get paid to paste

Script to change a tag in a project's spritefont...

## Set the contentprof_path to the .contentprof file you want to edit
## Set the new_size to any value you want. If its a size tag, 
##  it'll be a number, if it's style tag, it'll be regular, bold or italic

import BeautifulSoup
import os.path

#parse the .contentproj file for spritefont paths
contentprof_path = r"C:\path\to\GameContent.contentproj"
#pull out the dir name
directory = os.path.split(contentprof_path)[0]

#the new font size
new_size = 16
#the tag to change
tag_to_change = "size"

def ParseXMLtoStoneSoup(path):
    """loads a given xml file path into a BeautifulStoneSoup object"""
    with open(path) as f:
        contentprof_content =
    soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup(contentprof_content)    
    return soup

def changeTag(soup, tag, newValue):
    """changes a given tag's string to newValue"""
    #find the size tag
    foundTag = soup.find(tag)
    #change the value, convert to string

soup = ParseXMLtoStoneSoup(contentprof_path)

#look for all the tags 'compile'
compileTags = soup.findAll("compile")
#save all the spritefont file names
spriteFonts = []
for tag in compileTags:
    spriteFonts.append(directory+ r"\\" + tag['include'])
    #you can check for path validity however you would like
#print "Here are the relevant spritefonts."
#for path in spriteFonts:
    #print path    
##now we've got the filepaths, time to open each up and edit the proper tags

for path in spriteFonts:
    #load one font into BeautifulStoneSoup
    spriteFontSoup = ParseXMLtoStoneSoup(path)

    changeTag(spriteFontSoup, tag_to_change, new_size)
    #save the new file
    with open(path, 'w') as f:
    print "changed", path
print "Done!"

Pasted: Aug 28, 2012, 4:58:13 am
Views: 15