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Carol of the Bell Part 1

“Ross, I have no idea how you did this but I swear to god when this is over I’m going to kill you!” Dale, Ross’s coworker who made his life a living hell, lashed out with his new feminine voice. He stood next to his work friend Jerry, another one of Ross’s coworkers from hell, as Ross paced back and forth in front of them.

“After all of this you still want to talk to me that way?” Ross shouted back at Dale. “You already know what I’m capable of so why don’t you apologize and I’ll let the both of you off easy.” And Dale did in fact know what Ross was capable of. A couple of days ago Ross woke up, ready for another day of work as he always did but underneath his christmas tree he found an unlabelled gift box that had a note that simply said ‘An early christmas gift!’ Ross opened this gift to find a small golden bell with ‘Those who hear this bell will do as your thoughts compel’ inscribed into its metal. Not thinking much of it at the time he pocketed it and headed to work where he was tormented by Jerry and Dale who taunted him, saying he was just as dumb as the women in their office. That’s when Ross used the bell, ringing it in their presence and turned them into the ‘weak and dumb’ women they so loathed.

“As if I’m going to apologize to some perverted freak! Now turn us back!”

Ross stopped his pacing and turned to Dale, “I gave you an opportunity. Now-” He dangled the bell in Dale’s face, watching as it went pale. “What did you always say to Jessie? That woman are only worthwhile if they have a pair of tits?” He shook his hand, the bell ringing out across his living room as his workplace bullies scrunched their faces in discomfort. The once men, now women’s chests gurgled before they exploded in size. Their once A-cup breasts now dwarfed their little feminine heads.

“Fuck you~!” Dale spat at Ross. His chest heaved up and down on his frozen body as he caught his breath, the ribbon he had magically been forced to wear shifted as he breathed. “If I knew you were this much of a freak I would’ve been harsher on you I swear to-”

“Shut up and pose for me.” Ross cut Dale off and rang the bell. He watched as Dale’s mouth clenched shut and the two women took steps towards each other, turning their bodies to the side and mushing their boobs together. They then raised their opposite hands and made a heart gesture with their fingers. Dale’s and Jerry’s eyes shot daggers at Ross as it was their only form of self-expression. “That’s more like it! Why don’t I leave you two to yourselves while I get some rest and figure out what I’m gonna do with y’all.” Ross turned and began making his way to the hallway, stopping before he left his coworkers' sight. “You know, the office Christmas party is coming up and I’m certain some of them would like a chance to get back at the both of you. I guess we’ll have to see. Have a good night ladies!” His voice had a taunting up and down to it as he bounded around the corner and made his way to his bedroom, leaving his two bully coworkers to silently decorate his living room with their lewd pose.

Pasted: Dec 21, 2023, 9:25:24 pm
Views: 163