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Anons shitty guide

[1] - FAQ
[2] - Purchasing
  [2A] - Onaholes
  [2B] - Dolls
[3] - Care
  [3A] - General
  [3B] - Cleaning
  [3C] - Drying
  [3D] - Onahole Specifics
  [3E] - Doll Specifics
[4] - Additional Information
  [4A] - Onaholes
  [4B] - Dolls
[5] - Notes
  [5A] - Lube
  [5B] - Performance enhancers and increased cum volume
  [5C] - Dakimakuras

[1] -FAQ-
Q: "What's the difference between silicone and TPE?"
A:  Silicone is harder, heavier, is less prone to staining, requires less maintenance, and generally lasts longer than TPE. TPE's advantages over silicone are a softer more pleasurable feel, better flexibility, and a much lower cost. Keep this in mind when deciding which product is right for you.

Q: "How do I get these delivered discreetly?"
A: Look for a discrete shipping option or contact the vendor directly

Q: "I want to buy an ona with a loli on the box but my country has harsh penalties for this sort of thing, am I totally fucked?"
A: You aren't completely out of luck, contact the vendor and explain your situation and ask them to remove the item from its usual box and ship it as plainly as possible. Any decent vendor will do this for you.

Q: "Do these things make noise? I don't live alone and want to be quiet."
A:  Yes, they make noise. How much noise depends on a few things like how much lube you are using, what kind of lube, whether or not you are forcing air out of the hole and so on.

Q: "I'm still not living alone and I'm scared someone I live with is going to open my packages, what should I do"
A:  Tell them to fuck off and respect your privacy. Alternatively rent a P.O. Box or have your package delivered to the delivery companies office or locker service, FedEx, UPS, and Amazon all offer locker or holding services. Just contact them before you make your purchase.

Q: "Are hole warmers worth it?"
A: IMO no they aren't and I would suggest warming up your lube instead. If you want to try them out though I'm not going to stop you.

Q: "So what's a good way to warm up lube then?"
A:  Letting the bottle sit in a bowl of hot water works, as does placing it in front of a space heater. Don't try to microwave it.

[2] -Purchasing-
So you've decided to get your own ona or doll but don't know where to get one. No need to worry or stress since there is an easy to reference list of vendors that various anons have purchased from meaning finding a reputable vendor is easier than before. If you don't see a vendor on this list ask if anyone has experience purchasing from them and use general common sense to avoid getting scammed. List will be updated as anons talk about their purchasing experiences

[2A] -Onaholes-

North America:
North American branch of Motsu Toys
Mainly stocks mini figures but also has a selection of onas


Europe (Netherlands / Europe) (Germany / Europe) (UK / Europe) (Germany / Europe)

[2B] -Dolls-
Based in Texas and operated by Americans, notable for quick customer service responses.
Notable for good customer service from Shannon.
Same vendor with 2 store fronts, stock and prices differ between pages, notable for full sized dolls at a very low cost.

[3] -Care-
[3A] -General-
Here I'll outline some of the differences between silicone and TPE and general cleaning and maintenance that the two materials require with ona and doll specific notes in their respective subsections.

Silicone is a denser, non porous material that is heavier and generally more durable than TPE although its not as elastic and will tear sooner than TPE when stretched out.
TPE on the other hand is lighter, softer, porous and easier to damage than silicone.
Care of the two materials is very similar, wash after use, dry thoroughly, apply baby powder to maintain softness and keep things from sticking to the material, and store in a climate controlled area out of the sun.
TPE requires occasional oiling to maintain its elasticity and this can be done with any over the counter mineral oil which includes oils that contain a fragrance if you want your ona/doll to smell like lavender or whatever. Oiling can be done months apart and is only needed a few times a year, the process is as simple as pouring oil on to your hand or directly on to the material, rubbing it in, and then give it time to fully absorb.

[3B] -Cleaning-
After use you want to wash out your ona or doll thoroughly to prevent the growth of mold which will ruin it.
You can easily do this in your bathroom sink, open the hole up with your fingers and place it under running water to rinse out all the cum and lube inside. After that squirt some mild hand soap inside and agitate it to suds it up and clean the inside. Rinse again and your ona/doll is now all clean.

[3C] -Drying-
Take a soft washcloth or towel and pat dry the outside, don't wipe it since that can cause abrasion damage, microfiber works great here.
To dry the inside you have a few options.
   -Chopstick Method-
     Wrap a paper towel around something long and thin like a chopstick, insert into the hole, and give it a squeeze to ensure the paper towel absorbs all of the moisture.
   -Drying Stick-
     Drying sticks are made of diatomaceous earth which is highly porous, highly absorbent, reusable, and can be used the same way as the chopstick method. Give the stick a good rinse and let it fully air dry to keep it working effectively.
   -Air Pump-
     Aquarium air pumps are a largely hands off method to dry the interior of a hole. You will need the pump itself and some tubing which can be purchased cheaply. Snake the tubing to the back of the hole and make sure there is space from the back to the entrance for the air to flow out of, turn the pump on and in a few hours you will have a dry hole. IMPORTANT: If you have a TPE hole make sure that your tubing is NOT made of silicone. Silicone and TPE react on contact and you risk the tubing fusing with your hole.

[3D] - Onahole Specifics -
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[3E] - Doll Specifics -
Basic cleaning and drying advice applies but I highly suggest getting a douche to make washing your dolls insides easier and setting up a place to stand your doll to make cleaning as smooth as possible. Since the doll obviously wont fit in your sink this can be done anywhere from standing her up in the bathtub for easy drain access to standing her in the middle of your bedroom with a bucket and towels underneath her to catch the water and clean up any overflow mess.

[4] - Additional Information -
Heard someone mention the pillow method, want to try it out, but dont know how? Wondering how to find a certain outfit for your doll? Answers to various niche questions can be found in the following sections.

[4A] - Onaholes -
     - The Pillow Method -
So you're looking for a step up from plain ona usage but aren't ready to get a hip/torso/doll for whatever reason? Then the pillow method might be for you.
For this you will need 2 pillows and some straps/belts/rope/something to keep them bound together.
The method itself is simple, take you pillows and stack one on top of the other and then place your ona in between them with the hole at the edge of the pillows and then fasten the pillows together by tightly cinching your fasteners around the pillows. The benefit of this method is securing your ona in a way that will let you use it hands free and thrust yourself into it rather than using your arm to pump the ona to stimulate yourself.

     - Ona Recommendations -
Venus Real
Venus Clone
Lilith Uterus
Kunoichi/Hanjuku Succubus
Virgin Eight Loop
Vacuum Witch
Golden Moeten
Lolinco Virgo
Rina Big
Tanetsuke Press
Fuwa Cyun W
Meiki Zhang Xiao Yu aka ZXY
Carnivorous Mermaid

[4B] - Dolls -
     - Clothing -
Whether your doll is tall or small, oppai or noppai, you are going to want to get something cute or sexy to dress her up in. Finding clothes that perfectly fit your doll can be a challenge due to their idealized body types and sometimes extreme proportions compared to real women. This issue is compounded by women's clothing sizes different between brands, a size 2 from brand A does not always match a size 2 from brand B. So how do we solve this issue and find something that fits? By verifying your dolls manufacturer specs with careful measurement. Use a soft measuring tape to determine your dolls 3 sizes, this can be done by following these directions.
With arms relaxed at sides, measure around the fullest part of the bust.
Measure around the natural waistline, smallest part of waist.
Standing with legs together, measure around fullest part of hips.
Now that you know you've verified your dolls measurements compare them to a sizing chart to find out what size clothes should fit your doll, a simple search should bring up many charts for you to use.
Now that you have your dolls basic clothing size figured out its time to determine her bra size.
Step 1:
Measure directly under her bust around the torso, the measuring tape should be level and snug. Round to the nearest whole number. If the number is even, add four inches. If it's odd, add five. Her band size is the sum of this calculation.
Step 2:
Measure around the fullest part of her chest which should be at nipple level, this measurement should be slightly loose. Round to the nearest whole number.
Step 3:
Subtract the band size(X) from the bust measurement(Y) to determine cup size(Z).
Reference below to find out what letter cup size Z represents.
6=DDD or F
Please note that this only applies to US bra sizes.
     - Staining -
TPE and Silicone can be stained if you aren't careful. Cheap dyes will can easily rub off of clothes and on to your doll leaving her with a nasty mark on her skin, especially dark and vibrant colors. Now this doesn't mean you have to avoid these colors all together, to help prevent staining you can take a few simple precautions.
First off wash your dolls clothes before putting them on her, for dark colors or cheap clothes I suggest multiple washes.
Second don't leave your doll in those clothes for long, they longer they are exposed the higher the chance of staining becomes.
Third try to avoid placing physical pressure on the clothing item, pressure and friction increases the chance of a contact stain.

[5] - Notes -
Information on things indirectly related to onaholes and dolls can be found here.

[5A] - Lube -
Here I'll cover some basic information concerning lube, since each persons lube needs will vary this is just a starting point to help you decide what you will want to use.
First off to avoid damaging your doll or ona USE WATER BASED LUBE ONLY. Lube comes in many varieties but the most common bases are water, silicone, and oil.
Water Based - Pros: Completely safe for you and your toys.
                    Spills are easy to clean and wont stain, just wipe them up.
              Cons: Stickier and doesn't last as long, requires reapplication for long sessions.
Silicon Based - Pros: Slippery, long lasting, and requires less lube to be applied when using it.
                Cons: Breaks rubber down, will destroy your ona or doll over time.
                      Harder to clean, you'll need soap and water and it can leave stains behind, especially on hardwood 
Oil Based - Pros: Slippery and also lasts longer than water based lube.
            Cons: Hard to clean and stains.
                  Also breaks down plastics but not as quickly as silicone based lubes.
In general, avoid any lubricant that contains any artificial flavors, colors, sugars, essential oils, or other additional additives.
     - Viscosity -
You've decided on your lube base and now you need to figure out if thick or thin lube is right for you. Thick lubes offer a more slippery sensation and will stay applied for longer but are also slightly harder to clean. Thinner lubes while not lasting as long will let you feel more of your onas textures as you use it. Keep in mind that the consistency of water based lubes can easily be changed just by adding more water to thin it out so if you are unsure of which lube to choose I would suggest a thicker lube and carefully adjusting it until it feels right for you.
     - Warming up Lube -
So you're sitting there with your ona lubed up and ready to go but there's a problem, those first few pumps are ice cold and uncomfortable, so what can you do? Heating up your lube so you stick your dick into a nice warm bath instead of a half frozen lake is the answer.
First off you need to know the difference between warming lube and lube that is warmed up. Warming lubes get their warming qualities from additives that create an intensely stimulating sensation more like a chemical burn than pleasant physical warmth. A number of these additives include mentholated ingredients, compounds derived from red peppers, and chemicals that can cause major tissue dehydration. Warming up lube on the other hand is simply exposing the lube to a heat source so that its temperature rises and creates a more pleasant feeling on your skin.
So what are some good methods to warm up your lube? The most common and widely recommended method is simply filling a bowl with hot water from your kitchen faucet and placing your bottle of lube inside until it warms up. Other simple methods include placing the bottle next to a heater, wrapping it in an electric blanket, or purchasing a lotion warmer like spas use.

[5B] - Performance enhancers and increased cum volume -
Nothing in this section has been clinically proven, your experience will vary.
So you want to shoot big pearly white loads all over your doll and leave your ona overflowing?
You will need:
   -L-Arginine, 1000mg, taken once daily
   -Zinc, 50mg, taken once daily
   -Pygeum, 100mg, taken twice daily, 200mg total
   -Lecithin, 1200mg, taken once daily
In addition to these supplements drink plenty of water to increase the volume of your load.
Perform kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, clench your pelvic muscles and hold for 3 seconds then release for 3 seconds, breathe normally while clenching and do 3 sets of 10 daily. These can be done standing, sitting, or laying down and have a positive benefit on your bladder, bowel, and sexual health, the most notable benefit for this guides purposes is stronger erections and stronger cum shots.
Finally increase the amount of celery in your diet, some studies have show it can increase both your sperm count and fertility due to its strong antioxidant properties and it can change the color of your cum to a pearly white.

[5C] - Dakimakuras -
[Under Construction]

Pasted: Dec 5, 2022, 10:55:10 am
Views: 33,891