get paid to paste

Kill Muncher and Yoshi

;Block by JackThsSpades
;Kills the player instantly regardless of powerup unless he has a star or is riding Yoshi and touches the block from the top
;Pretty much like an instant kill muncher.
;Credit? For 14 lines of code? I don't care.

print "Kills Mario unless he has a star or is riding Yoshi"

db $42
JMP Mario : JMP MarioAbove : JMP Mario
JMP Return : JMP Return
JMP Return : JMP Return
JMP MarioAbove : JMP Mario : JMP Mario


	LDA $1490	;is the star timer set?  \ remove those two if you want
	BNE Return	;if yes, skip		 / the block to kill Mario even when he has starpower
	JSL $00F606	;if no,...KILL!!!

Pasted: Jul 30, 2018, 11:59:13 am
Views: 9