m 634 155 b 630 157 627 157 623 159 b 619 158 616 157 613 158 b 609 156 605 154 602 153 b 600 151 598 149 597 147 b 599 143 599 140 598 137 b 599 134 600 131 599 127 b 601 126 603 123 603 119 b 606 121 609 124 612 126 b 611 129 613 131 615 133 b 616 135 618 137 619 140 b 621 142 622 143 625 145 b 627 148 629 150 631 153 m 721 146 b 719 148 718 151 717 154 b 715 154 711 154 709 155 b 707 154 704 153 702 152 b 701 150 699 149 697 147 b 699 145 699 143 701 141 b 703 139 705 137 705 135 b 707 133 709 131 709 129 b 712 127 713 124 713 121 b 715 118 717 116 720 113 b 719 119 718 124 720 128 b 719 130 718 133 718 137 b 719 139 721 141 722 143 m 759 145 b 759 148 759 151 758 154 b 755 155 751 157 749 159 b 746 159 743 159 741 161 b 738 158 735 155 731 153 b 732 148 731 143 731 140 b 731 137 731 133 729 131 b 729 129 730 127 730 125 b 731 124 731 123 731 122 b 733 123 734 124 735 125 b 736 127 737 129 739 131 b 740 135 743 138 747 139 b 749 143 753 145 759 145 m 848 155 b 845 155 841 156 838 157 b 834 157 831 156 825 157 b 824 155 821 153 816 152 b 815 150 813 149 812 147 b 813 143 813 139 813 136 b 814 133 815 129 815 126 b 817 123 819 120 819 118 b 821 120 823 123 825 125 b 826 129 828 132 831 134 b 833 135 833 137 835 138 b 835 141 837 143 841 145 b 842 148 844 151 847 152)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.81,0:00:02.85,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H121a15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 148 b 353 152 357 155 363 157 b 365 159 367 161 371 162 b 373 165 377 166 381 165 b 382 167 384 168 385 169 b 386 171 387 173 387 174 b 389 178 393 182 399 185 b 401 190 405 194 411 197 b 415 202 420 207 427 209 b 431 215 437 217 442 217 b 443 219 444 221 445 222 b 445 227 448 231 453 231 b 459 233 462 231 463 227 b 467 226 471 223 474 218 b 478 215 482 212 485 209 b 489 207 491 205 491 203 b 496 203 499 199 501 194 b 507 189 513 183 511 177 b 514 176 516 172 518 166 b 523 166 529 167 533 165 b 537 165 541 163 545 161 b 552 161 556 156 557 147 b 559 148 562 149 565 149 b 568 154 573 157 577 156 b 579 161 582 163 587 163 b 589 165 593 166 596 165 b 597 165 599 167 599 169 b 599 171 600 174 603 176 b 605 180 609 183 614 185 b 615 191 620 195 627 197 b 629 203 632 207 637 207 b 639 208 641 209 643 210 b 644 215 648 217 656 217 b 657 219 658 220 659 221 b 659 226 661 229 665 231 b 670 235 677 233 677 226 b 681 226 685 223 689 217 b 697 214 701 209 705 204 b 710 203 714 199 717 192 b 722 189 725 183 726 177 b 729 175 731 171 731 166 b 751 168 769 162 772 147 b 775 147 777 148 780 148 b 781 152 785 155 791 155 b 794 160 798 162 802 162 b 804 165 808 166 813 164 b 813 165 815 169 813 171 b 815 172 816 173 817 174 b 817 178 821 180 827 183 b 829 189 835 193 841 197 b 845 202 850 206 857 209 b 860 213 865 216 871 217 b 871 219 873 221 873 223 b 875 227 877 229 879 229 b 885 234 889 233 891 225 b 897 224 901 221 905 215 b 911 213 916 209 922 202 b 927 201 931 196 933 189 b 937 187 940 182 941 177 b 944 174 945 170 945 166 l 945 92 l 349 92 m 436 149 b 439 149 443 147 446 144 b 449 144 451 143 453 143 b 455 145 458 146 460 147 b 462 149 463 149 465 149 b 467 149 469 149 470 149 b 471 149 471 151 472 152 b 471 153 471 154 470 155 b 468 156 468 158 469 161 b 467 161 466 163 465 163 b 464 165 463 167 462 168 b 461 169 460 170 459 171 b 458 171 457 172 455 173 b 454 173 452 173 451 173 b 450 173 449 172 449 171 b 448 169 446 167 444 166 b 444 164 442 162 440 163 b 439 161 438 159 436 157 b 436 155 436 153 435 151 m 650 150 b 654 149 657 148 659 145 b 661 144 664 143 666 143 b 668 145 671 146 674 147 b 676 149 679 149 681 149 b 683 150 685 152 687 153 b 684 155 682 157 682 161 b 680 161 679 163 678 165 b 677 167 676 167 675 169 b 674 170 672 172 671 173 b 668 173 666 173 663 172 b 663 169 661 167 658 166 b 658 163 656 163 653 162 b 653 159 653 158 650 157 b 650 155 650 153 649 151 m 545 139 b 545 142 544 145 544 148 b 541 149 538 151 535 154 b 532 153 529 153 526 155 b 523 152 519 149 516 146 b 518 143 519 139 517 134 b 516 131 516 129 515 126 b 515 124 516 122 516 120 b 517 119 518 118 519 117 b 521 120 523 124 527 125 b 527 130 529 133 533 135 b 535 138 539 139 543 139 m 634 150 b 630 151 627 152 623 153 b 619 153 616 152 613 153 b 609 151 605 149 602 147 b 600 145 598 143 597 141 b 599 138 599 135 598 131 b 599 129 600 126 599 122 b 601 121 603 118 603 114 b 606 116 609 119 612 121 b 611 123 613 126 615 127 b 616 130 618 132 619 135 b 621 137 622 138 625 140 b 627 143 629 145 631 147 m 721 141 b 719 143 718 145 717 149 b 715 149 711 149 709 150 b 707 149 704 148 702 147 b 701 145 699 143 697 141 b 699 139 699 138 701 136 b 703 134 705 131 705 129 b 707 128 709 126 709 123 b 712 121 713 119 713 116 b 715 113 717 111 720 108 b 719 113 718 119 720 123 b 719 125 718 128 718 131 b 719 133 721 136 722 138 m 759 139 b 759 143 759 146 758 149 b 755 149 751 151 749 154 b 746 153 743 153 741 155 b 738 153 735 150 731 147 b 732 143 731 137 731 135 b 731 131 731 128 729 125 b 729 123 730 121 730 119 b 731 119 731 117 731 117 b 733 118 734 119 735 120 b 736 122 737 124 739 125 b 740 130 743 133 747 134 b 749 138 753 139 759 139 m 848 149 b 845 150 841 151 838 152 b 834 151 831 151 825 152 b 824 149 821 147 816 147 b 815 145 813 143 812 141 b 813 138 813 134 813 131 b 814 127 815 124 815 121 b 817 118 819 115 819 113 b 821 115 823 117 825 120 b 826 123 828 127 831 129 b 833 130 833 131 835 133 b 835 136 837 138 841 140 b 842 143 844 145 847 147)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.85,0:00:02.89,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H121b15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 144 b 353 148 357 151 363 153 b 365 155 367 157 371 158 b 373 161 377 162 381 161 b 382 163 384 164 385 165 b 386 167 387 169 387 170 b 389 174 393 178 399 181 b 401 186 405 190 411 193 b 415 198 420 203 427 205 b 431 211 437 213 442 213 b 443 215 444 217 445 218 b 445 223 448 227 453 227 b 459 229 462 227 463 223 b 467 222 471 219 474 214 b 478 211 482 208 485 205 b 489 203 491 201 491 199 b 496 199 499 195 501 190 b 507 185 513 179 511 173 b 514 172 516 168 518 162 b 523 162 529 163 533 161 b 537 161 541 159 545 157 b 552 157 556 152 557 143 b 559 144 562 145 565 145 b 568 150 573 153 577 152 b 579 157 582 159 587 159 b 589 161 593 162 596 161 b 597 161 599 163 599 165 b 599 167 600 170 603 172 b 605 176 609 179 614 181 b 615 187 620 191 627 193 b 629 199 632 203 637 203 b 639 204 641 205 643 206 b 644 211 648 213 656 213 b 657 215 658 216 659 217 b 659 222 661 225 665 227 b 670 231 677 229 677 222 b 681 222 685 219 689 213 b 697 210 701 205 705 200 b 710 199 714 195 717 188 b 722 185 725 179 726 173 b 729 171 731 167 731 162 b 751 164 769 158 772 143 b 775 143 777 144 780 144 b 781 148 785 151 791 151 b 794 156 798 158 802 158 b 804 161 808 162 813 160 b 813 161 815 165 813 167 b 815 168 816 169 817 170 b 817 174 821 176 827 179 b 829 185 835 189 841 193 b 845 198 850 202 857 205 b 860 209 865 212 871 213 b 871 215 873 217 873 219 b 875 223 877 225 879 225 b 885 230 889 229 891 221 b 897 220 901 217 905 211 b 911 209 916 205 922 198 b 927 197 931 192 933 185 b 937 183 940 178 941 173 b 944 170 945 166 945 162 l 945 88 l 349 88 m 436 145 b 439 145 443 143 446 140 b 449 140 451 139 453 139 b 455 141 458 142 460 143 b 462 145 463 145 465 145 b 467 145 469 145 470 145 b 471 145 471 147 472 148 b 471 149 471 150 470 151 b 468 152 468 154 469 157 b 467 157 466 159 465 159 b 464 161 463 163 462 164 b 461 165 460 166 459 167 b 458 167 457 168 455 169 b 454 169 452 169 451 169 b 450 169 449 168 449 167 b 448 165 446 163 444 162 b 444 160 442 158 440 159 b 439 157 438 155 436 153 b 436 151 436 149 435 147 m 650 146 b 654 145 657 144 659 141 b 661 140 664 139 666 139 b 668 141 671 142 674 143 b 676 145 679 145 681 145 b 683 146 685 148 687 149 b 684 151 682 153 682 157 b 680 157 679 159 678 161 b 677 163 676 163 675 165 b 674 166 672 168 671 169 b 668 169 666 169 663 168 b 663 165 661 163 658 162 b 658 159 656 159 653 158 b 653 155 653 154 650 153 b 650 151 650 149 649 147 m 545 135 b 545 138 544 141 544 144 b 541 145 538 147 535 150 b 532 149 529 149 526 151 b 523 148 519 145 516 142 b 518 139 519 135 517 130 b 516 127 516 125 515 122 b 515 120 516 118 516 116 b 517 115 518 114 519 113 b 521 116 523 120 527 121 b 527 126 529 129 533 131 b 535 134 539 135 543 135 m 634 146 b 630 147 627 148 623 149 b 619 149 616 148 613 149 b 609 147 605 145 602 143 b 600 141 598 139 597 137 b 599 134 599 131 598 127 b 599 125 600 122 599 118 b 601 117 603 114 603 110 b 606 112 609 115 612 117 b 611 119 613 122 615 123 b 616 126 618 128 619 131 b 621 133 622 134 625 136 b 627 139 629 141 631 143 m 721 137 b 719 139 718 141 717 145 b 715 145 711 145 709 146 b 707 145 704 144 702 143 b 701 141 699 139 697 137 b 699 135 699 134 701 132 b 703 130 705 127 705 125 b 707 124 709 122 709 119 b 712 117 713 115 713 112 b 715 109 717 107 720 104 b 719 109 718 115 720 119 b 719 121 718 124 718 127 b 719 129 721 132 722 134 m 759 135 b 759 139 759 142 758 145 b 755 145 751 147 749 150 b 746 149 743 149 741 151 b 738 149 735 146 731 143 b 732 139 731 133 731 131 b 731 127 731 124 729 121 b 729 119 730 117 730 115 b 731 115 731 113 731 113 b 733 114 734 115 735 116 b 736 118 737 120 739 121 b 740 126 743 129 747 130 b 749 134 753 135 759 135 m 848 145 b 845 146 841 147 838 148 b 834 147 831 147 825 148 b 824 145 821 143 816 143 b 815 141 813 139 812 137 b 813 134 813 130 813 127 b 814 123 815 120 815 117 b 817 114 819 111 819 109 b 821 111 823 113 825 116 b 826 119 828 123 831 125 b 833 126 833 127 835 129 b 835 132 837 134 841 136 b 842 139 844 141 847 143)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.89,0:00:02.93,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H121b15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 141 b 353 145 357 149 363 150 b 365 153 367 155 371 155 b 373 158 377 159 381 159 b 382 160 384 161 385 163 b 386 164 387 166 387 167 b 389 171 393 175 399 178 b 401 183 405 187 411 190 b 415 195 420 201 427 203 b 431 208 437 211 442 211 b 443 212 444 214 445 215 b 445 221 448 224 453 225 b 459 227 462 225 463 220 b 467 219 471 217 474 211 b 478 209 482 205 485 203 b 489 201 491 199 491 197 b 496 196 499 193 501 187 b 507 183 513 176 511 171 b 514 169 516 165 518 159 b 523 159 529 160 533 158 b 537 158 541 157 545 154 b 552 154 556 149 557 141 b 559 141 562 142 565 142 b 568 147 573 150 577 149 b 579 154 582 157 587 156 b 589 159 593 159 596 158 b 597 159 599 161 599 162 b 599 165 600 167 603 169 b 605 173 609 177 614 179 b 615 185 620 189 627 191 b 629 197 632 200 637 201 b 639 201 641 203 643 203 b 644 208 648 211 656 211 b 657 212 658 213 659 215 b 659 219 661 223 665 225 b 670 228 677 227 677 219 b 681 219 685 216 689 211 b 697 207 701 202 705 197 b 710 196 714 192 717 185 b 722 182 725 177 726 170 b 729 168 731 164 731 159 b 751 161 769 155 772 140 b 775 141 777 141 780 141 b 781 145 785 148 791 149 b 794 153 798 155 802 155 b 804 159 808 159 813 157 b 813 159 815 162 813 164 b 815 165 816 167 817 167 b 817 171 821 173 827 177 b 829 182 835 187 841 190 b 845 195 850 199 857 202 b 860 207 865 209 871 210 b 871 212 873 214 873 216 b 875 220 877 222 879 222 b 885 227 889 226 891 218 b 897 217 901 214 905 209 b 911 207 916 202 922 195 b 927 194 931 189 933 183 b 937 180 940 175 941 170 b 944 167 945 163 945 159 l 945 85 l 349 85 m 436 143 b 439 142 443 141 446 137 b 449 137 451 137 453 137 b 455 138 458 139 460 141 b 462 142 463 143 465 142 b 467 142 469 142 470 142 b 471 143 471 144 472 145 b 471 146 471 147 470 148 b 468 149 468 151 469 154 b 467 155 466 156 465 157 b 464 158 463 160 462 161 b 461 162 460 163 459 164 b 458 165 457 165 455 166 b 454 166 452 167 451 167 b 450 166 449 165 449 165 b 448 162 446 161 444 159 b 444 157 442 155 440 156 b 439 154 438 153 436 151 b 436 149 436 146 435 144 m 650 143 b 654 143 657 141 659 138 b 661 137 664 136 666 136 b 668 138 671 139 674 141 b 676 142 679 143 681 142 b 683 143 685 145 687 146 b 684 148 682 151 682 154 b 680 155 679 157 678 159 b 677 160 676 161 675 162 b 674 163 672 165 671 167 b 668 166 666 166 663 165 b 663 162 661 160 658 159 b 658 157 656 156 653 155 b 653 153 653 151 650 150 b 650 148 650 146 649 144 m 545 133 b 545 135 544 139 544 141 b 541 143 538 145 535 147 b 532 147 529 147 526 149 b 523 145 519 143 516 139 b 518 136 519 132 517 127 b 516 125 516 122 515 119 b 515 117 516 115 516 113 b 517 112 518 111 519 110 b 521 113 523 117 527 119 b 527 123 529 126 533 128 b 535 131 539 133 543 133 m 634 143 b 630 145 627 145 623 147 b 619 146 616 145 613 146 b 609 144 605 142 602 141 b 600 139 598 137 597 135 b 599 131 599 128 598 125 b 599 122 600 119 599 115 b 601 114 603 111 603 107 b 606 109 609 112 612 114 b 611 117 613 119 615 121 b 616 123 618 125 619 128 b 621 130 622 131 625 133 b 627 136 629 138 631 141 m 721 134 b 719 136 718 139 717 142 b 715 142 711 142 709 143 b 707 142 704 141 702 140 b 701 138 699 137 697 135 b 699 133 699 131 701 129 b 703 127 705 125 705 123 b 707 121 709 119 709 117 b 712 115 713 112 713 109 b 715 106 717 104 720 101 b 719 107 718 112 720 116 b 719 118 718 121 718 125 b 719 127 721 129 722 131 m 759 133 b 759 136 759 139 758 142 b 755 143 751 145 749 147 b 746 147 743 147 741 149 b 738 146 735 143 731 141 b 732 136 731 131 731 128 b 731 125 731 121 729 119 b 729 117 730 115 730 113 b 731 112 731 111 731 110 b 733 111 734 112 735 113 b 736 115 737 117 739 119 b 740 123 743 126 747 127 b 749 131 753 133 759 133 m 848 143 b 845 143 841 144 838 145 b 834 145 831 144 825 145 b 824 143 821 141 816 140 b 815 138 813 137 812 135 b 813 131 813 127 813 124 b 814 121 815 117 815 114 b 817 111 819 108 819 106 b 821 108 823 111 825 113 b 826 117 828 120 831 122 b 833 123 833 125 835 126 b 835 129 837 131 841 133 b 842 136 844 139 847 140)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.93,0:00:02.98,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H121c15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 137 b 353 141 357 144 363 145 b 365 148 367 150 371 151 b 373 153 377 155 381 154 b 382 155 384 157 385 158 b 386 159 387 161 387 163 b 389 167 393 171 399 173 b 401 179 405 183 411 185 b 415 191 420 196 427 198 b 431 203 437 206 442 206 b 443 207 444 209 445 211 b 445 216 448 219 453 220 b 459 222 462 220 463 215 b 467 215 471 212 474 207 b 478 204 482 201 485 198 b 489 196 491 194 491 192 b 496 191 499 188 501 183 b 507 178 513 171 511 166 b 514 165 516 161 518 155 b 523 155 529 155 533 153 b 537 153 541 152 545 149 b 552 149 556 145 557 136 b 559 137 562 137 565 137 b 568 143 573 145 577 145 b 579 149 582 152 587 151 b 589 154 593 155 596 153 b 597 154 599 156 599 157 b 599 160 600 163 603 165 b 605 169 609 172 614 174 b 615 180 620 184 627 186 b 629 192 632 195 637 196 b 639 197 641 198 643 199 b 644 203 648 206 656 206 b 657 207 658 209 659 210 b 659 215 661 218 665 220 b 670 223 677 222 677 215 b 681 215 685 211 689 206 b 697 203 701 197 705 193 b 710 191 714 187 717 181 b 722 177 725 172 726 165 b 729 163 731 159 731 155 b 751 157 769 151 772 135 b 775 136 777 137 780 137 b 781 141 785 143 791 144 b 794 149 798 151 802 151 b 804 154 808 155 813 153 b 813 154 815 157 813 159 b 815 161 816 162 817 163 b 817 167 821 169 827 172 b 829 177 835 182 841 185 b 845 191 850 195 857 197 b 860 202 865 205 871 205 b 871 207 873 209 873 211 b 875 215 877 217 879 217 b 885 223 889 221 891 213 b 897 213 901 209 905 204 b 911 202 916 197 922 191 b 927 189 931 185 933 178 b 937 175 940 171 941 165 b 944 163 945 159 945 155 l 945 81 l 349 81 m 436 138 b 439 137 443 136 446 133 b 449 133 451 132 453 132 b 455 133 458 135 460 136 b 462 137 463 138 465 137 b 467 137 469 137 470 137 b 471 138 471 139 472 141 b 471 141 471 143 470 143 b 468 145 468 147 469 149 b 467 150 466 151 465 152 b 464 153 463 155 462 157 b 461 157 460 159 459 159 b 458 160 457 161 455 161 b 454 161 452 162 451 162 b 450 161 449 161 449 160 b 448 157 446 156 444 155 b 444 153 442 151 440 151 b 439 149 438 148 436 146 b 436 144 436 141 435 139 m 650 139 b 654 138 657 137 659 133 b 661 133 664 131 666 131 b 668 133 671 135 674 136 b 676 137 679 138 681 137 b 683 139 685 141 687 141 b 684 143 682 146 682 149 b 680 150 679 152 678 154 b 677 155 676 156 675 157 b 674 159 672 161 671 162 b 668 161 666 161 663 161 b 663 157 661 155 658 155 b 658 152 656 151 653 151 b 653 148 653 147 650 145 b 650 143 650 141 649 139 m 545 128 b 545 131 544 134 544 137 b 541 138 538 140 535 143 b 532 142 529 142 526 144 b 523 141 519 138 516 135 b 518 131 519 127 517 123 b 516 120 516 117 515 115 b 515 113 516 111 516 109 b 517 107 518 107 519 105 b 521 109 523 113 527 114 b 527 119 529 121 533 123 b 535 127 539 128 543 128 m 634 139 b 630 140 627 141 623 142 b 619 141 616 141 613 141 b 609 139 605 137 602 136 b 600 134 598 132 597 130 b 599 127 599 123 598 120 b 599 117 600 115 599 111 b 601 109 603 107 603 103 b 606 105 609 107 612 109 b 611 112 613 115 615 116 b 616 119 618 121 619 123 b 621 125 622 127 625 129 b 627 131 629 133 631 136 m 721 129 b 719 131 718 134 717 137 b 715 137 711 137 709 139 b 707 137 704 137 702 135 b 701 133 699 132 697 130 b 699 128 699 127 701 125 b 703 123 705 120 705 118 b 707 117 709 115 709 112 b 712 110 713 107 713 105 b 715 101 717 99 720 97 b 719 102 718 107 720 111 b 719 113 718 117 718 120 b 719 122 721 125 722 127 m 759 128 b 759 131 759 135 758 137 b 755 138 751 140 749 143 b 746 142 743 142 741 144 b 738 141 735 139 731 136 b 732 131 731 126 731 123 b 731 120 731 117 729 114 b 729 112 730 110 730 108 b 731 107 731 106 731 105 b 733 107 734 107 735 109 b 736 111 737 113 739 114 b 740 119 743 121 747 123 b 749 127 753 128 759 128 m 848 138 b 845 139 841 139 838 141 b 834 140 831 139 825 141 b 824 138 821 136 816 135 b 815 133 813 132 812 130 b 813 127 813 123 813 119 b 814 116 815 113 815 109 b 817 107 819 103 819 101 b 821 103 823 106 825 109 b 826 112 828 115 831 117 b 833 119 833 120 835 121 b 835 125 837 127 841 129 b 842 131 844 134 847 135)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:02.98,0:00:03.02,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H121c15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 133 b 353 137 357 140 363 141 b 365 144 367 146 371 147 b 373 149 377 151 381 150 b 382 151 384 153 385 154 b 386 155 387 157 387 159 b 389 163 393 167 399 169 b 401 175 405 179 411 181 b 415 187 420 192 427 194 b 431 199 437 202 442 202 b 443 203 444 205 445 207 b 445 212 448 215 453 216 b 459 218 462 216 463 211 b 467 211 471 208 474 203 b 478 200 482 197 485 194 b 489 192 491 190 491 188 b 496 187 499 184 501 179 b 507 174 513 167 511 162 b 514 161 516 157 518 151 b 523 151 529 151 533 149 b 537 149 541 148 545 145 b 552 145 556 141 557 132 b 559 133 562 133 565 133 b 568 139 573 141 577 141 b 579 145 582 148 587 147 b 589 150 593 151 596 149 b 597 150 599 152 599 153 b 599 156 600 159 603 161 b 605 165 609 168 614 170 b 615 176 620 180 627 182 b 629 188 632 191 637 192 b 639 193 641 194 643 195 b 644 199 648 202 656 202 b 657 203 658 205 659 206 b 659 211 661 214 665 216 b 670 219 677 218 677 211 b 681 211 685 207 689 202 b 697 199 701 193 705 189 b 710 187 714 183 717 177 b 722 173 725 168 726 161 b 729 159 731 155 731 151 b 751 153 769 147 772 131 b 775 132 777 133 780 133 b 781 137 785 139 791 140 b 794 145 798 147 802 147 b 804 150 808 151 813 149 b 813 150 815 153 813 155 b 815 157 816 158 817 159 b 817 163 821 165 827 168 b 829 173 835 178 841 181 b 845 187 850 191 857 193 b 860 198 865 201 871 201 b 871 203 873 205 873 207 b 875 211 877 213 879 213 b 885 219 889 217 891 209 b 897 209 901 205 905 200 b 911 198 916 193 922 187 b 927 185 931 181 933 174 b 937 171 940 167 941 161 b 944 159 945 155 945 151 l 945 77 l 349 77 m 436 134 b 439 133 443 132 446 129 b 449 129 451 128 453 128 b 455 129 458 131 460 132 b 462 133 463 134 465 133 b 467 133 469 133 470 133 b 471 134 471 135 472 137 b 471 137 471 139 470 139 b 468 141 468 143 469 145 b 467 146 466 147 465 148 b 464 149 463 151 462 153 b 461 153 460 155 459 155 b 458 156 457 157 455 157 b 454 157 452 158 451 158 b 450 157 449 157 449 156 b 448 153 446 152 444 151 b 444 149 442 147 440 147 b 439 145 438 144 436 142 b 436 140 436 137 435 135 m 650 135 b 654 134 657 133 659 129 b 661 129 664 127 666 127 b 668 129 671 131 674 132 b 676 133 679 134 681 133 b 683 135 685 137 687 137 b 684 139 682 142 682 145 b 680 146 679 148 678 150 b 677 151 676 152 675 153 b 674 155 672 157 671 158 b 668 157 666 157 663 157 b 663 153 661 151 658 151 b 658 148 656 147 653 147 b 653 144 653 143 650 141 b 650 139 650 137 649 135 m 545 124 b 545 127 544 130 544 133 b 541 134 538 136 535 139 b 532 138 529 138 526 140 b 523 137 519 134 516 131 b 518 127 519 123 517 119 b 516 116 516 113 515 111 b 515 109 516 107 516 105 b 517 103 518 103 519 101 b 521 105 523 109 527 110 b 527 115 529 117 533 119 b 535 123 539 124 543 124 m 634 135 b 630 136 627 137 623 138 b 619 137 616 137 613 137 b 609 135 605 133 602 132 b 600 130 598 128 597 126 b 599 123 599 119 598 116 b 599 113 600 111 599 107 b 601 105 603 103 603 99 b 606 101 609 103 612 105 b 611 108 613 111 615 112 b 616 115 618 117 619 119 b 621 121 622 123 625 125 b 627 127 629 129 631 132 m 721 125 b 719 127 718 130 717 133 b 715 133 711 133 709 135 b 707 133 704 133 702 131 b 701 129 699 128 697 126 b 699 124 699 123 701 121 b 703 119 705 116 705 114 b 707 113 709 111 709 108 b 712 106 713 103 713 101 b 715 97 717 95 720 93 b 719 98 718 103 720 107 b 719 109 718 113 718 116 b 719 118 721 121 722 123 m 759 124 b 759 127 759 131 758 133 b 755 134 751 136 749 139 b 746 138 743 138 741 140 b 738 137 735 135 731 132 b 732 127 731 122 731 119 b 731 116 731 113 729 110 b 729 108 730 106 730 104 b 731 103 731 102 731 101 b 733 103 734 103 735 105 b 736 107 737 109 739 110 b 740 115 743 117 747 119 b 749 123 753 124 759 124 m 848 134 b 845 135 841 135 838 137 b 834 136 831 135 825 137 b 824 134 821 132 816 131 b 815 129 813 128 812 126 b 813 123 813 119 813 115 b 814 112 815 109 815 105 b 817 103 819 99 819 97 b 821 99 823 102 825 105 b 826 108 828 111 831 113 b 833 115 833 116 835 117 b 835 121 837 123 841 125 b 842 127 844 130 847 131)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.02,0:00:03.06,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H131d15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 129 b 353 133 357 137 363 138 b 365 141 367 143 371 143 b 373 146 377 147 381 147 b 382 148 384 149 385 151 b 386 152 387 154 387 155 b 389 159 393 163 399 166 b 401 171 405 175 411 178 b 415 183 420 189 427 191 b 431 196 437 199 442 199 b 443 200 444 202 445 203 b 445 209 448 212 453 213 b 459 215 462 213 463 208 b 467 207 471 205 474 199 b 478 197 482 193 485 191 b 489 189 491 187 491 185 b 496 184 499 181 501 175 b 507 171 513 164 511 159 b 514 157 516 153 518 147 b 523 147 529 148 533 146 b 537 146 541 145 545 142 b 552 142 556 137 557 129 b 559 129 562 130 565 130 b 568 135 573 138 577 137 b 579 142 582 145 587 144 b 589 147 593 147 596 146 b 597 147 599 149 599 150 b 599 153 600 155 603 157 b 605 161 609 165 614 167 b 615 173 620 177 627 179 b 629 185 632 188 637 189 b 639 189 641 191 643 191 b 644 196 648 199 656 199 b 657 200 658 201 659 203 b 659 207 661 211 665 213 b 670 216 677 215 677 207 b 681 207 685 204 689 199 b 697 195 701 190 705 185 b 710 184 714 180 717 173 b 722 170 725 165 726 158 b 729 156 731 152 731 147 b 751 149 769 143 772 128 b 775 129 777 129 780 129 b 781 133 785 136 791 137 b 794 141 798 143 802 143 b 804 147 808 147 813 145 b 813 147 815 150 813 152 b 815 153 816 155 817 155 b 817 159 821 161 827 165 b 829 170 835 175 841 178 b 845 183 850 187 857 190 b 860 195 865 197 871 198 b 871 200 873 202 873 204 b 875 208 877 210 879 210 b 885 215 889 214 891 206 b 897 205 901 202 905 197 b 911 195 916 190 922 183 b 927 182 931 177 933 171 b 937 168 940 163 941 158 b 944 155 945 151 945 147 l 945 73 l 349 73 m 436 131 b 439 130 443 129 446 125 b 449 125 451 125 453 125 b 455 126 458 127 460 129 b 462 130 463 131 465 130 b 467 130 469 130 470 130 b 471 131 471 132 472 133 b 471 134 471 135 470 136 b 468 137 468 139 469 142 b 467 143 466 144 465 145 b 464 146 463 148 462 149 b 461 150 460 151 459 152 b 458 153 457 153 455 154 b 454 154 452 155 451 155 b 450 154 449 153 449 153 b 448 150 446 149 444 147 b 444 145 442 143 440 144 b 439 142 438 141 436 139 b 436 137 436 134 435 132 m 650 131 b 654 131 657 129 659 126 b 661 125 664 124 666 124 b 668 126 671 127 674 129 b 676 130 679 131 681 130 b 683 131 685 133 687 134 b 684 136 682 139 682 142 b 680 143 679 145 678 147 b 677 148 676 149 675 150 b 674 151 672 153 671 155 b 668 154 666 154 663 153 b 663 150 661 148 658 147 b 658 145 656 144 653 143 b 653 141 653 139 650 138 b 650 136 650 134 649 132 m 545 121 b 545 123 544 127 544 129 b 541 131 538 133 535 135 b 532 135 529 135 526 137 b 523 133 519 131 516 127 b 518 124 519 120 517 115 b 516 113 516 110 515 107 b 515 105 516 103 516 101 b 517 100 518 99 519 98 b 521 101 523 105 527 107 b 527 111 529 114 533 116 b 535 119 539 121 543 121 m 634 131 b 630 133 627 133 623 135 b 619 134 616 133 613 134 b 609 132 605 130 602 129 b 600 127 598 125 597 123 b 599 119 599 116 598 113 b 599 110 600 107 599 103 b 601 102 603 99 603 95 b 606 97 609 100 612 102 b 611 105 613 107 615 109 b 616 111 618 113 619 116 b 621 118 622 119 625 121 b 627 124 629 126 631 129 m 721 122 b 719 124 718 127 717 130 b 715 130 711 130 709 131 b 707 130 704 129 702 128 b 701 126 699 125 697 123 b 699 121 699 119 701 117 b 703 115 705 113 705 111 b 707 109 709 107 709 105 b 712 103 713 100 713 97 b 715 94 717 92 720 89 b 719 95 718 100 720 104 b 719 106 718 109 718 113 b 719 115 721 117 722 119 m 759 121 b 759 124 759 127 758 130 b 755 131 751 133 749 135 b 746 135 743 135 741 137 b 738 134 735 131 731 129 b 732 124 731 119 731 116 b 731 113 731 109 729 107 b 729 105 730 103 730 101 b 731 100 731 99 731 98 b 733 99 734 100 735 101 b 736 103 737 105 739 107 b 740 111 743 114 747 115 b 749 119 753 121 759 121 m 848 131 b 845 131 841 132 838 133 b 834 133 831 132 825 133 b 824 131 821 129 816 128 b 815 126 813 125 812 123 b 813 119 813 115 813 112 b 814 109 815 105 815 102 b 817 99 819 96 819 94 b 821 96 823 99 825 101 b 826 105 828 108 831 110 b 833 111 833 113 835 114 b 835 117 837 119 841 121 b 842 124 844 127 847 128)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.06,0:00:03.10,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H131d15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 125 b 353 129 357 133 363 134 b 365 137 367 139 371 139 b 373 142 377 143 381 143 b 382 144 384 145 385 147 b 386 148 387 150 387 151 b 389 155 393 159 399 162 b 401 167 405 171 411 174 b 415 179 420 185 427 187 b 431 192 437 195 442 195 b 443 196 444 198 445 199 b 445 205 448 208 453 209 b 459 211 462 209 463 204 b 467 203 471 201 474 195 b 478 193 482 189 485 187 b 489 185 491 183 491 181 b 496 180 499 177 501 171 b 507 167 513 160 511 155 b 514 153 516 149 518 143 b 523 143 529 144 533 142 b 537 142 541 141 545 138 b 552 138 556 133 557 125 b 559 125 562 126 565 126 b 568 131 573 134 577 133 b 579 138 582 141 587 140 b 589 143 593 143 596 142 b 597 143 599 145 599 146 b 599 149 600 151 603 153 b 605 157 609 161 614 163 b 615 169 620 173 627 175 b 629 181 632 184 637 185 b 639 185 641 187 643 187 b 644 192 648 195 656 195 b 657 196 658 197 659 199 b 659 203 661 207 665 209 b 670 212 677 211 677 203 b 681 203 685 200 689 195 b 697 191 701 186 705 181 b 710 180 714 176 717 169 b 722 166 725 161 726 154 b 729 152 731 148 731 143 b 751 145 769 139 772 124 b 775 125 777 125 780 125 b 781 129 785 132 791 133 b 794 137 798 139 802 139 b 804 143 808 143 813 141 b 813 143 815 146 813 148 b 815 149 816 151 817 151 b 817 155 821 157 827 161 b 829 166 835 171 841 174 b 845 179 850 183 857 186 b 860 191 865 193 871 194 b 871 196 873 198 873 200 b 875 204 877 206 879 206 b 885 211 889 210 891 202 b 897 201 901 198 905 193 b 911 191 916 186 922 179 b 927 178 931 173 933 167 b 937 164 940 159 941 154 b 944 151 945 147 945 143 l 945 69 l 349 69 m 436 127 b 439 126 443 125 446 121 b 449 121 451 121 453 121 b 455 122 458 123 460 125 b 462 126 463 127 465 126 b 467 126 469 126 470 126 b 471 127 471 128 472 129 b 471 130 471 131 470 132 b 468 133 468 135 469 138 b 467 139 466 140 465 141 b 464 142 463 144 462 145 b 461 146 460 147 459 148 b 458 149 457 149 455 150 b 454 150 452 151 451 151 b 450 150 449 149 449 149 b 448 146 446 145 444 143 b 444 141 442 139 440 140 b 439 138 438 137 436 135 b 436 133 436 130 435 128 m 650 127 b 654 127 657 125 659 122 b 661 121 664 120 666 120 b 668 122 671 123 674 125 b 676 126 679 127 681 126 b 683 127 685 129 687 130 b 684 132 682 135 682 138 b 680 139 679 141 678 143 b 677 144 676 145 675 146 b 674 147 672 149 671 151 b 668 150 666 150 663 149 b 663 146 661 144 658 143 b 658 141 656 140 653 139 b 653 137 653 135 650 134 b 650 132 650 130 649 128 m 545 117 b 545 119 544 123 544 125 b 541 127 538 129 535 131 b 532 131 529 131 526 133 b 523 129 519 127 516 123 b 518 120 519 116 517 111 b 516 109 516 106 515 103 b 515 101 516 99 516 97 b 517 96 518 95 519 94 b 521 97 523 101 527 103 b 527 107 529 110 533 112 b 535 115 539 117 543 117 m 634 127 b 630 129 627 129 623 131 b 619 130 616 129 613 130 b 609 128 605 126 602 125 b 600 123 598 121 597 119 b 599 115 599 112 598 109 b 599 106 600 103 599 99 b 601 98 603 95 603 91 b 606 93 609 96 612 98 b 611 101 613 103 615 105 b 616 107 618 109 619 112 b 621 114 622 115 625 117 b 627 120 629 122 631 125 m 721 118 b 719 120 718 123 717 126 b 715 126 711 126 709 127 b 707 126 704 125 702 124 b 701 122 699 121 697 119 b 699 117 699 115 701 113 b 703 111 705 109 705 107 b 707 105 709 103 709 101 b 712 99 713 96 713 93 b 715 90 717 88 720 85 b 719 91 718 96 720 100 b 719 102 718 105 718 109 b 719 111 721 113 722 115 m 759 117 b 759 120 759 123 758 126 b 755 127 751 129 749 131 b 746 131 743 131 741 133 b 738 130 735 127 731 125 b 732 120 731 115 731 112 b 731 109 731 105 729 103 b 729 101 730 99 730 97 b 731 96 731 95 731 94 b 733 95 734 96 735 97 b 736 99 737 101 739 103 b 740 107 743 110 747 111 b 749 115 753 117 759 117 m 848 127 b 845 127 841 128 838 129 b 834 129 831 128 825 129 b 824 127 821 125 816 124 b 815 122 813 121 812 119 b 813 115 813 111 813 108 b 814 105 815 101 815 98 b 817 95 819 92 819 90 b 821 92 823 95 825 97 b 826 101 828 104 831 106 b 833 107 833 109 835 110 b 835 113 837 115 841 117 b 842 120 844 123 847 124)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.10,0:00:03.14,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H131e15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 121 b 353 125 357 129 363 130 b 365 133 367 135 371 135 b 373 138 377 139 381 139 b 382 140 384 141 385 143 b 386 144 387 146 387 147 b 389 151 393 155 399 158 b 401 163 405 167 411 170 b 415 175 420 181 427 183 b 431 188 437 191 442 191 b 443 192 444 194 445 195 b 445 201 448 204 453 205 b 459 207 462 205 463 200 b 467 199 471 197 474 191 b 478 189 482 185 485 183 b 489 181 491 179 491 177 b 496 176 499 173 501 167 b 507 163 513 156 511 151 b 514 149 516 145 518 139 b 523 139 529 140 533 138 b 537 138 541 137 545 134 b 552 134 556 129 557 121 b 559 121 562 122 565 122 b 568 127 573 130 577 129 b 579 134 582 137 587 136 b 589 139 593 139 596 138 b 597 139 599 141 599 142 b 599 145 600 147 603 149 b 605 153 609 157 614 159 b 615 165 620 169 627 171 b 629 177 632 180 637 181 b 639 181 641 183 643 183 b 644 188 648 191 656 191 b 657 192 658 193 659 195 b 659 199 661 203 665 205 b 670 208 677 207 677 199 b 681 199 685 196 689 191 b 697 187 701 182 705 177 b 710 176 714 172 717 165 b 722 162 725 157 726 150 b 729 148 731 144 731 139 b 751 141 769 135 772 120 b 775 121 777 121 780 121 b 781 125 785 128 791 129 b 794 133 798 135 802 135 b 804 139 808 139 813 137 b 813 139 815 142 813 144 b 815 145 816 147 817 147 b 817 151 821 153 827 157 b 829 162 835 167 841 170 b 845 175 850 179 857 182 b 860 187 865 189 871 190 b 871 192 873 194 873 196 b 875 200 877 202 879 202 b 885 207 889 206 891 198 b 897 197 901 194 905 189 b 911 187 916 182 922 175 b 927 174 931 169 933 163 b 937 160 940 155 941 150 b 944 147 945 143 945 139 l 945 65 l 349 65 m 436 123 b 439 122 443 121 446 117 b 449 117 451 117 453 117 b 455 118 458 119 460 121 b 462 122 463 123 465 122 b 467 122 469 122 470 122 b 471 123 471 124 472 125 b 471 126 471 127 470 128 b 468 129 468 131 469 134 b 467 135 466 136 465 137 b 464 138 463 140 462 141 b 461 142 460 143 459 144 b 458 145 457 145 455 146 b 454 146 452 147 451 147 b 450 146 449 145 449 145 b 448 142 446 141 444 139 b 444 137 442 135 440 136 b 439 134 438 133 436 131 b 436 129 436 126 435 124 m 650 123 b 654 123 657 121 659 118 b 661 117 664 116 666 116 b 668 118 671 119 674 121 b 676 122 679 123 681 122 b 683 123 685 125 687 126 b 684 128 682 131 682 134 b 680 135 679 137 678 139 b 677 140 676 141 675 142 b 674 143 672 145 671 147 b 668 146 666 146 663 145 b 663 142 661 140 658 139 b 658 137 656 136 653 135 b 653 133 653 131 650 130 b 650 128 650 126 649 124 m 545 113 b 545 115 544 119 544 121 b 541 123 538 125 535 127 b 532 127 529 127 526 129 b 523 125 519 123 516 119 b 518 116 519 112 517 107 b 516 105 516 102 515 99 b 515 97 516 95 516 93 b 517 92 518 91 519 90 b 521 93 523 97 527 99 b 527 103 529 106 533 108 b 535 111 539 113 543 113 m 634 123 b 630 125 627 125 623 127 b 619 126 616 125 613 126 b 609 124 605 122 602 121 b 600 119 598 117 597 115 b 599 111 599 108 598 105 b 599 102 600 99 599 95 b 601 94 603 91 603 87 b 606 89 609 92 612 94 b 611 97 613 99 615 101 b 616 103 618 105 619 108 b 621 110 622 111 625 113 b 627 116 629 118 631 121 m 721 114 b 719 116 718 119 717 122 b 715 122 711 122 709 123 b 707 122 704 121 702 120 b 701 118 699 117 697 115 b 699 113 699 111 701 109 b 703 107 705 105 705 103 b 707 101 709 99 709 97 b 712 95 713 92 713 89 b 715 86 717 84 720 81 b 719 87 718 92 720 96 b 719 98 718 101 718 105 b 719 107 721 109 722 111 m 759 113 b 759 116 759 119 758 122 b 755 123 751 125 749 127 b 746 127 743 127 741 129 b 738 126 735 123 731 121 b 732 116 731 111 731 108 b 731 105 731 101 729 99 b 729 97 730 95 730 93 b 731 92 731 91 731 90 b 733 91 734 92 735 93 b 736 95 737 97 739 99 b 740 103 743 106 747 107 b 749 111 753 113 759 113 m 848 123 b 845 123 841 124 838 125 b 834 125 831 124 825 125 b 824 123 821 121 816 120 b 815 118 813 117 812 115 b 813 111 813 107 813 104 b 814 101 815 97 815 94 b 817 91 819 88 819 86 b 821 88 823 91 825 93 b 826 97 828 100 831 102 b 833 103 833 105 835 106 b 835 109 837 111 841 113 b 842 116 844 119 847 120)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.14,0:00:03.19,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H131e15&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 117 b 353 121 357 124 363 125 b 365 128 367 130 371 131 b 373 133 377 135 381 134 b 382 135 384 137 385 138 b 386 139 387 141 387 143 b 389 147 393 151 399 153 b 401 159 405 163 411 165 b 415 171 420 176 427 178 b 431 183 437 186 442 186 b 443 187 444 189 445 191 b 445 196 448 199 453 200 b 459 202 462 200 463 195 b 467 195 471 192 474 187 b 478 184 482 181 485 178 b 489 176 491 174 491 172 b 496 171 499 168 501 163 b 507 158 513 151 511 146 b 514 145 516 141 518 135 b 523 135 529 135 533 133 b 537 133 541 132 545 129 b 552 129 556 125 557 116 b 559 117 562 117 565 117 b 568 123 573 125 577 125 b 579 129 582 132 587 131 b 589 134 593 135 596 133 b 597 134 599 136 599 137 b 599 140 600 143 603 145 b 605 149 609 152 614 154 b 615 160 620 164 627 166 b 629 172 632 175 637 176 b 639 177 641 178 643 179 b 644 183 648 186 656 186 b 657 187 658 189 659 190 b 659 195 661 198 665 200 b 670 203 677 202 677 195 b 681 195 685 191 689 186 b 697 183 701 177 705 173 b 710 171 714 167 717 161 b 722 157 725 152 726 145 b 729 143 731 139 731 135 b 751 137 769 131 772 115 b 775 116 777 117 780 117 b 781 121 785 123 791 124 b 794 129 798 131 802 131 b 804 134 808 135 813 133 b 813 134 815 137 813 139 b 815 141 816 142 817 143 b 817 147 821 149 827 152 b 829 157 835 162 841 165 b 845 171 850 175 857 177 b 860 182 865 185 871 185 b 871 187 873 189 873 191 b 875 195 877 197 879 197 b 885 203 889 201 891 193 b 897 193 901 189 905 184 b 911 182 916 177 922 171 b 927 169 931 165 933 158 b 937 155 940 151 941 145 b 944 143 945 139 945 135 l 945 61 l 349 61 m 436 118 b 439 117 443 116 446 113 b 449 113 451 112 453 112 b 455 113 458 115 460 116 b 462 117 463 118 465 117 b 467 117 469 117 470 117 b 471 118 471 119 472 121 b 471 121 471 123 470 123 b 468 125 468 127 469 129 b 467 130 466 131 465 132 b 464 133 463 135 462 137 b 461 137 460 139 459 139 b 458 140 457 141 455 141 b 454 141 452 142 451 142 b 450 141 449 141 449 140 b 448 137 446 136 444 135 b 444 133 442 131 440 131 b 439 129 438 128 436 126 b 436 124 436 121 435 119 m 650 119 b 654 118 657 117 659 113 b 661 113 664 111 666 111 b 668 113 671 115 674 116 b 676 117 679 118 681 117 b 683 119 685 121 687 121 b 684 123 682 126 682 129 b 680 130 679 132 678 134 b 677 135 676 136 675 137 b 674 139 672 141 671 142 b 668 141 666 141 663 141 b 663 137 661 135 658 135 b 658 132 656 131 653 131 b 653 128 653 127 650 125 b 650 123 650 121 649 119 m 545 108 b 545 111 544 114 544 117 b 541 118 538 120 535 123 b 532 122 529 122 526 124 b 523 121 519 118 516 115 b 518 111 519 107 517 103 b 516 100 516 97 515 95 b 515 93 516 91 516 89 b 517 87 518 87 519 85 b 521 89 523 93 527 94 b 527 99 529 101 533 103 b 535 107 539 108 543 108 m 634 119 b 630 120 627 121 623 122 b 619 121 616 121 613 121 b 609 119 605 117 602 116 b 600 114 598 112 597 110 b 599 107 599 103 598 100 b 599 97 600 95 599 91 b 601 89 603 87 603 83 b 606 85 609 87 612 89 b 611 92 613 95 615 96 b 616 99 618 101 619 103 b 621 105 622 107 625 109 b 627 111 629 113 631 116 m 721 109 b 719 111 718 114 717 117 b 715 117 711 117 709 119 b 707 117 704 117 702 115 b 701 113 699 112 697 110 b 699 108 699 107 701 105 b 703 103 705 100 705 98 b 707 97 709 95 709 92 b 712 90 713 87 713 85 b 715 81 717 79 720 77 b 719 82 718 87 720 91 b 719 93 718 97 718 100 b 719 102 721 105 722 107 m 759 108 b 759 111 759 115 758 117 b 755 118 751 120 749 123 b 746 122 743 122 741 124 b 738 121 735 119 731 116 b 732 111 731 106 731 103 b 731 100 731 97 729 94 b 729 92 730 90 730 88 b 731 87 731 86 731 85 b 733 87 734 87 735 89 b 736 91 737 93 739 94 b 740 99 743 101 747 103 b 749 107 753 108 759 108 m 848 118 b 845 119 841 119 838 121 b 834 120 831 119 825 121 b 824 118 821 116 816 115 b 815 113 813 112 812 110 b 813 107 813 103 813 99 b 814 96 815 93 815 89 b 817 87 819 83 819 81 b 821 83 823 86 825 89 b 826 92 828 95 831 97 b 833 99 833 100 835 101 b 835 105 837 107 841 109 b 842 111 844 114 847 115)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.19,0:00:03.23,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H141f16&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 113 b 353 117 357 120 363 121 b 365 124 367 126 371 127 b 373 129 377 131 381 130 b 382 131 384 133 385 134 b 386 135 387 137 387 139 b 389 143 393 147 399 149 b 401 155 405 159 411 161 b 415 167 420 172 427 174 b 431 179 437 182 442 182 b 443 183 444 185 445 187 b 445 192 448 195 453 196 b 459 198 462 196 463 191 b 467 191 471 188 474 183 b 478 180 482 177 485 174 b 489 172 491 170 491 168 b 496 167 499 164 501 159 b 507 154 513 147 511 142 b 514 141 516 137 518 131 b 523 131 529 131 533 129 b 537 129 541 128 545 125 b 552 125 556 121 557 112 b 559 113 562 113 565 113 b 568 119 573 121 577 121 b 579 125 582 128 587 127 b 589 130 593 131 596 129 b 597 130 599 132 599 133 b 599 136 600 139 603 141 b 605 145 609 148 614 150 b 615 156 620 160 627 162 b 629 168 632 171 637 172 b 639 173 641 174 643 175 b 644 179 648 182 656 182 b 657 183 658 185 659 186 b 659 191 661 194 665 196 b 670 199 677 198 677 191 b 681 191 685 187 689 182 b 697 179 701 173 705 169 b 710 167 714 163 717 157 b 722 153 725 148 726 141 b 729 139 731 135 731 131 b 751 133 769 127 772 111 b 775 112 777 113 780 113 b 781 117 785 119 791 120 b 794 125 798 127 802 127 b 804 130 808 131 813 129 b 813 130 815 133 813 135 b 815 137 816 138 817 139 b 817 143 821 145 827 148 b 829 153 835 158 841 161 b 845 167 850 171 857 173 b 860 178 865 181 871 181 b 871 183 873 185 873 187 b 875 191 877 193 879 193 b 885 199 889 197 891 189 b 897 189 901 185 905 180 b 911 178 916 173 922 167 b 927 165 931 161 933 154 b 937 151 940 147 941 141 b 944 139 945 135 945 131 l 945 57 l 349 57 m 436 114 b 439 113 443 112 446 109 b 449 109 451 108 453 108 b 455 109 458 111 460 112 b 462 113 463 114 465 113 b 467 113 469 113 470 113 b 471 114 471 115 472 117 b 471 117 471 119 470 119 b 468 121 468 123 469 125 b 467 126 466 127 465 128 b 464 129 463 131 462 133 b 461 133 460 135 459 135 b 458 136 457 137 455 137 b 454 137 452 138 451 138 b 450 137 449 137 449 136 b 448 133 446 132 444 131 b 444 129 442 127 440 127 b 439 125 438 124 436 122 b 436 120 436 117 435 115 m 650 115 b 654 114 657 113 659 109 b 661 109 664 107 666 107 b 668 109 671 111 674 112 b 676 113 679 114 681 113 b 683 115 685 117 687 117 b 684 119 682 122 682 125 b 680 126 679 128 678 130 b 677 131 676 132 675 133 b 674 135 672 137 671 138 b 668 137 666 137 663 137 b 663 133 661 131 658 131 b 658 128 656 127 653 127 b 653 124 653 123 650 121 b 650 119 650 117 649 115 m 545 104 b 545 107 544 110 544 113 b 541 114 538 116 535 119 b 532 118 529 118 526 120 b 523 117 519 114 516 111 b 518 107 519 103 517 99 b 516 96 516 93 515 91 b 515 89 516 87 516 85 b 517 83 518 83 519 81 b 521 85 523 89 527 90 b 527 95 529 97 533 99 b 535 103 539 104 543 104 m 634 115 b 630 116 627 117 623 118 b 619 117 616 117 613 117 b 609 115 605 113 602 112 b 600 110 598 108 597 106 b 599 103 599 99 598 96 b 599 93 600 91 599 87 b 601 85 603 83 603 79 b 606 81 609 83 612 85 b 611 88 613 91 615 92 b 616 95 618 97 619 99 b 621 101 622 103 625 105 b 627 107 629 109 631 112 m 721 105 b 719 107 718 110 717 113 b 715 113 711 113 709 115 b 707 113 704 113 702 111 b 701 109 699 108 697 106 b 699 104 699 103 701 101 b 703 99 705 96 705 94 b 707 93 709 91 709 88 b 712 86 713 83 713 81 b 715 77 717 75 720 73 b 719 78 718 83 720 87 b 719 89 718 93 718 96 b 719 98 721 101 722 103 m 759 104 b 759 107 759 111 758 113 b 755 114 751 116 749 119 b 746 118 743 118 741 120 b 738 117 735 115 731 112 b 732 107 731 102 731 99 b 731 96 731 93 729 90 b 729 88 730 86 730 84 b 731 83 731 82 731 81 b 733 83 734 83 735 85 b 736 87 737 89 739 90 b 740 95 743 97 747 99 b 749 103 753 104 759 104 m 848 114 b 845 115 841 115 838 117 b 834 116 831 115 825 117 b 824 114 821 112 816 111 b 815 109 813 108 812 106 b 813 103 813 99 813 95 b 814 92 815 89 815 85 b 817 83 819 79 819 77 b 821 79 823 82 825 85 b 826 88 828 91 831 93 b 833 95 833 96 835 97 b 835 101 837 103 841 105 b 842 107 844 110 847 111)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.23,0:00:03.27,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H141f16&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44\iclip(,m 349 109 b 353 113 357 116 363 117 b 365 120 367 122 371 123 b 373 125 377 127 381 126 b 382 127 384 129 385 130 b 386 131 387 133 387 135 b 389 139 393 143 399 145 b 401 151 405 155 411 157 b 415 163 420 168 427 170 b 431 175 437 178 442 178 b 443 179 444 181 445 183 b 445 188 448 191 453 192 b 459 194 462 192 463 187 b 467 187 471 184 474 179 b 478 176 482 173 485 170 b 489 168 491 166 491 164 b 496 163 499 160 501 155 b 507 150 513 143 511 138 b 514 137 516 133 518 127 b 523 127 529 127 533 125 b 537 125 541 124 545 121 b 552 121 556 117 557 108 b 559 109 562 109 565 109 b 568 115 573 117 577 117 b 579 121 582 124 587 123 b 589 126 593 127 596 125 b 597 126 599 128 599 129 b 599 132 600 135 603 137 b 605 141 609 144 614 146 b 615 152 620 156 627 158 b 629 164 632 167 637 168 b 639 169 641 170 643 171 b 644 175 648 178 656 178 b 657 179 658 181 659 182 b 659 187 661 190 665 192 b 670 195 677 194 677 187 b 681 187 685 183 689 178 b 697 175 701 169 705 165 b 710 163 714 159 717 153 b 722 149 725 144 726 137 b 729 135 731 131 731 127 b 751 129 769 123 772 107 b 775 108 777 109 780 109 b 781 113 785 115 791 116 b 794 121 798 123 802 123 b 804 126 808 127 813 125 b 813 126 815 129 813 131 b 815 133 816 134 817 135 b 817 139 821 141 827 144 b 829 149 835 154 841 157 b 845 163 850 167 857 169 b 860 174 865 177 871 177 b 871 179 873 181 873 183 b 875 187 877 189 879 189 b 885 195 889 193 891 185 b 897 185 901 181 905 176 b 911 174 916 169 922 163 b 927 161 931 157 933 150 b 937 147 940 143 941 137 b 944 135 945 131 945 127 l 945 53 l 349 53 m 436 110 b 439 109 443 108 446 105 b 449 105 451 104 453 104 b 455 105 458 107 460 108 b 462 109 463 110 465 109 b 467 109 469 109 470 109 b 471 110 471 111 472 113 b 471 113 471 115 470 115 b 468 117 468 119 469 121 b 467 122 466 123 465 124 b 464 125 463 127 462 129 b 461 129 460 131 459 131 b 458 132 457 133 455 133 b 454 133 452 134 451 134 b 450 133 449 133 449 132 b 448 129 446 128 444 127 b 444 125 442 123 440 123 b 439 121 438 120 436 118 b 436 116 436 113 435 111 m 650 111 b 654 110 657 109 659 105 b 661 105 664 103 666 103 b 668 105 671 107 674 108 b 676 109 679 110 681 109 b 683 111 685 113 687 113 b 684 115 682 118 682 121 b 680 122 679 124 678 126 b 677 127 676 128 675 129 b 674 131 672 133 671 134 b 668 133 666 133 663 133 b 663 129 661 127 658 127 b 658 124 656 123 653 123 b 653 120 653 119 650 117 b 650 115 650 113 649 111 m 545 100 b 545 103 544 106 544 109 b 541 110 538 112 535 115 b 532 114 529 114 526 116 b 523 113 519 110 516 107 b 518 103 519 99 517 95 b 516 92 516 89 515 87 b 515 85 516 83 516 81 b 517 79 518 79 519 77 b 521 81 523 85 527 86 b 527 91 529 93 533 95 b 535 99 539 100 543 100 m 634 111 b 630 112 627 113 623 114 b 619 113 616 113 613 113 b 609 111 605 109 602 108 b 600 106 598 104 597 102 b 599 99 599 95 598 92 b 599 89 600 87 599 83 b 601 81 603 79 603 75 b 606 77 609 79 612 81 b 611 84 613 87 615 88 b 616 91 618 93 619 95 b 621 97 622 99 625 101 b 627 103 629 105 631 108 m 721 101 b 719 103 718 106 717 109 b 715 109 711 109 709 111 b 707 109 704 109 702 107 b 701 105 699 104 697 102 b 699 100 699 99 701 97 b 703 95 705 92 705 90 b 707 89 709 87 709 84 b 712 82 713 79 713 77 b 715 73 717 71 720 69 b 719 74 718 79 720 83 b 719 85 718 89 718 92 b 719 94 721 97 722 99 m 759 100 b 759 103 759 107 758 109 b 755 110 751 112 749 115 b 746 114 743 114 741 116 b 738 113 735 111 731 108 b 732 103 731 98 731 95 b 731 92 731 89 729 86 b 729 84 730 82 730 80 b 731 79 731 78 731 77 b 733 79 734 79 735 81 b 736 83 737 85 739 86 b 740 91 743 93 747 95 b 749 99 753 100 759 100 m 848 110 b 845 111 841 111 838 113 b 834 112 831 111 825 113 b 824 110 821 108 816 107 b 815 105 813 104 812 102 b 813 99 813 95 813 91 b 814 88 815 85 815 81 b 817 79 819 75 819 73 b 821 75 823 78 825 81 b 826 84 828 87 831 89 b 833 91 833 92 835 93 b 835 97 837 99 841 101 b 842 103 844 106 847 107)}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:00:03.27,0:00:06.56,Sign-Runes,,0,0,0,,{\pos(635.667,205.333)\c&H141f16&\fs26.6667\b1\blur1.44}PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN
Comment: 0,0:01:15.42,0:01:21.31,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(360,200)}itsuka kimi ga hitomi ni tomosu ai no hikari ga
Comment: 0,0:01:15.42,0:01:21.31,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(360,200)\pos(1249.33,456)}いつか君が瞳に灯す愛の光が
Comment: 0,0:01:15.42,0:01:21.31,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(360,200)}One day the light of love burning in your eyes
Comment: 0,0:01:21.31,0:01:23.25,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}toki wo koete
Comment: 0,0:01:21.31,0:01:23.25,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,231.333)}時を超えて
Comment: 0,0:01:21.31,0:01:23.25,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}will transcend time
Comment: 0,0:01:23.25,0:01:27.36,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}horobiisogu sekai no yume wo
Comment: 0,0:01:23.25,0:01:27.36,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,357.333)}滅び急ぐ世界の夢を
Comment: 0,0:01:23.25,0:01:27.36,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}and destroy one of this world's dreams
Comment: 0,0:01:27.36,0:01:30.95,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}tashika ni hitotsu kowasu darou
Comment: 0,0:01:27.36,0:01:30.95,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,373.333)}確かに一つ壊すだろう
Comment: 0,0:01:27.36,0:01:30.95,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}as it spirals toward the apocalypse
Comment: 0,0:01:30.95,0:01:33.61,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}tamerai wo nomihoshite
Comment: 0,0:01:30.95,0:01:33.61,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,344)}躊躇いを飲み干して
Comment: 0,0:01:30.95,0:01:33.61,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}What is it that you seek
Comment: 0,0:01:33.61,0:01:37.44,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}kimi ga nozomu mono wa nani?
Comment: 0,0:01:33.61,0:01:37.44,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,344)}君が望むモノは何?
Comment: 0,0:01:33.61,0:01:37.44,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}now that you're done hesitating?
Comment: 0,0:01:37.44,0:01:42.49,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}konna yokubukai akogare no yukue ni
Comment: 0,0:01:37.44,0:01:42.49,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,433.333)}こんな欲深い憧れの行方に
Comment: 0,0:01:37.44,0:01:42.49,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}Is there a glimpse of hope for tomorrow
Comment: 0,0:01:42.49,0:01:46.80,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,400)}hakanai ashita wa aru no?
Comment: 0,0:01:42.49,0:01:46.80,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,400)\pos(1249.33,346.667)}儚い明日はあるの?
Comment: 0,0:01:42.49,0:01:46.80,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,400)}beyond this greedy admiration?
Comment: 0,0:01:48.05,0:01:52.09,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(360,200)}kodomo no koro yume ni miteta
Comment: 0,0:01:48.05,0:01:52.09,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(360,200)\pos(1249.33,349.333)}子供の頃夢に見てた
Comment: 0,0:01:48.05,0:01:52.09,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(360,200)}I want to be armed with the power
Comment: 0,0:01:52.09,0:01:55.82,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}inishie no mahou no youni
Comment: 0,0:01:52.09,0:01:55.82,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,317.333)}古の魔法のように
Comment: 0,0:01:52.09,0:01:55.82,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}to shatter even the darkness in my hand,
Comment: 0,0:01:55.82,0:01:59.64,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}yami sae kudaku chikara de
Comment: 0,0:01:55.82,0:01:59.64,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,292)}闇さえ砕く力で
Comment: 0,0:01:55.82,0:01:59.64,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}just like the ancient magic in my childhood dreams,
Comment: 0,0:01:59.64,0:02:03.62,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}hohoemu kimi ni aitai
Comment: 0,0:01:59.64,0:02:03.62,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,341.333)}微笑む君に合いたい
Comment: 0,0:01:59.64,0:02:03.62,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}the next time I see your innocent smile.
Comment: 0,0:02:03.62,0:02:07.46,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}obieru kono te no naka ni wa
Comment: 0,0:02:03.62,0:02:07.46,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,376)}怯えるこの手の中には
Comment: 0,0:02:03.62,0:02:07.46,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}In my trembling hands I hold
Comment: 0,0:02:07.46,0:02:11.18,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}taorareta hana no yuuki
Comment: 0,0:02:07.46,0:02:11.18,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,354.667)}手折られた花の勇気
Comment: 0,0:02:07.46,0:02:11.18,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}the courage of a plucked flower
Comment: 0,0:02:11.18,0:02:15.09,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)}omoi dake ga tayoru subete
Comment: 0,0:02:11.18,0:02:15.09,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,200)\pos(1249.33,344)}想いだけが頼る全て
Comment: 0,0:02:11.18,0:02:15.09,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,200)}My feelings are all I can rely on;
Comment: 0,0:02:15.09,0:02:19.00,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,0)}hikari wo yobisamasu
Comment: 0,0:02:15.09,0:02:19.00,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(160,0)\pos(1249.33,292)}光を呼び覚ます
Comment: 0,0:02:15.09,0:02:19.00,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(160,0)}the prayer that awakens
Comment: 0,0:02:19.00,0:02:30.60,Insert-Magia-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(0,5000)}negai
Comment: 0,0:02:19.00,0:02:30.60,Insert-Magia-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\fad(0,5000)\pos(1249.33,134.667)}願い
Comment: 0,0:02:19.00,0:02:30.60,Insert-Magia-English,,0,0,0,,{\be3\blur0.72\pos(53.3333,69.3333)\fad(0,5000)}the light
Comment: 5,0:11:34.71,0:11:37.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,She's so cute and cool-looking!

Dialogue: 5,0:01:28.98,0:01:30.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,How awful!
Dialogue: 5,0:01:30.13,0:01:31.55,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It was inevitable.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:31.55,0:01:33.61,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It's too much for her to handle alone.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:33.61,0:01:36.32,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,She knew this prior to coming.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:40.63,0:01:43.91,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,But this is terrible! It shouldn't be happening!
Dialogue: 5,0:01:54.84,0:01:56.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It's all over if you give up.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:59.30,0:02:02.69,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,But you have the ability to change fate.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:07.18,0:02:10.14,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,This unavoidable destruction and sorrow...
Dialogue: 5,0:02:10.14,0:02:12.53,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You can change it all.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:12.53,0:02:15.69,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You have the power to do just that.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:18.27,0:02:19.57,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Can I really?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:24.72,0:02:27.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Can I do really something to stop all of this?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:28.87,0:02:31.01,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Can I really change this ending?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:31.01,0:02:32.32,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Of course you can!
Dialogue: 5,0:02:32.32,0:02:34.42,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,So make a contract with me...
Dialogue: 5,0:02:34.42,0:02:36.80,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,and become a magical girl!
Dialogue: 5,0:02:54.36,0:02:56.18,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Was it all {\i1}just a drea{\fsp2}m{\r}?{see comment on line 19}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.32,0:03:00.74,Opening-Connect-Romaji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,0)\blur2.52}{\k20}{\k18}ka{\k14}wa{\k19}shi{\k21}ta {\k49}ya{\k15}ku{\k18}so{\k33}ku {\k12}wa{\k26}su{\k31}re{\k27}na{\k9}i {\k35}yo
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.32,0:03:00.74,Opening-Connect-Kanji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(200,0)}{\k20}{\k18}交{\k14}わ{\k19}し{\k21}た{\k64}約{\k51}束{\k38}忘{\k31}れ{\k27}な{\k9}い{\k35}よ
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.32,0:03:00.74,Opening-Connect-English-blue,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(200,0)}I'll never forget the promises we exchanged
Dialogue: 0,0:03:00.74,0:03:03.20,Opening-Connect-Romaji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\k5}{\k72}me {\k14}wo {\k18}to{\k33}ji {\k12}ta{\k21}shi{\k20}ka{\k18}me{\k33}ru
Dialogue: 0,0:03:00.74,0:03:03.20,Opening-Connect-Kanji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\k5}{\k72}目{\k14}を{\k18}閉{\k33}じ{\k33}確{\k20}か{\k18}め{\k33}る
Dialogue: 0,0:03:00.74,0:03:03.20,Opening-Connect-English-blue,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52}I still see it when I close my eyes
Dialogue: 0,0:03:03.20,0:03:04.82,Opening-Connect-Romaji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\k13}o{\k22}shi{\k12}yo{\k40}se{\k18}{\k17}ta {\k17}ya{\k23}mi
Dialogue: 0,0:03:03.20,0:03:04.82,Opening-Connect-Kanji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\k13}押{\k22}し{\k12}寄{\k40}せ{\k18}{\k17}た{\k40}闇
Dialogue: 0,0:03:03.20,0:03:04.82,Opening-Connect-English-blue,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52}I'll move forward as I cast off
Dialogue: 0,0:03:04.82,0:03:08.70,Opening-Connect-Romaji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}{\k28}fu{\k15}ri{\k33}ha{\k28}ra{\k11}t{\k25}te{\k106}su{\k22}su{\k17}mu {\k89}yo
Dialogue: 0,0:03:04.82,0:03:08.70,Opening-Connect-Kanji-blueAlt,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}{\k28}振{\k15}り{\k61}払{\k11}っ{\k25}て{\k128}進{\k17}む{\k89}よ
Dialogue: 0,0:03:04.82,0:03:08.70,Opening-Connect-English-blue,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}this darkness engulfing me
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.50,0:03:10.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(839.917,157.25)\alpha&HF4&\fscx2751.06\fscy2751.06\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.50,0:03:10.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1084.75,159.667)\alpha&HF4&\fscx2241.6\fscy2241.6\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.54,0:03:10.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(839.583,157.5)\alpha&HE8&\fscx2746.82\fscy2746.82\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.54,0:03:10.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1084.08,159.917)\alpha&HE8&\fscx2238.13\fscy2238.13\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.58,0:03:10.62,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(839.333,157.667)\alpha&HD5&\fscx2742.55\fscy2742.55\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.58,0:03:10.62,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1083.42,160.083)\alpha&HD5&\fscx2234.67\fscy2234.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.62,0:03:10.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(839,157.917)\alpha&HC1&\fscx2738.29\fscy2738.29\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.62,0:03:10.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1082.67,160.333)\alpha&HC1&\fscx2231.2\fscy2231.2\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.67,0:03:10.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(838.667,158.167)\alpha&HAE&\fscx2734.05\fscy2734.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.67,0:03:10.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1082,160.583)\alpha&HAE&\fscx2227.74\fscy2227.74\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.71,0:03:10.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(838.333,158.333)\alpha&H9B&\fscx2729.78\fscy2729.78\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.71,0:03:10.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1081.33,160.75)\alpha&H9B&\fscx2224.27\fscy2224.27\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.75,0:03:10.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(838.083,158.583)\alpha&H87&\fscx2725.54\fscy2725.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.75,0:03:10.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1080.58,161)\alpha&H87&\fscx2220.81\fscy2220.81\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.79,0:03:10.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(837.75,158.75)\alpha&H74&\fscx2721.28\fscy2721.28\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.79,0:03:10.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1079.92,161.25)\alpha&H74&\fscx2217.34\fscy2217.34\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.83,0:03:10.87,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(837.417,159)\alpha&H60&\fscx2717.01\fscy2717.01\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.83,0:03:10.87,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1079.25,161.417)\alpha&H60&\fscx2213.86\fscy2213.86\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.87,0:03:10.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(837.083,159.25)\alpha&H4D&\fscx2712.77\fscy2712.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.87,0:03:10.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1078.5,161.667)\alpha&H4D&\fscx2210.41\fscy2210.41\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.92,0:03:10.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(836.767,159.417)\alpha&H3A&\fscx2708.51\fscy2708.51\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.92,0:03:10.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1077.83,161.833)\alpha&H3A&\fscx2206.93\fscy2206.93\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.96,0:03:11.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(836.5,159.667)\alpha&H26&\fscx2704.27\fscy2704.27\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:10.96,0:03:11.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1077.17,162.083)\alpha&H26&\fscx2203.48\fscy2203.48\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.00,0:03:11.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(836.167,159.917)\alpha&H13&\fscx2700\fscy2700\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.00,0:03:11.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1076.5,162.333)\alpha&H13&\fscx2200\fscy2200\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.04,0:03:11.08,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(835.833,160.083)\fscx2695.75\fscy2695.75\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.04,0:03:11.08,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1075.75,162.5)\fscx2196.53\fscy2196.53\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.08,0:03:11.12,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(835.5,160.333)\fscx2691.49\fscy2691.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.08,0:03:11.12,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1075.08,162.75)\fscx2193.07\fscy2193.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.12,0:03:11.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(835.25,160.583)\fscx2687.16\fscy2687.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.12,0:03:11.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1074.33,163)\fscx2189.54\fscy2189.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.17,0:03:11.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(834.917,160.833)\fscx2682.88\fscy2682.88\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.17,0:03:11.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1073.67,163.25)\fscx2186.05\fscy2186.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.21,0:03:11.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(834.583,161)\fscx2678.59\fscy2678.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.21,0:03:11.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1073,163.417)\fscx2182.55\fscy2182.55\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.25,0:03:11.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(834.25,161.25)\fscx2674.34\fscy2674.34\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.25,0:03:11.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1072.25,163.667)\fscx2179.09\fscy2179.09\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.29,0:03:11.33,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(833.917,161.5)\fscx2669.98\fscy2669.98\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.29,0:03:11.33,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1071.58,163.917)\fscx2175.54\fscy2175.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.33,0:03:11.37,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(833.583,161.667)\fscx2665.67\fscy2665.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.33,0:03:11.37,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1070.83,164.083)\fscx2172.03\fscy2172.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.37,0:03:11.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(833.333,161.917)\fscx2661.45\fscy2661.45\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.37,0:03:11.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1070.17,164.333)\fscx2168.59\fscy2168.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.42,0:03:11.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(833,162.167)\fscx2657.04\fscy2657.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.42,0:03:11.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1069.42,164.583)\fscx2165\fscy2165\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.46,0:03:11.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(832.667,162.417)\fscx2652.74\fscy2652.74\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.46,0:03:11.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1068.75,164.75)\fscx2161.5\fscy2161.5\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.50,0:03:11.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(832.333,162.583)\fscx2648.49\fscy2648.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.50,0:03:11.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1068.08,165)\fscx2158.03\fscy2158.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.54,0:03:11.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(832,162.833)\fscx2644.2\fscy2644.2\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.54,0:03:11.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1067.33,165.25)\fscx2154.54\fscy2154.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.58,0:03:11.62,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(831.75,163.083)\fscx2639.91\fscy2639.91\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.58,0:03:11.62,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1066.67,165.417)\fscx2151.04\fscy2151.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.62,0:03:11.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(831.417,163.25)\fscx2635.59\fscy2635.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.62,0:03:11.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1065.92,165.667)\fscx2147.51\fscy2147.51\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.67,0:03:11.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(831.083,163.5)\fscx2631.33\fscy2631.33\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.67,0:03:11.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1065.25,165.833)\fscx2144.05\fscy2144.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.71,0:03:11.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(830.75,163.75)\fscx2627.06\fscy2627.06\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.71,0:03:11.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1064.58,166.083)\fscx2140.56\fscy2140.56\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.75,0:03:11.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(830.417,163.917)\fscx2622.79\fscy2622.79\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.75,0:03:11.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1063.83,166.333)\fscx2137.09\fscy2137.09\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.79,0:03:11.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(830.083,164.167)\fscx2618.46\fscy2618.46\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.79,0:03:11.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1063.17,166.5)\fscx2133.56\fscy2133.56\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.83,0:03:11.87,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(829.833,164.417)\fscx2614.19\fscy2614.19\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.83,0:03:11.87,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1062.5,166.75)\fscx2130.08\fscy2130.08\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.87,0:03:11.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(829.5,164.583)\fscx2609.88\fscy2609.88\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.87,0:03:11.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1061.75,167)\fscx2126.57\fscy2126.57\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.92,0:03:11.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(829.167,164.833)\fscx2605.59\fscy2605.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.92,0:03:11.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1061.08,167.167)\fscx2123.07\fscy2123.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.96,0:03:12.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(828.833,165.083)\fscx2601.28\fscy2601.28\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:11.96,0:03:12.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1060.33,167.417)\fscx2119.56\fscy2119.56\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.00,0:03:12.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(828.5,165.333)\fscx2596.99\fscy2596.99\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.00,0:03:12.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1059.67,167.667)\fscx2116.07\fscy2116.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.04,0:03:12.08,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(828.25,165.5)\fscx2592.67\fscy2592.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.04,0:03:12.08,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1059,167.833)\fscx2112.54\fscy2112.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.08,0:03:12.12,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(827.917,165.75)\fscx2588.38\fscy2588.38\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.08,0:03:12.12,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1058.25,168.083)\fscx2109.05\fscy2109.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.12,0:03:12.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(827.583,166)\fscx2584.07\fscy2584.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.12,0:03:12.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1057.58,168.333)\fscx2105.54\fscy2105.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.17,0:03:12.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(827.25,166.167)\fscx2579.77\fscy2579.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.17,0:03:12.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1056.83,168.5)\fscx2102.04\fscy2102.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.21,0:03:12.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(826.917,166.417)\fscx2575.42\fscy2575.42\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.21,0:03:12.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1056.17,168.75)\fscx2098.49\fscy2098.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.25,0:03:12.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(826.583,166.667)\fscx2571.18\fscy2571.18\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.25,0:03:12.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1055.42,169)\fscx2095.04\fscy2095.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.29,0:03:12.33,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(826.333,166.917)\fscx2566.86\fscy2566.86\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.29,0:03:12.33,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1054.75,169.25)\fscx2091.51\fscy2091.51\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.33,0:03:12.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(826,167.083)\fscx2562.54\fscy2562.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.33,0:03:12.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1054,169.417)\fscx2088\fscy2088\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.38,0:03:12.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(825.667,167.333)\fscx2558.27\fscy2558.27\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.38,0:03:12.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1053.33,169.667)\fscx2084.52\fscy2084.52\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.42,0:03:12.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(825.333,167.583)\fscx2553.99\fscy2553.99\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.42,0:03:12.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1052.67,169.833)\fscx2081.03\fscy2081.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.46,0:03:12.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(825,167.75)\fscx2549.65\fscy2549.65\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.46,0:03:12.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1051.92,170.083)\fscx2077.49\fscy2077.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.50,0:03:12.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(824.667,168)\fscx2545.36\fscy2545.36\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.50,0:03:12.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1051.25,170.333)\fscx2073.99\fscy2073.99\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.54,0:03:12.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(824.417,168.25)\fscx2541.02\fscy2541.02\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.54,0:03:12.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1050.5,170.5)\fscx2070.46\fscy2070.46\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.58,0:03:12.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(824.083,168.417)\fscx2536.69\fscy2536.69\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.58,0:03:12.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1049.83,170.75)\fscx2066.93\fscy2066.93\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.63,0:03:12.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(823.75,168.667)\fscx2532.42\fscy2532.42\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.63,0:03:12.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1049.08,171)\fscx2063.45\fscy2063.45\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.67,0:03:12.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(823.417,168.917)\fscx2528.08\fscy2528.08\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.67,0:03:12.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1048.42,171.167)\fscx2059.92\fscy2059.92\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.71,0:03:12.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(823.083,169.083)\fscx2523.8\fscy2523.8\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.71,0:03:12.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1047.75,171.417)\fscx2056.43\fscy2056.43\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.75,0:03:12.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(822.75,169.333)\fscx2519.45\fscy2519.45\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.75,0:03:12.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1047,171.667)\fscx2052.88\fscy2052.88\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.79,0:03:12.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(822.417,169.583)\fscx2515.16\fscy2515.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.79,0:03:12.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1046.33,171.833)\fscx2049.39\fscy2049.39\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.83,0:03:12.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(822.167,169.833)\fscx2510.86\fscy2510.86\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.83,0:03:12.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1045.58,172.083)\fscx2045.89\fscy2045.89\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.88,0:03:12.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(821.833,170)\fscx2506.55\fscy2506.55\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.88,0:03:12.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1044.92,172.25)\fscx2042.37\fscy2042.37\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.92,0:03:12.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(821.5,170.25)\fscx2502.24\fscy2502.24\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.92,0:03:12.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1044.17,172.5)\fscx2038.86\fscy2038.86\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.96,0:03:13.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(821.167,170.5)\fscx2497.93\fscy2497.93\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.96,0:03:13.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1043.5,172.75)\fscx2035.35\fscy2035.35\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.00,0:03:13.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(820.833,170.667)\fscx2493.62\fscy2493.62\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.00,0:03:13.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1042.83,172.917)\fscx2031.84\fscy2031.84\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.04,0:03:13.08,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(820.583,170.917)\fscx2489.32\fscy2489.32\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.04,0:03:13.08,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1042.08,173.167)\fscx2028.33\fscy2028.33\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.08,0:03:13.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(820.25,171.167)\fscx2485.01\fscy2485.01\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.08,0:03:13.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1041.42,173.417)\fscx2024.82\fscy2024.82\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.13,0:03:13.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(819.917,171.333)\fscx2480.7\fscy2480.7\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.13,0:03:13.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1040.67,173.583)\fscx2021.31\fscy2021.31\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.17,0:03:13.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(819.583,171.583)\fscx2476.39\fscy2476.39\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.17,0:03:13.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1040,173.833)\fscx2017.8\fscy2017.8\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.21,0:03:13.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(819.25,171.833)\fscx2472.08\fscy2472.08\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.21,0:03:13.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1039.25,174.083)\fscx2014.29\fscy2014.29\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.25,0:03:13.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(819,172)\fscx2467.77\fscy2467.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.25,0:03:13.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1038.58,174.25)\fscx2010.78\fscy2010.78\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.29,0:03:13.33,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(818.667,172.25)\fscx2463.46\fscy2463.46\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.29,0:03:13.33,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1037.92,174.5)\fscx2007.27\fscy2007.27\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.33,0:03:13.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(818.333,172.5)\fscx2459.16\fscy2459.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.33,0:03:13.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1037.17,174.75)\fscx2003.76\fscy2003.76\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.38,0:03:13.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(818,172.667)\fscx2454.84\fscy2454.84\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.38,0:03:13.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1036.5,174.917)\fscx2000.24\fscy2000.24\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.42,0:03:13.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(817.667,172.917)\fscx2450.54\fscy2450.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.42,0:03:13.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1035.75,175.167)\fscx1996.73\fscy1996.73\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.46,0:03:13.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(817.333,173.167)\fscx2446.23\fscy2446.23\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.46,0:03:13.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1035.08,175.417)\fscx1993.22\fscy1993.22\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.50,0:03:13.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(817.083,173.333)\fscx2441.92\fscy2441.92\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.50,0:03:13.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1034.33,175.583)\fscx1989.71\fscy1989.71\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.54,0:03:13.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(816.75,173.583)\fscx2437.61\fscy2437.61\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.54,0:03:13.58,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1033.67,175.833)\fscx1986.2\fscy1986.2\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.58,0:03:13.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(816.417,173.833)\fscx2433.3\fscy2433.3\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.58,0:03:13.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1033,176)\fscx1982.69\fscy1982.69\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.63,0:03:13.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(816.083,174)\fscx2428.99\fscy2428.99\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.63,0:03:13.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1032.25,176.25)\fscx1979.18\fscy1979.18\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.67,0:03:13.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(815.75,174.25)\fscx2424.69\fscy2424.69\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.67,0:03:13.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1031.58,176.5)\fscx1975.67\fscy1975.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.71,0:03:13.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(815.5,174.5)\fscx2420.37\fscy2420.37\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.71,0:03:13.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1030.83,176.667)\fscx1972.16\fscy1972.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.75,0:03:13.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(815.167,174.667)\fscx2416.06\fscy2416.06\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.75,0:03:13.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1030.17,176.917)\fscx1968.65\fscy1968.65\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.79,0:03:13.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(814.833,174.917)\fscx2411.76\fscy2411.76\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.79,0:03:13.83,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1029.5,177.167)\fscx1965.14\fscy1965.14\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.83,0:03:13.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(814.5,175.167)\fscx2407.45\fscy2407.45\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.83,0:03:13.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1028.75,177.333)\fscx1961.62\fscy1961.62\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.88,0:03:13.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(814.167,175.333)\fscx2403.14\fscy2403.14\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.88,0:03:13.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1028.08,177.583)\fscx1958.11\fscy1958.11\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.92,0:03:13.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(813.833,175.583)\fscx2398.83\fscy2398.83\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.92,0:03:13.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1027.33,177.833)\fscx1954.61\fscy1954.61\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.96,0:03:14.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(813.583,175.833)\fscx2394.52\fscy2394.52\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.96,0:03:14.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1026.67,178)\fscx1951.09\fscy1951.09\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.00,0:03:14.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(813.25,176)\fscx2390.21\fscy2390.21\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.00,0:03:14.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1025.92,178.25)\fscx1947.58\fscy1947.58\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.04,0:03:14.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(812.917,176.25)\fscx2385.9\fscy2385.9\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.04,0:03:14.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1025.25,178.5)\fscx1944.07\fscy1944.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.09,0:03:14.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(812.583,176.5)\fscx2381.59\fscy2381.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.09,0:03:14.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1024.58,178.667)\fscx1940.56\fscy1940.56\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.13,0:03:14.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(812.25,176.667)\fscx2377.29\fscy2377.29\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.13,0:03:14.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1023.83,178.917)\fscx1937.05\fscy1937.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.17,0:03:14.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(812,176.917)\fscx2372.98\fscy2372.98\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.17,0:03:14.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1023.17,179.167)\fscx1933.54\fscy1933.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.21,0:03:14.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(811.667,177.167)\fscx2368.67\fscy2368.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.21,0:03:14.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1022.42,179.333)\fscx1930.03\fscy1930.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.25,0:03:14.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(811.333,177.333)\fscx2364.36\fscy2364.36\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.25,0:03:14.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1021.75,179.583)\fscx1926.52\fscy1926.52\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.29,0:03:14.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(811,177.583)\fscx2360.05\fscy2360.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.29,0:03:14.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1021,179.75)\fscx1923.01\fscy1923.01\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.34,0:03:14.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(810.667,177.833)\fscx2355.74\fscy2355.74\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.34,0:03:14.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1020.33,180)\fscx1919.49\fscy1919.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.38,0:03:14.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(810.333,178)\fscx2351.43\fscy2351.43\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.38,0:03:14.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1019.67,180.25)\fscx1915.98\fscy1915.98\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.42,0:03:14.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(810.083,178.25)\fscx2347.12\fscy2347.12\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.42,0:03:14.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1018.92,180.417)\fscx1912.47\fscy1912.47\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.46,0:03:14.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(809.75,178.5)\fscx2342.82\fscy2342.82\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.46,0:03:14.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1018.25,180.667)\fscx1908.96\fscy1908.96\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.50,0:03:14.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(809.417,178.667)\fscx2338.51\fscy2338.51\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.50,0:03:14.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1017.5,180.917)\fscx1905.45\fscy1905.45\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.54,0:03:14.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(809.083,178.917)\fscx2334.2\fscy2334.2\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.54,0:03:14.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1016.83,181.083)\fscx1901.94\fscy1901.94\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.59,0:03:14.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(808.75,179.167)\fscx2329.89\fscy2329.89\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.59,0:03:14.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1016.17,181.333)\fscx1898.43\fscy1898.43\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.63,0:03:14.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(808.417,179.333)\fscx2325.58\fscy2325.58\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.63,0:03:14.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1015.42,181.583)\fscx1894.92\fscy1894.92\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.67,0:03:14.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(808.167,179.583)\fscx2321.27\fscy2321.27\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.67,0:03:14.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1014.75,181.75)\fscx1891.41\fscy1891.41\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.71,0:03:14.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(807.833,179.833)\fscx2316.97\fscy2316.97\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.71,0:03:14.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1014,182)\fscx1887.9\fscy1887.9\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.75,0:03:14.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(807.5,180)\fscx2312.66\fscy2312.66\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.75,0:03:14.79,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1013.33,182.25)\fscx1884.39\fscy1884.39\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.79,0:03:14.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(807.167,180.25)\fscx2308.35\fscy2308.35\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.79,0:03:14.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1012.58,182.417)\fscx1880.88\fscy1880.88\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.84,0:03:14.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(806.833,180.5)\fscx2304.04\fscy2304.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.84,0:03:14.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1011.92,182.667)\fscx1877.37\fscy1877.37\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.88,0:03:14.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(806.583,180.667)\fscx2299.73\fscy2299.73\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.88,0:03:14.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1011.25,182.917)\fscx1873.85\fscy1873.85\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.92,0:03:14.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(806.25,180.917)\fscx2295.42\fscy2295.42\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.92,0:03:14.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1010.5,183.083)\fscx1870.34\fscy1870.34\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.96,0:03:15.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(805.917,181.167)\fscx2291.11\fscy2291.11\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.96,0:03:15.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1009.83,183.333)\fscx1866.83\fscy1866.83\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.00,0:03:15.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(805.583,181.333)\fscx2286.8\fscy2286.8\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.00,0:03:15.04,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1009.08,183.5)\fscx1863.32\fscy1863.32\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.04,0:03:15.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(805.25,181.583)\fscx2282.5\fscy2282.5\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.04,0:03:15.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1008.42,183.75)\fscx1859.81\fscy1859.81\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.09,0:03:15.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(804.917,181.833)\fscx2278.19\fscy2278.19\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.09,0:03:15.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1007.67,184)\fscx1856.3\fscy1856.3\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.13,0:03:15.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(804.667,182)\fscx2273.88\fscy2273.88\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.13,0:03:15.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1007,184.167)\fscx1852.79\fscy1852.79\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.17,0:03:15.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(804.333,182.25)\fscx2269.57\fscy2269.57\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.17,0:03:15.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1006.33,184.417)\fscx1849.28\fscy1849.28\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.21,0:03:15.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(804,182.5)\fscx2265.26\fscy2265.26\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.21,0:03:15.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1005.58,184.667)\fscx1845.77\fscy1845.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.25,0:03:15.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(803.667,182.667)\fscx2260.95\fscy2260.95\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.25,0:03:15.29,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1004.92,184.833)\fscx1842.26\fscy1842.26\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.29,0:03:15.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(803.333,182.917)\fscx2256.64\fscy2256.64\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.29,0:03:15.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1004.17,185.083)\fscx1838.74\fscy1838.74\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.34,0:03:15.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(803,183.167)\fscx2252.34\fscy2252.34\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.34,0:03:15.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1003.5,185.333)\fscx1835.23\fscy1835.23\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.38,0:03:15.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(802.75,183.333)\fscx2248.03\fscy2248.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.38,0:03:15.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1002.83,185.5)\fscx1831.72\fscy1831.72\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.42,0:03:15.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(802.417,183.583)\fscx2243.72\fscy2243.72\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.42,0:03:15.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1002.08,185.75)\fscx1828.21\fscy1828.21\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.46,0:03:15.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(802.083,183.833)\fscx2239.41\fscy2239.41\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.46,0:03:15.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1001.42,185.917)\fscx1824.7\fscy1824.7\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.50,0:03:15.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(801.75,184)\fscx2235.1\fscy2235.1\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.50,0:03:15.54,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1000.67,186.167)\fscx1821.19\fscy1821.19\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.54,0:03:15.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(801.417,184.25)\fscx2230.79\fscy2230.79\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.54,0:03:15.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1000,186.417)\fscx1817.68\fscy1817.68\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.59,0:03:15.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(801.167,184.5)\fscx2226.48\fscy2226.48\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.59,0:03:15.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(999.25,186.583)\fscx1814.17\fscy1814.17\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.63,0:03:15.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(800.833,184.667)\fscx2222.17\fscy2222.17\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.63,0:03:15.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(998.583,186.833)\fscx1810.66\fscy1810.66\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.67,0:03:15.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(800.5,184.917)\fscx2217.86\fscy2217.86\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.67,0:03:15.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(997.833,187.083)\fscx1807.15\fscy1807.15\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.71,0:03:15.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(800.167,185.167)\fscx2213.55\fscy2213.55\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.71,0:03:15.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(997.167,187.25)\fscx1803.64\fscy1803.64\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.75,0:03:15.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(799.833,185.333)\fscx2209.24\fscy2209.24\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.75,0:03:15.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(996.5,187.5)\fscx1800.13\fscy1800.13\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.80,0:03:15.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(799.5,185.583)\fscx2204.94\fscy2204.94\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.80,0:03:15.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(995.75,187.75)\fscx1796.62\fscy1796.62\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.84,0:03:15.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(799.25,185.833)\fscx2200.63\fscy2200.63\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.84,0:03:15.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(995.083,187.917)\fscx1793.11\fscy1793.11\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.88,0:03:15.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(798.917,186)\fscx2196.32\fscy2196.32\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.88,0:03:15.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(994.333,188.167)\fscx1789.6\fscy1789.6\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.92,0:03:15.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(798.583,186.25)\fscx2192.01\fscy2192.01\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.92,0:03:15.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(993.667,188.417)\fscx1786.08\fscy1786.08\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.96,0:03:16.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(798.25,186.5)\fscx2187.7\fscy2187.7\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:15.96,0:03:16.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(993,188.583)\fscx1782.57\fscy1782.57\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.00,0:03:16.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(797.917,186.667)\fscx2183.39\fscy2183.39\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.00,0:03:16.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(992.25,188.833)\fscx1779.06\fscy1779.06\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.05,0:03:16.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(797.667,186.917)\fscx2179.08\fscy2179.08\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.05,0:03:16.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(991.583,189)\fscx1775.55\fscy1775.55\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.09,0:03:16.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(797.333,187.167)\fscx2174.77\fscy2174.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.09,0:03:16.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(990.833,189.25)\fscx1772.04\fscy1772.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.13,0:03:16.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(797,187.333)\fscx2170.47\fscy2170.47\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.13,0:03:16.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(990.167,189.5)\fscx1768.53\fscy1768.53\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.17,0:03:16.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(796.667,187.583)\fscx2166.16\fscy2166.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.17,0:03:16.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(989.417,189.667)\fscx1765.02\fscy1765.02\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.21,0:03:16.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(796.333,187.833)\fscx2161.85\fscy2161.85\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.21,0:03:16.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(988.75,189.917)\fscx1761.51\fscy1761.51\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.25,0:03:16.30,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(796,188)\fscx2157.54\fscy2157.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.25,0:03:16.30,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(988.083,190.167)\fscx1758\fscy1758\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.30,0:03:16.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(795.75,188.25)\fscx2153.23\fscy2153.23\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.30,0:03:16.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(987.333,190.333)\fscx1754.49\fscy1754.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.34,0:03:16.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(795.417,188.5)\fscx2148.93\fscy2148.93\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.34,0:03:16.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(986.667,190.583)\fscx1750.98\fscy1750.98\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.38,0:03:16.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(795.083,188.667)\fscx2144.61\fscy2144.61\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.38,0:03:16.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(985.917,190.833)\fscx1747.46\fscy1747.46\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.42,0:03:16.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(794.75,188.917)\fscx2140.31\fscy2140.31\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.42,0:03:16.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(985.25,191)\fscx1743.95\fscy1743.95\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.46,0:03:16.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(794.417,189.167)\fscx2136\fscy2136\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.46,0:03:16.50,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(984.5,191.25)\fscx1740.44\fscy1740.44\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.50,0:03:16.55,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(794.083,189.333)\fscx2131.69\fscy2131.69\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.50,0:03:16.55,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(983.833,191.417)\fscx1736.93\fscy1736.93\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.55,0:03:16.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(793.833,189.583)\fscx2127.38\fscy2127.38\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.55,0:03:16.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(983.167,191.667)\fscx1733.42\fscy1733.42\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.59,0:03:16.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(793.5,189.833)\fscx2123.07\fscy2123.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.59,0:03:16.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(982.417,191.917)\fscx1729.91\fscy1729.91\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.63,0:03:16.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(793.167,190)\fscx2118.77\fscy2118.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.63,0:03:16.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(981.75,192.083)\fscx1726.4\fscy1726.4\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.67,0:03:16.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(792.833,190.25)\fscx2114.45\fscy2114.45\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.67,0:03:16.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(981,192.333)\fscx1722.89\fscy1722.89\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.71,0:03:16.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(792.5,190.5)\fscx2110.14\fscy2110.14\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.71,0:03:16.75,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(980.333,192.583)\fscx1719.38\fscy1719.38\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.75,0:03:16.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(792.167,190.667)\fscx2105.84\fscy2105.84\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.75,0:03:16.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(979.583,192.75)\fscx1715.87\fscy1715.87\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.80,0:03:16.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(791.917,190.917)\fscx2101.53\fscy2101.53\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.80,0:03:16.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(978.917,193)\fscx1712.36\fscy1712.36\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.84,0:03:16.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(791.583,191.167)\fscx2097.22\fscy2097.22\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.84,0:03:16.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(978.25,193.25)\fscx1708.84\fscy1708.84\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.88,0:03:16.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(791.25,191.333)\fscx2092.91\fscy2092.91\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.88,0:03:16.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(977.5,193.417)\fscx1705.33\fscy1705.33\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.92,0:03:16.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(790.917,191.583)\fscx2088.6\fscy2088.6\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.92,0:03:16.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(976.833,193.667)\fscx1701.82\fscy1701.82\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.96,0:03:17.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(790.583,191.833)\fscx2084.29\fscy2084.29\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.96,0:03:17.00,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(976.083,193.833)\fscx1698.31\fscy1698.31\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.00,0:03:17.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(790.333,192)\fscx2079.98\fscy2079.98\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.00,0:03:17.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(975.417,194.083)\fscx1694.8\fscy1694.8\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.05,0:03:17.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(790,192.25)\fscx2075.67\fscy2075.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.05,0:03:17.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(974.667,194.333)\fscx1691.29\fscy1691.29\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.09,0:03:17.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(789.667,192.5)\fscx2071.36\fscy2071.36\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.09,0:03:17.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(974,194.5)\fscx1687.78\fscy1687.78\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.13,0:03:17.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(789.333,192.667)\fscx2067.06\fscy2067.06\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.13,0:03:17.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(973.333,194.75)\fscx1684.27\fscy1684.27\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.17,0:03:17.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(789,192.917)\fscx2062.75\fscy2062.75\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.17,0:03:17.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(972.583,195)\fscx1680.76\fscy1680.76\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.21,0:03:17.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(788.667,193.167)\fscx2058.44\fscy2058.44\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.21,0:03:17.25,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(971.917,195.167)\fscx1677.25\fscy1677.25\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.25,0:03:17.30,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(788.417,193.333)\fscx2054.13\fscy2054.13\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.25,0:03:17.30,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(971.167,195.417)\fscx1673.74\fscy1673.74\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.30,0:03:17.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(788.083,193.583)\fscx2049.82\fscy2049.82\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.30,0:03:17.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(970.5,195.667)\fscx1670.23\fscy1670.23\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.34,0:03:17.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(787.75,193.833)\fscx2045.52\fscy2045.52\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.34,0:03:17.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(969.75,195.833)\fscx1666.71\fscy1666.71\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.38,0:03:17.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(787.417,194)\fscx2041.2\fscy2041.2\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.38,0:03:17.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(969.083,196.083)\fscx1663.2\fscy1663.2\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.42,0:03:17.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(787.083,194.25)\fscx2036.9\fscy2036.9\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.42,0:03:17.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(968.417,196.25)\fscx1659.69\fscy1659.69\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.46,0:03:17.51,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(786.75,194.5)\fscx2032.59\fscy2032.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.46,0:03:17.51,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(967.667,196.5)\fscx1656.18\fscy1656.18\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.51,0:03:17.55,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(786.5,194.667)\fscx2028.28\fscy2028.28\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.51,0:03:17.55,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(967,196.75)\fscx1652.67\fscy1652.67\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.55,0:03:17.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(786.167,194.917)\fscx2023.97\fscy2023.97\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.55,0:03:17.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(966.25,196.917)\fscx1649.16\fscy1649.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.59,0:03:17.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(785.833,195.167)\fscx2019.66\fscy2019.66\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.59,0:03:17.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(965.583,197.167)\fscx1645.65\fscy1645.65\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.63,0:03:17.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(785.5,195.333)\fscx2015.35\fscy2015.35\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.63,0:03:17.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(964.833,197.417)\fscx1642.14\fscy1642.14\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.67,0:03:17.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(785.167,195.583)\fscx2011.04\fscy2011.04\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.67,0:03:17.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(964.167,197.583)\fscx1638.63\fscy1638.63\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.71,0:03:17.76,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(784.833,195.833)\fscx2006.73\fscy2006.73\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.71,0:03:17.76,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(963.5,197.833)\fscx1635.12\fscy1635.12\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.76,0:03:17.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(784.583,196)\fscx2002.43\fscy2002.43\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.76,0:03:17.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(962.75,198)\fscx1631.61\fscy1631.61\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.80,0:03:17.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(784.25,196.25)\fscx1998.12\fscy1998.12\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.80,0:03:17.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(962.083,198.25)\fscx1628.1\fscy1628.1\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.84,0:03:17.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(783.917,196.5)\fscx1993.81\fscy1993.81\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.84,0:03:17.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(961.333,198.5)\fscx1624.59\fscy1624.59\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.88,0:03:17.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(783.583,196.667)\fscx1989.5\fscy1989.5\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.88,0:03:17.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(960.667,198.667)\fscx1621.07\fscy1621.07\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.92,0:03:17.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(783.25,196.917)\fscx1985.19\fscy1985.19\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.92,0:03:17.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(959.917,198.917)\fscx1617.56\fscy1617.56\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.96,0:03:18.01,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(783,197.167)\fscx1980.89\fscy1980.89\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.96,0:03:18.01,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(959.25,199.167)\fscx1614.05\fscy1614.05\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.01,0:03:18.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(782.667,197.333)\fscx1976.57\fscy1976.57\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.01,0:03:18.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(958.583,199.333)\fscx1610.54\fscy1610.54\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.05,0:03:18.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(782.333,197.583)\fscx1972.26\fscy1972.26\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.05,0:03:18.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(957.833,199.583)\fscx1607.03\fscy1607.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.09,0:03:18.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(782,197.833)\fscx1967.96\fscy1967.96\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.09,0:03:18.13,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(957.167,199.833)\fscx1603.52\fscy1603.52\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.13,0:03:18.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(781.667,198)\fscx1963.65\fscy1963.65\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.13,0:03:18.17,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(956.417,200)\fscx1600.01\fscy1600.01\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.17,0:03:18.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(781.333,198.25)\fscx1959.34\fscy1959.34\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.17,0:03:18.21,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(955.75,200.25)\fscx1596.5\fscy1596.5\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.21,0:03:18.26,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(781.083,198.5)\fscx1955.03\fscy1955.03\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.21,0:03:18.26,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(955,200.417)\fscx1592.99\fscy1592.99\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.26,0:03:18.30,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(780.75,198.667)\fscx1950.73\fscy1950.73\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.26,0:03:18.30,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(954.333,200.667)\fscx1589.48\fscy1589.48\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.30,0:03:18.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(780.417,198.917)\fscx1946.41\fscy1946.41\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.30,0:03:18.34,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(953.667,200.917)\fscx1585.97\fscy1585.97\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.34,0:03:18.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(780.083,199.167)\fscx1942.11\fscy1942.11\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.34,0:03:18.38,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(952.917,201.083)\fscx1582.46\fscy1582.46\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.38,0:03:18.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(779.75,199.333)\fscx1937.8\fscy1937.8\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.38,0:03:18.42,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(952.25,201.333)\fscx1578.94\fscy1578.94\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.42,0:03:18.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(779.417,199.583)\fscx1933.49\fscy1933.49\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.42,0:03:18.46,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(951.5,201.583)\fscx1575.43\fscy1575.43\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.46,0:03:18.51,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(779.167,199.833)\fscx1929.18\fscy1929.18\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.46,0:03:18.51,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(950.833,201.75)\fscx1571.92\fscy1571.92\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.51,0:03:18.55,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(778.833,200)\fscx1924.87\fscy1924.87\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.51,0:03:18.55,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(950.083,202)\fscx1568.41\fscy1568.41\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.55,0:03:18.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(778.5,200.25)\fscx1920.56\fscy1920.56\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.55,0:03:18.59,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(949.417,202.167)\fscx1564.9\fscy1564.9\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.59,0:03:18.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(778.167,200.5)\fscx1916.25\fscy1916.25\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.59,0:03:18.63,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(948.75,202.417)\fscx1561.39\fscy1561.39\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.63,0:03:18.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(777.833,200.667)\fscx1911.94\fscy1911.94\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.63,0:03:18.67,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(948,202.667)\fscx1557.88\fscy1557.88\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.67,0:03:18.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(777.5,200.917)\fscx1907.63\fscy1907.63\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.67,0:03:18.71,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(947.333,202.833)\fscx1554.37\fscy1554.37\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.71,0:03:18.76,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(777.25,201.167)\fscx1903.32\fscy1903.32\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.71,0:03:18.76,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(946.583,203.083)\fscx1550.86\fscy1550.86\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.76,0:03:18.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(776.917,201.333)\fscx1899.02\fscy1899.02\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.76,0:03:18.80,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(945.917,203.333)\fscx1547.35\fscy1547.35\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.80,0:03:18.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(776.583,201.583)\fscx1894.71\fscy1894.71\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.80,0:03:18.84,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(945.167,203.5)\fscx1543.84\fscy1543.84\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.84,0:03:18.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(776.25,201.833)\fscx1890.4\fscy1890.4\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.84,0:03:18.88,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(944.5,203.75)\fscx1540.33\fscy1540.33\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.88,0:03:18.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(775.917,202)\fscx1886.09\fscy1886.09\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.88,0:03:18.92,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(943.833,203.917)\fscx1536.81\fscy1536.81\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.92,0:03:18.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(775.583,202.25)\fscx1881.78\fscy1881.78\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.92,0:03:18.96,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(943.083,204.167)\fscx1533.3\fscy1533.3\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.96,0:03:19.01,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(775.333,202.5)\fscx1877.47\fscy1877.47\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:18.96,0:03:19.01,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(942.417,204.417)\fscx1529.79\fscy1529.79\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.01,0:03:19.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(775,202.667)\fscx1873.16\fscy1873.16\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.01,0:03:19.05,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(941.667,204.583)\fscx1526.28\fscy1526.28\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.05,0:03:19.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(774.667,202.917)\fscx1868.85\fscy1868.85\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.186667}MEGUCA
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.05,0:03:19.09,Logo-Presents,,0,0,0,,{\pos(941,204.833)\fscx1522.77\fscy1522.77\fs1.33333\blur0.576\fsp0.22}PRESENTS
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.98,0:03:24.81,Opening-Connect-Romaji-dreams,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(200,480)\k20}{\k32}i{\k25}tsu {\k26}ni {\k44}na{\k11}t{\k18}ta{\k30}ra {\k21}na{\k9}ku{\k56}shi{\k34}ta {\k19}mi{\k20}ra{\k14}i {\k86}wo
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.98,0:03:24.81,Opening-Connect-Kanji-dreams,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(200,480)}{\k20}{\k32}い{\k25}つ{\k26}に{\k44}な{\k11}っ{\k18}た{\k30}ら{\k21}な{\k9}く{\k56}し{\k34}た{\k19}未{\k34}来{\k86}を
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.98,0:03:24.81,Opening-Connect-English-dreams,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(200,480)}How long will it be before
Dialogue: 0,0:03:24.81,0:03:31.12,Opening-Connect-Romaji-dreams,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)\k33}wa{\k12}ta{\k39}shi {\k31}ko{\k22}ko {\k27}de {\k40}ma{\k19}ta {\k18}mi{\k29}ru {\k34}ko{\k20}to {\k66}de{\k71}ki{\k71}ru {\k66}no{\k0}?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:24.81,0:03:31.12,Opening-Connect-Kanji-dreams,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,480)\k84}私{\k31}こ{\k22}こ{\k27}で{\k40}ま{\k19}た{\k18}見{\k29}る{\k34}こ{\k20}と{\k66}で{\k71}き{\k71}る{\k66}の{\k0}?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:24.81,0:03:31.12,Opening-Connect-English-dreams,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)}I see that lost future again?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:31.12,0:03:35.75,Opening-Connect-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)\k31}a{\k24}fu{\k31}re{\k54}da{\k16}shi{\k32}ta {\k31}fu{\k25}a{\k30}n {\k34}no {\k21}ka{\k34}ge {\k68}wo
Dialogue: 0,0:03:31.12,0:03:35.75,Opening-Connect-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,480)}{\k55}溢{\k31}れ{\k54}出{\k16}し{\k32}た{\k31}不{\k55}安{\k34}の{\k55}影{\k68}を
Dialogue: 0,0:03:31.12,0:03:35.75,Opening-Connect-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)}I'll walk upon this Earth,
Dialogue: 0,0:03:35.75,0:03:37.82,Opening-Connect-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\k26}na{\k11}n{\k16}do{\k34}de{\k27}mo {\k29}sa{\k27}i{\k37}te
Dialogue: 0,0:03:35.75,0:03:37.82,Opening-Connect-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\k37}何{\k16}度{\k34}で{\k27}も{\k29}裂{\k27}い{\k37}て
Dialogue: 0,0:03:35.75,0:03:37.82,Opening-Connect-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52}and pierce this shadowy veil of unease,
Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.82,0:03:41.43,Opening-Connect-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}{\k16}ko{\k13}no {\k22}se{\k20}ka{\k12}i {\k37}a{\k37}yu{\k16}n{\k46}de{\k41}ko{\k61}u
Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.82,0:03:41.43,Opening-Connect-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}{\k16}こ{\k13}の{\k22}世{\k32}界{\k74}歩{\k16}ん{\k46}で{\k41}こ{\k61}う
Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.82,0:03:41.43,Opening-Connect-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}as many times as necessary
Dialogue: 0,0:03:41.43,0:03:46.91,Opening-Connect-Romaji-white,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)\k18\1c&H50B657&\2c&H50B657&}to{\k16\1c&H69AC59&\2c&H69AC59&}me{\k101\1c&H88935A&\2c&H88935A&}do{\k18\1c&H995E55&\2c&H995E55&}na{\k87\1c&H9B4861&\2c&H9B4861&}ku {\k32\1c&H904880&\2c&H904880&}ki{\k33\1c&H74638E&\2c&H74638E&}za{\k52\1c&H4B8D9B&\2c&H4B8D9B&}ma{\k52\1c&H4DA277&\2c&H4DA277&}re{\k122\1c&H50B657&\2c&H50B657&}ta
Dialogue: 0,0:03:41.43,0:03:46.91,Opening-Connect-Kanji-white,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,480)\k18\1c&H50B657&}と{\k16\1c&H6CAB59&}め{\k101\1c&H86995B&}ど{\k18\1c&H966756&}な{\k87\1c&H9D485C&}く{\k65\1c&H934879&}刻{\k52\1c&H77608D&}ま{\k52\1c&H51849D&}れ{\k122\1c&H50B657&}た 
Dialogue: 0,0:03:41.43,0:03:46.91,Opening-Connect-English-white,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)\1c&H50B657&}T{\1c&H59B257&}h{\1c&H62AF58&}e{\1c&H6AAC59&} {\1c&H6FAA59&}c{\1c&H76A75A&}l{\1c&H7BA65B&}o{\1c&H83A35B&}c{\1c&H88955A&}k{\1c&H8C8959&} {\1c&H8E8058&}t{\1c&H927557&}h{\1c&H976656&}a{\1c&H9B5A54&}t{\1c&H9E5053&}'{\1c&HA04853&}s{\1c&H9E4859&} {\1c&H9C485E&}e{\1c&H9A4866&}n{\1c&H97486E&}d{\1c&H954874&}l{\1c&H93487A&}e{\1c&H904881&}s{\1c&H884F85&}s{\1c&H825688&}l{\1c&H795E8C&}y{\1c&H72658F&} {\1c&H6B6C92&}t{\1c&H657194&}i{\1c&H5C7A98&}c{\1c&H51849D&}k{\1c&H4B8D9C&}e{\1c&H4C948F&}d{\1c&H4C9888&} {\1c&H4D9F7D&}a{\1c&H4EA86D&}w{\1c&H4FAF61&}a{\1c&H50B657&}y
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.91,0:03:52.25,Opening-Connect-Romaji-white,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,320)\k16\1c&H50B657&\2c&H50B657&}to{\k18\1c&H66AD59&\2c&H66AD59&}ki {\k52\1c&H81A35B&\2c&H81A35B&}wa {\k49\1c&H946D56&\2c&H946D56&}i{\k54\1c&H9C5554&\2c&H9C5554&}ma {\k50\1c&H964871&\2c&H964871&}ha{\k35\1c&H904882&\2c&H904882&}ji{\k20\1c&H6D6A91&\2c&H6D6A91&}ma{\k112\1c&H53829C&\2c&H53829C&}ri{\k24\1c&H4D9F7C&\2c&H4D9F7C&}tsu{\k96\1c&H50B657&\2c&H50B657&}ge
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.91,0:03:52.25,Opening-Connect-Kanji-white,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,320)\k34\1c&H50B657&}時{\k52\1c&H74A85A&}は{\k103\1c&H8F7E58&}今{\k85\1c&H9F4858&}始{\k20\1c&H91487D&}ま{\k112\1c&H677094&}り{\k24\1c&H4C978A&}告{\k96\1c&H50B657&}げ
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.91,0:03:52.25,Opening-Connect-English-white,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,320)\1c&H50B657&}n{\1c&H5DB158&}o{\1c&H6AAC59&}w{\1c&H7BA65B&} {\1c&H82A35B&}t{\1c&H88965A&}e{\1c&H8E8358&}l{\1c&H917857&}l{\1c&H956B56&}s{\1c&H9A5B54&} {\1c&H9F4B53&}o{\1c&H9D485B&}f{\1c&H9B4862&} {\1c&H994869&}t{\1c&H954873&}h{\1c&H91487F&}e{\1c&H894F85&} {\1c&H7A5D8B&}b{\1c&H6A6D92&}e{\1c&H597C99&}g{\1c&H50859D&}i{\1c&H4B9195&}n{\1c&H4C9C82&}n{\1c&H4DA179&}i{\1c&H4EAB68&}n{\1c&H4FB557&}g
Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.25,0:03:57.51,Opening-Connect-Romaji-white,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(140,480)\k14\1c&H50B657&\2c&H50B657&\k20\1c&H50B657&\2c&H50B657&}ka{\k16\1c&H6AAC59&\2c&H6AAC59&}wa{\k100\1c&H87975A&\2c&H87975A&}ra{\k23\1c&H956C56&\2c&H956C56&}na{\k56\1c&HA04953&\2c&HA04953&}i{\k28\1c&H9D485B&\2c&H9D485B&} {\k33\1c&H9B4861&\2c&H9B4861&}o{\k34\1c&H92487A&\2c&H92487A&}mo{\k49\1c&H865287&\2c&H865287&}i {\k50\1c&H597C99&\2c&H597C99&}wo {\k18\1c&H4DA07A&\2c&H4DA07A&}no{\k66\1c&H50B557&\2c&H50B557&}se
Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.25,0:03:57.51,Opening-Connect-Kanji-white,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(140,480)\k14\1c&H50B657&\k20\1c&H50B657&}変{\k16\1c&H6CAB59&}わ{\k100\1c&H86995B&}ら{\k23\1c&H966756&}な{\k56\1c&H9D485C&}い{\k28\1c&H98486B&\k67\1c&H934879&}思{\k49\1c&H77608D&}い{\k50\1c&H51849D&}を{\k18\1c&H4D9E7F&}の{\k66\1c&H50B657&}せ
Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.25,0:03:57.51,Opening-Connect-English-white,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(140,480)\1c&H50B657&}L{\1c&H5AB258&}e{\1c&H63AE58&}t{\1c&H6AAC59&}'{\1c&H70AA5A&}s{\1c&H78A75A&} {\1c&H7EA55B&}o{\1c&H869B5B&}p{\1c&H8C8959&}e{\1c&H917857&}n{\1c&H966956&} {\1c&H995F55&}t{\1c&H9D5254&}h{\1c&H9F4856&}e{\1c&H9D485D&} {\1c&H9A4864&}o{\1c&H97486E&}n{\1c&H944877&}c{\1c&H91487F&}e{\1c&H894E85&}-{\1c&H7E598A&}c{\1c&H76618D&}l{\1c&H6B6C92&}o{\1c&H5F7797&}s{\1c&H53829C&}e{\1c&H4B8E9A&}d{\1c&H4B9391&} {\1c&H4C9B83&}d{\1c&H4DA375&}o{\1c&H4EAC67&}o{\1c&H4FB25D&}r{\1c&H50B657&},
Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.51,0:04:02.88,Opening-Connect-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}{\k39}to{\k26}za{\k42}sa{\k17}re{\k27}ta {\k40}to{\k51}bi{\k17}ra {\k36}a{\k37}ke{\k33}yo{\k150}u
Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.51,0:04:02.88,Opening-Connect-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}{\k39}閉{\k26}ざ{\k42}さ{\k17}れ{\k27}た{\k108}扉{\k36}開{\k37}け{\k33}よ{\k150}う
Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.51,0:04:02.88,Opening-Connect-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,580)}with these unwavering feelings
Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.99,0:04:08.69,Opening-Connect-Romaji-yellow,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\k19}me{\k18}za{\k16}me{\k18}ta {\k52}ko{\k19}ko{\k16}ro {\k32}wa {\k14}ha{\k26}shi{\k30}ri{\k25}da{\k11}shi{\k30}ta {\k69}mi{\k24}ra{\k19}i {\k24}wo {\k21}e{\k20}ga{\k15}ku {\k17}ta{\k35}me
Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.99,0:04:08.69,Opening-Connect-Kanji-yellow,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fscx94\k19}目{\k18}覚{\k16}め{\k18}た{\k87}心{\k32}は{\k40}走{\k30}り{\k25}出{\k11}し{\k30}た{\k69}未{\k43}来{\k24}を{\k41}描{\k15}く{\k17}た{\k35}め
Dialogue: 0,0:04:02.99,0:04:08.69,Opening-Connect-English-yellow,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52}My heart started racing once again to paint the future
Dialogue: 0,0:04:08.69,0:04:12.73,Opening-Connect-Romaji-yellow,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)}{\k17}mu{\k16}zu{\k14}ka{\k30}shi{\k26}i {\k17}mi{\k18}chi {\k33}de {\k18}ta{\k18}chi{\k32}do{\k26}ma{\k10}t{\k32}te {\k97}mo
Dialogue: 0,0:04:08.69,0:04:12.73,Opening-Connect-Kanji-yellow,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,480)}{\k47}難{\k30}し{\k26}い{\k35}道{\k33}で{\k18}立{\k18}ち{\k32}止{\k26}ま{\k10}っ{\k32}て{\k97}も
Dialogue: 0,0:04:08.69,0:04:12.73,Opening-Connect-English-yellow,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,480)}Even if I get stuck in a maze,
Dialogue: 0,0:04:12.73,0:04:18.57,Opening-Connect-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\k26}so{\k15}ra {\k84}wa {\k21}ki{\k18}re{\k15}i {\k16}na {\k50}a{\k14}o{\k24}sa {\k32}de {\k17}i{\k18}tsu{\k35}mo {\k23}ma{\k11}t{\k32}te{\k68}te{\k20}ku{\k21}re{\k24}ru
Dialogue: 0,0:04:12.73,0:04:18.57,Opening-Connect-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fscx90\k41}空{\k84}は{\k21}き{\k18}れ{\k15}い{\k16}な{\k64}青{\k24}さ{\k32}で{\k17}い{\k18}つ{\k35}も{\k23}待{\k11}っ{\k32}て{\k68}て{\k20}く{\k21}れ{\k24}る
Dialogue: 0,0:04:12.73,0:04:18.57,Opening-Connect-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52}the beautiful blue sky will always be waiting for me
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.57,0:04:20.86,Opening-Connect-Romaji-night,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\k24}da{\k17}ka{\k16}ra {\k19}ko{\k32}wa{\k36}ku{\k51}na{\k34}i
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.57,0:04:20.86,Opening-Connect-Kanji-night,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\k24}だ{\k17}か{\k16}ら{\k51}怖{\k36}く{\k51}な{\k34}い
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.57,0:04:20.86,Opening-Connect-English-night,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52}So I won't be afraid
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.86,0:04:26.99,Opening-Connect-Romaji-night,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,1020)\k18}mo{\k17}u {\k33}na{\k36}ni {\k18}ga {\k25}a{\k8}t{\k34}te {\k118}mo {\k37}ku{\k68}ji{\k68}ke{\k59}na{\k45}i
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.86,0:04:26.99,Opening-Connect-Kanji-night,,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,76)\blur2.52\fad(0,1020)\k18}も{\k17}う{\k69}何{\k18}が{\k25}あ{\k8}っ{\k34}て{\k118}も{\k105}挫{\k68}け{\k59}な{\k45}い
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.86,0:04:26.99,Opening-Connect-English-night,,0,0,0,,{\blur2.52\fad(0,1020)}No matter what happens next, I won't give in
Dialogue: 0,0:04:22.61,0:04:25.36,Sign-Title-EpNum-L0,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(389,458)\fade(220,110,0,40,120,160,220)\fs38.6667\fsp1.33333\fscx90\blur5.76\3c&H000000&\1a&HA8&\3a&HBA&\shad0\xbord1.33333\ybord0.666667\c&H838386&}Episode{\fsp-5.33333} {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fsp0\fs38.6667\blur5.76\3c&H000000&\1a&HA8&\3a&HBA&\shad0\xbord1.33333\ybord0.666667\c&H838386&}1
Dialogue: 1,0:04:22.61,0:04:25.36,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(387.333,456)\fade(180,90,0,40,120,160,236)\fs38.6667\blur0.72\fsp1.33333\fscx90\1a&H00&\3a&H00&\bord0\shad0\c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HCACACA&}Episode{\fsp-5.33333} {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fsp0\fs38.6667\blur0.72\1a&H00&\3a&H00&\bord0\shad0\c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HCACACA&}1
Dialogue: 0,0:04:22.61,0:04:25.36,Sign-Title-EpName-L0,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(723,457.333)\fade(220,110,0,40,120,160,220)\fs38.6667\fscx108\blur5.76\3c&H000000&\1a&HA8&\3a&HC0&\shad0\xbord2\ybord1.33333\c&H838386&}I think we met in a dream{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L0\fs38.6667\fscx108\blur5.76\3c&H000000&\1a&HA8&\3a&HC0&\shad0\xbord2\ybord1.33333\c&H838386&\fsp2.66667}...
Dialogue: 1,0:04:22.61,0:04:25.36,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\an8\pos(721.333,455.333)\fade(180,90,0,40,120,160,236)\fs38.6667\fscx108\blur0.72\1a&H00&\3a&H00&\bord0\shad0\c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HCACACA&}I think we met in a dream{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs38.6667\fscx108\blur0.72\1a&H00&\3a&H00&\bord0\shad0\c&HFFFFFF&\3c&HCACACA&\fsp2.66667}...
Dialogue: 5,0:04:41.05,0:04:42.67,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Good morning, Dad.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:42.67,0:04:44.26,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Good morning, Madoka.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:44.26,0:04:45.47,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Is Mom up yet?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:45.47,0:04:46.97,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Tatsuya went to wake her.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:46.97,0:04:48.43,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Mind giving him a hand?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:48.43,0:04:49.51,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,No problem!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:52.27,0:04:54.56,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Mommy! Mommy!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:54.56,0:04:57.31,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It's morning! It's morning!
Dialogue: 5,0:04:57.86,0:05:02.19,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Wake up! Mommy! Mommy!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:06.74,0:05:08.12,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Rise and shine!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:12.20,0:05:13.12,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:13.12,0:05:15.33,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Mommy woke up!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:19.38,0:05:21.25,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,So what's the latest gossip?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:21.80,0:05:24.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Hitomi-chan got another love letter.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:24.76,0:05:26.88,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's the second one this month.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:27.22,0:05:30.60,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Guys who don't have the guts to confess in person are worthless.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:34.10,0:05:35.48,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,And how's Kazuko?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:35.48,0:05:37.90,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It looks like her new relationship's still going strong.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:37.90,0:05:40.77,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,She's always talking about her boyfriend during homeroom.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:40.77,0:05:44.07,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,This week marks their three-month \Nanniversary, and that's a new record.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:44.07,0:05:48.70,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,We'll see how it works out. \NThis is a tricky time for them.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:50.20,0:05:51.95,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It is?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:55.20,0:05:59.58,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,If he's not "the one," then they'll start having some problems soon.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:00.42,0:06:03.42,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,If they can get through that, they should be good for the first year.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:03.42,0:06:04.46,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:12.31,0:06:13.68,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,All done!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:13.68,0:06:15.93,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Which ribbons should I wear?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:17.48,0:06:20.02,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You think? Aren't they too flashy?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:20.02,0:06:21.94,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,They're supposed to be flashy.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:21.94,0:06:24.86,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,We women must always look our best in public.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:33.16,0:06:36.75,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Perfect. Now your secret admirers will be stuck on you like glue.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:36.75,0:06:38.87,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You know I don't have any.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:38.87,0:06:41.04,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You need to act like you do.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:41.04,0:06:43.75,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's the secret to being pretty.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:53.18,0:06:54.31,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Got it.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:54.72,0:06:57.31,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Be sure to eat it all up.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:57.31,0:06:58.43,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,'kay!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:59.56,0:07:01.56,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Would you like another cup of coffee?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:04.02,0:07:05.11,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,No, that's fine.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:18.25,0:07:20.87,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,All right, I'm off!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:22.33,0:07:24.42,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Bye!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:25.13,0:07:27.42,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Madoka, you should hurry too.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:27.42,0:07:28.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh? Oh, right!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:30.42,0:07:31.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,See you later!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:31.76,0:07:32.89,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Bye!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:32.89,0:07:34.14,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Bye!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:37.89,0:07:39.10,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,See you later!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:39.18,0:07:40.14,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Bye!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:40.27,0:07:41.56,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Bye!
Dialogue: 5,0:09:30.29,0:09:32.05,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Good morning!
Dialogue: 5,0:09:32.05,0:09:33.38,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Good morning.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:33.38,0:09:35.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Madoka, you're late.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:35.13,0:09:36.93,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh, cute ribbons.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:36.93,0:09:39.43,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Y-You think? They're not too flashy?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:39.43,0:09:41.26,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,They're lovely.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:45.64,0:09:50.06,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,So, my mom said that guys who can't ask you out in person are worthless.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:50.06,0:09:53.19,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Your mom is just too cool, Madoka.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:53.19,0:09:55.61,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,She's beautiful, {\i1}and{\i0\fscx120} {\r}she's a successful businesswoman.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:55.61,0:09:59.49,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I wish it were that easy to reject someone.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:00.37,0:10:02.41,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What an enviable problem to have!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:02.41,0:10:08.00,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I know, right? I wish I could get a love letter too.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:08.00,0:10:13.30,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh? So you want to become a beautiful princess like Hitomi?
Dialogue: 5,0:10:13.30,0:10:16.47,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's why you started wearing those ribbons, huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:10:16.47,0:10:18.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,No! My mom—
Dialogue: 5,0:10:18.13,0:10:22.35,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'll bet your mom taught you the secret to being popular!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:22.35,0:10:23.68,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You dirty girl!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:23.68,0:10:26.68,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,A girl like you needs to be punished!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:26.68,0:10:29.31,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,H-Hey, stop! Stop it!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:29.31,0:10:32.94,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You're cute, but I won't let you become popular with the guys.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:32.94,0:10:36.65,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You're going to be my wife!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:45.29,0:10:48.25,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I have something of utmost importance to discuss with you all today,
Dialogue: 5,0:10:48.25,0:10:49.67,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,so pay very close attention!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:50.79,0:10:54.30,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Should sunny-side up eggs be hard or soft?!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:54.30,0:10:55.30,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What do you think, Nakazawa-kun?!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:55.30,0:10:59.63,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I, uh... I-I guess either way's fine?
Dialogue: 5,0:10:59.63,0:11:01.93,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's right! Either way's fine!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:01.93,0:11:05.81,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,And if you think a woman's value \Nis determined by how she cooks her eggs,
Dialogue: 5,0:11:05.81,0:11:07.27,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,then you are horribly mistaken!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:07.27,0:11:12.98,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Girls, I want you all to make sure not to associate yourselves with picky men who demand soft eggs!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:12.98,0:11:14.32,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Guess it didn't work out.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:14.32,0:11:15.69,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You can say that again.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:15.69,0:11:17.65,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,And boys, make sure you don't grow up
Dialogue: 5,0:11:17.65,0:11:20.95,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,to be a nitpicker who demands eggs to be cooked one way, and one way only!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:22.62,0:11:27.33,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Now then, I'd like to introduce a transfer student who will be joining us.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:27.33,0:11:30.21,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You should've mentioned that first!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:30.83,0:11:33.54,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Please come in, Akemi-san.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:37.84,0:11:39.72,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Wow, she's beautiful.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:45.35,0:11:48.02,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Wait... No way.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:50.31,0:11:53.35,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Why don't you tell the class your name?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:55.44,0:11:58.90,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'm Akemi Homura.\NIt's a pleasure to meet you.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:01.70,0:12:08.70,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\blur3.6\alpha&HBE&\c&H254A32&\pos(606,143.333)}Homura A{\alpha&HFF&}kemi
Dialogue: 1,0:12:01.70,0:12:08.70,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\pos(606,143.333)}Homura A{\alpha&HFF&}kemi
Dialogue: 5,0:12:04.20,0:12:06.12,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Please, go on.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:12.62,0:12:17.00,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\pos(606,143.333)\blur3.6\alpha&HBE&\c&H254A32&}Homura Akemi
Dialogue: 1,0:12:12.62,0:12:17.00,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\pos(606,143.333)\c&H4E4E4E&}Homura Akemi
Dialogue: 0,0:12:17.00,0:12:19.76,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\fs40.6667\blur3.6\alpha&HBE&\c&H254A32&\b1\pos(582,173.333)}Homura Akemi
Dialogue: 1,0:12:17.00,0:12:19.76,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\fs40.6667\b1\c&H7E7E7E&\pos(582,173.333)}Homura Akemi
Dialogue: 0,0:12:21.80,0:12:22.63,Sign-HomuTS,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.36\fs18\b1\c&H6C6C6C&\pos(596.667,264.667)}Homura Akemi
Dialogue: 5,0:12:32.27,0:12:35.52,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Which school did you come from?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:35.52,0:12:38.11,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,A Christian school in Tokyo.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:38.11,0:12:39.65,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Were you in any clubs?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:39.65,0:12:41.82,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Like sports, or art?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:41.82,0:12:43.07,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,No, I wasn't.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:43.07,0:12:45.03,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Your hair's so beautiful!
Dialogue: 5,0:12:45.03,0:12:46.66,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What kind of shampoo do you use?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:47.45,0:12:51.16,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,She has a bit of a mysterious aura about her, don't you think?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:51.16,0:12:53.83,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Hey, Madoka, do you know her?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:53.83,0:12:56.88,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Wasn't she staring at you earlier?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:56.88,0:12:58.67,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Well, uh...
Dialogue: 5,0:12:58.67,0:13:00.50,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'm sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:00.50,0:13:03.01,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I guess I'm still under a bit of stress.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:03.01,0:13:04.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'm not feeling well.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:05.43,0:13:07.72,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Would you mind if I went to the nurse's office?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:07.72,0:13:10.39,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh, let me show you the way.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:10.39,0:13:12.10,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'll come too!
Dialogue: 5,0:13:12.10,0:13:14.18,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Don't worry about me.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:14.18,0:13:16.56,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'll ask the person in charge.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:22.44,0:13:26.49,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Kaname Madoka-san, you're the \Nnurse's aide for this class, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:27.61,0:13:29.70,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I, uh...
Dialogue: 5,0:13:30.20,0:13:33.12,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Could you take me to the nurse's office?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:39.25,0:13:42.00,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,U-Um, I, uh...
Dialogue: 5,0:13:42.00,0:13:45.09,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,How did you know that I was the nurse's aide?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:48.68,0:13:50.47,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Ms. Saotome told me.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:50.55,0:13:55.85,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh, I see. Well, the nurse's office is...
Dialogue: 5,0:13:55.85,0:13:57.23,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,This way, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:57.56,0:14:00.36,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh? Yeah, but...
Dialogue: 5,0:14:00.36,0:14:05.57,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It's kinda like you already know the way.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:09.32,0:14:13.08,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,A-Akemi-san?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:15.62,0:14:16.96,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You can call me Homura.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:18.08,0:14:20.00,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Homura-chan?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:20.08,0:14:20.96,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What is it?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:21.09,0:14:23.92,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh! I, uh...
Dialogue: 5,0:14:23.92,0:14:25.88,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's a unique name you have!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:26.72,0:14:30.72,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I-I don't mean it's weird or anything!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:30.72,0:14:33.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It sounds kinda cool!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:38.60,0:14:43.23,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Kaname Madoka, do you value your own life?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:43.23,0:14:45.69,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Do you think dearly of your family and friends?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:45.69,0:14:51.74,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Well... uh, I... I do.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:51.82,0:14:54.79,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I love my family and friends.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:54.79,0:14:57.96,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,They mean the world to me.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:58.29,0:14:59.16,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Is that true?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:59.29,0:15:01.75,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Of course! Why wouldn't it be?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:02.46,0:15:03.46,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:04.04,0:15:10.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,If that's true, then you must never \Nthink about becoming someone else.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:10.13,0:15:13.30,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,If you do, you'll lose them all.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:13.89,0:15:14.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,... Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:15.14,0:15:18.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You just need to remain Kaname Madoka,
Dialogue: 5,0:15:18.64,0:15:20.98,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,as you always have been.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(187.333,136.667)\blur3.6\1a&H00&\4a&H5F&\c&HD5E5E8&\4c&H3B4B53&\shad0.666667\fscx90\fsp-0.333333}An integer divided by 14 will have an integer quotient with a remainder between 0 and 13.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(184,156)\blur3.6\1a&H00&\4a&H5F&\c&HD5E5E8&\4c&H3B4B53&\shad0.666667\fscx90\fsp-0.333333\i1}a{\i0} is an integer with a remainder of 6 when divided by 14, {\i1}b{\i0} is an integer with a remainder of 1 when divided by 14.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(185.333,176)\blur3.6\1a&H00&\4a&H5F&\c&HD5E5E8&\4c&H3B4B53&\shad0.666667\fscx90\fsp-0.333333}The quadratic equation x^2-2{\i1}ax{\i0}+{\i1}b{\i0} = 0 can be solved for an integer solution.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(187.333,196)\blur3.6\1a&H00&\4a&H5F&\c&HD5E5E8&\4c&H3B4B53&\shad0.666667\fscx90\fsp-0.333333}Find the remainder when this integer solution is divided by 14.
Dialogue: 1,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(187.333,136.667)\blur0.648\fscx90\fsp-0.333333\c&H30414B&}An integer divided by 14 will have an integer quotient with a remainder between 0 and 13.
Dialogue: 1,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(184,156)\blur0.648\fscx90\fsp-0.333333\c&H30414B&\i1}a{\i0} is an integer with a remainder of 6 when divided by 14, {\i1}b{\i0} is an integer with a remainder of 1 when divided by 14.
Dialogue: 1,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(185.333,176)\fscx90\fsp-0.333333\blur0.648\c&H30414B&}The quadratic equation x^2-2{\i1}ax{\i0}+{\i1}b{\i0} = 0 can be solved for an integer solution.
Dialogue: 1,0:15:32.91,0:15:33.78,Sign-Whiteboard,,0,0,0,,{\pos(187.333,196)\fscx90\fsp-0.333333\blur0.648\c&H30414B&}Find the remainder when this integer solution is divided by 14.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:52.30,0:15:55.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,D-Did she just break the prefectural record?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:20.83,0:16:22.41,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Wait, she said what?!
Dialogue: 5,0:16:22.41,0:16:24.58,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Doesn't make any sense, does it?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:24.58,0:16:27.25,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I thought she was one of those smart {\i1}and{\i0\fscx120} {\r}beautiful girls...
Dialogue: 5,0:16:27.25,0:16:28.92,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,but it turns out she's just a nutcase.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:30.05,0:16:33.22,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Just how big of an impression \Ndoes she have to make on people?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:33.22,0:16:35.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Is that {\i1}moe{\i0}? Is that what {\i1}moe{\i0} is?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:35.93,0:16:39.39,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Madoka-san, are you sure\N you've never met her before?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:39.39,0:16:42.94,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Well, I guess I'd have to say yes, but...
Dialogue: 5,0:16:42.94,0:16:44.06,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You "guess"?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:44.06,0:16:46.19,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Is there something weird you're not telling us?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:46.69,0:16:52.69,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Well, I think we met in a dream last night... or something.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:52.69,0:16:55.66,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's great! Now {\i1}you're{\i0} starting to make an impression!
Dialogue: 5,0:16:55.66,0:16:58.91,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's mean! I'm seriously concerned about this!
Dialogue: 5,0:16:58.99,0:17:02.16,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,There's only one answer, then. \NYou must've known her in a previous life,
Dialogue: 5,0:17:02.16,0:17:05.54,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,and were brought together by fate across time and space to meet once more.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:06.21,0:17:08.54,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What kind of dream was it?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:08.54,0:17:12.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Honestly, I don't really remember.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:12.13,0:17:14.93,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,All I know is that it was a really weird dream.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:14.93,0:17:19.93,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Maybe you {\i1}have{\i0} met her somewhere before, then.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:19.93,0:17:20.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:20.76,0:17:23.60,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Even though you might not remember her,
Dialogue: 5,0:17:23.60,0:17:29.19,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,your subconscious could have taken note of her, and later brought her image out in a dream.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:29.19,0:17:32.90,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Isn't that a bit too far-fetched?  That's some coincidence!
Dialogue: 5,0:17:32.90,0:17:34.07,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I suppose so.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:34.07,0:17:36.53,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh, look at the time.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:36.53,0:17:39.66,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'm sorry, I have to go.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:39.66,0:17:42.04,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Piano lessons? Or do you\N have Japanese dance today?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:42.04,0:17:43.95,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Tea ceremony practice.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:43.95,0:17:48.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Entrance exams are right around the corner, but my mom still wants me to keep this up.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:48.13,0:17:52.00,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Whew, I'm glad I wasn't born rich.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:52.00,0:17:53.13,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Should we get going too?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:53.13,0:17:54.67,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh, Madoka?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:54.67,0:17:56.93,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Mind if we stop by the\N music store on the way home?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:56.93,0:17:59.01,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Sure. Buying another CD for Kamijou-kun?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:00.10,0:18:01.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You know how it is.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:03.56,0:18:04.77,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,See you later.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:04.77,0:18:05.98,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,See you!
Dialogue: 5,0:18:04.77,0:18:05.98,Madoka-Overlap,,0,0,0,,Bye-bye!
Dialogue: 5,0:18:42.30,0:18:43.89,Madoka-Thoughts,,0,0,0,,Save me.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:47.23,0:18:49.52,Madoka-Thoughts,,0,0,0,,Save me, Madoka!
Dialogue: 5,0:18:51.40,0:18:54.11,Madoka-Thoughts,,0,0,0,,Save me.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:03.03,0:19:05.41,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Who's there?
Dialogue: 0,0:19:05.41,0:19:06.70,Sign-Closed-Thick,,0,0,0,,{\fs85\fscx120\fscy120\1a&H08&\blur0.72\c&H182945&\pos(287.333,128.667)}N{\c&H182844&}o{\c&H172742&}t{\c&H172741&}i{\c&H162640&}c{\c&H16253E&}e {\c&H15243B&}o{\c&H15233A&}f {\c&H142137&}S{\c&H142136&}t{\c&H132035&}o{\c&H131F33&}r{\c&H121E32&}e {\c&H121D2F&}R{\c&H111C2E&}e{\c&H111B2D&}n{\c&H101B2B&}o{\c&H101A2A&}v{\c&H101928&}a{\c&H0F1827&}t{\c&H0F1826&}i{\c&H0E1724&}o{\c&H0E1623&}n
Dialogue: 0,0:19:05.41,0:19:06.70,Sign-Closed-Thin,,0,0,0,,{\fs56\fscx122\fscy120\blur0.72\c&H09192C&\pos(298.667,425.333)}T{\c&H09192B&}h{\c&H09182B&}i{\c&H09182A&}s {\c&H091729&}f{\c&H091729&}l{\c&H081628&}o{\c&H081627&}o{\c&H081627&}r {\c&H081526&}h{\c&H081525&}a{\c&H081424&}s {\c&H081323&}b{\c&H081323&}e{\c&H081322&}e{\c&H081222&}n {\c&H071220&}C{\c&H071120&}L{\c&H07111F&}O{\c&H07111F&}S{\c&H07101E&}E{\c&H07101E&}D {\c&H070F1C&}f{\c&H070F1C&}o{\c&H070E1B&}r {\c&H070E1A&}r{\c&H060D19&}e{\c&H060D19&}n{\c&H060C18&}o{\c&H060C18&}v{\c&H060C17&}a{\c&H060B17&}t{\c&H060B16&}ions
Dialogue: 5,0:19:05.41,0:19:06.70,Madoka-Thoughts,,0,0,0,,Save me.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.87,0:19:12.96,Sign-Closed-Thick,,0,0,0,,{\fs21\fscx50\fscy56\1a&H08&\blur0.576\c&H1D2F5D&\pos(596.333,420)}Notice of Store Renovation
Dialogue: 0,0:19:09.87,0:19:12.96,Sign-Closed-Thin,,0,0,0,,{\fs17.4\fscx56\fsp-0.666667\fscy58\blur0.288\c&H223A65&\pos(596.667,454.333)}This floor has been CLOSED for renovations
Dialogue: 5,0:19:19.13,0:19:20.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Where are you?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:21.22,0:19:23.14,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Who are you?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:25.51,0:19:27.02,Madoka-Thoughts,,0,0,0,,Save me.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:49.87,0:19:51.58,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Was that you?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:51.79,0:19:53.21,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Save me...
Dialogue: 5,0:19:56.38,0:19:58.17,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Homura-chan?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:58.26,0:20:00.22,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Get away from it.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:00.22,0:20:03.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,B-But he's hurt.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:05.89,0:20:08.97,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,N-No! Please don't hurt him!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:09.77,0:20:11.31,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,This has nothing to do with you.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:11.31,0:20:13.73,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,But he was calling me!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:13.73,0:20:16.11,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,He was begging for me to save him!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:16.11,0:20:16.98,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:23.99,0:20:25.24,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Madoka, this way!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:25.24,0:20:26.53,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Sayaka-chan!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:52.10,0:20:53.48,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Now, of all times...!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:56.35,0:20:57.69,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What's with her?
Dialogue: 5,0:20:57.69,0:20:59.44,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Does she go around attacking\N people while cosplaying?!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:59.44,0:21:01.23,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What is that thing?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:01.23,0:21:02.53,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It's not a stuffed animal, is it?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:02.53,0:21:03.40,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Is it alive?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:03.40,0:21:04.65,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I don't know.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:04.65,0:21:05.99,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I don't know, but...
Dialogue: 5,0:21:05.99,0:21:08.03,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I have to save him!
Dialogue: 5,0:21:12.62,0:21:14.21,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh? Where's the emergency exit?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:14.21,0:21:15.58,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Where are we?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:15.58,0:21:17.75,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Something's not right.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:17.75,0:21:19.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,The corridor keeps changing.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:21.42,0:21:22.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Damn it!
Dialogue: 5,0:21:22.76,0:21:24.34,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What the hell's going on?!
Dialogue: 5,0:21:25.88,0:21:28.18,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I-I see something over there!
Dialogue: 5,0:21:51.20,0:21:52.66,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,This can't be happening, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:53.25,0:21:56.00,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I mean, this has to be a bad dream or something, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:56.25,0:21:57.79,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Right, Madoka?!
Dialogue: 5,0:22:27.36,0:22:28.61,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Now, of all times...!
Dialogue: 5,0:22:30.28,0:22:31.62,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What's with her?
Dialogue: 5,0:22:31.62,0:22:33.91,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Does she go around attacking\N people while cosplaying?!
Dialogue: 5,0:22:33.91,0:22:35.33,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What is that thing?
Dialogue: 5,0:22:35.33,0:22:37.54,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,It's not a stuffed animal, is it? Is it alive?
Dialogue: 5,0:22:37.54,0:22:39.00,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I don't know.
Dialogue: 5,0:22:39.00,0:22:40.21,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I don't know, but...
Dialogue: 5,0:22:40.21,0:22:42.17,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I have to save him!
Dialogue: 5,0:22:46.05,0:22:47.84,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh? Where's the emergency exit?
Dialogue: 5,0:22:47.84,0:22:49.01,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Where are we?
Dialogue: 5,0:22:49.01,0:22:50.89,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Something's not right.
Dialogue: 5,0:22:51.47,0:22:53.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,The corridor keeps changing.
Dialogue: 5,0:22:54.10,0:22:55.18,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Damn it!
Dialogue: 5,0:22:55.18,0:22:57.06,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What the hell's going on?!
Dialogue: 5,0:23:00.06,0:23:01.48,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I-I see something over there!
Dialogue: 5,0:23:24.50,0:23:26.34,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,This can't be happening, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:23:26.34,0:23:29.30,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I mean, this has to be a bad dream or something, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:23:29.30,0:23:31.34,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Right, Madoka?!
Dialogue: 5,0:23:43.86,0:23:45.19,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Huh? What was that?
Dialogue: 5,0:23:45.32,0:23:46.48,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,What the...
Dialogue: 5,0:23:46.57,0:23:49.53,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That was pretty close,\N but everything's okay now.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:53.70,0:23:56.70,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Oh, you saved Kyubey?
Dialogue: 5,0:23:56.70,0:24:00.21,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Thank you. He's a dear friend of mine.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:00.21,0:24:02.17,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,He was calling out to me.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:02.17,0:24:04.88,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I heard his voice in my head.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:05.34,0:24:07.96,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:08.38,0:24:12.38,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Judging by your uniforms, I assume you're also Mitakihara students.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:12.38,0:24:13.34,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Are you juniors?
Dialogue: 5,0:24:13.34,0:24:14.72,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Who are you?
Dialogue: 5,0:24:14.72,0:24:16.01,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,How rude of me.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:16.01,0:24:18.01,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I haven't introduced myself yet.
Dialogue: 5,0:24:18.01,0:24:20.81,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,But before that...
Dialogue: 5,0:24:27.61,0:24:30.49,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,allow me to take care of a little something first, would you?
Dialogue: 5,0:25:13.61,0:25:15.61,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,W-Wow...
Dialogue: 5,0:25:19.41,0:25:21.12,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,W-We're back!
Dialogue: 5,0:25:27.88,0:25:29.63,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,The witch got away.
Dialogue: 5,0:25:29.63,0:25:32.26,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,If you want to hunt it down, \Nyou'll need to chase after it quickly.
Dialogue: 5,0:25:32.26,0:25:34.42,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'll give you this one.
Dialogue: 5,0:25:34.84,0:25:37.05,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I have business here.
Dialogue: 5,0:25:37.05,0:25:39.10,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You don't seem to understand me.
Dialogue: 5,0:25:39.10,0:25:41.06,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I'm saying I'll let you go.
Dialogue: 5,0:25:45.06,0:25:49.23,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Would it not be better for both of us to avoid any unnecessary trouble?
Dialogue: 5,0:26:17.84,0:26:19.39,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Thank you, Mami.
Dialogue: 5,0:26:19.39,0:26:20.72,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You saved me.
Dialogue: 5,0:26:20.72,0:26:22.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,You should thank these two.
Dialogue: 5,0:26:22.64,0:26:25.02,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I was just passing by.
Dialogue: 5,0:26:25.60,0:26:27.14,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Thank you very much.
Dialogue: 5,0:26:27.14,0:26:28.98,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,My name is Kyubey!
Dialogue: 5,0:26:28.98,0:26:31.65,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,Were you the one who was calling for me?
Dialogue: 5,0:26:31.65,0:26:35.61,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,That's right, Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka!
Dialogue: 5,0:26:35.61,0:26:37.78,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,H-How do you know our names?
Dialogue: 5,0:26:37.78,0:26:41.16,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I have a request for you two.
Dialogue: 5,0:26:41.16,0:26:43.54,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,A request?
Dialogue: 5,0:26:44.16,0:26:48.50,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,I want you two to make contracts \Nwith me and become magical girls!
Dialogue: 0,0:26:50.00,0:26:54.09,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fad(200,0)\blur1.44\be3}{\k20}{\k0}"{\k34}so{\k22}re {\k24}ja {\k27}ma{\k44}ta {\k37}ne{\k0}" {\k13}t{\k22}te {\k22}te {\k25}wo {\k61}fu{\k16}t{\k24}te
Dialogue: 0,0:26:50.00,0:26:54.09,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(30.6667,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(200,0)}{\k20}{\k0}「{\k34}そ{\k22}れ{\k24}じゃ {\k27}ま{\k44}た{\k37}ね{\k0}」{\k13}っ{\k22}て{\k22}手{\k25}を{\k61}振{\k16}っ{\k24}て
Dialogue: 0,0:26:50.00,0:26:54.09,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,0)}I waved my hand, saying, "I'll see you next time"
Dialogue: 0,0:26:54.09,0:26:59.09,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}{\k28}mu{\k25}ri {\k22}ni {\k29}wa{\k28}ra{\k15}t{\k30}te {\k15}{\k26}sa{\k17}mi{\k31}shi{\k34}ku {\k28}na{\k12}t{\k136}te
Dialogue: 0,0:26:54.09,0:26:59.09,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,620)}{\k28}無{\k25}理{\k22}に{\k57}笑{\k15}っ{\k30}て {\k15}{\k26}さ{\k17}み{\k31}し{\k34}く{\k28}な{\k12}っ{\k136}て{\k0}…
Dialogue: 0,0:26:54.09,0:26:59.09,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}I forced a smile, then I was lonely...
Dialogue: 0,0:27:06.64,0:27:10.44,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,620)}{\k20}{\k24}ko{\k14}u{\k30}sa{\k30}te{\k13}n {\k35}shi{\k44}n{\k24}go{\k95}u
Dialogue: 0,0:27:06.64,0:27:10.44,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(200,620)}{\k20}{\k38}交{\k30}差{\k43}点{\k0} {\k79}信{\k119}号 
Dialogue: 0,0:27:06.64,0:27:10.44,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,620)}Traffic lights at the intersection...
Dialogue: 0,0:27:10.44,0:27:13.94,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,620)}{\k20}{\k29}to{\k18}o{\k29}ku {\k40}no {\k31}ku{\k22}ra{\k15}ku{\k35}sho{\k112}n
Dialogue: 0,0:27:10.44,0:27:13.94,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(200,620)}{\k20}{\k47}遠{\k29}く{\k40}の{\k31}ク{\k22}ラ{\k15}ク{\k35}ショ{\k112}ン
Dialogue: 0,0:27:10.44,0:27:13.94,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,620)}The distant sound of a car honking...
Dialogue: 0,0:27:13.94,0:27:20.99,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}{\k31}shi{\k24}ra{\k23}na{\k49}i {\k27}{\k44}da{\k49}re{\k25}ka {\k49}no {\k22}{\k25}wa{\k70}ra{\k26}i{\k49}a{\k21}u {\k26}ko{\k119}e
Dialogue: 0,0:27:13.94,0:27:20.99,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,620)}{\k31}知{\k24}ら{\k23}な{\k49}い{\k27}{\k93}誰{\k25}か{\k49}の{\k22}{\k95}笑{\k26}い{\k49}合{\k21}う{\k145}声
Dialogue: 0,0:27:13.94,0:27:20.99,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}The voices of strangers laughing
Dialogue: 0,0:27:20.99,0:27:24.83,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\k27}kyo{\k23}u {\k19}wa {\k75}hi{\k26}to{\k47}ri {\k46}de {\k37}a{\k35}ru{\k50}ku
Dialogue: 0,0:27:20.99,0:27:24.83,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\k27}今{\k23}日{\k19}は{\k75}ひ{\k26}と{\k47}り{\k46}で{\k72}歩{\k50}く 
Dialogue: 0,0:27:20.99,0:27:24.83,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3}Today, I walk alone
Dialogue: 0,0:27:24.83,0:27:28.71,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\k23}ka{\k21}yo{\k26}i{\k50}na{\k22}re{\k72}ta {\k25}ma{\k72}chi {\k24}{\k25}de{\k25}mo
Dialogue: 0,0:27:24.83,0:27:28.71,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\k44}通{\k26}い{\k50}慣{\k22}れ{\k72}た{\k97}街{\k24}{\k25}で{\k25}も
Dialogue: 0,0:27:24.83,0:27:28.71,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3}Even though I'm used to the city,
Dialogue: 0,0:27:28.71,0:27:33.21,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\k22}i{\k26}tsu{\k21}mo {\k71}yo{\k28}ri{\k26}mo{\k19} {\k50}na{\k34}n{\k36}da{\k73}ka
Dialogue: 0,0:27:28.71,0:27:33.21,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\k22}い{\k26}つ{\k21}も{\k71}よ{\k28}り{\k26}も{\k19}{\k50}な{\k34}ん{\k36}だ{\k73}か
Dialogue: 0,0:27:28.71,0:27:33.21,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3}I feel just a little smaller
Dialogue: 0,0:27:33.21,0:27:38.80,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}{\k28}ji{\k25}bu{\k23}n {\k20}ga {\k32}cho{\k21}t{\k20}to {\k27}chi{\k15}i{\k31}sa{\k27}ku {\k22}o{\k28}mo{\k23}e{\k23}ru {\k175}yo
Dialogue: 0,0:27:33.21,0:27:38.80,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,620)}{\k28}自{\k48}分{\k20}が{\k32}ちょ{\k21}っ{\k20}と{\k42}小{\k31}さ{\k27}く{\k50}思{\k23}え{\k23}る{\k175}よ
Dialogue: 0,0:27:33.21,0:27:38.80,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}than my usual self
Dialogue: 0,0:27:39.97,0:27:43.97,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,0)}{\k20}{\k0}"{\k29}so{\k22}re {\k25}ja {\k22}ma{\k50}ta {\k31}ne{\k0}" {\k18}t{\k22}te {\k24}te {\k17}wo {\k68}fu{\k15}t{\k37}te
Dialogue: 0,0:27:39.97,0:27:43.97,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(30.6667,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(200,0)}{\k20}{\k0}「{\k29}そ{\k22}れ{\k25}じゃ {\k22}ま{\k50}た{\k31}ね{\k0}」{\k18}っ{\k22}て{\k24}手{\k17}を{\k68}振{\k15}っ{\k37}て
Dialogue: 0,0:27:39.97,0:27:43.97,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(200,0)}I wave my hand, saying, "I'll see you next time"
Dialogue: 0,0:27:43.97,0:27:49.06,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}{\k32}e{\k30}ga{\k19}o {\k22}tsu{\k27}ku{\k22}t{\k25}te {\k18}{\k28}sa{\k17}mi{\k29}shi{\k38}ku {\k23}na{\k13}t{\k119}te
Dialogue: 0,0:27:43.97,0:27:49.06,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,620)}{\k32}笑{\k49}顔{\k49}作{\k22}っ{\k25}て {\k18}{\k28}さ{\k17}み{\k29}し{\k38}く{\k23}な{\k13}っ{\k119}て
Dialogue: 0,0:27:43.97,0:27:49.06,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}I made a smile, then I was lonely...
Dialogue: 0,0:27:49.06,0:27:55.48,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}{\k54}ho{\k44}n{\k46}to {\k33}wa {\k38}ma{\k38}da {\k34}ha{\k20}na{\k30}shi{\k49}ta{\k22}ri{\k51}na{\k19}i {\k26}ke{\k121}do
Dialogue: 0,0:27:49.06,0:27:55.48,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,620)}{\k54}ホ{\k44}ン{\k46}ト{\k33}は{\k38}ま{\k38}だ{\k54}話{\k30}し{\k49}足{\k22}り{\k51}な{\k19}い{\k26}け{\k121}ど
Dialogue: 0,0:27:49.06,0:27:55.48,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}Even though I want to talk even more with you...
Dialogue: 0,0:27:55.48,0:27:59.32,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\k0}"{\k31}so{\k22}re {\k26}ja {\k24}ma{\k48}ta {\k34}ne{\k0}" {\k16}t{\k21}te {\k23}ko{\k26}to{\k64}ba {\k10}t{\k40}te
Dialogue: 0,0:27:55.48,0:27:59.32,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(30.6667,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\k0}「{\k31}そ{\k22}れ{\k26}じゃ {\k24}ま{\k48}た{\k34}ね{\k0}」{\k16}っ{\k21}て{\k49}言{\k64}葉{\k10}っ{\k40}て
Dialogue: 0,0:27:55.48,0:27:59.32,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3}Saying, "I'll see you next time,"
Dialogue: 0,0:27:59.32,0:28:04.41,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}{\k31}ma{\k24}ta {\k25}a{\k24}e{\k24}ru {\k23}t{\k42}te {\k19}u{\k33}so {\k22}wo {\k44}tsu{\k26}i{\k126}te
Dialogue: 0,0:27:59.32,0:28:04.41,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,620)}{\k31}ま{\k24}た{\k25}会{\k24}え{\k24}る{\k23}っ{\k42}て{\k52}嘘{\k22}を{\k44}つ{\k26}い{\k126}て{\k0}…
Dialogue: 0,0:27:59.32,0:28:04.41,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,620)}Lying about seeing each other again
Dialogue: 0,0:28:04.41,0:28:10.16,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\k47}i{\k49}tsu{\k46}mo {\k31}to{\k21}o{\k23}ri {\k74}no {\k22}{\k23}e{\k31}ga{\k42}o {\k44}de {\k28}i{\k21}u {\k46}yo
Dialogue: 0,0:28:04.41,0:28:10.16,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(53.3333,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\k47}い{\k49}つ{\k46}も{\k52}通{\k23}り{\k74}の{\k22}{\k23}笑{\k73}顔{\k44}で{\k28}言{\k21}う{\k46}よ
Dialogue: 0,0:28:04.41,0:28:10.16,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3}I say, with my usual smile,
Dialogue: 0,0:28:10.16,0:28:13.58,Ending-MataAshita-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,1020)}{\k0}"{\k28}ma{\k44}ta {\k26}a{\k26}shi{\k193}ta{\k0}"
Dialogue: 0,0:28:10.16,0:28:13.58,Ending-MataAshita-Kanji,,0,0,0,,{\pos(30.6667,80)\blur1.44\be3\fsp0.666667\fad(0,1020)}{\k0}「{\k28}ま{\k44}た {\k26}あ{\k26}し{\k193}た{\k0}」
Dialogue: 0,0:28:10.16,0:28:13.58,Ending-MataAshita-English,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.44\be3\fad(0,1020)}"See you tomorrow."
Dialogue: 0,0:28:19.76,0:28:34.77,Sign-Illustrator-L0,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1185.13,621.8)\blur1.8\fscx90\fsp1.16667\shad0.933333}Illustrated by{\fsp-2}  {\fs30\fsp1.16667\fscx94\shad1.2}Hanokage
Dialogue: 1,0:28:19.76,0:28:34.77,Sign-Illustrator-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(1185,621.667)\blur1.008\fscx90\fsp1.16667}Illustrated by{\fsp-2}  {\fs30\fsp1.16667\fscx94}Hanokage
Dialogue: 5,0:28:20.76,0:28:24.64,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,{\an1}I can grant each of you one wish.
Dialogue: 5,0:28:24.64,0:28:25.76,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,{\an1}Wait, really?
Dialogue: 5,0:28:25.76,0:28:26.85,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,{\an1}What kind of wish?
Dialogue: 5,0:28:26.85,0:28:28.39,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,{\an1}Anything you want.
Dialogue: 5,0:28:28.39,0:28:31.10,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,{\an1}I can fulfill any miracle you wish for.
Dialogue: 0,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L0,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\xbord4\ybord1.33333\be8\b1}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L0\fs49.3333\xbord4\ybord1.33333\be8\b1}2
Dialogue: 1,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L0,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\xbord6.66667\ybord2.66667\blur7.2\b1}Episod{\xbord29.3333\blur7.2}e {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L0\fs49.3333\xbord6.66667\ybord2.66667\blur7.2\b1}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H2003F8&\clip(,m 107 411 l 440 411 l 440 413 l 107 413)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H2003F8&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H200BF8&\clip(,m 107 413 l 440 413 l 440 416 l 107 416)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H200BF8&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H2013F7&\clip(,m 107 416 l 440 416 l 440 419 l 107 419)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H2013F7&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H201BF7&\clip(,m 107 419 l 440 419 l 440 421 l 107 421)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H201BF7&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H2023F7&\clip(,m 107 421 l 440 421 l 440 424 l 107 424)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H2023F7&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F2BF6&\clip(,m 107 424 l 440 424 l 440 427 l 107 427)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F2BF6&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F33F6&\clip(,m 107 427 l 440 427 l 440 429 l 107 429)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F33F6&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F3BF5&\clip(,m 107 429 l 440 429 l 440 432 l 107 432)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F3BF5&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F43F5&\clip(,m 107 432 l 440 432 l 440 435 l 107 435)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F43F5&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F4BF5&\clip(,m 107 435 l 440 435 l 440 437 l 107 437)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F4BF5&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F54F4&\clip(,m 107 437 l 440 437 l 440 440 l 107 440)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F54F4&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F5CF4&\clip(,m 107 440 l 440 440 l 440 443 l 107 443)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F5CF4&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F64F4&\clip(,m 107 443 l 440 443 l 440 445 l 107 445)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F64F4&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F6CF3&\clip(,m 107 445 l 440 445 l 440 448 l 107 448)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F6CF3&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F74F3&\clip(,m 107 448 l 440 448 l 440 451 l 107 451)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1F74F3&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E7CF2&\clip(,m 107 451 l 440 451 l 440 453 l 107 453)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E7CF2&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E84F2&\clip(,m 107 453 l 440 453 l 440 456 l 107 456)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E84F2&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E8CF2&\clip(,m 107 456 l 440 456 l 440 459 l 107 459)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E8CF2&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E94F1&\clip(,m 107 459 l 440 459 l 440 461 l 107 461)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E94F1&}2
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpNum-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(282.667,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E9CF1&\clip(,m 107 461 l 440 461 l 440 464 l 107 464)}Episode {\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\bord0\blur0.288\c&H1E9CF1&}2
Dialogue: 0,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L0,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\xbord4\ybord1.33333\be8\b1}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L0\fs49.3333\fscx110\xbord4\ybord1.33333\be8\b1}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\xbord4\ybord1.33333\be8\b1}d be really nice
Dialogue: 1,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L0,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\xbord10.6667\ybord2.66667\blur7.2\b1}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L0\fs49.3333\fscx110\xbord10.6667\ybord2.66667\blur7.2\b1}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\xbord10.6667\ybord2.66667\blur7.2\b1}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2003F8&\clip(,m 387 411 l 1120 411 l 1120 413 l 387 413)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2003F8&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2003F8&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H200BF8&\clip(,m 387 413 l 1120 413 l 1120 416 l 387 416)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H200BF8&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H200BF8&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2013F7&\clip(,m 387 416 l 1120 416 l 1120 419 l 387 419)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2013F7&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2013F7&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H201BF7&\clip(,m 387 419 l 1120 419 l 1120 421 l 387 421)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H201BF7&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H201BF7&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2023F7&\clip(,m 387 421 l 1120 421 l 1120 424 l 387 424)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2023F7&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H2023F7&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F2BF6&\clip(,m 387 424 l 1120 424 l 1120 427 l 387 427)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F2BF6&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F2BF6&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F33F6&\clip(,m 387 427 l 1120 427 l 1120 429 l 387 429)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F33F6&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F33F6&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F3BF5&\clip(,m 387 429 l 1120 429 l 1120 432 l 387 432)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F3BF5&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F3BF5&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F43F5&\clip(,m 387 432 l 1120 432 l 1120 435 l 387 435)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F43F5&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F43F5&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F4BF5&\clip(,m 387 435 l 1120 435 l 1120 437 l 387 437)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F4BF5&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F4BF5&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F54F4&\clip(,m 387 437 l 1120 437 l 1120 440 l 387 440)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F54F4&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F54F4&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F5CF4&\clip(,m 387 440 l 1120 440 l 1120 443 l 387 443)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F5CF4&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F5CF4&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F64F4&\clip(,m 387 443 l 1120 443 l 1120 445 l 387 445)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F64F4&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F64F4&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F6CF3&\clip(,m 387 445 l 1120 445 l 1120 448 l 387 448)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F6CF3&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F6CF3&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F74F3&\clip(,m 387 448 l 1120 448 l 1120 451 l 387 451)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F74F3&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1F74F3&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E7CF2&\clip(,m 387 451 l 1120 451 l 1120 453 l 387 453)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E7CF2&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E7CF2&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E84F2&\clip(,m 387 453 l 1120 453 l 1120 456 l 387 456)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E84F2&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E84F2&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E8CF2&\clip(,m 387 456 l 1120 456 l 1120 459 l 387 459)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E8CF2&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E8CF2&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E94F1&\clip(,m 387 459 l 1120 459 l 1120 461 l 387 461)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E94F1&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E94F1&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 2,0:28:30.77,0:28:34.77,Sign-Title-EpName-L1,,0,0,0,,{\pos(738,461.333)\fad(530,0)\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E9CF1&\clip(,m 387 461 l 1120 461 l 1120 464 l 387 464)}I think that{\rSign-Title-EpNum-Num-L1\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E9CF1&}'{\r\fs49.3333\fscx110\blur0.288\bord0\c&H1E9CF1&}d be really nice
Dialogue: 5,0:28:31.10,0:28:33.73,Madoka-Normal,,0,0,0,,{\an1}I think that'd be really nice.

Pasted: Jan 17, 2014, 10:48:41 pm
Views: 8