getgenv().SpaceWars = { Colors = { American =, 0.5, 1), -- ESP Color for American ships Soviet =, 0, 0), -- ESP Color for Soviet ships }, Settings = { Allies = false, -- ESP allies Enemies = true, -- ESP enemies Ships = true, -- ESP ships Spacecraft = true, -- ESP spacecraft ShipTextSize = 16, -- Text size for ESP text on ships SpacecraftTextSize = 12, -- Text size for ESP text on spacecraft } } local DendroESP = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))(); function ESP(ship, team, size) local modelo = DendroESP:AddModel(ship, "BoundingBox") modelo.TextEnabled = true modelo.Text = team .. " " .. ship.Name modelo.TextSize = size modelo.TextAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center modelo.PleaseBecomeThisColor = SpaceWars.Colors[team] return modelo end function DoSomethingWithThisShip(ship) local owner = ship:WaitForChild("Owner") repeat task.wait() until owner.Value ~= nil if owner.Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer then return end if not SpaceWars.Settings.Allies and owner.Value.Team == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team then return end if not SpaceWars.Settings.Enemies and owner.Value.Team ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team then return end local team if owner.Value.Team.Name == "United States" then team = "American" else team = "Soviet" end local espp = ESP(ship, team, SpaceWars.Settings.ShipTextSize) end function DoSomethingWithThisSpacecraft(ship) local owner = ship:WaitForChild("Owner") repeat task.wait() until owner.Value ~= nil if owner.Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer then return end if not SpaceWars.Settings.Allies and owner.Value.Team == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team then return end if not SpaceWars.Settings.Enemies and owner.Value.Team ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team then return end local team if owner.Value.Team.Name == "United States" then team = "American" else team = "Soviet" end local espp = ESP(ship, team, SpaceWars.Settings.SpacecraftTextSize) end workspace.Ships.ChildAdded:Connect(DoSomethingWithThisShip) for _, v in pairs(workspace.Ships:GetChildren()) do DoSomethingWithThisShip(v) end workspace.Spacecrafts.ChildAdded:Connect(DoSomethingWithThisSpacecraft) for _, v in pairs(workspace.Spacecrafts:GetChildren()) do DoSomethingWithThisSpacecraft(v) end