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[Underwater-FFF] Saki Achiga-hen - Episode...

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Audio URI: [Underwater-FFF] Saki Achiga-hen - Episode of Side-A - 15 [BD][720p-AAC][RAW].mkv
Video File: [Underwater-FFF] Saki Achiga-hen - Episode of Side-A - 15 [BD][720p-AAC][RAW].mkv
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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Comment: 10,0:09:20.12,0:09:20.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Comment: 10,0:13:16.69,0:13:18.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Comment: 10,0:16:47.77,0:16:48.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Comment: 10,0:20:18.07,0:20:18.69,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?

Dialogue: 10,0:00:09.05,0:00:09.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Onjouji!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:10.73,0:00:13.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Ugh, this place stinks like a hospital.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:13.16,0:00:14.56,Default,,0,0,0,,It {\i1}is{\i0} a hospital.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:14.56,0:00:16.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Welcome back to the waking world.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:17.97,0:00:19.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:20.33,0:00:21.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:22.15,0:00:23.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka!
Dialogue: 10,0:00:23.82,0:00:26.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Shimizudani wouldn't leave you\N until a little while ago,
Dialogue: 10,0:00:27.77,0:00:30.71,Default,,0,0,0,,but the fifth players' match is coming up,\N so we had to pry her away.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:31.21,0:00:33.19,Default,,0,0,0,,That's too bad.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:33.19,0:00:34.78,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll just have to tough it out.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:35.90,0:00:38.44,Default,,0,0,0,,So it's already the fifth players' match.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:38.44,0:00:40.08,Default,,0,0,0,,I must've been asleep for a long time.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:40.08,0:00:41.84,Default,,0,0,0,,How are you feeling?
Dialogue: 10,0:00:41.84,0:00:45.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Who put this hospital gown on me? It's tight.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:45.85,0:00:48.66,Default,,0,0,0,,But if I blacked out again,
Dialogue: 10,0:00:48.66,0:00:51.96,Default,,0,0,0,,maybe it means I can see\N one hundred turns ahead now.
Dialogue: 10,0:00:51.96,0:00:54.07,Default,,0,0,0,,Where did you get that number from?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.71,0:02:12.19,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fnMahjong Bridge\shad0\fs160\blur1\an5\c&H1C18B4&\t(\frz-2880)\pos(87,65)\clip(m 84 23 b 143 24 142 104 88 105 27 104 39 22 83 24)\fad(250,500)}Q
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.71,0:02:12.19,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fnMahjong Bridge\fs160\an5\blur1\shad0\c&H1C18B4&\t(\frz2880)\pos(1189,656)\clip(m 1186 615 b 1245 616 1244 696 1190 697 1129 696 1141 614 1185 616)\fad(250,500)}Q
Dialogue: 1,0:01:08.96,0:01:09.00,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-434.96875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:08.96,0:01:09.00,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-434.96875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:08.96,0:01:09.00,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1789.640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:08.96,0:01:09.00,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1789.640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.00,0:01:09.04,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-228.98125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.00,0:01:09.04,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-228.98125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.00,0:01:09.04,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1553.784375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.00,0:01:09.04,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1553.784375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.04,0:01:09.08,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-74.490625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.04,0:01:09.08,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-74.490625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.04,0:01:09.08,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1376.8921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.04,0:01:09.08,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1376.8921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.08,0:01:09.12,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(28.503125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.08,0:01:09.12,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(28.503125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.08,0:01:09.12,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1258.9640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.08,0:01:09.12,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1258.9640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.12,0:01:09.17,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(54.2515625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.12,0:01:09.17,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(54.2515625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.12,0:01:09.17,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1229.48203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.12,0:01:09.17,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1229.48203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.17,0:01:11.59,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.17,0:01:11.59,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:09.17,0:01:11.59,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:09.17,0:01:11.59,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.59,0:01:11.63,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-125.9875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.59,0:01:11.63,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-125.9875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.59,0:01:11.63,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1435.85625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.59,0:01:11.63,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1435.85625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.63,0:01:11.67,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-280.478125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.63,0:01:11.67,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-280.478125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.63,0:01:11.67,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1612.7484375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.63,0:01:11.67,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1612.7484375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.67,0:01:11.71,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-383.471875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.67,0:01:11.71,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-383.471875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.67,0:01:11.71,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1730.6765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.67,0:01:11.71,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1730.6765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.71,0:01:11.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-409.2203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.71,0:01:11.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-409.2203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yowane wo kuchi ni shitara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.71,0:01:11.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1760.15859375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.71,0:01:11.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1760.15859375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I could just whimper and whine
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.76,0:01:11.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-354.921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.76,0:01:11.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-354.921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.76,0:01:11.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1888.625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.76,0:01:11.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1888.625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.80,0:01:11.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-180.953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.80,0:01:11.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-180.953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.80,0:01:11.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1613.175,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.80,0:01:11.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1613.175,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.84,0:01:11.88,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-50.4765625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.84,0:01:11.88,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-50.4765625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.84,0:01:11.88,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1406.5875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.84,0:01:11.88,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1406.5875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.88,0:01:11.92,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(36.5078125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.88,0:01:11.92,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(36.5078125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.88,0:01:11.92,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1268.8625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.88,0:01:11.92,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1268.8625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.92,0:01:11.97,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(58.25390625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.92,0:01:11.97,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(58.25390625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.92,0:01:11.97,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1234.43125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.92,0:01:11.97,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1234.43125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.97,0:01:14.17,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.97,0:01:14.17,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.97,0:01:14.17,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:11.97,0:01:14.17,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.17,0:01:14.21,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-93.96875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.17,0:01:14.21,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-93.96875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.17,0:01:14.21,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1475.45,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.17,0:01:14.21,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1475.45,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.21,0:01:14.25,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-224.4453125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.21,0:01:14.25,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-224.4453125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.21,0:01:14.25,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1682.0375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.21,0:01:14.25,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1682.0375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.25,0:01:14.29,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-311.4296875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.25,0:01:14.29,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-311.4296875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.25,0:01:14.29,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1819.7625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.25,0:01:14.29,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1819.7625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.29,0:01:14.34,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-333.17578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.29,0:01:14.34,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-333.17578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sou natte shimaisou de
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.29,0:01:14.34,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1854.19375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.29,0:01:14.34,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1854.19375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But I'm afraid I'll become a real wimp
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.34,0:01:14.38,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-319.8125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.34,0:01:14.38,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-319.8125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.34,0:01:14.38,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1679.046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.34,0:01:14.38,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1679.046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.38,0:01:14.42,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-159.8875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.38,0:01:14.42,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-159.8875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.38,0:01:14.42,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1487.428125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.38,0:01:14.42,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1487.428125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.42,0:01:14.46,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-39.94375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.42,0:01:14.46,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-39.94375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.42,0:01:14.46,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1343.7140625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.42,0:01:14.46,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1343.7140625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.46,0:01:14.50,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(40.01875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.46,0:01:14.50,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(40.01875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.46,0:01:14.50,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1247.9046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.46,0:01:14.50,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1247.9046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.50,0:01:14.55,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(60.009375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.50,0:01:14.55,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(60.009375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.50,0:01:14.55,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1223.95234375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.50,0:01:14.55,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1223.95234375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.55,0:01:17.21,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.55,0:01:17.21,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:14.55,0:01:17.21,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:14.55,0:01:17.21,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.21,0:01:17.25,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-79.925,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.21,0:01:17.25,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-79.925,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.21,0:01:17.25,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1391.61875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.21,0:01:17.25,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1391.61875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.25,0:01:17.29,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-199.86875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.25,0:01:17.29,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-199.86875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.25,0:01:17.29,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1535.3328125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.25,0:01:17.29,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1535.3328125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.29,0:01:17.33,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-279.83125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.29,0:01:17.33,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-279.83125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.29,0:01:17.33,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1631.1421875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.29,0:01:17.33,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1631.1421875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.33,0:01:17.38,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-299.821875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.33,0:01:17.38,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-299.821875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}okubyou na jibun wo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.33,0:01:17.38,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1655.09453125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.33,0:01:17.38,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1655.09453125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So even though I'm afraid
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.38,0:01:17.42,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-334.625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.38,0:01:17.42,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-334.625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.38,0:01:17.42,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1786.734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.38,0:01:17.42,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1786.734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.42,0:01:17.46,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-168.775,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.42,0:01:17.46,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-168.775,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.42,0:01:17.46,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1552.040625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.42,0:01:17.46,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1552.040625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.46,0:01:17.50,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-44.3875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.46,0:01:17.50,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-44.3875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.46,0:01:17.50,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1376.0203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.46,0:01:17.50,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1376.0203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.50,0:01:17.54,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(38.5375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.50,0:01:17.54,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(38.5375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.50,0:01:17.54,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1258.6734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.50,0:01:17.54,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1258.6734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.54,0:01:17.59,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(59.26875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.54,0:01:17.59,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(59.26875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.54,0:01:17.59,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1229.33671875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.54,0:01:17.59,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1229.33671875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.59,0:01:20.14,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.59,0:01:20.14,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.59,0:01:20.14,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:17.59,0:01:20.14,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.14,0:01:20.18,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-85.85,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.14,0:01:20.18,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-85.85,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.14,0:01:20.18,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1434.69375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.14,0:01:20.18,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1434.69375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.18,0:01:20.22,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-210.2375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.18,0:01:20.22,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-210.2375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.18,0:01:20.22,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1610.7140625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.18,0:01:20.22,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1610.7140625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.22,0:01:20.26,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-293.1625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.22,0:01:20.26,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-293.1625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.22,0:01:20.26,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1728.0609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.22,0:01:20.26,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1728.0609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.26,0:01:20.31,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-313.89375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.26,0:01:20.31,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-313.89375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}muri ni oidashite miru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.26,0:01:20.31,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1757.39765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.26,0:01:20.31,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1757.39765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}I drag myself out into the world
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.31,0:01:20.35,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-437.21875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.31,0:01:20.35,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-437.21875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.31,0:01:20.35,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1571.578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.31,0:01:20.35,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1571.578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.35,0:01:20.39,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-230.33125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.35,0:01:20.39,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-230.33125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.35,0:01:20.39,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1422.946875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.35,0:01:20.39,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1422.946875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.39,0:01:20.43,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-75.165625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.39,0:01:20.43,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-75.165625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.39,0:01:20.43,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1311.4734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.39,0:01:20.43,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1311.4734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.43,0:01:20.47,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(28.278125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.43,0:01:20.47,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(28.278125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.43,0:01:20.47,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1237.1578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.43,0:01:20.47,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1237.1578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.47,0:01:20.52,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(54.1390625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.47,0:01:20.52,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(54.1390625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.47,0:01:20.52,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1218.57890625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.47,0:01:20.52,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1218.57890625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.52,0:01:22.99,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.52,0:01:22.99,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:20.52,0:01:22.99,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:20.52,0:01:22.99,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:22.99,0:01:23.03,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-126.8875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:22.99,0:01:23.03,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-126.8875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:22.99,0:01:23.03,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1348.63125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:22.99,0:01:23.03,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1348.63125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.03,0:01:23.07,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-282.053125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.03,0:01:23.07,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-282.053125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.03,0:01:23.07,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1460.1046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.03,0:01:23.07,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1460.1046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.07,0:01:23.11,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-385.496875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.07,0:01:23.11,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-385.496875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.07,0:01:23.11,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1534.4203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.07,0:01:23.11,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1534.4203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.11,0:01:23.16,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-411.3578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.11,0:01:23.16,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-411.3578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sekai wa mada chicchakute
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.11,0:01:23.16,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1552.99921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.11,0:01:23.16,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1552.99921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's still a tiny place
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.16,0:01:23.20,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-429.03125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.16,0:01:23.20,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-429.03125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.16,0:01:23.20,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1586.6875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.16,0:01:23.20,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1586.6875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.20,0:01:23.24,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-225.41875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.20,0:01:23.24,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-225.41875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.20,0:01:23.24,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1432.0125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.20,0:01:23.24,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1432.0125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.24,0:01:23.28,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-72.709375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.24,0:01:23.28,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-72.709375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.24,0:01:23.28,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1316.00625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.24,0:01:23.28,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1316.00625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.28,0:01:23.32,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(29.096875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.28,0:01:23.32,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(29.096875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.28,0:01:23.32,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1238.66875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.28,0:01:23.32,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1238.66875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.32,0:01:23.37,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(54.5484375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.32,0:01:23.37,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(54.5484375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.32,0:01:23.37,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1219.334375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.32,0:01:23.37,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1219.334375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.37,0:01:26.50,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.37,0:01:26.50,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.37,0:01:26.50,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:23.37,0:01:26.50,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.50,0:01:26.54,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-123.6125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.50,0:01:26.54,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-123.6125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.50,0:01:26.54,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1354.675,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.50,0:01:26.54,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1354.675,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.54,0:01:26.58,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-276.321875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.54,0:01:26.58,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-276.321875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.54,0:01:26.58,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1470.68125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.54,0:01:26.58,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1470.68125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.58,0:01:26.62,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-378.128125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.58,0:01:26.62,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-378.128125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.58,0:01:26.62,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1548.01875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.58,0:01:26.62,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1548.01875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.62,0:01:26.67,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-403.5796875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.62,0:01:26.67,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-403.5796875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}demo ima wa koko ga riaru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.62,0:01:26.67,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1567.353125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.62,0:01:26.67,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1567.353125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}But this is my reality
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.67,0:01:26.71,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-271.0625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.67,0:01:26.71,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-271.0625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.67,0:01:26.71,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1618.09375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.67,0:01:26.71,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1618.09375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.71,0:01:26.75,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-130.6375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.71,0:01:26.75,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-130.6375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.71,0:01:26.75,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1450.85625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.71,0:01:26.75,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1450.85625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.75,0:01:26.79,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-25.31875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.75,0:01:26.79,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-25.31875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.75,0:01:26.79,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1325.428125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.75,0:01:26.79,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1325.428125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.79,0:01:26.83,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(44.89375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.79,0:01:26.83,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(44.89375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.79,0:01:26.83,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1241.809375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.79,0:01:26.83,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1241.809375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.83,0:01:26.88,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(62.446875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.83,0:01:26.88,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(62.446875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.83,0:01:26.88,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1220.9046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.83,0:01:26.88,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1220.9046875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.88,0:01:28.81,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.88,0:01:28.81,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:26.88,0:01:28.81,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:26.88,0:01:28.81,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.81,0:01:28.85,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-60.425,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.81,0:01:28.85,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-60.425,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.81,0:01:28.85,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1367.2375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.81,0:01:28.85,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1367.2375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.85,0:01:28.89,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-165.74375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.85,0:01:28.89,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-165.74375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.85,0:01:28.89,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1492.665625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.85,0:01:28.89,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1492.665625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.89,0:01:28.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-235.95625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.89,0:01:28.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-235.95625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.89,0:01:28.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1576.284375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.89,0:01:28.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1576.284375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.93,0:01:28.98,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-253.509375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.93,0:01:28.98,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-253.509375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}watashi no subete
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.93,0:01:28.98,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1597.1890625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.93,0:01:28.98,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1597.1890625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}It's everything I've got
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.98,0:01:29.02,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-517.796875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.98,0:01:29.02,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-517.796875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.98,0:01:29.02,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1965.25,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:28.98,0:01:29.02,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1965.25,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.02,0:01:29.06,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-278.678125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.02,0:01:29.06,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-278.678125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.02,0:01:29.06,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1659.15,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.02,0:01:29.06,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1659.15,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.06,0:01:29.10,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-99.3390625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.06,0:01:29.10,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-99.3390625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.06,0:01:29.10,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1429.575,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.06,0:01:29.10,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1429.575,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.10,0:01:29.14,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(20.2203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.10,0:01:29.14,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(20.2203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.10,0:01:29.14,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1276.525,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.10,0:01:29.14,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1276.525,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.14,0:01:29.19,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(50.11015625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.14,0:01:29.19,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(50.11015625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.14,0:01:29.19,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1238.2625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.14,0:01:29.19,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1238.2625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.19,0:01:33.95,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.19,0:01:33.95,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:29.19,0:01:33.95,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:29.19,0:01:33.95,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.95,0:01:33.99,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-159.11875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:33.95,0:01:33.99,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-159.11875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.95,0:01:33.99,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1506.1,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:33.95,0:01:33.99,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1506.1,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.99,0:01:34.03,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-338.4578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:33.99,0:01:34.03,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-338.4578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.99,0:01:34.03,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1735.675,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:33.99,0:01:34.03,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1735.675,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.03,0:01:34.07,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-458.0171875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.03,0:01:34.07,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-458.0171875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.03,0:01:34.07,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1888.725,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.03,0:01:34.07,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1888.725,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.07,0:01:34.12,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-487.90703125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.07,0:01:34.12,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-487.90703125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}ashita bakari miteru wake ja nai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.07,0:01:34.12,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1926.9875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.07,0:01:34.12,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1926.9875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We shouldn't just look ahead to the future
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.12,0:01:34.16,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-781.578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.12,0:01:34.16,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-781.578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.12,0:01:34.16,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1855.90625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.12,0:01:34.16,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1855.90625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.16,0:01:34.20,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-436.946875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.16,0:01:34.20,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-436.946875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.16,0:01:34.20,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1593.54375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.16,0:01:34.20,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1593.54375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.20,0:01:34.24,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-178.4734375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.20,0:01:34.24,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-178.4734375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.20,0:01:34.24,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1396.771875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.20,0:01:34.24,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1396.771875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.24,0:01:34.28,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-6.1578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.24,0:01:34.28,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-6.1578125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.24,0:01:34.28,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1265.590625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.24,0:01:34.28,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1265.590625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.28,0:01:34.33,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(36.92109375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.28,0:01:34.33,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(36.92109375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.28,0:01:34.33,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1232.7953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.28,0:01:34.33,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1232.7953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.33,0:01:41.31,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.33,0:01:41.31,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:34.33,0:01:41.31,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:34.33,0:01:41.31,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.31,0:01:41.35,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-264.63125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.31,0:01:41.35,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-264.63125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.31,0:01:41.35,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1462.3625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.31,0:01:41.35,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1462.3625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.35,0:01:41.39,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-523.1046875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.35,0:01:41.39,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-523.1046875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.35,0:01:41.39,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1659.134375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.35,0:01:41.39,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1659.134375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.39,0:01:41.43,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-695.4203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.39,0:01:41.43,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-695.4203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.39,0:01:41.43,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1790.315625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.39,0:01:41.43,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1790.315625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.43,0:01:41.48,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-738.49921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.43,0:01:41.48,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-738.49921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}seichou shita jikkan ni chanto kizuite agenakya
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.43,0:01:41.48,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1823.1109375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.43,0:01:41.48,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1823.1109375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Keeping track of our progress is key
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.48,0:01:41.52,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-245.546875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.48,0:01:41.52,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-245.546875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.48,0:01:41.52,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1969.390625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.48,0:01:41.52,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1969.390625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.52,0:01:41.56,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-115.328125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.52,0:01:41.56,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-115.328125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.52,0:01:41.56,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1661.634375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.52,0:01:41.56,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1661.634375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.56,0:01:41.60,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-17.6640625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.56,0:01:41.60,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-17.6640625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.56,0:01:41.60,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1430.8171875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.56,0:01:41.60,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1430.8171875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.60,0:01:41.64,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(47.4453125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.60,0:01:41.64,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(47.4453125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.60,0:01:41.64,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1276.9390625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.60,0:01:41.64,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1276.9390625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.64,0:01:41.69,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(63.72265625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.64,0:01:41.69,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(63.72265625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.64,0:01:41.69,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1238.46953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.64,0:01:41.69,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1238.46953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.69,0:01:45.01,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.69,0:01:45.01,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:41.69,0:01:45.01,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:41.69,0:01:45.01,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.01,0:01:45.05,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-50.21875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.01,0:01:45.05,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-50.21875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.01,0:01:45.05,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1507.75625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.01,0:01:45.05,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1507.75625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.05,0:01:45.09,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-147.8828125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.05,0:01:45.09,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-147.8828125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.05,0:01:45.09,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1738.5734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.05,0:01:45.09,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1738.5734375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.09,0:01:45.13,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-212.9921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.09,0:01:45.13,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-212.9921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.09,0:01:45.13,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1892.4515625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.09,0:01:45.13,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1892.4515625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.13,0:01:45.18,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-229.26953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.13,0:01:45.18,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-229.26953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}habataite onegai
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.13,0:01:45.18,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1930.92109375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.13,0:01:45.18,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1930.92109375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let's spread our wings, holding our wishes
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.18,0:01:45.22,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-460.984375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.18,0:01:45.22,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-460.984375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.18,0:01:45.22,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1645.21875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.18,0:01:45.22,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1645.21875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.22,0:01:45.26,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-244.590625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.22,0:01:45.26,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-244.590625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.22,0:01:45.26,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1467.13125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.22,0:01:45.26,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1467.13125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.26,0:01:45.30,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-82.2953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.26,0:01:45.30,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-82.2953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.26,0:01:45.30,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1333.565625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.26,0:01:45.30,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1333.565625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.30,0:01:45.34,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(25.9015625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.30,0:01:45.34,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(25.9015625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.30,0:01:45.34,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1244.521875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.30,0:01:45.34,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1244.521875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.34,0:01:45.39,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(52.95078125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.34,0:01:45.39,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(52.95078125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.34,0:01:45.39,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1222.2609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.34,0:01:45.39,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1222.2609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.39,0:01:47.72,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.39,0:01:47.72,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:45.39,0:01:47.72,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:45.39,0:01:47.72,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.72,0:01:47.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-136.39375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.72,0:01:47.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-136.39375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.72,0:01:47.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1378.0875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.72,0:01:47.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1378.0875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.76,0:01:47.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-298.6890625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.76,0:01:47.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-298.6890625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.76,0:01:47.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1511.653125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.76,0:01:47.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1511.653125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.80,0:01:47.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-406.8859375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.80,0:01:47.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-406.8859375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.80,0:01:47.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1600.696875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.80,0:01:47.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1600.696875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.84,0:01:47.89,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-433.93515625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.84,0:01:47.89,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-433.93515625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}gyutto chikara wo komeru yo
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.84,0:01:47.89,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1622.9578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.84,0:01:47.89,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1622.9578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Put your strength into it
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.89,0:01:47.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-637.53125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.89,0:01:47.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-637.53125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.89,0:01:47.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(2128.75,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.89,0:01:47.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(2128.75,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.93,0:01:47.97,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-350.51875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.93,0:01:47.97,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-350.51875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.93,0:01:47.97,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1757.25,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.93,0:01:47.97,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1757.25,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.97,0:01:48.01,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-135.259375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.97,0:01:48.01,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-135.259375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:47.97,0:01:48.01,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1478.625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:47.97,0:01:48.01,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1478.625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:48.01,0:01:48.05,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(8.246875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:48.01,0:01:48.05,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(8.246875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:48.01,0:01:48.05,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1292.875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:48.01,0:01:48.05,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1292.875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:48.05,0:01:48.10,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(44.1234375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:48.05,0:01:48.10,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(44.1234375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:48.05,0:01:48.10,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1246.4375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:48.05,0:01:48.10,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1246.4375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:48.10,0:01:52.72,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:48.10,0:01:52.72,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:48.10,0:01:52.72,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:48.10,0:01:52.72,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.72,0:01:52.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-207.0125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.72,0:01:52.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-207.0125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.72,0:01:52.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1571.5,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.72,0:01:52.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1571.5,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.76,0:01:52.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-422.271875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.76,0:01:52.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-422.271875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.76,0:01:52.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1850.125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.76,0:01:52.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1850.125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.80,0:01:52.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-565.778125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.80,0:01:52.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-565.778125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.80,0:01:52.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(2035.875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.80,0:01:52.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(2035.875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.84,0:01:52.89,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-601.6546875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.84,0:01:52.89,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-601.6546875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}yume ga yume kara mezamehajimeteru
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.84,0:01:52.89,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(2082.3125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.84,0:01:52.89,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(2082.3125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Our dreams are beginning to awaken from a dream
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.89,0:01:52.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-299.59375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.89,0:01:52.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-299.59375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.89,0:01:52.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1585.421875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.89,0:01:52.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1585.421875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.93,0:01:52.97,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-147.75625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.93,0:01:52.97,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-147.75625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.93,0:01:52.97,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1431.253125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.93,0:01:52.97,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1431.253125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.97,0:01:53.01,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-33.878125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.97,0:01:53.01,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-33.878125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.97,0:01:53.01,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1315.6265625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:52.97,0:01:53.01,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1315.6265625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:53.01,0:01:53.05,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(42.040625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:53.01,0:01:53.05,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(42.040625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:53.01,0:01:53.05,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1238.5421875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:53.01,0:01:53.05,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1238.5421875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:53.05,0:01:53.10,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(61.0203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:53.05,0:01:53.10,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(61.0203125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:53.05,0:01:53.10,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1219.27109375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:53.05,0:01:53.10,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1219.27109375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:53.10,0:01:56.47,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:53.10,0:01:56.47,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:53.10,0:01:56.47,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:53.10,0:01:56.47,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.47,0:01:56.51,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-71.8375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.47,0:01:56.51,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-71.8375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.47,0:01:56.51,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1354.16875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.47,0:01:56.51,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1354.16875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.51,0:01:56.55,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-185.715625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.51,0:01:56.55,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-185.715625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.51,0:01:56.55,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1469.7953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.51,0:01:56.55,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1469.7953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.55,0:01:56.59,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-261.634375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.55,0:01:56.59,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-261.634375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.55,0:01:56.59,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1546.8796875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.55,0:01:56.59,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1546.8796875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.59,0:01:56.64,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-280.6140625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.59,0:01:56.64,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-280.6140625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tokihanatsu omoi to
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.59,0:01:56.64,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1566.15078125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.59,0:01:56.64,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1566.15078125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}Let out your feelings
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.64,0:01:56.68,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-406.75,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.64,0:01:56.68,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-406.75,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.64,0:01:56.68,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1864.921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.64,0:01:56.68,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1864.921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.68,0:01:56.72,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-212.05,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.68,0:01:56.72,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-212.05,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.68,0:01:56.72,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1598.953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.68,0:01:56.72,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1598.953125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.72,0:01:56.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-66.025,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.72,0:01:56.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-66.025,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.72,0:01:56.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1399.4765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.72,0:01:56.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1399.4765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.76,0:01:56.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(31.325,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.76,0:01:56.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(31.325,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.76,0:01:56.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1266.4921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.76,0:01:56.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1266.4921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.80,0:01:56.85,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(55.6625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.80,0:01:56.85,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(55.6625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.80,0:01:56.85,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1233.24609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.80,0:01:56.85,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1233.24609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.85,0:01:59.07,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.85,0:01:59.07,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.85,0:01:59.07,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:56.85,0:01:59.07,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.07,0:01:59.11,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-114.7,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.07,0:01:59.11,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-114.7,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.07,0:01:59.11,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1465.96875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.07,0:01:59.11,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1465.96875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.11,0:01:59.15,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-260.725,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.11,0:01:59.15,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-260.725,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.11,0:01:59.15,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1665.4453125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.11,0:01:59.15,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1665.4453125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.15,0:01:59.19,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-358.075,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.15,0:01:59.19,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-358.075,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.15,0:01:59.19,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1798.4296875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.15,0:01:59.19,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1798.4296875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.19,0:01:59.24,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-382.4125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.19,0:01:59.24,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-382.4125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}oikaze ga kasanaru basho
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.19,0:01:59.24,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1831.67578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.19,0:01:59.24,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1831.67578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}They'll meet the tailwind somewhere
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.24,0:01:59.28,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-420.5625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.24,0:01:59.28,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-420.5625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.24,0:01:59.28,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1836.40625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.24,0:01:59.28,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1836.40625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.28,0:01:59.32,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-220.3375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.28,0:01:59.32,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-220.3375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.28,0:01:59.32,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1581.84375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.28,0:01:59.32,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1581.84375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.32,0:01:59.36,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-70.16875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.32,0:01:59.36,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-70.16875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.32,0:01:59.36,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1390.921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.32,0:01:59.36,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1390.921875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.36,0:01:59.40,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(29.94375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.36,0:01:59.40,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(29.94375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.36,0:01:59.40,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1263.640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.36,0:01:59.40,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1263.640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.40,0:01:59.45,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(54.971875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.40,0:01:59.45,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(54.971875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.40,0:01:59.45,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1231.8203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.40,0:01:59.45,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1231.8203125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.45,0:02:04.58,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.45,0:02:04.58,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:01:59.45,0:02:04.58,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:01:59.45,0:02:04.58,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.58,0:02:04.62,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-120.225,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.58,0:02:04.62,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-120.225,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.58,0:02:04.62,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1454.5625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.58,0:02:04.62,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1454.5625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.62,0:02:04.66,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-270.39375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.62,0:02:04.66,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-270.39375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.62,0:02:04.66,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1645.484375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.62,0:02:04.66,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1645.484375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.66,0:02:04.70,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-370.50625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.66,0:02:04.70,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-370.50625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.66,0:02:04.70,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1772.765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.66,0:02:04.70,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1772.765625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.70,0:02:04.75,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-395.534375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.70,0:02:04.75,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-395.534375,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}sugu ni mitsuke ni iku kara
Dialogue: 1,0:02:04.70,0:02:04.75,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1804.5859375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 2,0:02:04.70,0:02:04.75,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1804.5859375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}We'll go search for that place soon
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.00,0:02:05.04,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-467.546875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.00,0:02:05.04,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-467.546875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.00,0:02:05.04,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1897.515625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.00,0:02:05.04,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1897.515625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.04,0:02:05.08,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-248.528125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.04,0:02:05.08,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-248.528125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.04,0:02:05.08,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1618.509375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.04,0:02:05.08,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1618.509375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.08,0:02:05.12,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-84.2640625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.08,0:02:05.12,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-84.2640625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.08,0:02:05.12,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1409.2546875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.08,0:02:05.12,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1409.2546875,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.12,0:02:05.16,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(25.2453125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.12,0:02:05.16,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(25.2453125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.12,0:02:05.16,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1269.7515625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.12,0:02:05.16,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1269.7515625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.16,0:02:05.21,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(52.62265625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.16,0:02:05.21,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(52.62265625,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.16,0:02:05.21,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1234.87578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.16,0:02:05.21,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1234.87578125,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.21,0:02:11.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(80,38)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.21,0:02:11.76,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(80,38)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:05.21,0:02:11.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1200,678)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:05.21,0:02:11.76,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1200,678)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.76,0:02:11.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-139.01875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.76,0:02:11.80,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-139.01875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.76,0:02:11.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1479.00625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.76,0:02:11.80,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1479.00625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.80,0:02:11.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-303.2828125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.80,0:02:11.84,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-303.2828125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.80,0:02:11.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1688.2609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.80,0:02:11.84,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1688.2609375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.84,0:02:11.88,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-412.7921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.84,0:02:11.88,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-412.7921875,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.84,0:02:11.88,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1827.7640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.84,0:02:11.88,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1827.7640625,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.88,0:02:11.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(-440.16953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.88,0:02:11.93,OP2-Romaji,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(-440.16953125,38)\clip(m 85 36 b 49 36 49 94 85 94 l 1280 94 1280 36)}tsubasa kanjite fly ano sora e
Dialogue: 1,0:02:11.88,0:02:11.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\c&H633C2B&\blur4\fax-0.09\pos(1862.63984375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 2,0:02:11.88,0:02:11.93,OP2-English,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.13\pos(1862.63984375,678)\clip(m 1190 627 b 1228 627 1228 685 1190 685 l 0 685 0 627)}So feel your wings and fly into the sky
Dialogue: 0,0:02:25.29,0:02:29.12,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\fad(1025,575)\alpha&H94&\blur3.5\c&H000000&\fs42\pos(104.045,534.167)}Round 15\N{\fs49}Intensify
Dialogue: 0,0:02:25.29,0:02:29.12,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\fad(1000,550)\blur0.4\fs42\c&H000000&\1a&FF&\t(400,751,\1a&00&)\t(3300,3650,\1a&FF&)\pos(100.545,530.667)}Round 15\N{\fs49}Intensify
Dialogue: 0,0:02:25.29,0:02:29.12,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\fad(1000,550)\blur0.4\fs42\bord0\pos(100.545,530.667)}Round 15\N{\fs49}Intensify
Dialogue: 10,0:02:25.91,0:02:27.37,Default,,0,0,0,,Should I turn the TV on?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:27.37,0:02:29.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah, I want to see Ryuuka!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:30.11,0:02:31.88,Default,,0,0,0,,We're in the last hand of the fourth players' match
Dialogue: 10,0:02:31.88,0:02:33.50,Default,,0,0,0,,and three of the players are already in tenpai!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:33.91,0:02:38.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Which team will take the win to the fifth players' match?!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:38.63,0:02:41.76,Default,,0,0,0,,Just as I thought. Sagimori's play does resemble hers.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:41.76,0:02:42.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Whose?
Dialogue: 10,0:02:42.51,0:02:47.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Her playing style resembles that of Akado, who I played ten years ago.
Dialogue: 10,0:02:47.18,0:02:51.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, speaking of Akado,\N she's now Achiga's coach!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:56.73,0:02:57.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsumo!
Dialogue: 10,0:02:57.64,0:02:59.70,Default,,0,0,0,,700. 1,300.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:00.89,0:03:03.57,Default,,0,0,0,,The match is over!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:03.57,0:03:08.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Shiraitodai barely holds on to first place as they move to the fifth players' match!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:09.27,0:03:10.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:10.12,0:03:12.71,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm warmed up now!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:13.21,0:03:15.64,Default,,0,0,0,,I got up to 100 gears!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:15.64,0:03:17.13,Default,,0,0,0,,That makes you warmer?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:17.13,0:03:21.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Shizu, you're the only high school who'd be happy about a silly number like 100.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:21.96,0:03:24.20,Default,,0,0,0,,You're not a boy in grade school, you know.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:24.20,0:03:25.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Leave this to me!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:26.24,0:03:28.77,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll go settle this right—
Dialogue: 10,0:03:29.33,0:03:30.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Wait!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:30.81,0:03:33.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Senriyama's Eguchi Sera...
Dialogue: 10,0:03:33.45,0:03:36.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Remember how she looked at Hamanako?
Dialogue: 10,0:03:33.86,0:03:35.74,Alternative,,0,0,0,,The bus is about to leave!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:36.20,0:03:37.07,Default,,0,0,0,,Not at all!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:37.07,0:03:40.48,Default,,0,0,0,,She usually wears a boy's uniform,\N even during interviews,
Dialogue: 10,0:03:40.48,0:03:42.95,Default,,0,0,0,,but during a match, she always wears a proper girl's uniform.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:46.87,0:03:50.48,Default,,0,0,0,,What I'm trying to say is that you need to wear your uniform, too!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:56.52,0:03:57.30,Default,,0,0,0,,All right!
Dialogue: 10,0:03:58.25,0:03:59.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Now I'm really ready to go.
Dialogue: 10,0:03:59.92,0:04:00.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:00.70,0:04:01.67,Default,,0,0,0,,Good luck!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:01.67,0:04:03.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Give it your best.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:03.80,0:04:04.59,Default,,0,0,0,,I will!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:07.43,0:04:08.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Arata!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:10.27,0:04:11.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Good work.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:12.24,0:04:13.48,Default,,0,0,0,,You're wearing a uniform?
Dialogue: 10,0:04:13.48,0:04:15.54,Default,,0,0,0,,I had to borrow it from Ako.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:15.54,0:04:19.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Wearing this really makes me feel like I'm an Achiga student.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:19.54,0:04:21.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Except you've always been one...
Dialogue: 10,0:04:21.93,0:04:24.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, good luck.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:28.58,0:04:31.29,Default,,0,0,0,,The rest is up to you, Achiga's fifth player.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:31.87,0:04:32.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:32.91,0:04:34.68,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm going to give it my all.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:39.75,0:04:41.26,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.05\fs15\fscx730\fscy730\fnHelveticaNeueLT Std Cn\fay-0.215\b0\c&H0B0A0C&\pos(631.556,395.112)}Achiga Girls'
Dialogue: 10,0:04:42.05,0:04:43.17,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm back.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:43.17,0:04:44.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Good work, Arata.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:44.68,0:04:45.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Nice job!
Dialogue: 10,0:04:45.47,0:04:46.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Good job.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:48.59,0:04:50.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Good job, Captain.
Dialogue: 10,0:04:55.67,0:04:57.68,Default,,0,0,0,,You did well, Arata.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:06.91,0:05:09.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Matano!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:09.13,0:05:10.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Oohoshi...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:10.71,0:05:14.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Thanks for that handicap!
Dialogue: 10,0:05:14.12,0:05:16.28,Default,,0,0,0,,As ruthless as always.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:16.28,0:05:19.32,Default,,0,0,0,,I've never seen you lose that many points.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:19.99,0:05:21.82,Default,,0,0,0,,I got played big time.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:21.82,0:05:23.51,Default,,0,0,0,,"Big time"?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:23.51,0:05:24.38,Default,,0,0,0,,Yup.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:24.80,0:05:30.70,Default,,0,0,0,,But if you lose, too, I'll be in an even worse position than I'm in now.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:31.39,0:05:33.50,Default,,0,0,0,,So please, go out there and win.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:33.50,0:05:34.48,Default,,0,0,0,,'Kay.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:36.39,0:05:38.02,Default,,0,0,0,,I was going to do that anyway.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:38.56,0:05:40.98,Default,,0,0,0,,There's no way I'll lose.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:41.90,0:05:43.78,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.0\fs15\fscx580\fscy420\fnHelveticaNeueLT Std Cn\fay-0.115\b0\c&H0B0A0C&\pos(631.112,596.11)}Senriyama Girls'
Dialogue: 10,0:05:42.48,0:05:43.78,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm back.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:43.78,0:05:44.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:44.80,0:05:46.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Where's Shimizudani?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:46.70,0:05:49.03,Default,,0,0,0,,She's going straight to the game from the hospital.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:49.41,0:05:51.08,Default,,0,0,0,,You think it's okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:51.08,0:05:52.00,Default,,0,0,0,,What, exactly?
Dialogue: 10,0:05:52.00,0:05:53.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Well...
Dialogue: 10,0:05:53.00,0:05:55.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Shimizudani's a third year.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:55.50,0:05:57.58,Default,,0,0,0,,They transform during the Inter-high games.
Dialogue: 10,0:05:57.58,0:06:01.17,Default,,0,0,0,,And unlike the second round match, she'll probably be more on the offensive.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:01.57,0:06:02.92,Default,,0,0,0,,And furthermore...
Dialogue: 10,0:06:03.34,0:06:05.20,Default,,0,0,0,,She's worried about Onjouji, too.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:08.39,0:06:09.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Toki...
Dialogue: 10,0:06:10.51,0:06:12.94,Default,,0,0,0,,The first match of the semifinals
Dialogue: 10,0:06:12.94,0:06:15.02,Default,,0,0,0,,is at last entering the fifth players' match!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:15.02,0:06:18.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Only two schools will be moving on to the finals!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:18.77,0:06:22.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Everything now rests on\Nthe shoulders of these four players!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.77,0:06:30.78,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(974,316)\alpha&H90&\blur2\c&H000000&\iclip(762,196,1143,372)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:06:22.77,0:06:30.78,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(964,306)\blur0.5}A
Dialogue: 3,0:06:22.77,0:06:30.78,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(0,0)\fscx93\fsp-0.4\fs32\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(969,305)}Shindouji Girls' (Fukuoka)\N 2nd Year - Fifth Player\N Tsuruta Himeko
Dialogue: 10,0:06:22.77,0:06:25.11,Top,,0,0,0,,The Kyuushuu powerhouse: Shindouji.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:25.11,0:06:28.24,Top,,0,0,0,,Their anchor works in a combo with Shirouzu Mairu, as double aces.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:28.24,0:06:30.78,Top,,0,0,0,,Can Tsuruta Himeko complete the combo?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:30.78,0:06:37.71,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(976,426)\alpha&H90&\blur2\c&H000000&\iclip(764,306,1145,482)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:06:30.78,0:06:37.71,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(966,416)\blur0.5}A
Dialogue: 3,0:06:30.78,0:06:37.71,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(0,0)\fscx93\fsp-0.4\fs32\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(971,415)}Senriyama Girls' (North Osaka)\N 3rd Year - Fifth Player\N Shimizudani Ryuuka
Dialogue: 10,0:06:31.45,0:06:35.29,Default,,0,0,0,,You all know Senriyama Girls' captain, Shimizudani Ryuuka!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:35.29,0:06:37.71,Default,,0,0,0,,She tops the Kansai region in average points earned!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:37.71,0:06:44.96,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(319,316)\alpha&H90&\blur2\c&H000000&\iclip(107,196,488,372)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:06:37.71,0:06:44.96,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(309,306)\blur0.5}A
Dialogue: 3,0:06:37.71,0:06:44.96,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(0,0)\fscx93\fsp-0.4\fs32\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(314,305)}Achiga Girls' (Nara)\N 1st Year - Fifth Player\N Takakamo Shizuno
Dialogue: 10,0:06:38.66,0:06:42.20,Top,,0,0,0,,Back at Inter-high semifinals for the first time in ten years, we've got Achiga Girls'!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:42.20,0:06:43.84,Top,,0,0,0,,She's not wearing a tracksuit today, folks!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:43.84,0:06:44.96,Top,,0,0,0,,It's Takakamo Shizuno!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:44.96,0:06:54.47,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(317,318)\alpha&H90&\blur2\c&H000000&\iclip(105,198,486,374)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:06:44.96,0:06:54.47,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\fscx792\fscy301.25\pos(307,308)\blur0.5}A
Dialogue: 3,0:06:44.96,0:06:54.47,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(0,0)\fscx93\fsp-0.4\fs32\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(312,307)}Shiraitodai High (West Tokyo)\N 1st Year - Fifth Player\N Oohoshi Awai
Dialogue: 10,0:06:45.67,0:06:48.17,Top,,0,0,0,,The only first year from the reigning champions, Shiraitodai.
Dialogue: 10,0:06:48.17,0:06:49.93,Top,,0,0,0,,The supernova who appeared out of nowhere,
Dialogue: 10,0:06:49.93,0:06:52.47,Top,,0,0,0,,who they're even calling her the successor to Miyanaga Teru:
Dialogue: 10,0:06:52.47,0:06:54.47,Top,,0,0,0,,Oohoshi Awai!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:54.47,0:06:56.77,Default,,0,0,0,,It's finally time for the decisive match!
Dialogue: 10,0:06:57.16,0:06:59.89,Default,,0,0,0,,The game will now begin!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:14.33,0:07:15.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Man, these tiles are awful!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:15.99,0:07:17.12,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm six tiles from tenpai.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:17.58,0:07:20.62,Default,,0,0,0,,It really is here! She's starting five tiles from tenpai!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:20.62,0:07:23.17,Default,,0,0,0,,Everybody except Oohoshi's starting hand is terrible!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:23.17,0:07:25.67,Default,,0,0,0,,Everyone's five or six tiles away from tenpai!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:26.65,0:07:28.42,Default,,0,0,0,,It even works on Ryuuka.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:28.42,0:07:29.38,Default,,0,0,0,,That's amazing.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:29.38,0:07:32.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Ever since the regional preliminaries,
Dialogue: 10,0:07:32.42,0:07:35.39,Default,,0,0,0,,many of Oohoshi's opponents have started with slow hands!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:35.39,0:07:39.02,Default,,0,0,0,,One relief is that the hands do develop normally after that.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:39.02,0:07:40.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, really?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:40.43,0:07:44.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Even in our club, the only one who can beat this is Takami, during the last hand.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:44.86,0:07:48.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Shindouji did beat it a few times in the second round match.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:48.85,0:07:51.07,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't you think that Awai was just holding back?
Dialogue: 10,0:07:53.70,0:07:54.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes!
Dialogue: 10,0:07:54.53,0:07:56.20,Default,,0,0,0,,It's finally getting somewhere.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:57.41,0:07:57.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron.
Dialogue: 10,0:07:59.27,0:08:00.75,Default,,0,0,0,,5,200.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:01.92,0:08:03.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:03.08,0:08:06.50,Default,,0,0,0,,It's so unfair that she's the only one with a quick hand.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:06.96,0:08:08.09,Default,,0,0,0,,East Hand 2.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:08.09,0:08:10.01,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm lucky that I'm the dealer.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:10.59,0:08:12.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Should I take a chance?
Dialogue: 10,0:08:14.07,0:08:15.02,Default,,0,0,0,,I will!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:21.21,0:08:22.27,Default,,0,0,0,,Pon.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:23.85,0:08:24.56,Default,,0,0,0,,Now here...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:28.52,0:08:29.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Chi.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:29.48,0:08:30.65,Default,,0,0,0,,I have to get...
Dialogue: 10,0:08:31.11,0:08:31.69,Default,,0,0,0,,Pon.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:35.66,0:08:36.28,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsumo!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:36.72,0:08:37.87,Default,,0,0,0,,500 from everyone.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:37.87,0:08:38.87,Default,,0,0,0,,A fast win.
Dialogue: 10,0:08:39.79,0:08:41.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Marvelous!
Dialogue: 10,0:08:41.25,0:08:42.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Himeko...
Dialogue: 0,0:08:43.91,0:08:45.17,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1048.931,107.614)}East Hand 2
Dialogue: 0,0:08:43.91,0:08:45.17,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1048.931,310.814)}Bonus 1
Dialogue: 10,0:08:53.72,0:08:55.05,Default,,0,0,0,,The mangan key.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:12.45,0:09:14.11,Default,,0,0,0,,The mangan is here.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:17.62,0:09:18.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Two tiles from tenpai!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:18.66,0:09:20.12,Default,,0,0,0,,It's been broken.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:21.41,0:09:25.34,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess their combined power surpasses Awai's.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:25.34,0:09:27.33,Default,,0,0,0,,They both have high individual ability, too.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:29.95,0:09:30.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:31.92,0:09:33.72,Default,,0,0,0,,12,300.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:34.91,0:09:37.08,Default,,0,0,0,,With a closed hand on turn 4?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:37.08,0:09:39.28,Default,,0,0,0,,But my Perfect Safety Zone is...
Dialogue: 10,0:09:41.68,0:09:43.34,Default,,0,0,0,,I can't believe it.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:45.23,0:09:47.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Nice! You're pretty good!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:47.94,0:09:49.61,Default,,0,0,0,,Shindouji!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:50.31,0:09:51.48,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1045.918,395.198)}East Hand 2
Dialogue: 0,0:09:50.31,0:09:51.48,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1045.918,598.398)}Bonus 2
Dialogue: 10,0:09:51.90,0:09:55.60,Default,,0,0,0,,They didn't have a second bonus hand last match, so this doesn't matter too much.
Dialogue: 10,0:09:55.60,0:09:56.74,Default,,0,0,0,,It doesn't?
Dialogue: 10,0:09:58.16,0:09:58.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron!
Dialogue: 10,0:09:59.24,0:10:00.70,Default,,0,0,0,,3,200.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:02.08,0:10:04.04,Default,,0,0,0,,This is the problem.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:04.55,0:10:05.91,Default,,0,0,0,,East Hand 3.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:16.55,0:10:18.80,Default,,0,0,0,,The baiman is coming.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:19.84,0:10:24.06,Default,,0,0,0,,East Hand 3. Akado told me to be careful here.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:26.05,0:10:29.56,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm looking forward to the baiman.
Dialogue: 10,0:10:44.03,0:10:46.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Come. Become a baiman!
Dialogue: 10,0:10:49.27,0:10:51.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Of all times,{\i1} I {\i0}have to be dealer now...
Dialogue: 10,0:10:56.23,0:10:58.30,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm looking forward to the baiman, but...
Dialogue: 10,0:10:59.32,0:11:00.05,Default,,0,0,0,,Chi!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:01.37,0:11:03.64,Default,,0,0,0,,I also want to try stopping it.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:04.03,0:11:06.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Having so much to look forward to is great!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:07.91,0:11:11.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Shiraitodai's Oohoshi Awai is really strong.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:11.65,0:11:14.96,Default,,0,0,0,,She was really wreaking havoc in the second round match.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:14.96,0:11:19.65,Default,,0,0,0,,It's no surprise that she's been tasked as their fifth player, even as a first year.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:20.32,0:11:21.50,Default,,0,0,0,,However!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:21.50,0:11:24.02,Default,,0,0,0,,She wasn't able to stop our combo even once!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:25.03,0:11:25.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:26.54,0:11:30.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Our bond cannot be broken! Just try to break it!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:36.38,0:11:38.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you alone...
Dialogue: 10,0:11:40.22,0:11:41.90,Default,,0,0,0,,have as much...
Dialogue: 10,0:11:41.90,0:11:42.89,Default,,0,0,0,,as we have built up?!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:46.89,0:11:47.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsumo!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:49.43,0:11:51.06,Default,,0,0,0,,4,000. 8,000.
Dialogue: 10,0:11:53.53,0:11:55.18,Default,,0,0,0,,It really is a baiman!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:55.18,0:11:56.46,Default,,0,0,0,,They're making a comeback!
Dialogue: 10,0:11:57.11,0:12:00.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Shindouji's combo is strong.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:00.34,0:12:03.24,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess I'll give up trying to stop it, for now.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:03.24,0:12:05.28,Default,,0,0,0,,She's unleashed a baiman!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:05.28,0:12:09.24,Default,,0,0,0,,Shindouji shoots from last place to second, and is close to first!
Dialogue: 10,0:12:10.39,0:12:12.25,Default,,0,0,0,,We've fallen to last place.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:12.69,0:12:14.50,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm sorry, Toki.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:15.38,0:12:17.51,Default,,0,0,0,,After entering Shiraitodai, it only took that first year
Dialogue: 10,0:12:17.51,0:12:20.32,Default,,0,0,0,,one month to become a regular player for their top team.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:20.87,0:12:23.76,Default,,0,0,0,,I knew that she isn't normal.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:23.76,0:12:28.01,Default,,0,0,0,,Plus Shindouji, with the enhanced firepower of their double aces...
Dialogue: 10,0:12:29.14,0:12:33.02,Default,,0,0,0,,If she won this baiman, she could win the second half's counting yakuman, too.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:34.35,0:12:35.90,Default,,0,0,0,,This is bad.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:36.56,0:12:38.19,Default,,0,0,0,,I might be in a pinch.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:42.53,0:12:43.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:46.49,0:12:48.66,Default,,0,0,0,,If only you were right here, Toki.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:48.66,0:12:51.04,Default,,0,0,0,,I think I could relax a bit.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:51.66,0:12:52.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Remember...
Dialogue: 10,0:12:53.33,0:12:54.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:55.93,0:12:56.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka.
Dialogue: 10,0:12:56.99,0:12:58.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Toki...
Dialogue: 10,0:13:03.84,0:13:04.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Toki...
Dialogue: 10,0:13:04.93,0:13:07.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Wanna go buy something to drink?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:09.30,0:13:11.56,Default,,0,0,0,,You really like sleeping in people's laps, huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:13:11.91,0:13:16.69,Default,,0,0,0,,There's a totally serious reason for this.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:18.02,0:13:21.98,Default,,0,0,0,,I mean, with weird abilities like seeing ahead one turn,
Dialogue: 10,0:13:21.98,0:13:26.20,Default,,0,0,0,,it's better if a naturally strong player, like you, has that kind of power.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:26.20,0:13:30.91,Default,,0,0,0,,So I do this to try to send some of that power to you.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:30.91,0:13:33.12,Default,,0,0,0,,So that's why you rest your head on my lap!
Dialogue: 10,0:13:33.87,0:13:35.46,Default,,0,0,0,,No need to thank me.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:39.04,0:13:43.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Later, when I tried to think about it rationally, I was like, "Huh?"
Dialogue: 10,0:13:43.63,0:13:46.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Even thinking about it now, my reaction is the same.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:47.37,0:13:49.30,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right, Ryuuka.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:50.75,0:13:53.47,Default,,0,0,0,,I can feel Toki here.
Dialogue: 10,0:13:53.85,0:13:56.10,Default,,0,0,0,,We're not alone, either!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:17.48,0:14:19.33,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll show you the future.
Dialogue: 10,0:14:49.09,0:14:50.02,Default,,0,0,0,,I saw it!
Dialogue: 10,0:14:57.58,0:14:58.96,Default,,0,0,0,,She's discarding the south wind?
Dialogue: 10,0:14:58.96,0:15:01.79,Default,,0,0,0,,If she's throwing away honor tiles, you'd start with the north wind.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:01.79,0:15:03.21,Default,,0,0,0,,You mean digitally?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:03.21,0:15:05.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah, a chanta is possible,
Dialogue: 10,0:15:05.50,0:15:07.78,Default,,0,0,0,,and since you call it, keeping your own wind would make sense.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:07.78,0:15:09.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Wait, she discarded the two of characters?!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:10.07,0:15:12.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Shouldn't she have gone with the previously discarded north?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:12.47,0:15:15.10,Default,,0,0,0,,This is a different sequence than we've seen before.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:15.81,0:15:19.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Shimizudani Ryuuka tops Kansai in highest average points earned
Dialogue: 10,0:15:19.92,0:15:23.48,Default,,0,0,0,,due to her precise plays and highly accurate predictions.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:23.89,0:15:26.61,Default,,0,0,0,,Something's going to happen in this hand.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:36.03,0:15:36.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:39.41,0:15:40.68,Default,,0,0,0,,12,000.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:42.29,0:15:43.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:44.00,0:15:45.88,Default,,0,0,0,,My hand was just like in the vision.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:46.29,0:15:49.50,Default,,0,0,0,,I was watching for whether Tsuruhime would win in East Round 4.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:49.50,0:15:50.62,Default,,0,0,0,,How did this happen?
Dialogue: 10,0:15:51.13,0:15:53.74,Default,,0,0,0,,I didn't get a key for this hand...
Dialogue: 10,0:15:54.43,0:15:57.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Her starting tiles didn't seem like a hand anyone could win with.
Dialogue: 10,0:15:57.22,0:15:59.18,Default,,0,0,0,,The champion is dethroned!
Dialogue: 10,0:15:59.18,0:16:01.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Shiraitodai, who was in first place since the first players' match,
Dialogue: 10,0:16:01.82,0:16:03.77,Default,,0,0,0,,has fallen straight to last place!
Dialogue: 10,0:16:03.77,0:16:06.57,Default,,0,0,0,,The scores suggest that this is a close race,
Dialogue: 10,0:16:06.57,0:16:09.32,Default,,0,0,0,,but looking just at these players, Shindouji's overwhelming!
Dialogue: 10,0:16:09.67,0:16:12.61,Default,,0,0,0,,You mean, if they keep it up,\NShindouji will come out on top?
Dialogue: 10,0:16:13.07,0:16:16.62,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm sure there are some big wins still ahead.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:17.37,0:16:19.87,Default,,0,0,0,,It's just like Toki showed me.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:19.87,0:16:23.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Will it always be exactly like I saw it?
Dialogue: 10,0:16:24.21,0:16:26.38,Default,,0,0,0,,If you see it, you will definitely win it.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:26.38,0:16:29.13,Default,,0,0,0,,That's the Pillow God Toki's revelation.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.13,0:16:29.17,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur0.7\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.37\frx40\fry0\frz166.6\pos(539.077,348.754)}East
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.13,0:16:29.17,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur5\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.37\frx40\fry0\frz166.6\pos(539.077,348.754)}East
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.17,0:16:29.21,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur0.7\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.37\frx40\fry0\frz166.6\pos(539.077,348.754)\clip(m 532 364 l 558 326 679 348 648 404)}East
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.17,0:16:29.21,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur5\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.37\frx40\fry0\frz166.6\pos(539.077,348.754)\clip(m 532 364 l 558 326 679 348 648 404)}East
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.21,0:16:29.34,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur0.7\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.37\frx40\fry0\frz166.6\pos(539.077,348.754)\clip(m 538 368 b 546 359 558 341 564 330 l 685 352 654 408)}East
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.21,0:16:29.34,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur5\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.37\frx40\fry0\frz166.6\pos(539.077,348.754)\clip(m 538 368 b 546 359 558 341 564 330 l 685 352 654 408)}East
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.42,0:16:29.50,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur0.7\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.5\frx40\fry0\frz182.3\pos(700.855,339.097)\clip(m 712 301 l 688 361 616 364 656 275)}East
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.42,0:16:29.50,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur5\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.5\frx40\fry0\frz182.3\pos(700.855,339.097)\clip(m 712 301 l 688 361 616 364 656 275)}East
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.50,0:16:29.55,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur0.7\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.65\frx40\fry0\frz196\pos(893.79,334.11)\clip(m 914 295 l 897 367 828 370 868 281)}East
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.50,0:16:29.55,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur5\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.65\frx40\fry0\frz196\pos(893.79,334.11)\clip(m 914 295 l 897 367 828 370 868 281)}East
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.55,0:16:29.63,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\fscy80\fscx110\blur0.7\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.85\frx40\fry0\frz205.7\pos(887.73,322.11)\clip(m 908 279 l 897 367 828 370 868 281)}East
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.55,0:16:29.63,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\fscy80\fscx110\blur5\fs50\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.85\frx40\fry0\frz205.7\pos(887.73,322.11)\clip(m 908 279 l 897 367 828 370 868 281)}East
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.71,0:16:29.80,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur0.7\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax0.05\frz126.4\frx14\fry44\pos(722.983,277.55)\clip(m 730 322 l 757 284 840 338 760 385)}South
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.71,0:16:29.80,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur5\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax0.05\frz126.4\frx14\fry44\pos(722.983,277.55)\clip(m 730 322 l 757 284 840 338 760 385)}South
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.80,0:16:29.84,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur0.7\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frx40\fry354\frz166.6\pos(573.891,356.095)\clip(m 511 367 l 562 367 b 571 360 582 346 591 336 l 489 295)}South
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.80,0:16:29.84,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur0.7\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frx40\fry354\frz166.6\pos(573.891,356.095)\iclip(m 511 367 l 562 367 b 571 360 582 346 591 336 l 489 295)}South
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.80,0:16:29.84,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur5\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frx40\fry354\frz166.6\pos(573.891,356.095)\clip(m 511 367 l 562 367 b 571 360 582 346 591 336 l 489 295)}South
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.80,0:16:29.84,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur5\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frx40\fry354\frz166.6\pos(573.891,356.095)\iclip(m 511 367 l 562 367 b 571 360 582 346 591 336 l 489 295)}South
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.84,0:16:29.92,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur0.7\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frz167.8\frx40\fry354\pos(542.506,350.556)\clip(m 498 360 l 543 369 584 321 476 288)}South
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.84,0:16:29.92,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur0.7\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frz167.8\frx40\fry354\pos(542.506,350.556)\iclip(m 498 360 l 543 369 584 321 476 288)}South
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.84,0:16:29.92,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HE5E5E5&\an5\blur5\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frz167.8\frx40\fry354\pos(542.506,350.556)\clip(m 498 360 l 543 369 584 321 476 288)}South
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.84,0:16:29.92,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur5\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frz167.8\frx40\fry354\pos(542.506,350.556)\iclip(m 498 360 l 543 369 584 321 476 288)}South
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.92,0:16:30.09,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur0.7\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frz167.8\frx40\fry354\pos(542.506,350.556)}South
Dialogue: 2,0:16:29.92,0:16:30.09,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&HAA&\c&HF2F2F2&\an5\blur5\fs45\fnA-OTF Jun Pro 501\fax-0.27\frz167.8\frx40\fry354\pos(542.506,350.556)}South
Dialogue: 10,0:16:30.09,0:16:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Unlike Toki, I can see how I will win,
Dialogue: 10,0:16:34.00,0:16:36.30,Default,,0,0,0,,but I can't see anybody else's hand.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:37.10,0:16:40.36,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm dealer... I want to win this one.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:44.07,0:16:45.19,Default,,0,0,0,,Toki!
Dialogue: 10,0:16:48.98,0:16:50.19,Default,,0,0,0,,See ya!
Dialogue: 10,0:16:51.15,0:16:52.57,Default,,0,0,0,,What?! Hey!
Dialogue: 10,0:16:54.31,0:16:55.32,Default,,0,0,0,,I see.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:55.32,0:16:59.16,Default,,0,0,0,,This is the South Hand 1 that Shirouzu Mairu won before.
Dialogue: 10,0:16:59.16,0:17:01.08,Default,,0,0,0,,It happened in that hand, too,
Dialogue: 10,0:17:01.54,0:17:04.08,Default,,0,0,0,,but now something is fundamentally different here.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:04.08,0:17:05.83,Default,,0,0,0,,In this hand,
Dialogue: 10,0:17:07.08,0:17:09.09,Default,,0,0,0,,their combo is active!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:10.96,0:17:11.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsumo!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:12.42,0:17:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,3,000. 6,000.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:15.65,0:17:17.43,Default,,0,0,0,,So it is happening that way...
Dialogue: 10,0:17:17.89,0:17:19.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Marvelous!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:18.62,0:17:20.89,Alternative,,0,0,0,,Shindouji's got a haneman tsumo!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:21.31,0:17:23.98,Default,,0,0,0,,At one point, they were down to 30,000 points,
Dialogue: 10,0:17:23.98,0:17:26.40,Default,,0,0,0,,but a-ma-zing-ly, Shindouji is now in the lead!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:26.73,0:17:29.14,Default,,0,0,0,,It's just like pro player Kokaji predicted!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:29.14,0:17:31.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Not only is she Japan's best player;\Nshe also makes the best predictions!
Dialogue: 10,0:17:31.86,0:17:33.86,Default,,0,0,0,,There's no connection there!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:34.11,0:17:35.70,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1047.53,93.365)}South Hand 2
Dialogue: 0,0:17:34.11,0:17:35.70,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1047.53,324.965)}Dealer - Tsuruta Himeko
Dialogue: 10,0:17:35.70,0:17:38.04,Default,,0,0,0,,That was a short stay at the top.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:38.04,0:17:39.10,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:39.10,0:17:39.70,Default,,0,0,0,,To—
Dialogue: 10,0:17:39.70,0:17:41.50,Default,,0,0,0,,Look at what comes next.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:46.25,0:17:47.33,Default,,0,0,0,,A kuitan?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:47.33,0:17:48.88,Default,,0,0,0,,That's not worth much...
Dialogue: 10,0:17:48.88,0:17:51.09,Default,,0,0,0,,That's this hand's best.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:51.09,0:17:53.68,Default,,0,0,0,,So you're saying I always see the best?
Dialogue: 10,0:17:53.68,0:17:56.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Not the best, but the highest scoring winning hand.
Dialogue: 10,0:17:56.63,0:18:00.10,Default,,0,0,0,,There might be other winning hands,\N but you only see that one.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:00.10,0:18:02.14,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't it getting more and more restrictive?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:02.77,0:18:05.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't mix up the sequence.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:05.64,0:18:06.23,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:06.23,0:18:07.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Bye bye!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:07.60,0:18:09.48,Default,,0,0,0,,If you say so...
Dialogue: 10,0:18:09.90,0:18:10.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:11.90,0:18:13.03,Default,,0,0,0,,1,000.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:13.03,0:18:14.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:14.49,0:18:15.94,Default,,0,0,0,,So cheap.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:15.94,0:18:16.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:17.51,0:18:20.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Why can these two win this much?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:25.59,0:18:29.56,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess it's better than not winning at all... I think.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:29.56,0:18:31.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Not sure about that.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:31.16,0:18:32.50,Default,,0,0,0,,You're so restless.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:32.50,0:18:34.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Can't you just stay here?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:34.00,0:18:35.86,Default,,0,0,0,,That's not going to work.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:35.86,0:18:37.01,Default,,0,0,0,,What do you mean?
Dialogue: 10,0:18:37.37,0:18:40.12,Default,,0,0,0,,However nice and full your thighs may be,
Dialogue: 10,0:18:40.12,0:18:43.48,Default,,0,0,0,,there's a limit to how much power I can store there.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:43.48,0:18:46.12,Default,,0,0,0,,I can come about two more times.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:46.12,0:18:47.88,Default,,0,0,0,,So if I gained a little weight...
Dialogue: 10,0:18:47.88,0:18:49.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't do that!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:54.15,0:18:56.32,Default,,0,0,0,,You see a mangan for this hand.
Dialogue: 10,0:18:56.32,0:18:57.19,Default,,0,0,0,,All right!
Dialogue: 10,0:18:57.67,0:19:00.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Now, just follow the directions closely
Dialogue: 10,0:19:00.70,0:19:03.26,Default,,0,0,0,,and use your Toki with care.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:05.15,0:19:06.20,Default,,0,0,0,,Toki...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:07.45,0:19:08.71,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1047.53,93.365)}South Hand 3
Dialogue: 0,0:19:07.45,0:19:08.71,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx80\fsp0.2\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1047.53,324.965)}Dealer - Takakamo Shizuno
Dialogue: 10,0:19:10.46,0:19:11.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Tsumo!
Dialogue: 10,0:19:11.33,0:19:12.80,Default,,0,0,0,,2,000. 4,000.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:15.75,0:19:17.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Two more times, huh.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:20.05,0:19:24.30,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't care if you're the best in Kansai,\N or the best in North Kyuushuu.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:24.30,0:19:27.61,Default,,0,0,0,,With you winning like this over and over,
Dialogue: 10,0:19:28.91,0:19:31.81,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't think I can take it much longer.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:31.81,0:19:34.06,Default,,0,0,0,,I can do it now, right?
Dialogue: 10,0:19:40.24,0:19:42.11,Default,,0,0,0,,Awai means business.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:42.11,0:19:45.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Too bad that we couldn't keep it until the finals.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:46.49,0:19:49.79,Default,,0,0,0,,She's hardly done this, even during practice games at school.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:50.25,0:19:53.04,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess that means these players must be that strong.
Dialogue: 10,0:19:57.73,0:19:58.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:02.97,0:20:03.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Double riichi?!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:05.51,0:20:07.01,Default,,0,0,0,,This is pretty bad...
Dialogue: 10,0:20:07.01,0:20:10.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Oohoshi Awai has a double riichi!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:10.39,0:20:14.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Compared to the slow hands of the other three, this is overwhelming!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:14.00,0:20:16.10,Default,,0,0,0,,But her hand is only worth a double riichi!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:16.10,0:20:18.07,Default,,0,0,0,,Hopefully that's all it is.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:19.11,0:20:21.57,Default,,0,0,0,,This is the first time this has happened in a public game.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:21.57,0:20:24.30,Default,,0,0,0,,No... She used it once in the regionals.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:24.30,0:20:26.53,Default,,0,0,0,,In the second half of the finals.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:26.53,0:20:27.62,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh...
Dialogue: 10,0:20:27.62,0:20:29.46,Default,,0,0,0,,The reason for that was...
Dialogue: 10,0:20:29.46,0:20:33.75,Default,,0,0,0,,I just didn't want to lose to Takami in terms of total points won.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:33.75,0:20:35.20,Default,,0,0,0,,It's fine if it's Teru though.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:35.20,0:20:36.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Remember?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:36.29,0:20:41.55,Default,,0,0,0,,I doubt there are many players who have connected that one hand to this.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:41.55,0:20:44.30,Default,,0,0,0,,And even if some have, Awai won't lose.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:45.80,0:20:48.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Shizu, you know, right?
Dialogue: 10,0:20:50.45,0:20:53.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Oohoshi Awai's double riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:20:53.49,0:20:55.81,Default,,0,0,0,,The one Akado talked about!
Dialogue: 10,0:20:59.97,0:21:03.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Shizu, be careful when Oohoshi Awai goes for a double riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:04.95,0:21:06.95,Default,,0,0,0,,Double riichi? Why?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:07.49,0:21:10.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Oohoshi Awai is a supernova who just appeared this year,
Dialogue: 10,0:21:10.48,0:21:11.84,Default,,0,0,0,,so there are few records of her.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:11.84,0:21:15.46,Default,,0,0,0,,However, I can't believe that a first year would become a regular
Dialogue: 10,0:21:15.46,0:21:17.58,Default,,0,0,0,,just because she can delay other players' hands.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:17.58,0:21:18.96,Default,,0,0,0,,That's powerful enough!
Dialogue: 10,0:21:19.39,0:21:23.54,Default,,0,0,0,,No, at Shiraitodai, they have multiple teams.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:23.54,0:21:26.84,Default,,0,0,0,,The team that wins their internal competition goes to the tournaments.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:27.26,0:21:31.60,Default,,0,0,0,,So the top five of Shiraitodai won't necessarily be the representatives.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:32.18,0:21:34.60,Default,,0,0,0,,Each of those teams follows a different concept,
Dialogue: 10,0:21:35.05,0:21:38.40,Default,,0,0,0,,and Miyanaga Teru's team specializes in attacking.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:39.57,0:21:41.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Then that means...
Dialogue: 10,0:21:41.02,0:21:41.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:42.28,0:21:44.95,Default,,0,0,0,,Oohoshi Awai is also an offensive player.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:45.43,0:21:47.36,Default,,0,0,0,,So she's hiding her fangs?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:47.36,0:21:50.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Why should I pay attention to that one double riichi?
Dialogue: 10,0:21:51.20,0:21:53.79,Default,,0,0,0,,The West Tokyo tournament had great equipment.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:54.11,0:21:58.63,Default,,0,0,0,,They have continuous footage of just each player's expression.
Dialogue: 10,0:21:58.63,0:22:02.21,Default,,0,0,0,,That's Shouan Girls' Academy's fifth player at the West Tokyo regional.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:02.80,0:22:06.22,Default,,0,0,0,,This video is from her match against Oohoshi Awai in the finals.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:06.58,0:22:09.01,Default,,0,0,0,,This girl did quite well.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:09.01,0:22:12.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Her scores in the individual tournament were amazing, too.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:12.10,0:22:14.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Watch in about three seconds.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:16.89,0:22:19.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh? What? Eek, that's scary!
Dialogue: 10,0:22:19.32,0:22:20.19,Default,,0,0,0,,See?
Dialogue: 10,0:22:20.19,0:22:24.19,Default,,0,0,0,,That's right before Oohoshi Awai declares her double riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:24.66,0:22:27.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Not when she declares it, nor when she wins?
Dialogue: 10,0:22:28.56,0:22:31.45,Default,,0,0,0,,So that means she sensed something?
Dialogue: 10,0:22:31.91,0:22:33.98,Default,,0,0,0,,This is just my guess,
Dialogue: 10,0:22:33.98,0:22:36.45,Default,,0,0,0,,but once Oohoshi Awai declares double riichi,
Dialogue: 10,0:22:36.45,0:22:39.25,Default,,0,0,0,,there are a few things you need to watch out for.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:39.25,0:22:40.79,Default,,0,0,0,,The first one is...
Dialogue: 10,0:22:41.54,0:22:42.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Kan!
Dialogue: 10,0:22:42.97,0:22:43.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Here it is!
Dialogue: 10,0:22:48.11,0:22:50.09,Default,,0,0,0,,If I wanted to go for it, I'd discard what I drew....
Dialogue: 10,0:22:50.43,0:22:53.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Only discard a 100% safe tile after a kan.
Dialogue: 10,0:22:54.47,0:22:57.14,Default,,0,0,0,,It's the last hand, I'm in last, and I haven't won a hand, but...
Dialogue: 10,0:23:08.49,0:23:09.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Tenpai...
Dialogue: 10,0:23:10.66,0:23:13.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Since the 8 of bamboo are a wall,  I have to either wait to pair a title or triple one of two titles.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:14.57,0:23:17.33,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't like the idea of Oohoshi continuing to be dealer...
Dialogue: 10,0:23:17.33,0:23:19.16,Default,,0,0,0,,There are no safe tiles left anyway.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:21.59,0:23:23.75,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm keeping my tenpai!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:25.05,0:23:25.90,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:28.21,0:23:29.47,Default,,0,0,0,,A reverse spin?!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:31.34,0:23:33.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Phew, it's only the double riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:23:40.60,0:23:42.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Kan dora?!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:43.31,0:23:45.14,Default,,0,0,0,,18,000!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:46.40,0:23:48.61,Default,,0,0,0,,A direct 18 hit!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:48.98,0:23:51.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Shiraitodai has taken back the throne!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:52.33,0:23:55.12,Default,,0,0,0,,If I hadn't backed down, I would have dealt into that!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:56.79,0:23:59.58,Default,,0,0,0,,There was a win like this before, just once!
Dialogue: 10,0:23:59.58,0:24:00.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:01.16,0:24:02.71,Default,,0,0,0,,Shizu...
Dialogue: 10,0:24:03.54,0:24:04.96,Default,,0,0,0,,So it's decided...
Dialogue: 10,0:24:05.84,0:24:08.46,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't intend to stop being the dealer.
Dialogue: 0,0:24:11.22,0:24:13.09,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1047.53,72.365)}South Hand 4  -  Bonus 1
Dialogue: 0,0:24:11.22,0:24:13.09,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx80\fsp0.2\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1047.53,304.965)}Dealer - Oohoshi Awai
Dialogue: 10,0:24:16.14,0:24:17.01,Default,,0,0,0,,Riichi.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:17.39,0:24:18.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Double riichi, again?!
Dialogue: 10,0:24:18.64,0:24:21.36,Default,,0,0,0,,She declares double riichi again!
Dialogue: 10,0:24:21.36,0:24:25.27,Default,,0,0,0,,This time it's also just a double riichi. For now.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:25.27,0:24:29.28,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm five tiles from tenpai while the dealer has repeated double riichis.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:29.78,0:24:32.46,Default,,0,0,0,,However, if I can only call Toki two more times,
Dialogue: 10,0:24:32.46,0:24:34.78,Default,,0,0,0,,I'd like to save those for when I'm dealer in the second half.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:36.83,0:24:39.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Even without a key, I'll end her dealer turn with my own power!
Dialogue: 10,0:24:46.13,0:24:48.50,Default,,0,0,0,,What did the dice show?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:48.50,0:24:49.55,Default,,0,0,0,,Um...
Dialogue: 10,0:24:49.91,0:24:52.05,Default,,0,0,0,,Right 2, I think.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:52.05,0:24:53.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Snake eyes?
Dialogue: 10,0:24:54.03,0:24:55.30,Default,,0,0,0,,That's great.
Dialogue: 10,0:24:55.85,0:25:00.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Whether Shizu can fight Oohoshi Awai will be decided this hand!
Dialogue: 10,0:25:02.81,0:25:03.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Kan.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:04.09,0:25:09.22,Default,,0,0,0,,If my prediction is right, Oohoshi will win in the next few turns.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:09.22,0:25:10.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Seriously?
Dialogue: 0,0:25:10.57,0:25:13.28,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(450,0)\blur0.4\c&H000000&\fs27\fscx90\fnEmilia\b0\pos(1030.93,107.614)}Turn 15
Dialogue: 10,0:25:11.55,0:25:15.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Nothing has happened and it's turn 16...
Dialogue: 10,0:25:15.03,0:25:16.45,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?!
Dialogue: 10,0:25:16.45,0:25:18.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, that happens sometimes.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:18.52,0:25:20.79,Default,,0,0,0,,There isn't much data on Oohoshi Awai.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:21.24,0:25:22.50,Default,,0,0,0,,That's weird.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:27.37,0:25:29.42,Default,,0,0,0,,This is strange.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:30.71,0:25:31.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Ron.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:33.97,0:25:34.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 10,0:25:37.91,0:25:40.93,Default,,0,0,0,,7,700 with the bonus is 8,000.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:41.65,0:25:42.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Achiga Girls'?!
Dialogue: 10,0:25:44.11,0:25:47.52,Default,,0,0,0,,What... was her name again?
Dialogue: 10,0:25:47.98,0:25:49.19,Default,,0,0,0,,This girl...
Dialogue: 10,0:25:49.73,0:25:52.32,Default,,0,0,0,,is Achiga Girls' fifth player?
Dialogue: 10,0:25:52.82,0:25:53.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:54.49,0:25:56.32,Default,,0,0,0,,That's Takakamo Shizuno.
Dialogue: 10,0:25:56.93,0:26:00.03,Default,,0,0,0,,The first half is over!
Dialogue: 10,0:26:00.03,0:26:04.70,Default,,0,0,0,,Achiga Girls' Takakamo Shizuno strikes the top and escapes from the yakitori penalty!
Dialogue: 10,0:26:04.70,0:26:08.44,Default,,0,0,0,,All that's left in this match of the semifinals is the second half of the fifth players' match!
Dialogue: 10,0:26:08.44,0:26:09.58,Default,,0,0,0,,What was with that hand?
Dialogue: 10,0:26:10.14,0:26:12.34,Default,,0,0,0,,Did she do something?
Dialogue: 10,0:26:12.69,0:26:16.51,Default,,0,0,0,,Does that just mean that Oohoshi's Awai's control isn't all that?
Dialogue: 10,0:26:16.94,0:26:21.72,Default,,0,0,0,,When we played against Shizuno for the first time about two months ago,
Dialogue: 10,0:26:21.72,0:26:24.14,Default,,0,0,0,,I could already hear the footsteps.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:24.85,0:26:27.02,Default,,0,0,0,,The first day of our training matches against Achiga,
Dialogue: 10,0:26:27.69,0:26:31.06,Default,,0,0,0,,Koromo won three times with a haitei raoyue.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:31.06,0:26:33.94,Default,,0,0,0,,However, Koromo had planned to do that five times.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:35.51,0:26:40.36,Default,,0,0,0,,By the second day, she couldn't even get to the last tile.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:45.12,0:26:47.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Why are you so worn down?
Dialogue: 10,0:26:48.21,0:26:49.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Ako!
Dialogue: 10,0:26:49.25,0:26:52.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Here, get some sugar in you.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:52.04,0:26:53.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Thank you.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:55.71,0:26:57.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Harue says you can stay like this.
Dialogue: 10,0:26:58.42,0:26:59.30,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 10,0:27:00.56,0:27:02.20,Default,,0,0,0,,I kinda thought so.
Dialogue: 10,0:27:03.81,0:27:06.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Just one more East-South match...
Dialogue: 10,0:27:06.75,0:27:08.86,Default,,0,0,0,,You mean 11, don't you?
Dialogue: 10,0:27:08.86,0:27:10.44,Default,,0,0,0,,I hope so.
Dialogue: 10,0:27:12.57,0:27:17.40,Default,,0,0,0,,The commercials are over! Meet back in front of the TV!
Dialogue: 10,0:27:17.40,0:27:20.32,Default,,0,0,0,,If you keep dissing the commercials like that,
Dialogue: 10,0:27:20.32,0:27:22.57,Default,,0,0,0,,you're going to get in trouble with the sponsors again.
Dialogue: 10,0:27:22.57,0:27:24.87,Default,,0,0,0,,Please forgive this lowly station announcer!
Dialogue: 10,0:27:24.87,0:27:26.66,Default,,0,0,0,,Freelancers can't do that, either!
Dialogue: 10,0:27:26.66,0:27:30.54,Default,,0,0,0,,If I get fired, take responsibility and look after me, okay?
Dialogue: 10,0:27:30.54,0:27:34.67,Default,,0,0,0,,Huh? Uh, okay... Wait! Why is it {\i1}my{\i0} responsibility?!
Dialogue: 10,0:27:35.03,0:27:38.11,Default,,0,0,0,,Just now, we got sidetracked because of pro player Kokaji, again.
Dialogue: 10,0:27:38.11,0:27:41.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Finally, it's the second half of the fifth players' match!
Dialogue: 10,0:27:44.11,0:27:48.48,Default,,0,0,0,,The battle for the right to go to the finals is reaching its climax!
Dialogue: 0,0:27:48.35,0:27:49.56,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\alpha&H90&\blur1.2\c&H000000&\pos(259.349,405.44)\fscx565\fscy250\iclip(107,196,379.429,453.143)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:27:48.35,0:27:49.56,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\blur0.5\pos(251.849,397.94)\fscx565\fscy250}A
Dialogue: 3,0:27:48.35,0:27:49.56,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(500,0)\fscx93\fsp-0.4\fs25\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(254.849,396.94)}Achiga Girls' (Nara)\N 1st Year - Fifth Player\N Takakamo Shizuno
Dialogue: 10,0:27:48.48,0:27:51.81,Default,,0,0,0,,There's only one East-South match left!
Dialogue: 0,0:27:50.56,0:27:51.81,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\alpha&H90&\blur1.5\c&H000000&\pos(1027.35,325.44)\fscx565\fscy250\iclip(875,116,1147.43,373.143)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:27:50.56,0:27:51.81,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\blur0.5\pos(1019.85,317.94)\fscx565\fscy250}A
Dialogue: 3,0:27:50.56,0:27:51.81,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(500,0)\fscx90\fsp-0.4\fs25\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(1022.85,316.94)}Shiraitodai High (West Tokyo)\N 1st Year - Fifth Player\N Oohoshi Awai
Dialogue: 10,0:27:51.81,0:27:56.57,Default,,0,0,0,,The final game that will decide the fate of twenty people is about to begin!
Dialogue: 0,0:27:52.60,0:27:54.06,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\alpha&H90&\blur1.2\c&H000000&\pos(264.349,407.44)\fscx565\fscy250\iclip(112,198,384.429,455.143)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:27:52.60,0:27:54.06,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\blur0.5\pos(256.849,399.94)\fscx565\fscy250}A
Dialogue: 3,0:27:52.60,0:27:54.06,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(500,0)\fscx93\fsp-0.4\fs25\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(259.849,398.94)}Shindouji Girls' (Fukuoka)\N 2nd year - Fifth Player\N Tsuruta Himeko
Dialogue: 0,0:27:55.11,0:27:56.57,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\alpha&H90&\blur1.2\c&H000000&\pos(265.349,328.44)\fscx565\fscy250\iclip(113,119,385.429,376.143)}A
Dialogue: 1,0:27:55.11,0:27:56.57,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fad(500,0)\fnFansub Block\an5\c&HEFEFEF&\blur0.5\pos(257.849,320.94)\fscx565\fscy250}A
Dialogue: 3,0:27:55.11,0:27:56.57,SIGN,,0,0,0,,{\fnCalisto MT\fad(500,0)\fscx87\fsp-0.4\fs25\blur0.5\c&H000000&\an5\pos(260.849,319.94)}Senriyama Girls' (North Osaka)\N 3rd year - Fifth Player\N Shimizudani Ryuuka
Dialogue: 10,0:28:03.81,0:28:04.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Ryuuka...
Dialogue: 10,0:28:16.21,0:28:20.13,Default,,0,0,0,,And... The game begins!
Dialogue: 0,0:28:23.13,0:28:28.61,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}Inside our future, accelerating as we speak,
Dialogue: 0,0:28:23.13,0:28:28.61,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}image kasoku shiteiku mirai ni
Dialogue: 0,0:28:28.68,0:28:34.86,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}I can see all of the miracles that make up our lives
Dialogue: 0,0:28:28.68,0:28:34.86,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}egaiteku kiseki no katachi
Dialogue: 0,0:28:35.13,0:28:40.32,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}As long as I'm holding hands with you,
Dialogue: 0,0:28:35.13,0:28:40.32,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}kimi to te wo tsunaideiru no ni
Dialogue: 0,0:28:40.32,0:28:46.87,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}I will never give up
Dialogue: 0,0:28:40.32,0:28:46.87,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}akirameru nante arienai yo
Dialogue: 0,0:28:46.93,0:28:52.09,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}The lessons we learned from our past matches
Dialogue: 0,0:28:46.93,0:28:52.09,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}te no hira ni wa tatakaiatte
Dialogue: 0,0:28:52.09,0:28:57.44,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}will stay with us and make us stronger
Dialogue: 0,0:28:52.09,0:28:57.44,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}tsumikanasatta kizuato
Dialogue: 0,0:28:57.89,0:29:01.23,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}Let's go on a journey
Dialogue: 0,0:28:57.89,0:29:01.23,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}saa ikou tabi wo shiyou
Dialogue: 0,0:29:01.23,0:29:09.47,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}Our new move will go down in history of the galaxy
Dialogue: 0,0:29:01.23,0:29:09.47,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}ginga ga nokoshitekita kioku ni arata naru itte
Dialogue: 0,0:29:09.77,0:29:13.43,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}The sounds around us flood into our ears with a rhythm
Dialogue: 0,0:29:09.77,0:29:13.43,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}koborehibiku oto ga rizumu ni natte
Dialogue: 0,0:29:13.43,0:29:16.44,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}to cultivate our dreams
Dialogue: 0,0:29:13.43,0:29:16.44,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}yume sakaseyou to
Dialogue: 0,0:29:16.44,0:29:22.10,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}The field will sing of the futuristic player
Dialogue: 0,0:29:16.44,0:29:22.10,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}fiirudo wo utau wa so futuristic player
Dialogue: 0,0:29:22.10,0:29:25.06,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}More feelings, another smile
Dialogue: 0,0:29:22.10,0:29:25.06,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}kasanaru omoi tsugi no egao e
Dialogue: 0,0:29:25.06,0:29:27.99,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}We're sure to win
Dialogue: 0,0:29:25.06,0:29:27.99,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}sou tashika na shouri e
Dialogue: 0,0:29:27.99,0:29:31.16,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}If we form our fingers into an "L",
Dialogue: 0,0:29:27.99,0:29:31.16,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}eeru ni naru you ni yubi wo karameru no
Dialogue: 0,0:29:31.16,0:29:37.46,ED3-Eng,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}we'll reach our future before we know it
Dialogue: 0,0:29:31.16,0:29:37.46,ED3-Rom,,0,0,0,,{\fad(100,150)\blur3}tadoritsuite over future
Dialogue: 0,0:29:43.09,0:29:58.10,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&H94&\blur3.5\an2\c&H000000&\bord4.6\pos(226.071,186.1)}Next
Dialogue: 1,0:29:43.09,0:29:58.10,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\an2\bord4.6\c&H000000&\blur0.4\pos(222.571,182.6)}Next
Dialogue: 2,0:29:43.09,0:29:58.10,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\an2\bord0\blur0.4\pos(222.571,182.6)}Next
Dialogue: 0,0:29:43.09,0:29:58.10,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\alpha&H94&\blur3.5\an2\bord3.5\fs56\c&H000000&\pos(1059.826,586.7)}Traces
Dialogue: 1,0:29:43.09,0:29:58.10,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\an2\blur0.4\c&H000000&\bord3.5\fs56\pos(1056.326,583.2)}Traces
Dialogue: 2,0:29:43.09,0:29:58.10,EPISODE TITLE,,0,0,0,,{\an2\blur0.4\bord0\fs56\pos(1056.326,583.2)}Traces
Dialogue: 10,0:29:46.02,0:29:48.32,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an1}Shizu, why are you\N running all of a sudden?
Dialogue: 10,0:29:48.32,0:29:51.82,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an1}When I remembered the mountains of Yoshino, my body got all restless!
Dialogue: 10,0:29:52.64,0:29:55.60,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an1}Oh, be careful!\N That path follows a cliff!
Dialogue: 10,0:29:55.60,0:29:56.98,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an1}Whoa, that was close!

Pasted: Sep 29, 2013, 12:16:18 pm
Views: 9