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Add Numbered Page Navigation In Thesis Without...

Add Numbered Page Navigation In Thesis Without Plugin

function numbered_page_nav($prelabel = '', $nxtlabel = '', $pages_to_show = 8, $always_show = false) {
	global $request, $posts_per_page, $wpdb, $paged;

	$custom_range = round($pages_to_show/2);
	if (!is_single()) {
		if(!is_category()) {
			preg_match('#FROM\s(.*)\sORDER BY#siU', $request, $matches);
		else {
			preg_match('#FROM\s(.*)\sGROUP BY#siU', $request, $matches);
		$blog_post_count = $matches[1];
		$numposts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM $blog_post_count");
		$max_page = ceil($numposts /$posts_per_page);
		if(empty($paged)) {
			$paged = 1;
		if($max_page > 1 || $always_show) {
			echo "<div class='page-nav'><div class='page-nav-intro'>Page $paged of $max_page</div>";
			if ($paged >= ($pages_to_show-2)) {
				echo '<div class="page-number"><a href="'.get_pagenum_link().'">1</a></div><div class="elipses">...</div>';
			for($i = $paged - $custom_range; $i <= $paged + $custom_range; $i++) {
				if ($i >= 1 && $i <= $max_page) {
					if($i == $paged) {
						echo "<div class='current-page-number'>$i</div>";
					else {
						echo '<div class="page-number"><a href="'.get_pagenum_link($i).'">'.$i.'</a></div>';
			if (($paged+$custom_range) < ($max_page)) {
				echo '<div class="elipses">...</div><div class="page-number"><a href="'.get_pagenum_link($max_page).'">'.$max_page.'</a></div>';
			echo "</div>";
remove_action('thesis_hook_after_content', 'thesis_post_navigation');
add_action('thesis_hook_after_content', 'numbered_page_nav');

/* NUMBERED PAGE NAV */ .page-nav { font-size: 1.35em; font-weight: bold; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } .page-nav-intro { float: left; padding: .3em .5em; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; background: #efefef; border: .1em solid #ccc; } .page-number { float: left; padding: .3em .5em; margin: 0 .2em; background: #fff; border: .1em solid #ccc; } .current-page-number { float: left; padding: .3em .5em; margin: 0 .2em; background: #efefef; border: .1em solid #ccc; } .elipses { float: left; padding: .3em .2em; }

Pasted: Mar 28, 2013, 7:59:07 am
Views: 13