get paid to paste

OOP Project

// Purpose
// A program to demonstrate the application of a simple digital filter
// Overview
// A sequence of data items and digital filter values need to be entered by the
// user. The application of the filter to the data involves a simple convolution 
// operation. The filtered data are stored separately. 
// Example
//  before filtering: 
//   data_in = [0 1 3 6 3 1 0]
//   filter = [-0.5 1 -0.5]
//  after filtering:
//   data_out = [-0.5 -0.5 3 -0.5 -0.5]
//  where
//   data_out[0]=data_in[0]*filter[0]+data_in[1]*filter[1]+data_in[2]*filter[2]
//   data_out[1]=data_in[1]*filter[0]+data_in[2]*filter[1]+data_in[3]*filter[2]
//   data_out[2]=data_in[2]*filter[0]+data_in[3]*filter[1]+data_in[4]*filter[2]
//   data_out[3]=data_in[3]*filter[0]+data_in[4]*filter[1]+data_in[5]*filter[2]
//   data_out[4]=data_in[4]*filter[0]+data_in[5]*filter[1]+data_in[6]*filter[2]
// The program checks the following
//  1.The data and filter values must have been entered before the filter is 
//    applied
//  2.The filter is not applied if the number of filter values is greater than
//    the number of input data values
//  3.The data and filter values must have been entered and the filter applied 
//    before the filtered data can be displayed
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// the data values and the filter
struct TheFilter {
	double* Values;   // the filter values POINTER
	unsigned long Length;  // number of filter values
	bool Valid;   // true if the filter values have been obtained

struct TheData {
	double* Values;  // holds the data to be filtered POINTER
	unsigned long Length;  // number of data values
	bool Valid;   // true if the data values have been obtained

// function return values

// function prototypes

void EnterData(TheData &OriginalData);    //Function Prototypes
void EnterFilter(TheFilter &Filter);
int ApplyFilter(TheFilter &Filter, TheData &OriginalData, TheData &FilteredData);
void DisplayData(TheFilter &Filter, TheData &OriginalData, TheData &FilteredData);

// Control the principal operations of the program
// Arguments: None
// Returns: 0 on completion
int main()
	// define the filter and its initial values
	TheFilter Filter = { 0,0,false };

	// define the original data and its initial values
	TheData OriginalData = { 0,0,false };

	// define the filtered data and its initial values
	TheData FilteredData = { 0,0,false };

	char UserInput;

	// loop until the user wishes to exit
	while (1) {

		// show the menu of options
		cout << endl;
		cout << "Filter Menu" << endl;
		cout << "-----------" << endl;
		cout << "1. Enter data for filtering" << endl;
		cout << "2. Enter filter values" << endl;
		cout << "3. Apply filter" << endl;
		cout << "4. Display filtered data" << endl;
		cout << "5. Exit from the program" << endl << endl;

		// get the user's choice
		cout << "Enter your option: ";
		cin >> UserInput;
		cout << endl;

		// act on the user's input
		switch (UserInput) {
		case '1':
			FilteredData.Valid = false;

		case '2':
			FilteredData.Valid = false;

		case '3':
			if (Filter.Valid == true && OriginalData.Valid == true && FilteredData.Valid == false) {
				if (ApplyFilter(Filter, OriginalData, FilteredData) == FILTER_TOO_LONG) {
					cout << "The filter must not be longer than the data" << endl;
				else {
					FilteredData.Valid = true;
					cout << "Filter applied" << endl;

		case '4':
			if (Filter.Valid == true && OriginalData.Valid == true && FilteredData.Valid == true) {
				DisplayData(Filter, OriginalData, FilteredData);
			else {
				cout << "Data have not yet been filtered" << endl;

		case '5':
			delete[] Filter.Values;
			delete[] OriginalData.Values;
			delete[] FilteredData.Values;
			return 0;

			cout << "Invalid entry" << endl << endl;

// Allow the user to enter the data to be filtered												1 EnterData
// Arguments:
//   (1) the structure containing the input data
// Returns: nothing
void EnterData(TheData &OriginalData)
	// initialize the data structure that holds the data to be filtered, including getting
	delete[] OriginalData.Values;
	// the number of data values from the user
	cout << "Please enter the number of data values would you like to convolute?" << endl;
	cin >> OriginalData.Length;

	// allocate memory to the data	
	// Obtain memory from free store for the array
	OriginalData.Values = new double[OriginalData.Length];
	if (OriginalData.Values == 0)
		cerr << "\n*** Unable to allocate memory *** \n";
		// obtain all of the data values
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (OriginalData.Length); i++)
			cout << "Enter data value " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;
			cin >> *(OriginalData.Values + i);
	cout << "Data Assigned" << endl;

	OriginalData.Valid = true;

// Allow the user to enter the filter values
// Arguments:
//   (1) the structure of the filter to be defined												  2 EnterFilter
// Returns: nothing
void EnterFilter(TheFilter &Filter)
	// initialize the data structure that holds the filter, including getting the number of		
	delete[] Filter.Values;
	// filter values from the user
	cout << "Please enter the number of filter values would you like to add? (this must be less than Data values)" << endl;
	cin >> Filter.Length;

	// allocate memory to the filter values
	// Obtain memory from free store for the array
	// obtain all of the data values
	Filter.Values = new double[Filter.Length];
	if (Filter.Values == 0)
		cerr << "\n*** Unable to allocate memory *** \n";
		// obtain all of the filter values
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (Filter.Length); i++)
			cout << "Enter data value " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;
			cin >> *(Filter.Values + i);
	cout << "Filter Assigned" << endl;
	Filter.Valid = true;


// Apply the filter to the input data and store in the filtered data structure                    3  ApplyFilter
// Arguments:
//   (1) the structure of the filter to be applied
//   (2) the structure containing the data to be filtered
//   (3) the structure to hold the filtered data
// Returns: OK - if the filter is applied
//          FILTER_TOO_LONG - the filter is longer than the data 
int ApplyFilter(TheFilter &Filter, TheData &DataIn, TheData &FilteredData)
	// return an error if the filter is longer than the data
	if (Filter.Length > DataIn.Length) return FILTER_TOO_LONG;

	// initialize the data structure that holds the filtered data
	FilteredData.Length = (DataIn.Length - (Filter.Length - 1));

	// get memory for the filtered data
	FilteredData.Values = new double[Filter.Length];
	if (FilteredData.Values == 0)
		cerr << "\n*** Unable to allocate memory *** \n";
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (FilteredData.Length); j++)
			*(FilteredData.Values + j) = 0;

			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (Filter.Length); i++)
				*(FilteredData.Values + j) = (*(Filter.Values + i)) * (*(DataIn.Values + j + i)) + (*(FilteredData.Values + j));
	Filter.Valid = true;
	return OK;

// Display input data, filter values and output data											  4  DisplayData
// Arguments:
//   (1) the structure of the filter to be applied
//   (2) the structure containing the data to be filtered
//   (3) the structure that holds the filtered data
// Returns: nothing
void DisplayData(TheFilter &Filter, TheData &DataIn, TheData &FilteredData)
	// display all of the input data values
	cout << "data values: ";
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (DataIn.Length); i++)
		cout << *(DataIn.Values + i) << ", ";
	cout << endl;

	// display all of the filter values
	cout << "filter values: ";
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (Filter.Length); i++)
		cout << *(Filter.Values + i) << ", ";
	cout << endl;

	// display all of the data output values
	cout << "filtered values: ";
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (FilteredData.Length); i++)
		cout << *(FilteredData.Values + i) << ", ";
	cout << endl;

Pasted: Dec 31, 2016, 12:39:52 pm
Views: 52