-- Set hitbox size, transparency level, and notification status local size = Vector3.new(10, 10, 10) local trans = 1 local notifications = false -- Store the time when the code starts executing local start = os.clock() -- Send a notification saying that the script is loading game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "Script", Text = "Loading script...", Icon = "", Duration = 5 }) -- Load the ESP library and turn it on local esp = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrewc0de/Roblox/main/Dependencies/ESP.lua"))() esp:Toggle(true) -- Configure ESP settings esp.Boxes = true esp.Names = false esp.Tracers = false esp.Players = false -- Add an object listener to the workspace to detect enemy models esp:AddObjectListener(workspace, { Name = "soldier_model", Type = "Model", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 4), -- Specify the primary part of the model as the HumanoidRootPart PrimaryPart = function(obj) local root repeat root = obj:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") task.wait() until root return root end, -- Use a validator function to ensure that models do not have the "friendly_marker" child Validator = function(obj) task.wait(1) if obj:FindFirstChild("friendly_marker") then return false end return true end, -- Set a custom name to use for the enemy models CustomName = "?", -- Enable the ESP for enemy models IsEnabled = "enemy" }) -- Enable the ESP for enemy models esp.enemy = true -- Wait for the game to load fully before applying hitboxes task.wait(1) -- Apply hitboxes to all existing enemy models in the workspace for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "soldier_model" and v:IsA("Model") and not v:FindFirstChild("friendly_marker") then local pos = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position for _, bp in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if bp:IsA("BasePart") then local distance = (bp.Position - pos).Magnitude if distance <= 5 then bp.Transparency = trans bp.Size = size end end end end end -- Function to handle when a new descendant is added to the workspace local function handleDescendantAdded(descendant) task.wait(1) -- If the new descendant is an enemy model and notifications are enabled, send a notification if descendant.Name == "soldier_model" and descendant:IsA("Model") and not descendant:FindFirstChild("friendly_marker") then if notifications then game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "Script", Text = "[Warning] New Enemy Spawned! Applied hitboxes.", Icon = "", Duration = 3 }) end -- Apply hitboxes to the new enemy model local pos = descendant:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position for _, bp in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if bp:IsA("BasePart") then local distance = (bp.Position - pos).Magnitude if distance <= 5 then bp.Transparency = trans bp.Size = size end end end end end -- Connect the handleDescendantAdded function to the DescendantAdded event of the workspace task.spawn(function() game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:Connect(handleDescendantAdded) end) -- Store the time when the code finishes executing local finish = os.clock() -- Calculate how long the code took to run and determine a rating for the loading speed local time = finish - start local rating if time < 3 then rating = "fast" elseif time < 5 then rating = "acceptable" else rating = "slow" end -- Send a notification showing how long the code took to run and its rating game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "Script", Text = string.format("Script loaded in %.2f seconds (%s loading)", time, rating), Icon = "", Duration = 5 })