Even over the blaring music of the club, Victor could still hear the click of someone taking a quick pic right behind him. Before he could decide the next course of action, he yelped in surprise as a muscular hand made its way onto his plump backside. It was a nice ass- that’s why he hopped into this young lady- and the dress really showed it off, but back in his day men used to be gentlemen. The nerve, not letting a lady enjoy a night out on the town! Victor spun around to confront the brute. In the low light, the man’s eyes were like a shark’s, leering but with little behind them. But the rest of him was quite the prize: tall, chiseled jaw, wide shoulders, fit. Victor clearly picked up the intense sexuality of this woman’s body, and couldn’t help but lick his lips in lust, much to the approval of the oaf he was appraising. The boorish man flashed an arrogant smirk, “Wanna get out of here? My place is just around the corner.” Despite the cliché line, Victor returned the smile, “Sure,” he oozed with practiced seductiveness. He’s been in this body for far too long (over a week at this point), and this idiot deserved to be put in his place. As much as Victor was looking forward to stealing this man’s body, he couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he gets dumped into a horny woman’s body indefinitely.