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QA Session with [tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 76
[tpb]vnssgdnr[/tpb]: Thanks for turning around and helping him.  At least he knew someone was with him to help. Great job.
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: this happened on curtis street at professors row Tufts campus.  I was told not to move him from his side..he was breathing and convulsing so CPR on my part wasn't an option.  Oddly enough he stopped breathing the moment the first responders arrived.  One thing I noticed, even before his first collapse was that he was carrying mop heads in a bag, the old kind like long white yarn so I assumed he was coming from the hillside hardware, ironically where I was going when we crossed paths.  I went to the hardware store and sure enough he had just left.  I was also able to find out he occassionally went to the store and was in their words, "kind of off"  and they assumed he lived in a group home which makes the 3 mop heads sensible.

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 56
[tpb]midlifery[/tpb]: Oh what an awful experience to go though but you did a great thing stopping for him and calling for help. How are you processing all this?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: I remember tearing up and gettng embarrased in front of the cop.  Amazing how unempathetic the police and fire guys were, like they were bothered to be there.  I realize it has to be that way for them or they'd go crazy and it really is there job and they see it all the time but man I was blown away by it.  That said, they tried so hard and did everything possible to save him..true pros

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 30
[tpb]midlifery[/tpb]: Oh what an awful experience to go though but you did a great thing stopping for him and calling for help. How are you processing all this?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: still processing now.  To think I witnessed the entire thing, from initially thinking he was drunk to the first fall, to asking him if he was ok and him replying with his last words, "I don't know" then falling is bizarre.

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 20
[tpb]midlifery[/tpb]: I hope if that ever happens to me, someone steps up like you did so I don't have to die alone on a sidewalk. You did a good thing; you know it, even if it was unpleasant. I'm sure his family is grateful that someone stopped to help and stayed with him.
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: thank you.  I would like to find his family to tell them what I saw and how they tried very hard to save him

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 10
[tpb]prezmafc[/tpb]: I am sure everyone is wondering... What killed him?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: I'm going to find out but based on what the hardware store guys said, I'm thinking he had a seizure.  

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 10
[tpb]bsdboy[/tpb]: In case it's not painfully obvious, knowing CPR can save somebody's life.
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: good point and thanks for the link.  

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 7
[tpb]unsanitary_napkin[/tpb]: How old did he look? Did he look like a college student?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: he was definitely not a college student.  Old enough for me to call him sir and I'm in my 40's

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 6
[tpb]sonofabutch[/tpb]: That's awful. You're a good person for stopping; most of us would have just kept going. I wonder if there's a story in your local newspaper about him; I'm sure you want to know who he was and what happened to him. 

Just know that you did all you could to help him. 
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: I'm going to ask the police if they can tell me something about him.  If he was my family I would want to speak with the person who witnessed what happened and get some details.  

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 3
[tpb]Iamadansuer[/tpb]: Have you heard from any family members of his? I'm so sorry that you experienced this, I had a similar experience when I was 12 with a friend. (He's still alive but it took him about 3 weeks to recover)
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: I haven't heard from the family.  I'm about to walk across to the police station and see what I can find out

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 3
[tpb]Spoonermcgee[/tpb]: How has this put your own mortality into perspective? Did you come home and call a loved one immediately?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: wow that's a great question.  It did not put my mortality into perspective at all.  when it pops into my mind I think of our interaction as brief as it was, my question, his answer, the glasses broken at the bridge but still on his face.  I just feel bad for him

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 2
[tpb]westsan[/tpb]: No cause of death?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: I haven't found out yet but will post as soon as I find out

[tpb]Score[/tpb]: 1
[tpb]ThaDers[/tpb]: How old was he?
[tpb]teelesquared[/tpb]: I'm not sure how old but 50's I'd say

Pasted: Dec 31, 2013, 6:56:41 am
Views: 15