get paid to paste

Cheat Stronghold Crusader

Untuk temen-temen pengunjung setia IXE-11 di di mohon untuk mengklik 1x saja iklan sebelah kiri yang berjudul no  Scam!! agar blog ixe-11 terus hidup,dan mempercepat loading trimakasih.

Code      Effect
KILLEM  - kill all enemies on level
STUFF   - invincibility, all weapons and keys, and a teleporter beacon
IBGOD   - invincibility
LISTIT  - accessories
OPEN    - all keys stealth boots
MONEY   - money and toughness
GOTO##  - warp to level ## (32-34)
GUNS    - all weapons
MOVEME# - teleport to map spot
IDDT    - full map toggle (use when looking at map)
ILIVE   - auto use health toggle (Same as pressing F5)
AIBRAIN - AI toggle
SPIRIT  - no clipping mode
IDMYPOS - display co-ordinates
IDMUS## - chang music to track ## (01-10)
TIC     - devparm Toggle

Full Version:
Code         Effect
STONECOLD  - kill all enemies on level
OMNIPOTENT - invincibility
JIMMY      - all keys
DONNYTRUMP - all money and artefacts
PUMPUP     - accessories
GRIPPER    - stealth boots
RIFT##     - warp to level ##
BOOMSTIX   - all weapons
TOPO       - full Map toggle (use when looking at map)
LEGO       - one piece of the Sigil each time its used
SCOOT#     -  teleport to map spot
ELVIS      - no clipping mode
GPS        - display co-ordinates
DOTS       - FPS Ticker
SPIN##     - switch music to track ## (00-35)

Untuk temen-temen pengunjung setia IXE-11 di di mohon untuk mengklik 1x saja iklan sebelah kiri yang berjudul no  Scam!! agar blog ixe-11 terus hidup,dan mempercepat loading trimakasih.

Pasted: Jun 17, 2012, 4:09:07 am
Views: 20