get paid to paste

Steam History Code

import BeautifulSoup as bs

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, BeautifulStoneSoup

#buyhist.html is the source code for your page at

#  you could probably grab it with requests, but I wanted to play it safe and quickly

f = open('buyhist3.html')

data =

soup = BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)

#find all the sales, there are two lists: the first 6 or so, and the rest:

# first, get the big list of sales

store_trans = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'block'})[1]

# then, get the visible ones

visible_trans = store_trans.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'transactions'})[0]

# then, the hidden ones:

hidden_trans = store_trans.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'hidden_transactions'})[0]

#create a list to catch all the sales

sales = []

#loop over all the transactions, looking for each sale object:

# first the visible

for sale in  visible_trans.findAll('div', attrs={'class': lambda x : x.startswith('transactionRow ')}):


# then the hidden

for sale in  hidden_trans.findAll('div', attrs={'class': lambda x : x.startswith('transactionRow ')}):


#now we should have a total number of sales:

print 'total number of sales found:', len(sales)

#lets just find the total number we were looking for in the html, under transaction_footer_element

total_sales_tag = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'transaction_footer_element'})[0]

# then take the last string in the group as our total:

total_sales = total_sales_tag.text.split()[-1]

print 'compared to our expected total:', total_sales

#Now we parse the sale entries.

allowed_fields = []

for field in ['Date', 'Price', 'Items']:


#new way with saving vars to dicts

sales_list = []

for sale in sales:

    #print 'Date\t\tPrice\t\tTitle'

    sale_dict = {}

    for tag in sale:    


            if tag['class'] in allowed_fields:

                if tag.findChildren('div', attrs={'class' : "transactionRowTitle"}):

                    #sale_dict['title'] = tag.findChildren('div', attrs={'class' : "transactionRowTitle"})[0].renderContents()   

                    title = '\t-->' + tag.findChildren('div', attrs={'class' : "transactionRowTitle"})[0].renderContents()   

                    sale_dict['title'] = '\n\t -->'.join(title.split(',')) + '\n'

                elif tag['class'] == 'transactionRowDate':

                    sale_dict['date'] = tag.renderContents()

                elif tag['class'] == 'transactionRowPrice':

                    sale_dict['price'] = tag.renderContents()


                    print 'bah'                                   

        except TypeError as e:



print 'success!'

#printing nicely

maxT, maxD, maxP = 0, 0, 0

for sale in sales_list:

    maxT = max(maxT, len(sale['title']))

    maxD=max(maxD, len(sale['date']))

    maxP = max(maxP, len(sale['price']))

for sale in sales_list:

    #pad the columns out. In this version it's not really needed anymore, as I

    # now split the columns up a bit.

    print "Date: %-*s\t Price: %*s\n %s" % (maxD, sale['date'],

                                                maxP, sale['price'],



costs = []

count = 0

for sale in sales_list:



    except ValueError:

        count += 1

print '\nTotal costs from your pocket:', sum(costs), 'with probably', count, 'free games'

Pasted: Sep 6, 2012, 7:51:11 pm
Views: 33