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So I have a problem. I live in Central Texas, and we're in a drought. It's rained like three times since March. We're under a burn ban, and any and all fireworks have been banned. Every year for the Fourth of July, my town has this HUGE festival at a local park that I happened to grow up next to. I've been to it every year of my life. And In my 20 years of living never once has is been canceled. But this year, because of the drought the city has called off the entire thing. Not just the fireworks but the whole festival. I loved going to this as a kid, they have carnival rides, live music, food, and a petting zoo. Now it's not going to happen and I was just wondering if there was something you could do? I know the fireworks are really dangerous right now, but that doesn't mean the festival can't go on. Is there any way you could help?

PS. respond privately please. ty c:

Pasted: Jun 29, 2011, 7:34:33 am
Views: 6