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¯¦¦¦¯                Operation.Red.Sea.2018.BDRip.x264-LPD                ¯¦¦¦¯
  ¯                                                                         ¯
                        Title·········[ Operation Red Sea
                        Release.Date··[ 09/23/2018
                        Source········[ BR RETAIL
                        Release.Size··[ 32x50MB
                        Runtime·······[ 2h 18mn
                        Video.Format··[ X264
                        Frame.Rate····[ 24 FPS
                        Aspect.Ratio··[ 720x302 *WS*
                        Bitrate·······[ 1509 kb/s
                        Subs··········[ English/Chinese
              IMDB.Rating··[ 7.0/10 (2,875 votes)
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 ¦¦¦             ¯¯ ¯ -----------------      ¯¯ ¯ -----------              ¦¦¦
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¯¦¦¦¯                                Enjoy!                               ¯¦¦¦¯
  ¯                                                                         ¯  
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    ¯¦¦¦¯                                                             ¯¦¦¦¯
      ¯                      Currently looking for:                     ¯
                        * Suppliers of pre-retail DVD's.
                         * Suppliers of DVD Screeners.
                      · Contact: [email protected] ·
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Pasted: Sep 23, 2018, 3:07:04 am
Views: 15