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Epidemic: Versus [TEST-1.6.2]

Welcome to Epidemic: Versus Mode!

Epidemic is a forum roleplaying game, in which players find themselves trapped into the streets of Corpsington, during Versus Mode, gameplay is more player focused and faster, with map interactive features and less stats to worry about. Any player who dies as a survivor or gets too infected will turn into a playable zombie. (If the gamemode allows it.) This game is supossed to be realistic with a small portion of madeup things, but, most importantly: Tons of fun!

As a Survivor: you have health, stamina, inventory and infection: Your health would typically start at 20, if it reaches 0, you will die. Your stamina is your best friend. It allows you to do double/triple damage with melee weapons, or, move trough additional places. Not moving would recover 1.5 Stamina (Decimal stamina is unusable, it only helps recover faster.) And walking recovers 1 Stamina. Inventory lets you pick up items found in the map. It’s set to 5 slots. Your Infection starts at 0, if you get hit by zombies, it will increase, if it reaches 20, you will turn into one of the infected in 3 turns (If you die you will play as a zombie next turn), not being able to move and keeping your items until death. Unless you decrease the infection with a healing source. You may also panic, dropping all of the items you have except the last used or one specified by you, getting 3 stamina for that turn only, 10 turn cooldown.

As a Zombie: You can walk trough X areas, you have 1 stamina and know the current infection of all survivors, upon roaring npc zombies close will follow you. You also gain 1 HP every turn while unattacked.

Weapons: A weapon normally has Range, Damage, Ammo and Noise. Melee and hybrid weapons can only hit once, while firearms or Hybrid weapons can shoot as many times as you please. Range is what limits your shooting, if a weapon has 2 range, you can shoot between [Place 1] and [Place 2]. Damage is how much damage it does. Ammo is how much ammo it can shoot until you have to reload. Noise is global and gives a bad effect if it reaches it’s maximum number (50).

Map: In the map, there are different areas such as [Grass Road 1] and [Grass Road 2] You will always be at an area, you can move in all directions except if an area is restricted.

Turns: survivors post first, Zombies post second, and so on.

[Area] - Movable.
[?] Expands the map. 
X - Only zombies can move trough these. 
\/ - Connect/Separate areas (But aren't additional areas.)
O "Empty" Areas, to move trough these you'll be required to waste stamina (Jump, etc.), upon falling on these as a survivor, you will not be able to move and loose 1 HP every turn until another survivor helps you. 
[!] - Cover areas, survivors in these will only receive shots when shooting. 
[N] - Noisy areas that increase global noise upon walking and running on them. 
I - Impossible to move trough areas.
[Area(→/↓/←/↑)] Only allows moving in the direction of the arrow.

The Rules:

-External communication is allowed for Zombies, but not for Survivors.

-You may only post once per host turn, After 50%+ of the players post their action in their respective turn

-If you are afk, You may post actions such as ¨I will follow Dennis¨. Actions such as ¨*Finds gun store and gets Bazooka*¨ may not be used and the host is able to kick you out of the game for this.

-You can votekick other players by saying /votekick Player Idle/Trolling/Rude/Reason, Although majority is needed to kick them.

-If you are joining, Say /join Gender , Name (Optional) votemode Gamemode (No voting as a Late Joiner).

-Late joiners are allowed, But depending on how late it is or the gamemode being played you will join as a Survivor or Zombie.


Made for slow paced gameplay, Panic has no NPC zombies at all. And a secret chosen player will be infected at the start. Zombies have 10 lives during this gamemode, If all zombies are killed: Survivors win. If survivors are all infected or killed: Zombies win. Noise limits shooting during this gamemode. When a survivor dies zombies gain 1 live.

Made for fun challenging gameplay, Flatline offers an endless game as long as survivors stay alive. Keep surviving waves of endless zombies as they come, Players can get infected too. There is no way to win this game. Just to end it. Noise calls hordes during this gamemode.

For players who want to see who’s the best, In Hunted only 1 survivor can win, And player zombies will become a survivor when killing 2 survivors. Survivors may kill each other during this gamemode, And noise calls hordes in it.

Gangs sets 2 teams of survivors at the start of the match, There isn’t infection during this gamemode and players cannot fight as zombies. Noise calls hordes during this gamemode. To win teams must eliminate each other.

Survivors must find all the AI Survivors and rescue them by escorting them to a safe zone to win. Noise, infection and playing stays the same otherwise. Survivors know where AI survivors currently are by using a turn to check their iPhone.

Players may choose their team freely, in a free for all fight. And can change after death, the player who reaches the most points first wins. No NPC zombies, noise limits shooting.

One area is set in the map for the survivors to defend, every 5 turns, a package is sent by the military which the survivors will have to push to the area. There are 2 equal teams of survivors and Zombies in this gamemode, no changing teams.

Survivors must follow the objectives from the map to win. Infection works normally.


Crowbar: (Melee, 1 Slot)
The backup weapon of every survivor, It’s pretty good if you want to avoid making noise.
Damage: 5
Noise: 2/50
Range: 1, Same area.

Sledgehammer: (Melee, 2 Slots)
It’s big and strong!
Damage: 7
Noise: 6/50
Range: 1, Same area.

Guitar: (Melee, 2 Slots)
Now you, too, can be El Kabong! Or Pete Townshend, if you prefer.
Damage: 6
Noise: 5/50
Range: 1, Same area.
Flaw: Breaks if used to attack three turns in a row.

Katana: (Melee, 3 Slots)
Ninja sword.
Damage: 7
Noise: 4/10
Range: 1, Same area.

Riot Shield (Melee, 2 Slots): 
Sometimes carried by Infected Riot Police.
HP: 20
Damage: 4 (-2 HP on attack)
Noise: 2/50.
Ability: Chooses a direction (Up/down/left/right), blocks 100% damage from attacks coming that direction, enemies in the same area are blocked 50% damage.
Flaw: Takes 1 turn to switch weapons with this.

Barricader-BM (Hybrid, 1 Slot)
Can lock an area.
Damage: 1.
Noise: 5/50. (2 When melee attacking)
Range: 2.
Ammo: 1, planks.

Glock: (1 Slot)
The starting weapon of every survivor, it’s pretty good most of the time.
Damage: 4
Noise: 3/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 15, Magazines.

Silver Eagle: (1 Slot)
A handcannon.
Damage: 6
Noise: 7/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 8, Magazines.

Peacemaker: (1 Slot)
Damage: 5
Noise: 5.5/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 6, Bullets.
Ability: May shoot legs to remove 1 stamina per turn of an enemy.
Flaw: Reloads 2 bullets, 4 spending 1 stamina and 6 spending 2 stamina.

Flare Gun: (1 Slot)
Not a toy.
Damage: 3
Noise: 9/50
Range: 3
Ammo: 4, Flares.
Special: If shooting a target 2 times in a 2 turn interval, target gets burning status and looses 1 HP every turn 3 times, not stackable, can be extended to a maximum of 2 turns.
Flaw: Can only shoot once per turn, reloads one projectile per turn.

MP5: (2 Slots)
Another but not so lightweight Sub-machine Gun.
Damage: 3
Noise: 3/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 15, Magazines.

AK-47 (1 Slots)
A soviet union assault rifle which is pretty good for getting rid of the infected.
Damage: 5
Noise: 6/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 30, Magazines.

M4A1 (2 Slots)
A military assault rifle.
Damage: 3.5
Noise: 4/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 30, Magazines.

AR-15 (2 Slots)
A rather stylish looking semi-automatic Assault Rifle.
Damage: 4
Noise: 5/50
Range: 2
Ammo: 20, Magazines.


Old Shotgun (2 Slots)
It makes a lot of noise, It only has 2 shells, But it’s pretty powerful.
Damage: 10
Noise: 10/50
Range: 1
Ammo: 2, Shells.

Remington: (2 Slots)
This shotgun has more shells than what it should..
Damage: 5
Noise: 3/50.
Range: 2
Ammo: 8, Shells.

Mossberg: (3 Slots)
It deals heavy damage and is heavy!
Damage: 8
Noise: 5/50.
Range: 2
Ammo: 8, Shells.

Super Shotty (1 Slot)
It’s a small and fun shotgun, But only has 3 shells.
Damage: 8
Noise: 4/50
Range: 1
Ammo: 3, Shells.

Old Sniper Rifle (2 Slots)
It’s so old it can only reload 1 ammo per turn! But it’s pretty good apart from that.
Damage: 12
Noise: 25/50
Range: 4
Ammo: 5, Old Sniper Ammo.
Flaw: Only reloads 1 bullet per player’s turn.

Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle (2 Slots)
Damage: 15
Noise: 30/50
Range: 4
Ammo: 4, Magazines.
Flaw: Only shoots once per turn.

Sharpshooter: (1 Slot)
An experiment which seems to cause a lot of noise.
Damage: 15
Noise: 15/50.
Range: 4
Ammo: 4, Magazines.


Military Grenade: (1 slot)
Just your typical military grenade.
Damage: 6 (Per enemy in zone), 1 on hit.
Noise: 20/50.
Range: 3 (Impact zone and neighboarding areas when exploding)
Flaw: Only usable once.

Molotov: (1 slot)
Used in War.
Damage: 3 (Per enemy in zone), 1 on hit.
Noise: 20/50.
Range: 3 (Impact zone and neighboarding areas when exploding)
Special: After exploding, the landing area and all areas around with 1 range burn for 2 turns.
Flaw: Only usable once.

Military Flashbang: (1 Slot)
Blinds enemies, Like a typical flashbang.
Damage: 1
Noise: 15/50.
Range: 3 (Impact zone and neighboarding areas when exploding)
Ability: Disallows zombies to grapple for 3 turns and enemy players’ range is decreased by 1 during Versus Mode for 3 turns.
Flaw: Only usable once.

Claymore: (1 slot)
Probably not made with clay.
Damage: 6 (Per enemy in zone)
Noise: 20/50.
Range: 1 (1 When Exploding)
Ability: Explodes on contact with enemies and you after 1 turn.
Flaw: Only usable once.

C4: (1 slot)
A remotable explosive which can be detonated with the iPhone itself and can be secured.
Damage: 6 (Per enemy in zone), 1 on direct hit.
Noise: 20/50.
Range: 3 (Impact zone and neighboarding areas when exploding)
Special: Can be secured so it can't move in any possible way, wasting 1 turn.
Flaw: Only usable once, can be shoved by zombies 1 range away if not secured.

Planks: 10 HP.


Relief Pills:
Heals 2 HP, Heals 10 Infection.

Painkilling Pills:
Heals 10 HP, Heals 2 Infection.

Heals 4 HP, Heals 1 infection.

Defibrillator: (2 Turn Delay)
Brings back a fallen fellow survivor to life with 10 HP.

Hot Chocolate:
Decreases freeze by 6.

Weapon Attachments:

Cuts noise by 50%, Weapon does 25% less damage.

Increases range by 1, Weapon does 25% more noise.

Increases range by 2, 25% more noise and less damage.

Disallows zombies to grapple you, Decreases range by 1. (Except for weapons with only 1 range.)

Attached Frying Pan:
Gives the possibility of making melee attacks and shooting. Using 1-3 stamina depending on wanted damage.

Increases range by 1 in the dark.


Player zombies have 1 stamina, Zombies gain 1 current HP every turn while unattacked.

Grapple & Bite: When catching a survivor that hasn't noticed this zombie, may grapple to disallow the survivor to do anything, the next turn, the survivor receives 300% infection and 25% damage from this zombie.
Grapple & Attack: When catching a survivor that hasn't noticed this zombie, may grapple to disallow the survivor to do anything, the next turn, the survivor receives 300% damage and 25% infection from this zombie.

Casual: (25 HP, 2 Infection, 2 Damage)

Carrier: (20 HP, 2 Damage 3 Infection)

Fallen Riot Police: (15 HP, 10 Armor, +1 HP after attack, +3 HP after Grapple & Attack. 2 Damage, 0 Infection)

Fallen DJ (20 HP, 2 Damage  2 Infection (Grappling replaced by annoy, On annoy: Enemy's range is decreased by 50% and is targetted by other infected for 2 turns.)

Lifter (22 HP, 0 Infection, 3 Damage)

Clown (20 HP, 2 Infection, 1 Damage (Has 2 stamina))

Fallen Military Soldier: (20 HP, 0 Infection, 1 Damage. (2 Damage Disarming.) (Grappling is replaced by Disarming.))

Stomper: (20 HP, 1 Infection, 2 Damage (Can stomp to deal 0 Infection, 1 Damage to all survivors in the same area.)

Thrower: (20 HP, 1 Infection, 2 Damage (Can throw survivors 1 range away, Dealing 0 Infection, 1 Damage to the survivor.))

Brute: (20 HP, 1 Infection, 2 Damage (Can throw rocks 3 range away, 1 turn cooldown, rock deals 2 damage and 0 infection to 1 survivor))

Fallen Scientist: (20 HP, 1 Infection, 2 Damage ((When not moving survivors in the same and neighbourding area/s loose 1 stamina, 0.5 if this zombie is moving.)

Noisy: (20 HP, 1 Infection, 2 Damage (Survivors doing any actions while seeing this zombie make 10% more noise.))

Battle Armor: Can be used by everyone, watch out! (A hit removes 50% HP and Armor if armor is being used, Armor doesn't prevent infection.)

Repair Kit: Repairs 50% Base armor capacity.

Protection Glasses: 5 Armor.

Kevlar Vest: 9 Armor.

Riot Leggings: 6 Armor.

Tactical Armor: (Doesn't protect HP, both HP and armor suffer same amount in a hit.)

Touque: Increases turns to freeze by 1. 4 Hitpoints.

Parka: Increases turns to freeze by 3. 7 Hitpoints.

Snowpants: Increases turns to freeze by 2. 4 Hitpoints.

NBC Helmet: Decreases infection received by 25%. 4 Hitpoints.

NBC Chest: Decreases infection received by 50%. 8 Hitpoints.

NBC Leggings: Decreases infection received by 25%. 4 Hitpoints.


World Events:


Autumn: No changes.

Winter: If staying at cold areas for more than 3 turns, stamina decreases by 1 for both Survivors and Zombies. Effect goes off after the turns you stayed in warm areas for the turns you gained with cold. (Maximum 3).

Summer: If survivors or zombies have been moving trough 12 areas non-stop, Lose 1 HP.

Spring: Rains, if running wasting 3 stamina, player trips and looses 1 turn.


Full Moon: Range is increased by 1 for all survivors.

New Moon: Scopes and ACOGS will not benefit in any way, Flashlights will be able to increase range. -1 Range for all survivors.


Default Bot Survivor Names (Male) (17):
Jeffery, Nicholas, Edward, Alpha, Maxwell, Leonardo, Adam, Henry, Dylan, Zahid, Andrew, Ren, Kichiro, Marcus, Paul, Drake.

Default Bot Survivor Names (Female) (17):
Lina, Dahlia, Karen, Jacqueline, Alysa, Linsay, Sylvia, Verónica, Natalia, Clarisa, Maryana, Alisa, Kate, Ana, Vanessa, Rebecca, Ástrid.

Pasted: Dec 6, 2016, 1:57:43 am
Views: 20