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CoD Campaign Trail Code 2 (Walker-Eisner)

campaignTrail_temp.cyoa = true;

function getQuestionNumberFromPk(pk) {

cyoAdventure = function (a) {
    ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length-1];

    if (ans == 44286) {
        campaignTrail_temp.question_number = getQuestionNumberFromPk(44277);
    else {
        return false;

campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = [
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42513,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You stand before the Democratic National Convention. The Democrats are about 10 points underwater, and dread hangs over the entire audience. You are the last hope they have to stop Cortez’s America. Thousands of eyes are on you as you give your acceptance speech. What do you say?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42514,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Democrats haven’t won two consecutive terms since 2012 and have been on the retreat for the better part of the past 32 years. Divisions have risen among the left, and the Democrats are increasingly aimless. During your speech at the DNC, you are asked point blank: What direction will you take the Democratic Party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42515,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The chattering classes have been speculating among themselves ever since you revealed your running mate Eisner to the American people. How do you introduce your running mate to the American people?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42516,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Social issues have come to the forefront of the 2044 election, with the “Great Reset” project of the Cortez Administration pushing extremely socially conservative legislation into power. Most recently the abortion restrictions has gone into place with the “Protection of the Unborn Act” that just passed through Congress. Being put on the spot on social issues, how do you respond? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42517,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Recently, news has broken of the Eurasians and Chinese testing their own spacefaring capabilities, threatening the American military's dominance in orbit. How would you handle military spending, should you be elected?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42615,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "More bad news on the continued erosion of American liberalism, Cortez has begun her next step in her “Great Reset” program, primarily by trying to pass a protection of traditional marriage bill in the House, enshrining traditional marriage into law. With the Supreme Court currently 6-3 in favor of the Republicans, it doesn’t look like the judicial branch will do much to stop them once this is passed. What is your response to this situation? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42616,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Emotions are running high after the attempted passing of the Traditional Marriage Bill. A video has gone viral where a group of angry protesters beat a Christian elderly street preacher to death. How do you respond to this? (Progressive)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42617,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The dividing line of this election seems to be faith. With disproportionately secular Americans on your side, and the most religious on Cortez’s. Despite this, the majority of Americans remain adherents to the Christian faith. You will need a good number of Christians to win this election, what is your strategy to deal with them? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42618,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The rising unemployment problem being caused by automation has been somewhat swept under the rug by the Cortez administration, who has downplayed this in favor of economic and job growth. This gives an opening to you, how would you like to address this?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42619,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You’re still behind in the polls against Cortez, and you believe some kind of endorsement will help propel you in the polls. Who do you reach out to? (Neither)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42620,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Cortez begins rallying her Christian supporters under the slogan of “In God We Trust”. A not-so-subtle reference to her ultimate goal in this administration. Even after everything, you are still far behind in the polls. Your campaign team has found a way to reach many of these hard-to-reach communities in their media bubble. You have a shot to try and crack the unified wall of Christian Evangelical support behind her. What do you do? (No Prog)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42621,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You are called into a meeting with people in your campaign team. The door locks behind you. One of your trusted aids whispers that an Chinese government-affiliated hacker can hack into Cortez’s emails and can release them to the public. He whispers to you that this could be good for your campaign. What do you want to do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42622,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The great power struggle continues to rage on, with China first in dominance, but the powers of Eurasia and the US balancing them out. How would you handle the ongoing Cold War?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42623,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You have the opportunity to visit some foreign leaders during your candidacy to build a relationship and appeal to certain groups of voters. Who do you visit? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42624,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Along with the ongoing Cold War with Eurasia and China, America is threatened on a third front. The communist Havana Internationale in specific remains a great threat to the United States, especially as thousands of Mexican refugees flee across the southern border. In front of a majority-Hispanic convention taking place in Los Angeles, how would you deal with this issue?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42625,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Cortez has not been idle while you have been campaigning. She has been aggressively courting the African American population, focusing on social issues and shared Christian values. Their standards of living have increased under Cortez, and the Democratic stronghold on this population is about to break. How do you keep them in line?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42627,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42628,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "News erupts from the Middle East, a massive refugee crisis involving the displaced Palestinian population has catapulted this issue back into the public consciousness. What is your stance on the Israeli-Palestinian situation?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42629,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42630,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to full on revolt. As of today, several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42631,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "A major scandal has gripped the Progressive Party, details of covering up a major anti-semitism problem that had been long festering in the party. Your own party is not safe from the backlash either, as many of your own party members have also been implicated. How do you respond?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42632,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "John Eisner has come under fire from the left for his past comments on Palestinian Americans. Furthermore, he has refused to apologize for or retract these comments. Being much closer to your campaign, you won’t be able to as quickly deflect this. Time is of the essence, and the clock is ticking. What do you do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42633,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Today is a perfectly normal day. You have a eerie sense that in an alternate timeline, something horrible is happening to you right now. Thankfully, that timeline isn't this one, and you have a completely normal day today. (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42637,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "In the final days of the campaign, the Catholic Church has announced the passing away of Pope Robert Sarah. This is an unexpected event in the last days of the campaign. Divisive conversations have already flared up, about whether the future direction of the Catholic Church should be progressive or conservative. Do you comment?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42638,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up? (Template)",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42639,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is election day, the votes are happening as we speak. You watch your screen with great anxiety. You bend down, what do you do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 42992,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The dividing line of this election seems to be faith. With disproportionately secular Americans on your side, and the most religious on Cortez’s. Despite this, the majority of Americans remain adherents to the Christian faith. You will need a good number of Christians to win this election, what is your strategy to deal with them?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43013,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The dividing line of this election seems to be faith. With disproportionately secular Americans on your side, and the most religious on Cortez’s. Despite this, the majority of Americans remain adherents to the Christian faith. You will need a good number of Christians to win this election, what is your strategy to deal with them?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43034,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You’re still behind in the polls against Cortez, and you believe some kind of endorsement will help propel you in the polls. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43076,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You’re still behind in the polls against Cortez, and you believe some kind of endorsement will help propel you in the polls. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43113,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Cortez begins rallying her Christian supporters under the slogan of “In God We Trust”. A not-so-subtle reference to her ultimate goal in this administration. Even after everything, you are still far behind in the polls. Your campaign team has found a way to reach many of these hard-to-reach communities in their media bubble. You have a shot to try and crack the unified wall of Christian Evangelical support behind her. What do you do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43154,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43184,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43198,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43236,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43259,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43282,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43298,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43324,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43346,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43369,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43390,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43412,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43433,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43454,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43476,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43530,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43553,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43575,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43599,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43621,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43645,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43669,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43722,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You’re still behind in the polls against Cortez, and you believe some kind of endorsement will help propel you in the polls. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43743,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Cortez begins rallying her Christian supporters under the slogan of “In God We Trust”. A not-so-subtle reference to her ultimate goal in this administration. Even after everything, you are still far behind in the polls. Your campaign team has found a way to reach many of these hard-to-reach communities in their media bubble. You have a shot to try and crack the unified wall of Christian Evangelical support behind her. What do you do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43763,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The dividing line of this election seems to be faith. With disproportionately secular Americans on your side, and the most religious on Cortez’s. Despite this, the majority of Americans remain adherents to the Christian faith. You will need a good number of Christians to win this election, what is your strategy to deal with them?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43784,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You’re still behind in the polls against Cortez, and you believe some kind of endorsement will help propel you in the polls. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43800,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Cortez begins rallying her Christian supporters under the slogan of “In God We Trust”. A not-so-subtle reference to her ultimate goal in this administration. Even after everything, you are still far behind in the polls. Your campaign team has found a way to reach many of these hard-to-reach communities in their media bubble. You have a shot to try and crack the unified wall of Christian Evangelical support behind her. What do you do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43820,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Your campaign is running out of cash. Your campaign team has scheduled some meetings with some powerful organizations who could help bankroll your campaign. Who do you reach out to?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43834,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The first debate is here. You stand a podium away from your campaign adversary, the debate is about to begin. What is your strategy to take down Cortez?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43855,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "It is the final days of the campaign. The finish line just ahead of you, you feel exhausted. Is there any loose threads you wish to tie up?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43881,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Social issues have come to the forefront of the 2044 election, with the “Great Reset” project of the Cortez Administration pushing extremely socially conservative legislation into power. Most recently the abortion restrictions has gone into place with the “Protection of the Unborn Act” that just passed through Congress. Being put on the spot on social issues, how do you respond?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43905,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Social issues have come to the forefront of the 2044 election, with the “Great Reset” project of the Cortez Administration pushing extremely socially conservative legislation into power. Most recently the abortion restrictions has gone into place with the “Protection of the Unborn Act” that just passed through Congress. Being put on the spot on social issues, how do you respond?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43927,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "More bad news on the continued erosion of American liberalism, Cortez has begun her next step in her “Great Reset” program, primarily by trying to pass a protection of traditional marriage bill in the House, enshrining traditional marriage into law. With the Supreme Court currently 6-3 in favor of the Republicans, it doesn’t look like the judicial branch will do much to stop them once this is passed. What is your response to this situation?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43953,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "More bad news on the continued erosion of American liberalism, Cortez has begun her next step in her “Great Reset” program, primarily by trying to pass a protection of traditional marriage bill in the House, enshrining traditional marriage into law. With the Supreme Court currently 6-3 in favor of the Republicans, it doesn’t look like the judicial branch will do much to stop them once this is passed. What is your response to this situation?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43981,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Emotions are running high after the attempted passing of the Traditional Marriage Bill. A video has gone viral where a group of angry protesters beat a Christian elderly street preacher to death. How do you respond to this?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 43996,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Emotions are running high after the attempted passing of the Traditional Marriage Bill. A video has gone viral where a group of angry protesters beat a Christian elderly street preacher to death. How do you respond to this?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44053,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "More bad news on the continued erosion of American liberalism, Cortez has begun her next step in her “Great Reset” program, primarily by trying to pass a protection of traditional marriage bill in the House, enshrining traditional marriage into law. With the Supreme Court currently 6-3 in favor of the Republicans, it doesn’t look like the judicial branch will do much to stop them once this is passed. What is your response to this situation?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44186,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to revolt. Several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44190,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to revolt. Several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44202,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to revolt. Several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44228,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to revolt. Several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44242,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to revolt. Several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44255,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "The Conservative Civil War has gone from conflict to revolt. Several senators and Congressmen have split off from the Republican Party under the de-facto leadership of Senator James Starmer, creating the Patriot Party. It's too late to enter the election and they are looking for options. Do you wish to seek the endorsement of this new party?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44273,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "Today is a perfectly normal day. You have a eerie sense that in an alternate timeline, something horrible is happening to you right now. Thankfully, that timeline isn't this one, and you have a completely normal day today.",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44277,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "In another timeline, this would be a perfectly normal day. But today, the FBI has called you into an investigation for colluding with the Chinese government. You are expected to be interrogated in 2 hours. What do you do?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44299,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You have the opportunity to visit some foreign leaders during your candidacy to build a relationship and appeal to certain groups of voters. Who do you visit?",
            "likelihood": 1
        "model": "campaign_trail.question",
        "pk": 44319,
        "fields": {
            "priority": 0,
            "description": "You have the opportunity to visit some foreign leaders during your candidacy to build a relationship and appeal to certain groups of voters. Who do you visit?",
            "likelihood": 1

campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42580,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42513,
            "description": "We stand at the precipice, staring down a darkness that threatens to engulf this fair republic, and replace our values of pluralism and democracy with religiosity and extremism. We cannot allow for the Cortezian view to triumph. For the soul of our nation is at stake."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42582,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42513,
            "description": "Victoria Cortez is a radical, and her supporters are religious fanatics. Our nation is about to be to be taken over by fundamentalists, and I fight on behalf of all Americans, to protect our rights, and to stop this takeover by Christian extremists."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42590,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42513,
            "description": "How long have we suffered under the economic mismanagement of Cortez? Cortez and her elitist backers have drained the average person like a parasite. If I am elected, I will return it to the people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42596,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42513,
            "description": "I'm not here to talk about Cortez. I'm here to talk about what I can do for you. America needs leadership to build back stronger. My record in New Jersey is impeccable. I held a light red state against the onslaught of the Awakening. I will do it for America too."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42601,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42514,
            "description": "\"We must continue our current trajectory. Our party has always stood for the values of equality and progress, but we still have a long way to go before our work is done.\""
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42605,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42514,
            "description": "\"The time has come for a new Democratic Party. We have to meet voters where they are to survive. We must reach out to the other side; there will be no sacred cows.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42610,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42514,
            "description": "“We will not back down one inch. There can be no compromise when it comes to human rights! To live how you want to live, to love who you want to love. I say to you, not one step further!”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42640,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42515,
            "description": "Eisner is a competent governor, administrator, and friend. His understanding of policy and economics is second to none. Together, we will bring common sense policies, that will benefit you and your families."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42641,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42515,
            "description": "Let's introduce him as a proud Jewish-American, who is unapologetic about his heritage and his faith. He represents a rejection of Cortez’s Christian hegemony and represents the diversity and tolerance we are fighting for."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42649,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42516,
            "description": "This is nothing short of an assault against a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. A Walker administration will do everything in its power to reverse this decision, and ensure reproductive rights are protected."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42656,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42516,
            "description": "Rile up the supporters and get everyone out in the streets. It is not enough for us to say mere words anymore, it is time to take physical action. Show Cortez what we think. Head up to the White House and take the fight to her!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42663,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42516,
            "description": "This is a highly divisive issue… I think it’s best if I don’t comment on this for now."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42666,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42516,
            "description": "I agree abortion is a moral issue, but this is the wrong way to go about it. We cannot ignore the grave implications on the health of the woman. This is why I support legalization of abortion; safe, legal, and rare."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42672,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42517,
            "description": "Cortez’s half-measure on this matter endangers our republic and puts our very existence at stake. When I am elected president, I will aggressively ramp up military spending, to ensure our forces remain competitive both in space, and around the world."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42678,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42517,
            "description": "I support our soldiers and will do everything in my power to ensure our country remains strong, safe, and free. America will be safe under a Walker administration."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42682,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42517,
            "description": "Our society is dependent on technology that requires the protection of our infrastructure in space, and our military budget is woefully underprepared to defend that infrastructure. Our advantage is in space, and in a fight like this, we have to work smart. If elected president, I will greatly increase our investment into our space-faring capabilities."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42689,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42517,
            "description": "Aggression has never solved anything, our military is a weapon of violence, and we cannot support that while we have bigger problems to deal with. I would cut military spending and spend it on other things."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42698,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42615,
            "description": "For the love of god, call up minority leader Newsom and filibuster, filibuster, filibuster! Delay it, disrupt it, I don’t care! Do whatever you have to. This bill cannot be allowed to pass."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42702,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42615,
            "description": "Cortez’s supermajority means this bill is going to pass regardless, but we will not be silenced. Rally the supporters and raise hell in the streets. We exist! We are here! We will not disappear!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42711,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42615,
            "description": "We need to appeal to conservatives if we want to win this election. Stay silent on this and move onto the next issue."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42719,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42615,
            "description": "Homosexuality is a sin and should be banned nationwide. Cortez didn’t go far enough on this issue. Outflank her and pitch myself as the true voice for Christian conservatism."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42726,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42616,
            "description": "We have to denounce the violence. This behavior is not acceptable, and we have to condemn it. Issue an official statement and try to calm down as many as we can."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42732,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42616,
            "description": "I have no sympathy for him, his outdated beliefs are what led to this in the first place. It's time for conservatives to know what it's like to be afraid, just as the LGBT community is afraid because of people like them."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42740,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42616,
            "description": "I know this sounds crazy, but I’m going to call up Cortez and appear together in a message of national unity to stop the violence. Left, right or center, we have to make sure this country stays together, no matter what."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42742,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42617,
            "description": "We don’t need to appeal explicitly based on faith. Let’s just focus on policies all Americans, Christian or not, can agree on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42746,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42617,
            "description": "Let’s reach out to the mainline churches. Churches with a liberal theology will be friendly to my campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42751,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42617,
            "description": "Let’s go reach out to the Catholics. I’ll loosen my positions on abortion and meet up with Catholic communities to attain support. As well as promising support to the Hispanic population."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42760,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42617,
            "description": "Let’s turn out the black churches, who have been voting Democrat for generations. They know the Republicans don’t have their best interests in mind, and we should turn them out en-masse to prevent their victory."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42764,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42618,
            "description": "Automation is nothing more than the tool the rich 1% has been using to wage war against the lower classes. Cortez is a servant of the upper class, and nothing else. If elected president, I will put constraints on the automation destroying working class communities."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42768,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42618,
            "description": "The rise of automation proves the system isn’t working. We cannot afford conservative stagnation in such changing times. And we need a new system, a new way of governance so this country moves not left, not right, but forward."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42775,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42618,
            "description": "Automation is great, actually. If workers are unable to find a job in the job market, then those workers have simply been outcompeted, and those resources can be directed towards other areas."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42779,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42618,
            "description": "Actually, my running mate Eisner has published a plan how to counteract this problem. I’ll be releasing it to the public, so everyone may view and criticize it."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42783,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42619,
            "description": "Andrew Yang and his Futurists. They’ve seen the carnage of automation that has rampaged across American communities, and they understand the current system isn’t working."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42788,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42619,
            "description": "Taylor Swift. She’s in show-biz, she can turn out younger voters better than our campaign ever could, especially those from the Fighter Generation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42793,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42619,
            "description": "Ex-President Barack Obama. He’s the last reminder we have of better times, and maybe he can work some of his magic, and turn out our voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42797,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42619,
            "description": "I think it’s better if I don’t reach out to any of these people. Let’s just continue on with the campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42804,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42620,
            "description": "I think we just have to accept these voters as a lost cause. Move on and try to win over other voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42807,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42620,
            "description": "“Why do we impose our values onto others? Forcing others to obey the gospel will not save their souls, for it is through faith, not works we are saved. We should let people make mistakes, just as God lets us make mistakes.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42812,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42620,
            "description": "“Did God not say to love thy neighbor as thyself? Was Jesus’s message not one of love, and not of hate? Did Jesus say not to judge others? Then why do you judge, oh Pharisees?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42818,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42620,
            "description": "“Didn’t Christ say you cannot serve both God and money? Look at Cortez, does her collusion with the big tech companies she helped build sound right to you? Does cutting welfare programs sound like loving your neighbor as yourself?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42823,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42621,
            "description": "Don’t talk to me about this ever again. You can take these illegal schemes of yours and leave, you’re fired."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42825,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42621,
            "description": "This is a tremendous opportunity. Let’s take these allegations and hit her where it hurts. Get all our allied media partners, let’s flood the airwaves."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42827,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42622,
            "description": "No surrender. We will deal with them the same way America has dealt with all of its enemies. We destroy and outlast them. We did it with the Germans, we did with the Soviets, and we’ll do it again."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42830,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42622,
            "description": "It’s about time we break this stalemate. China is the real threat, and I believe we have much to gain from more cooperation with the Eurasian Union. To expand our export markets, and mutually benefit from economic development."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42832,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42622,
            "description": "It’s time for us to reconcile with our partners in the Far East. China is the largest economy in the world, and we cannot grind them down with attrition. I would seek out a partnership with China and open up relations."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42837,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42623,
            "description": "America has kept dozens of governments in exile after the failure of the 3rd World War. I’m going to visit them and assure them that America has not forgotten about them."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42839,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42623,
            "description": "Let’s go begin building a relationship with the Eurasians… Maybe with the Germans as an intermediary."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42841,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42624,
            "description": "There will be war. I will destroy Communism. Cuba will be glass within the first year of my presidency, there will be a statue of Castro being hanged in Havana."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42843,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42624,
            "description": "Communism is an evil ideology that has cost this world millions of lives. The fact that there still exist people who support this ideology is nothing short of a disgrace. I cannot emphasize it enough. Communist regimes are evil, and I will never back down from that."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42845,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42625,
            "description": "The Republicans are the party of police brutality, voter suppression, and ruthless capitalism. Do you remember having to stand in line for hours because they only opened one polling booth in your entire city?"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42849,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42625,
            "description": "It’s all about economic issues, right? Promise them relief, promise them everything! Free housing, better jobs, I don’t care!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42862,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42627,
            "description": "Let’s not waste too much time on this. Let’s just continue our campaign turning out our voters and attacking Cortez more generally."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42865,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42627,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, one of the last progressive activist investors out there, and one of the last of the Old Tech Giants. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42868,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42627,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42871,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42627,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42874,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42628,
            "description": "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42878,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42628,
            "description": "Let me reiterate the Democratic position, I support a 2-state solution for both Israelis and Arabs, and hope that both Israelis and Palestinians can work together to find a harmonious solution."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42881,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42628,
            "description": "It is time for us to recognize the new reality on the ground. We are proud to recognize our partners in the nations of Israel and Judah and are dedicated to working with them for a bright and prosperous future."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42886,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42628,
            "description": "It’s not our place to intervene in conflicts all over the world. We are no longer the world hegemon, and we can’t be involved in every little squabble that takes place. I will prepare our country to receive these refugees and ensure America will be a safe place for them once they arrive."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42891,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42629,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42896,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42629,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42900,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42629,
            "description": "Cortez is a dangerous radical whose rhetoric is antithetical to the spirit of our republic. Our founding fathers were deists, their republic was secular. Cortez’s agenda is repugnant to our age-old traditions of our republic."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42905,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42629,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42917,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42631,
            "description": "I condemn wholeheartedly those who spread hate, both in the Progressive Party, and in mine. We must show voters that hate has no space in our party. We must quickly purge our ranks of these members."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42922,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42631,
            "description": "What about Republican anti-semitism? What about their problems with hate and discrimination? The Republicans have just as large an anti-semitism problem as we do, but we’re the only ones who have to apologize for it."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42928,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42631,
            "description": "Deflect! Deflect! Deflect! Don’t give this scandal any oxygen! If we don’t pay it attention, it will flicker out on its own."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42933,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42631,
            "description": "This is unacceptable, my running mate is Jewish, and it’s a disgrace they still have to deal with anti-semitism at this late date. I will have them deliver a speech addressing the situation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42938,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42632,
            "description": "As much as it pains me to do this, it’s time to drop them as my running mate. I’m sorry, but there’s too much at stake to risk another Cortez presidency."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42942,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42632,
            "description": "Get Eisner over here and force him to apologize. I don’t care what you think. You had better fix this, and fix this now."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42945,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42632,
            "description": "Get Eisner to keep their head down and wait out the storm. This fire will eventually die down."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42948,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42632,
            "description": "You know what? I’m defending my running mate. I don’t care what they say, he did nothing wrong!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42951,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42633,
            "description": "Huh, well, I'm just glad it's not me."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42961,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42637,
            "description": "It’s not my business to say. I wish the Catholic Church luck in electing their next leader, and guide all of humanity to a better world."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42965,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42637,
            "description": "I would like to call on the Catholic Church to turn away from their reactionary path. Pope Robert Sarah was a setback to decades of progress, and I hope a more open-minded pope will be elected soon."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42969,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42638,
            "description": "Let’s secure our populist flank. Go to the Midwest and turn out the new populist voters we’ve secured."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42978,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42638,
            "description": "Let’s do one last campaign event with Yang. The Futurist movement is still young, let’s let them know they will always have a home with us."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42981,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42638,
            "description": "Yes. It’s time. Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42985,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42639,
            "description": "Pray. If this election has taught me anything, it’s the enduring power of belief. Pray someone hears me out there, for this country needs a miracle."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42988,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42639,
            "description": "Don’t pray. If this Awakening is anything to go by, if there is a God, he’s not on my side."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42993,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42992,
            "description": "We don’t need to appeal explicitly based on faith. Let’s just focus on policies all Americans, Christian or not, can agree on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 42996,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42992,
            "description": "Let’s reach out to the mainline churches. Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran... This Awakening is coming from the Evangelical camp, after all."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43000,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42992,
            "description": "Let’s go reach out to the Catholics. I’ll loosen my positions on abortion and meet up with Catholic communities to attain support. As well as promising support to the Hispanic population."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43009,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42992,
            "description": "Let’s turn out the black churches, who have been voting Democrat for generations. They know the Republicans don’t have their best interests in mind, and we should turn them out en-masse to prevent their victory."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43014,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43013,
            "description": "We don’t need to appeal explicitly based on faith. Let’s just focus on policies all Americans, Christian or not, can agree on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43017,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43013,
            "description": "Let’s reach out to the mainline churches. Churches with a liberal theology will be friendly to my campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43021,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43013,
            "description": "Let’s go reach out to the Catholics. I’ll loosen my positions on abortion and meet up with Catholic communities to attain support. As well as promising support to the Hispanic population."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43030,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43013,
            "description": "Let’s turn out the black churches, who have been voting Democrat for generations. They know the Republicans don’t have their best interests in mind, and we should turn them out en-masse to prevent their victory."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43035,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43034,
            "description": "Andrew Yang and his Futurists. They’ve seen the carnage of automation that has rampaged across American communities, and they understand the current system isn’t working."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43040,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43034,
            "description": "Taylor Swift. She’s in show-biz, she can turn out younger voters better than our campaign ever could, especially those from the Fighter Generation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43046,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43034,
            "description": "Ex-President Barack Obama. He’s the last reminder we have of better times, and maybe he can work some of his magic, and turn out our voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43051,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43034,
            "description": "I think it’s better if I don’t reach out to any of these people. Let’s just continue on with the campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43077,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43076,
            "description": "Andrew Yang and his Futurists. They’ve seen the carnage of automation that has rampaged across American communities, and they understand the current system isn’t working."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43081,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43076,
            "description": "Taylor Swift. She’s in show-biz, she can turn out younger voters better than our campaign ever could, especially those from the Fighter Generation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43085,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43076,
            "description": "Ex-President Barack Obama. He’s the last reminder we have of better times, and maybe he can work some of his magic, and turn out our voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43090,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43076,
            "description": "I think it’s better if I don’t reach out to any of these people. Let’s just continue on with the campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43114,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43113,
            "description": "I think we just have to accept these voters as a lost cause. Move on and try to win over other voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43117,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43113,
            "description": "“Why do we impose our values onto others? Forcing others to obey the gospel will not save their souls, for it is through faith, not works we are saved. We should let people make mistakes, just as God lets us make mistakes.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43123,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43113,
            "description": "“Did God not say to love thy neighbor as thyself? Was Jesus’s message not one of love, and not of hate? Did Jesus say not to judge others? Then why do you judge, oh Pharisees?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43128,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43113,
            "description": "“Didn’t Christ say you cannot serve both God and money? Look at Cortez, does her collusion with the big tech companies she helped build sound right to you? Does cutting welfare programs sound like loving your neighbor as yourself?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43155,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43154,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43159,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43154,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43162,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43154,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43165,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43154,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43185,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43184,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43189,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43184,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43192,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43184,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43195,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43184,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43199,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43198,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43203,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43198,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43206,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43198,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43209,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43198,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43237,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43236,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43241,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43236,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43244,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43236,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43255,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43236,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43260,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43259,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43264,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43259,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43267,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43259,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43278,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43259,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43283,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43282,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43287,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43282,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43290,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43282,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43293,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43282,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43299,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43298,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43303,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43298,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43306,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43298,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43317,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43298,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43325,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43324,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43330,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43324,
            "description": "Cortez is marching us off the cliffs of war. Our nation will not survive nuclear combat. Now, more than ever, we need to disarm and stop before we drive ourselves into the abyss of the apocalypse."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43335,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43324,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43340,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43324,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43347,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43346,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43352,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43346,
            "description": "Cortez is marching us off the cliffs of war. Our nation will not survive nuclear combat. Now, more than ever, we need to disarm and stop before we drive ourselves into the abyss of the apocalypse."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43357,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43346,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43363,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43346,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43370,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43369,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43375,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43369,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43380,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43369,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43385,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43369,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43391,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43390,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43396,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43390,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43401,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43390,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43407,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43390,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43413,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43412,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43418,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43412,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43423,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43412,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43428,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43412,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43434,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43433,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43439,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43433,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43444,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43433,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43449,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43433,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43455,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43454,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43460,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43454,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43465,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43454,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43471,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43454,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43477,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43476,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43482,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43476,
            "description": "Cortez’s half measures will not keep America safe. In a world more hostile than ever, we have to ensure that America’s security is first. Cortez is so focused on her jewels and crosses that she won’t take this country’s national security seriously. I will."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43487,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43476,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43492,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43476,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43527,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42638,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43545,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43530,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43549,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43530,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43554,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43553,
            "description": "Let’s secure our populist flank. Go to the Midwest and turn out the new populist voters we’ve secured."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43568,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43553,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43572,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43553,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43585,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43575,
            "description": "Let’s do one last campaign event with Yang. The Futurist movement is still young, let’s let them know they will always have a home with us."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43590,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43575,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43594,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43575,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43600,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43599,
            "description": "Let’s secure our populist flank. Go to the Midwest and turn out the new populist voters we’ve secured."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43614,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43599,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43618,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43599,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43622,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43621,
            "description": "Let’s secure our populist flank. Go to the Midwest and turn out the new populist voters we’ve secured."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43631,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43621,
            "description": "Let’s do one last campaign event with Yang. The Futurist movement is still young, let’s let them know they will always have a home with us."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43636,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43621,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43640,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43621,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43655,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43645,
            "description": "Let’s do one last campaign event with Yang. The Futurist movement is still young, let’s let them know they will always have a home with us."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43662,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43645,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43666,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43645,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43670,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43669,
            "description": "Let’s secure our populist flank. Go to the Midwest and turn out the new populist voters we’ve secured."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43679,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43669,
            "description": "Let’s do one last campaign event with Yang. The Futurist movement is still young, let’s let them know they will always have a home with us."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43686,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43669,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43690,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43669,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43723,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43722,
            "description": "Andrew Yang and his Futurists. They’ve seen the carnage of automation that has rampaged across American communities, and they understand the current system isn’t working."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43729,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43722,
            "description": "Taylor Swift. She’s in show-biz, she can turn out younger voters better than our campaign ever could, especially those from the Fighter Generation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43735,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43722,
            "description": "Ex-President Barack Obama. He’s the last reminder we have of better times, and maybe he can work some of his magic, and turn out our voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43740,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43722,
            "description": "I think it’s better if I don’t reach out to any of these people. Let’s just continue on with the campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43744,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43743,
            "description": "I think we just have to accept these voters as a lost cause. Move on and try to win over other voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43747,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43743,
            "description": "“Why do we impose our values onto others? Forcing others to obey the gospel will not save their souls, for it is through faith, not works we are saved. We should let people make mistakes, just as God lets us make mistakes.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43752,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43743,
            "description": "“Did God not say to love thy neighbor as thyself? Was Jesus’s message not one of love, and not of hate? Did Jesus say not to judge others? Then why do you judge, oh Pharisees?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43757,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43743,
            "description": "“Didn’t Christ say you cannot serve both God and money? Look at Cortez, does her collusion with the big tech companies she helped build sound right to you? Does cutting welfare programs sound like loving your neighbor as yourself?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43764,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43763,
            "description": "We don’t need to appeal explicitly based on faith. Let’s just focus on policies all Americans, Christian or not, can agree on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43767,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43763,
            "description": "Let’s reach out to the mainline churches. Churches with a liberal theology will be friendly to my campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43771,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43763,
            "description": "Let’s go reach out to the Catholics. I’ll loosen my positions on abortion and meet up with Catholic communities to attain support. As well as promising support to the Hispanic population."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43780,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43763,
            "description": "Let’s turn out the black churches, who have been voting Democrat for generations. They know the Republicans don’t have their best interests in mind, and we should turn them out en-masse to prevent their victory."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43785,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43784,
            "description": "Andrew Yang and his Futurists. They’ve seen the carnage of automation that has rampaged across American communities, and they understand the current system isn’t working."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43788,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43784,
            "description": "Taylor Swift. She’s in show-biz, she can turn out younger voters better than our campaign ever could, especially those from the Fighter Generation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43792,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43784,
            "description": "Ex-President Barack Obama. He’s the last reminder we have of better times, and maybe he can work some of his magic, and turn out our voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43797,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43784,
            "description": "I think it’s better if I don’t reach out to any of these people. Let’s just continue on with the campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43801,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43800,
            "description": "I think we just have to accept these voters as a lost cause. Move on and try to win over other voters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43804,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43800,
            "description": "“Why do we impose our values onto others? Forcing others to obey the gospel will not save their souls, for it is through faith, not works we are saved. We should let people make mistakes, just as God lets us make mistakes.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43810,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43800,
            "description": "“Did God not say to love thy neighbor as thyself? Was Jesus’s message not one of love, and not of hate? Did Jesus say not to judge others? Then why do you judge, oh Pharisees?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43815,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43800,
            "description": "“Didn’t Christ say you cannot serve both God and money? Look at Cortez, does her collusion with the big tech companies she helped build sound right to you? Does cutting welfare programs sound like loving your neighbor as yourself?”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43821,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43820,
            "description": "Let’s not overcomplicate this. Let's just do more fundraising events with grassroots organizations and our supporters."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43825,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43820,
            "description": "Let’s meet with Anna Wheatly, the CEO of United Silicon, and a great progressive activist. Let’s emphasize our progressive values, and talk about Cortez’s abortion restrictions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43828,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43820,
            "description": "Go court the union leaders. Let’s meet up with the leaders of every industrial union in the Midwest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43831,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43820,
            "description": "Let’s go plead our case to Elon Musk. We all know he’s the real power behind the Futurist Party, and he’s no fan of Cortez either."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43835,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43834,
            "description": "Challenge her on her Christian credentials. She’s no true Evangelical, she was a former Catholic who converted opportunistically just as the Awakening took off. Drive a wedge between those two communities. Make it hurt."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43840,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43834,
            "description": "Cortez is marching us off the cliffs of war. Our nation will not survive nuclear combat. Now, more than ever, we need to disarm and stop before we drive ourselves into the abyss of the apocalypse."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43845,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43834,
            "description": "How many families have been destroyed by Cortez’s automation? How many jobs lost, how many small towns destroyed and forgotten? The right was supposed to fight for the Rust Belt, but they haven't. Cortez has forgotten about you. But I never forgot."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43850,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43834,
            "description": "Cortez is a bigoted homophobe who wants America to return to the 1960’s. We’ve all seen it, we know it. The individual is the smallest minority; if you stand silent while one minority is being attacked, then we’re already on the road to tyranny. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43870,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43855,
            "description": "Let’s meet up with Ocasio-Cortez of the Progressive Party and try to make amends. It’s time we finally mend our two parties."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43874,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43855,
            "description": "Let's not overcomplicate this. Let's just host a rally with our core supporters. One last hurrah to get us past the finish line."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43882,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43881,
            "description": "This is nothing short of an assault against a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. A Walker administration will do everything in its power to reverse this decision, and ensure reproductive rights are protected."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43889,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43881,
            "description": "Rile up the supporters and get everyone out in the streets. It is not enough for us to say mere words anymore, it is time to take physical action. Show Cortez what we think. Head up to the White House and take the fight to her!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43895,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43881,
            "description": "This is a highly divisive issue… I think it’s best if I don’t comment on this for now."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43900,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43881,
            "description": "I agree abortion is a moral issue, but this is the wrong way to go about it. We cannot ignore the grave implications on the health of the woman. This is why I support legalization of abortion; safe, legal, and rare."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43906,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43905,
            "description": "This is nothing short of an assault against a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. A Walker administration will do everything in its power to reverse this decision, and ensure reproductive rights are protected."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43913,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43905,
            "description": "Rile up the supporters and get everyone out in the streets. It is not enough for us to say mere words anymore, it is time to take physical action. Show Cortez what we think. Head up to the White House and take the fight to her!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43919,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43905,
            "description": "This is a highly divisive issue… I think it’s best if I don’t comment on this for now."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43923,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43905,
            "description": "I agree abortion is a moral issue, but this is the wrong way to go about it. We cannot ignore the grave implications on the health of the woman. This is why I support legalization of abortion; safe, legal, and rare."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43928,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43927,
            "description": "For the love of god, call up minority leader Newsom and filibuster, filibuster, filibuster! Delay it, disrupt it, I don’t care! Do whatever you have to. This bill cannot be allowed to pass."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43934,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43927,
            "description": "Cortez’s supermajority means this bill is going to pass regardless, but we will not be silenced. Rally the supporters and raise hell in the streets. We exist! We are here! We will not disappear!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43940,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43927,
            "description": "We need to appeal to conservatives if we want to win this election. Stay silent on this and move onto the next issue."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43948,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43927,
            "description": "Let's get the states to resist this. California, New York... I'm pretty sure they're not exactly happy about this. Cortez wants to enforce this on the nation? Let's see them try and enforce it on the states."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43954,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43953,
            "description": "For the love of god, call up minority leader Newsom and filibuster, filibuster, filibuster! Delay it, disrupt it, I don’t care! Do whatever you have to. This bill cannot be allowed to pass."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43960,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43953,
            "description": "Let's get the states to resist this. California, New York... I'm pretty sure they're not exactly happy about this. Cortez wants to enforce this on the nation? Let's see them try and enforce it on the states."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43966,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43953,
            "description": "We need to appeal to conservatives if we want to win this election. Stay silent on this and move onto the next issue."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43974,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43953,
            "description": "Homosexuality is a sin and should be banned nationwide. Cortez didn’t go far enough on this issue. Outflank her and pitch myself as the true voice for Christian conservatism."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43979,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42616,
            "description": "They're organizing through the internet, right? Get our social media managers to flood the web with our message that anyone who resorts to violence does so contrary to my wishes."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43982,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43981,
            "description": "This behavior is not acceptable, and we have to condemn it. Issue an official statement and try to calm down as many as we can."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43986,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43981,
            "description": "I have no sympathy for him, his outdated beliefs are what led to this in the first place. It's time for conservatives to know what it's like to be afraid, just as the LGBT community is afraid because of people like them."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43992,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43981,
            "description": "Let's say nothing on this issue. I'm already in enough fires as is, maybe let's just wait for this one to die down."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43994,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43981,
            "description": "They're organizing through the internet, right? Get our social media managers to flood the web with our message that anyone who resorts to violence does so contrary to my wishes."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 43997,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43996,
            "description": "This behavior is not acceptable, and we have to condemn it. Issue an official statement and try to calm down as many as we can."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44001,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43996,
            "description": "Let's wash our hands of the whole thing by deflecting this onto Ocasio-Cortez and her Progressive Party. These actions are clearly people from her camp, not ours."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44007,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43996,
            "description": "I know this sounds crazy, but I’m going to call up Cortez and appear together in a message of national unity to stop the violence. Left, right or center, we have to make sure this country stays together, no matter what."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44009,
        "fields": {
            "question": 43996,
            "description": "They're organizing through the internet, right? Get our social media managers to flood the web with our message that anyone who resorts to violence does so contrary to my wishes."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44023,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42515,
            "description": "Let Eisner introduce himself. Let's show the American people what he's like with a speech."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44054,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44053,
            "description": "For the love of god, call up minority leader Newsom and filibuster, filibuster, filibuster! Delay it, disrupt it, I don’t care! Do whatever you have to. This bill cannot be allowed to pass."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44060,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44053,
            "description": "Cortez’s supermajority means this bill is going to pass regardless, but we will not be silenced. Rally the supporters and raise hell in the streets. We exist! We are here! We will not disappear!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44066,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44053,
            "description": "We need to appeal to conservatives if we want to win this election. Stay silent on this and move onto the next issue."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44074,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44053,
            "description": "Let's get the states to resist this. California, New York... I'm pretty sure they're not exactly happy about this. Cortez wants to enforce this on the nation? Let's see them try and enforce it on the states."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44102,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42621,
            "description": "I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear any of that. Nothing we said here ever leaves this room. You understand?"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44116,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42622,
            "description": "We have to scale down the intensity of this conflict, especially in an era of nuclear weapons, we cannot afford to have a World War 4. Our children cannot live in fear of nuclear annihilation. If elected, I will do everything in my power to ensure a diplomatic solution."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44128,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42623,
            "description": "I’m going to go visit Israel and Judah, and show solidarity with our greatest ally in the Middle East."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44132,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42623,
            "description": "We’ll deal with foreign policy later. Right now what matters is campaigning and rallying the American people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44146,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42624,
            "description": "I believe America has a lot to learn from socialism. I would work together with the Havana Internationale to ensure a better and more prosperous future for Latinx people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44155,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42624,
            "description": "I will work to do what is best for Hispanic Americans everywhere in the country."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44158,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42625,
            "description": "Cortez represents the party of white supremacy. The Republicans are still the party of segregation and the KKK. Their Christian America is not yours, they mean an America ruled by white Christians. Vote for your own best interests!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44159,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42625,
            "description": "They were too socially conservative for us anyway. We need to consolidate our progressive flank. They’re either with us or against us. If they don’t like it, too bad."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44187,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44186,
            "description": "Let’s just let them split the vote, there's nothing we can do at this point to win them over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44191,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44190,
            "description": "Let’s just let them split the vote, there's nothing we can do at this point to win them over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44194,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44190,
            "description": "I’ve pivoted to the right just for this reason. Let’s go meet up with Starmer and court the endorsements of all the moderates, emphasizing our new moderate platform."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44198,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44190,
            "description": "Let’s hit them with our pro-military policies. Appeal to their patriotism, Walker will put America First."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44203,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44202,
            "description": "Let’s just let them split the vote, there's nothing we can do at this point to win them over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44206,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44202,
            "description": "I’ve pivoted to the right just for this reason. Let’s go meet up with Starmer and court the endorsements of all the moderates, emphasizing our new moderate platform."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44210,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44202,
            "description": "Let’s hit them with our pro-military policies. Appeal to their patriotism, Walker will put America First."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44229,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44228,
            "description": "Let’s just let them split the vote, there's nothing we can do at this point to win them over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44232,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44228,
            "description": "I’ve pivoted to the right just for this reason. Let’s go meet up with Starmer and court the endorsements of all the moderates, emphasizing our new moderate platform."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44238,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44228,
            "description": "Let’s hit them with our pro-military policies. Appeal to their patriotism, Walker will put America First."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44243,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44242,
            "description": "Let’s just let them split the vote, there's nothing we can do at this point to win them over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44246,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44242,
            "description": "I’ve pivoted to the right just for this reason. Let’s go meet up with Starmer and court the endorsements of all the moderates, emphasizing our new moderate platform."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44250,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44242,
            "description": "Let’s hit them with our pro-military policies. Appeal to their patriotism, Walker will put America First."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44256,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44255,
            "description": "Since the beginning, I have emphasized a new era for the Democrats, and have believed we needed a new coalition to fight for America. And now, it is time for everyone to join forces, and take America back."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44271,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42630,
            "description": "placeholder"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44274,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44273,
            "description": "Huh, well, I'm just glad it's not me."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44278,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44277,
            "description": "Oh God. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew it I knew it I knew it. Nothing left to do but to fess up to my actions."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44281,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44277,
            "description": "Cortez trying to cover up her own wrongdoings, and censor political dissent! Get our supporters and start a rebellion, the revolution is now!"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44286,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44277,
            "description": "Colluding with the Chinese government... That's it! I'm going to defect to China, they can't chase me if I'm in another country."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44296,
        "fields": {
            "question": 42637,
            "description": "Use this to shore up my support among Catholic voters. Lean harder into Christian values, and attend a mass or something."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44300,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44299,
            "description": "America has kept dozens of governments in exile after the failure of the 3rd World War. I’m going to visit them and assure them that America has not forgotten about them."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44307,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44299,
            "description": "Let’s go begin building a relationship with the Eurasians… Maybe with the Germans as an intermediary."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44312,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44299,
            "description": "I’m going to go visit Israel and Judah, and show solidarity with our greatest ally in the Middle East."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44316,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44299,
            "description": "We’ll deal with foreign policy later. Right now what matters is campaigning and rallying the American people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44320,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44319,
            "description": "America has kept dozens of governments in exile after the failure of the 3rd World War. I’m going to visit them and assure them that America has not forgotten about them."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44327,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44319,
            "description": "Let’s go begin building a relationship with the Eurasians… Maybe with the Germans as an intermediary."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44332,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44319,
            "description": "I’m going to go visit Israel and Judah, and show solidarity with our greatest ally in the Middle East."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer",
        "pk": 44336,
        "fields": {
            "question": 44319,
            "description": "We’ll deal with foreign policy later. Right now what matters is campaigning and rallying the American people."

campaignTrail_temp.states_json = [
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1100,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Alabama",
            "abbr": "AL",
            "electoral_votes": 10,
            "popular_votes": 3194765,
            "poll_closing_time": 120,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1101,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Alaska",
            "abbr": "AK",
            "electoral_votes": 3,
            "popular_votes": 410593,
            "poll_closing_time": 420,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1102,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Arizona",
            "abbr": "AZ",
            "electoral_votes": 13,
            "popular_votes": 4830034,
            "poll_closing_time": 180,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1103,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Arkansas",
            "abbr": "AR",
            "electoral_votes": 6,
            "popular_votes": 1717450,
            "poll_closing_time": 150,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1104,
        "fields": {
            "name": "California",
            "abbr": "CA",
            "electoral_votes": 44,
            "popular_votes": 18466204,
            "poll_closing_time": 300,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1105,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Colorado",
            "abbr": "CO",
            "electoral_votes": 11,
            "popular_votes": 3625364,
            "poll_closing_time": 180,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1106,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Connecticut",
            "abbr": "CT",
            "electoral_votes": 7,
            "popular_votes": 2025053,
            "poll_closing_time": 120,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
        "pk": 1107,
        "fields": {
            "name": "Delaware",
            "abbr": "DE",
            "electoral_votes": 3,
            "popular_votes": 577697,
            "poll_closing_time": 120,
            "winner_take_all_flg": 1,
            "election": 21
        "model": "campaign_trail.state",
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            "answer_feedback": "Cortez’s economy has produced both winners and losers. The plight of automation, and the creation of a New Big Tech. This sort of message has an audience, let's see if you can find them."
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            "answer_feedback": "Light red New Jersey? That can't be- Oh. In a sea of red, you remain a glimmer of hope. Here's hoping you can work your same magic here across America, not just across New Jersey."
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        "pk": 42650,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42649,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was the expected response from you. The recent ban has greatly energized your base and gained you many new voters. Young, college educated women join your coalition in droves."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42657,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42656,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was aggressive, and demonstrations for reproductive rights engulf the nation. Protests erupt outside of the White House, and President Cortez had to be evacuated for her safety. Pro-life counter-protests begin shortly afterwards, and the nation becomes more divided. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42667,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42666,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This seems like a complete regression in the principles of the Democratic party, and you take a hit in the polls for that. Nevertheless, if you're trying to pivot more to the right, this might be your best bet."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42673,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42672,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "An unexpected talking point from a Democrat. Though after the loss of the 3rd World War, anxiety about America’s ability to defend itself has reached an all time high."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42681,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42678,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This is the safe, mainstream answer. You gave the same rough answer as Cortez on this issue, and don’t change many minds one way or another."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42683,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42682,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "By spinning tying this into infrastructure and defending the average American’s way of life, you’ve managed to soften the blow from progressives for expanding the military, while reaching a hand out to the militarists and futurists."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42690,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42689,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The average American does not feel safe cutting military spending when the world continues to be locked in a 3-way cold war. You may be boldly standing for something, but you are going to lose votes for this."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42695,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42641,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Advisors think you missed an opportunity to bring up Eisner’s competency and skills in exchange for identity politics, which has been unpopular outside of the left."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42697,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42663,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Progressives feel betrayed, while moderates are confused. You manage to anger everyone. You’re forced to move on to the next part of your agenda."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42699,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42698,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It feels dirty, having to filibuster when the Democratic Party has railed so hard against it. But stalling day and night and targeting every Republican you could. The bill gets stalled 59-31, and equality fights to live another day."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42703,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42702,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Massive protest movements occupy every city and every street. Probable millions show up in the streets. Emotions run high, and violent clashes between protesters and counter-protesters occur. The country descends further into division."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42712,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42711,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Conservatives fighting in the Conservative Civil War aren't the ones who are going to be moved by gay marriage of all things. Furthermore, you have completely lost the support of the left."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42720,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42719,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Are you trying to outflank Cortez on being a Christian candidate? My brother in Christ, Cortez is the Second Coming to these people, you are not going to win them over. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42727,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42726,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Though your intentions were good, your message got drowned out in a sea of noise. Despite your best efforts to call for peace and calm, emotions are running high, and the violence continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42733,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42732,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Emboldened by your words, the situation spirals out of control. Low-intensity street battles engulf the nation, as right wing militias arm themselves for conflict. In the end, all you've managed to do is further radicalize the conservative movement."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42741,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42740,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You meet Cortez, you pose with her and snap a few photos. She smiles through the entire thing. You get the creeps just looking at her. There is just something wrong with that woman…"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42743,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42742,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Fair enough. People are more than just their faith."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42747,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42746,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The circle of theologically liberal denominations has been in consistent decline since the 1960’s. Nevertheless, you meet up with their declining ranks and welcome them as they bolster your northern ranks."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42752,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42751,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A lot of Catholic voters are skeptical, but are just as afraid of the Evangelical domination as you are. Some of them decide to work with you… Reluctantly."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42761,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42760,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The African American population much more socially conservative than your coalition is comfortable with and have been drifting away for decades. Nevertheless, the visit through the Deep South is enough to ensure their loyalty."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42765,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42764,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "For many working class communities, this is the first ray of hope they have seen in a long, long time."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42769,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42768,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Even the diehard capitalists have to admit the system is not working for everybody. You turn heads from Futurists across the nation. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42776,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42775,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The economic logic is sound, but cold numbers don’t address the very real pain being felt by Americans all over the nation."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42780,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42779,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Eisner had spent most of his time in Illinois tackling the problem of automation. And now he is eager to apply his solutions nation-wide. It all comes together in 1,000 page document. Your technocratic credentials are strengthened."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42784,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42783,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Andrew Yang thanks you politely for your interest, but declines. You haven't convinced him that you're a man in line with the Futurist vision."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42789,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42788,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Taylor Swift, not wanting to tarnish her reputation, refuses to either you or Cortez in this election. Though those close to her tell say she plans on voting for the Progressive Party in the coming election. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42796,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42793,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Pierced with a crown of white hair, the ailing president works up the energy to campaign, one last time. As you leave after the event is over, he says his last words to you. His eyes are almost pleading. “Please… Don’t let them win.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42798,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42797,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue on with your campaign, having lost no time seeking the endorsements of these people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42805,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42804,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Awakening movement grows day by day, and you feel as if you are not fighting a movement, but an all-consuming black hole. You see the crowds cheering on Cortez, staring into the abyss facing America. The abyss stares back."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42813,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42812,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Every conservative Christian from Birmingham to Los Angeles rapidly shred your argument to ribbons. Even the theologically liberal churches have to speak up and explain that’s badly out of context. Furthermore, you’ve pissed off Cortez’s entire voterbase by calling them Pharisees."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42819,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42818,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Some of the more traditionally minded are not entirely comfortable with Cortez’s brand of capitalism either. Having moderated enough people will listen to you, this attack hurts, and some leave the Cortezian coalition."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42824,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42823,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The sudden firing destabilizes your campaign, and rumors begin to spread over the seemingly abrupt firing of your campaign manager. Gossip begins to spread about dysfunction behind closed doors."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42826,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42825,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It all comes out. The emails are a bombshell, and Cortez’s campaign immediately goes on damage control. Still, you can’t help but feel this could somehow be traced back to you."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42828,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42827,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You are giving the safe, mainstream response here."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42831,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42830,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was an unexpected, though not entirely illogical play. Cooperation between the weaker two powers is not entirely illogical. You’ve drawn the attention of the Russophile population, who lean heavily to the right."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42833,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42832,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "These words provoke a reaction the second you say them. Anti-China sentiment is far stronger than Anti-Russia sentiment in America at the moment. Your words come off as capitulating to a Chinese hegemony, and you tank in the polls because of this."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42838,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42837,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You visit the governments in exile of Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, the Netherlands, and others who were lost in the 3rd World War. On their faces was a grim determination to take back their homelands. A fading light in an encroaching night."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42840,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42839,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Union of Germany has always been more democratic and friendly than the rest of the Eurasian Pact. The German government in exile screams bloody betrayal, and you take a hit among Polish and Ukrainian Americans. But many Russophiles begin watching you with great interest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42842,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42841,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Millions of Cuban Americans are suddenly extremely willing to vote for you. Like, disturbingly so."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42844,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42843,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You can feel the hearts of thousands of left wing university students shatter with this statement. Oh well, they never vote anyway, so screw them."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42846,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42845,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The memories of police brutality and voter suppression is still remembered by many. This blunts the GOP’s rise among the African American population and keeps them in line. Though Cortez is determined to win them over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42850,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42849,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "African Americans have been electing Democrats for well over 80 years, with little to show for it. Many see this as the desperate ploy it is. However, you are able to stop the bleeding, in return for a sharp pivot to the economic left."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42860,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42807,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You make a sound theological point, especially to Evangelical Protestants. Parts of your coalition doesn’t appreciate the implication that their lifestyles are “mistakes”. But overall, you’ve managed to shake the Cortezian coalition, at the cost of your own."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42866,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42865,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This fails. Wheatly berates you for abandoning the progressive left and informs you she will be putting her warchest behind the Progressives. Shortly afterwards, every state on the East and West coasts is stormed with ads."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42869,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42868,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You win over the leaders, but fail to inspire the everyday union workers. They think you’re just another out of touch establishment elite, and long for the days of Trump or DeSantis."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42872,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42871,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You do everything in your power to convince him. Stroke off his ego, flattery, appeal to the disasters of the Cortez presidency. But he remains unmoved. He dismisses you, and you shuffle out of the room in anger."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42875,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42874,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Eisner calmly walks into your room, and hands you a note. The note says, “KILL YOURSELF\", then resigns from your campaign. Between both the outrage of Jews and Evangelicals alike, and a chaos of integrating a new running mate, expect a massive drop in the polls."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42879,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42878,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "By the 2040’s, these are merely empty words. Any hope for a 2-state solution was smashed ever since the 3rd Intifada of 2035. The West Bank is almost entirely empty now, and any \"Palestinian state\" would have to be coordinated from exile."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42884,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42881,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "As much as this is the popular position among Evangelical voters, the actions of the Israeli government have become increasingly hard to defend for everyone else. This is poison to the progressives, but perhaps a way to make inroads towards the right."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42889,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42886,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "America is no longer the policeman of the world, this is true. But many Americans were in denial, and you’ve just forced them to swallow this bitter pill. Don’t expect your poll numbers to improve because of this. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42892,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42891,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42897,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42896,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This is such a joke, given your previous statements to cut military spending, that no one in the audience takes you seriously, and Cortez simply laughs at your absurd argument. She rolls over you in the debates."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42901,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42900,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "That was unexpected; the liberal candidate appealing to tradition. This attack hurts; most conservatives see the Founding Fathers in a very fond light. You might actually cause a schism between Christians and conservatives."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42906,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42905,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your message lands with a wet thud. After you’ve pivoted so much to the right, the progressives that would have normally been energized by this have now left your coalition."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42921,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42917,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was about the best answer you could have given. The scandal hurts your campaign but doesn’t become as bad as it could. You grimace, you were already behind, and this was yet another setback. The Progressives take a major hit in the polls."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42923,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42922,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This attack falls flat. The Republicans have spent decades being the more pro-Israel party and aggressively rooting out anti-semitism. Furthermore, this just seems like a desperate way of deflecting. You take a serious hit in the polls."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42929,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42928,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This scandal is already in the news, and you look terrible refusing to address it. Expect a hit in the polls."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42934,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42933,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "At first, people think you’re just ducking behind your Jewish running mate as a meat shield. This changes however when they speak up about your personal good qualities, and your advocacy for the Jewish community. This deflects most of the damage away from your campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42939,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42938,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A lot of Americans were expecting some kind of pushback, but a full sacking for what were inappropriate words seemed too much. An abrupt change this late in the campaign should never be the first choice. Amidst the chaos, you end up picking Dean Phillips as your running mate."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42943,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42942,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Eisner straight up refuses to retract his statements, and brewing animosity has soured your campaign. At this point in the campaign, that is not good news."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42946,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42945,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The fires of indignation quickly die down, as the progressive left moves on to another target. You and Eisner live to fight another day."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42949,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42948,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The entire progressive left lambasts you for defending Eisner’s statements, and you lose the entire Arab American vote. This close to election day, you’re running out of room to maneuver."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42952,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42951,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The complete normalcy in your day gives you more energy to dedicate to your campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42962,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42961,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This is the safe, non-political answer. Months later, they would elect hardcore conservative Almeida to the papacy, a decision that would cause a schism in the Catholic Church."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42968,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42965,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "One last round of pandering to the Progressives to solidify your position. Months later, they would elect hardcore conservative Almeida to the papacy, a decision that would cause a schism in the Catholic Church. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42970,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42969,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You bolster your support in the Midwest. You hope one last reinforcement will be enough to break through."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42979,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42978,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You speak go around to universities, trying to rally around support and boost your vote numbers. The crowds were small, but enthusiastic. You hope this will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42982,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42981,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Ocasio-Cortez refuses to see eye to eye with you. The divide between Democrats and Progressives persist. Disagreements becomes frustration. The negotiations go nowhere."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42986,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42985,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Half the country prays with you, half the country prays against you. But somewhere out there, something hears you. And a miracle begins to occur."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42989,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42988,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You collapse back into your chair. So, so tired."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42994,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42993,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Fair enough. People are more than just their faith."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 42997,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42996,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "There is a sizable portion of theologically moderate to conservative mainline churches not aligned with the Evangelicals on the Awakening. Seeing in you a moderate alternative, the reaction is receptive."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43001,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43000,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You’ve managed to break through to many Catholics, in no small part because of your moderation on social issues. The Cortezian coalition gets a little weaker, as cracks begin to form in its southwestern wall…"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43010,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43009,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "African American Christians are much more socially conservative than your coalition is comfortable with, and have been drifting away for decades. Nevertheless, the visit through the Deep South will help shore up their loyalty."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43015,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43014,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Fair enough. People are more than just their faith."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43018,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43017,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The circle of theologically liberal denominations has been in consistent decline since the 1960’s, there's just not a lot of them left. You manage to gain some praise from the United Church of Canada, of all places."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43022,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43021,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The pro-life Catholics view you with complete disgust. You’re given dirty looks just about everywhere you go. You leave, with the feeling you didn’t sway a single soul."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43031,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43030,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "African American Christians are much more socially conservative than your coalition is comfortable with, and have been drifting away for decades. Nevertheless, the visit through the Deep South will help shore up their loyalty."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43036,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43035,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Andrew Yang, after much consideration, decides to give you his endorsement, and drops out of the race. You gain in the industrial rust belt, as well as the East and West Coasts. Yang leaves you with a few words. “Remember. Not left. Not right. Forward.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43041,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43040,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Taylor Swift, not wanting to tarnish her reputation, refuses to either you or Cortez in this election. Though those close to her tell say she plans on voting for the Progressive Party in the coming election. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43047,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43046,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Pierced with a crown of white hair, the ailing president works up the energy to campaign, one last time. As you leave after the event is over, he says his last words to you. His eyes are almost pleading. “Please… Don’t let them win.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43052,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43051,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue on with your campaign, having lost no time seeking the endorsements of these people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43078,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43077,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Andrew Yang reluctantly refuses, saying you’re too tied to the progressive movement, and this risks a schism between his left-futurists and right-futurists. However, he gives you his private support, and wishes you the best."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43082,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43081,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It’s no secret Swift is a progressive in private, and seeing the threat of Cortez, she endorses your campaign, drawing Gen Z women to your campaign. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43086,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43085,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Pierced with a crown of white hair, the ailing president works up the energy to campaign, one last time. As you leave after the event is over, he says his last words to you. His eyes are almost pleading. “Please… Don’t let them win.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43091,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43090,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue on with your campaign, having lost no time seeking the endorsements of these people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43115,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43114,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Awakening movement grows day by day, and you feel as if you are not fighting a movement, but an all-consuming black hole. You see the crowds cheering on Cortez, staring into the abyss facing America. The abyss stares back."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43118,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43117,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No one believes you are actually arguing in good faith here. The conservative Christians just see your lack of faith and ignore your argument. And the rest of your coalition is uncomfortable that you decided to use this much religious language."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43124,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43123,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Every conservative Christian from Birmingham to Los Angeles rapidly shred your argument to ribbons. Even the theologically liberal churches have to speak up and explain that’s badly out of context. Furthermore, you’ve pissed off Cortez’s entire voterbase by calling them Pharisees."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43129,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43128,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No one believes you are actually arguing in good faith here. The conservative Christians just see your lack of faith and ignore your argument. And the rest of your coalition is uncomfortable that you decided to use this much religious language."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43153,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 42862,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue campaigning, though your coffers have begun running dry due to lack of funding. You have to spend a lot of time between grassroots organizations and fundraising events to keep your campaign going."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43156,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43155,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The engine of your campaign is running dry, the well of campaign donations you can draw from is drying up. This begins to limit where and how you can campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43160,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43159,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The last of the old tech giants, they hang on. They kept their headquarters in California, even as the state decayed around them. Wheatly, after much consideration bankrolls your campaign. And millions of dollars flows into your warchest. Well done, Mr. Walker."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43163,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43162,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You win over the leaders, but fail to inspire the everyday union workers. They think you’re just another out of touch establishment elite, and long for the days of Trump or DeSantis."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43166,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43165,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You do everything in your power to convince him. Stroke off his ego, flattery, appeal to the disasters of the Cortez presidency. But he remains unmoved. He dismisses you, and you shuffle out of the room in anger."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43186,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43185,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The engine of your campaign is running dry, the well of campaign donations you can draw from is drying up. This begins to limit where and how you can campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43190,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43189,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This fails. Wheatly berates you for abandoning the progressive left and informs you she will be putting her warchest behind the Progressives. Shortly afterwards, every state on the East and West coasts is stormed with ads."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43193,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43192,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Union membership has been in decline since the 1950’s, yet they still make up an important part of the American electorate. Seeing your advocacy towards them on the campaign, they feel hope again."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43196,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43195,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You do everything in your power to convince him. Stroke off his ego, flattery, appeal to the disasters of the Cortez presidency. But he remains unmoved. He dismisses you, and you shuffle out of the room in anger."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43200,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43199,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The engine of your campaign is running dry, the well of campaign donations you can draw from is drying up. This begins to limit where and how you can campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43204,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43203,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This fails. Wheatly berates you for abandoning the progressive left and informs you she will be putting her warchest behind the Progressives. Shortly afterwards, every state on the East and West coasts is stormed with ads."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43207,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43206,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You win over the leaders, but fail to inspire the everyday union workers. They think you’re just another out of touch establishment elite, and long for the days of Trump or DeSantis."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43210,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43209,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It takes a bit of stroking his massive ego, but it works. He deems you sufficiently loyal to the Futurist cause, and sends a broadcast to his millions of followers. Your warchest erupts with cash."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43238,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43237,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The engine of your campaign is running dry, the well of campaign donations you can draw from is drying up. This begins to limit where and how you can campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43242,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43241,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The last of the old tech giants, they hang on. They kept their headquarters in California, even as the state decayed around them. Wheatly, after much consideration bankrolls your campaign. And millions of dollars flows into your warchest. Well done, Mr. Walker."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43245,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43244,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Union membership has been in decline since the 1950’s, yet they still make up an important part of the American electorate. Seeing your advocacy towards them on the campaign, they feel hope again."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43256,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43255,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You do everything in your power to convince him. Stroke off his ego, flattery, appeal to the disasters of the Cortez presidency. But he remains unmoved. He dismisses you, and you shuffle out of the room in anger."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43261,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43260,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The engine of your campaign is running dry, the well of campaign donations you can draw from is drying up. This begins to limit where and how you can campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43265,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43264,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This fails. Wheatly berates you for abandoning the progressive left and informs you she will be putting her warchest behind the Progressives. Shortly afterwards, every state on the East and West coasts is stormed with ads."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43268,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43267,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Union membership has been in decline since the 1950’s, yet they still make up an important part of the American electorate. Seeing your advocacy towards them on the campaign, they feel hope again."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43279,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43278,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It takes a bit of stroking his massive ego, but it works. He deems you sufficiently loyal to the Futurist cause, and sends a broadcast to his millions of followers. Your warchest erupts with cash."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43284,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43283,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue campaigning, though your coffers have begun running dry due to lack of funding. You have to spend a lot of time between grassroots organizations and fundraising events to keep your campaign going."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43288,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43287,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The last of the old tech giants, they hang on. They kept their headquarters in California, even as the state decayed around them. Wheatly, after much consideration bankrolls your campaign. And millions of dollars flows into your warchest. Well done, Mr. Walker."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43291,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43290,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You win over the leaders, but fail to inspire the everyday union workers. They think you’re just another out of touch establishment elite, and long for the days of Trump or DeSantis."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43294,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43293,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It takes a bit of stroking his massive ego, but it works. He twists Yang’s arm until he endorses you, deeming you sufficiently loyal to his cause. And your warchest erupts with cash."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43300,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43299,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue campaigning, though your coffers have begun running dry due to lack of funding. You have to spend a lot of time between grassroots organizations and fundraising events to keep your campaign going."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43304,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43303,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The last of the old tech giants, they hang on. They kept their headquarters in California, even as the state decayed around them. Wheatly, after much consideration bankrolls your campaign. And millions of dollars flows into your warchest. Well done, Mr. Walker."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43307,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43306,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Union membership has been in decline since the 1950’s, yet they still make up an important part of the American electorate. Seeing your advocacy towards them on the campaign, they feel hope again."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43318,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43317,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It takes a bit of stroking his massive ego, but it works. He twists Yang’s arm until he endorses you, deeming you sufficiently loyal to his cause. And your warchest erupts with cash."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43326,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43325,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43331,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43330,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your pleas fall on deaf ears. Cortez responds that nuclear war is no longer a serious threat, and she puts her faith in TRINITY, America's nuclear defense network. Most Americans agree with her."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43336,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43335,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You manage to fracture off some less satisfied with Cortez’s coalition. Few are convinced you made a major dent in Cortez’s coalition, however."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43341,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43340,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your words are inspiring, though limited. You’ve managed to somewhat dent Cortez’s polling lead, though perhaps with the right messaging, you could have done more. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43348,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43347,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43353,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43352,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your pleas fall on deaf ears. Cortez responds that nuclear war is no longer a serious threat, and she puts her faith in TRINITY, America's nuclear defense network. Most Americans agree with her."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43358,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43357,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "As much as the protectionist right might not be happy with Cortez at the moment, they're generally socially conservative. In other words, they're sure as hell not voting for you."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43364,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43363,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A divisive speech for a progressive firebrand. Your supporters cheer, her supporters boo. You mobilize the Progressive base, as the country grows increasingly divided."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43371,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43370,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43376,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43375,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You and Cortez trade back and forth blows trying to assert that you are the national security candidate, trying to outdo the other. But it ends up being the Republicans’ history on the military that gives Cortez the slight edge."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43381,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43380,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You strike a nerve among the conservative base. Particularly the populist right. What started out as disillusionment has now escalated to full blown disobedience. The Cortezian coalition is beginning to fracture."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43386,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43385,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your message lands with a wet thud. After you’ve pivoted so much to the right, the progressives that would have normally been energized by this have now left your coalition."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43392,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43391,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43397,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43396,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You and Cortez trade back and forth blows trying to assert that you are the national security candidate, trying to outdo the other. But it ends up being the Republicans’ history on the military that gives Cortez the slight edge."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43402,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43401,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You manage to fracture off some less satisfied with Cortez’s coalition. Few are convinced you made a major dent in Cortez’s coalition, however."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43408,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43407,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your words are inspiring, though limited. You’ve managed to somewhat dent Cortez’s polling lead, though perhaps with the right messaging, you could have done more. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43414,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43413,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43419,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43418,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You and Cortez trade back and forth blows trying to assert that you are the national security candidate, trying to outdo the other. But it ends up being the Republicans’ history on the military that gives Cortez the slight edge."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43424,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43423,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "As much as the protectionist right might not be happy with Cortez at the moment, they're generally socially conservative. In other words, they're sure as hell not voting for you."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43429,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43428,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A divisive speech for a progressive firebrand. Your supporters cheer, her supporters boo. You mobilize the Progressive base, as the country grows increasingly divided."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43435,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43434,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43440,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43439,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You managed to hit her in a place she wasn’t expecting. National security fears are at an all time high, and if there is one thing voters care more about than anything else, it’s the ever-rising threat of Eurasia and China. By the end of the debate, viewers feel as if you’ve convincingly won."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43445,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43444,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You strike a nerve among the conservative base. Particularly the populist right. What started out as disillusionment has now escalated to full blown disobedience. The Cortezian coalition is beginning to fracture."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43450,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43449,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your message lands with a wet thud. After you’ve pivoted so much to the right, the progressives that would have normally been energized by this have now left your coalition."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43456,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43455,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43461,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43460,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You managed to hit her in a place she wasn’t expecting. National security fears are at an all time high, and if there is one thing voters care more about than anything else, it’s the ever-rising threat of Eurasia and China. By the end of the debate, viewers feel as if you’ve convincingly won."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43466,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43465,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You manage to fracture off some less satisfied with Cortez’s coalition. Few are convinced you made a major dent in Cortez’s coalition, however."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43472,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43471,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your words are inspiring, though limited. You’ve managed to somewhat dent Cortez’s polling lead, though perhaps with the right messaging, you could have done more. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43478,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43477,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43483,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43482,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You managed to hit her in a place she wasn’t expecting. National security fears are at an all time high, and if there is one thing voters care more about than anything else, it’s the ever-rising threat of Eurasia and China. By the end of the debate, viewers feel as if you’ve convincingly won."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43488,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43487,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "As much as the protectionist right might not be happy with Cortez at the moment, they're generally socially conservative. In other words, they're sure as hell not voting for you."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43493,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43492,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A divisive speech for a progressive firebrand. Your supporters cheer, her supporters boo. You mobilize the Progressive base, as the country grows increasingly divided."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43528,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43527,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43546,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43545,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You sit face to face with party leader Ocasio-Cortez. Negotiations begin, and hours become days. But eventually it is done. The Progressives endorse your campaign, Ocasio-Cortez withdraws from the race. The schism is over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43550,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43549,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43555,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43554,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You go and rally support in the Midwest, riling them up against the elites and institutions that have destroyed their communities. They look angry, they look excited. Their energy is rallied behind you. The energy is exhilarating."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43569,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43568,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Ocasio-Cortez refuses to see eye to eye with you. The divide between Democrats and Progressives persist. Disagreements becomes frustration. The negotiations go nowhere."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43573,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43572,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43586,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43585,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You speak to a great crowd of Asian Americans, college students, and technophiles. They can see the hope for the new world. In the stars they see their eternal destiny. With a crowd so brimming with hope, you can’t help but feel hopeful too. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43591,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43590,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Ocasio-Cortez refuses to see eye to eye with you. The divide between Democrats and Progressives persist. Disagreements becomes frustration. The negotiations go nowhere."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43595,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43594,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43601,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43600,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You go and rally support in the Midwest, riling them up against the elites and institutions that have destroyed their communities. They look angry, they look excited. Their energy is rallied behind you. The energy is exhilarating."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43615,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43614,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You sit face to face with party leader Ocasio-Cortez. Negotiations begin, and hours become days. But eventually it is done. The Progressives endorse your campaign, Ocasio-Cortez withdraws from the race. The schism is over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43619,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43618,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43623,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43622,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You go and rally support in the Midwest, riling them up against the elites and institutions that have destroyed their communities. They look angry, they look excited. Their energy is rallied behind you. The energy is exhilarating."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43632,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43631,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You speak to a great crowd of Asian Americans, college students, and technophiles. They can see the hope for the new world. In the stars they see their eternal destiny. With a crowd so brimming with hope, you can’t help but feel hopeful too. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43637,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43636,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Ocasio-Cortez refuses to see eye to eye with you. The divide between Democrats and Progressives persist. Disagreements becomes frustration. The negotiations go nowhere."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43641,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43640,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43656,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43655,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You speak to a great crowd of Asian Americans, college students, and technophiles. They can see the hope for the new world. In the stars they see their eternal destiny. With a crowd so brimming with hope, you can’t help but feel hopeful too. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43663,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43662,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You sit face to face with party leader Ocasio-Cortez. Negotiations begin, and hours become days. But eventually it is done. The Progressives endorse your campaign, Ocasio-Cortez withdraws from the race. The schism is over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43667,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43666,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43671,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43670,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You go and rally support in the Midwest, riling them up against the elites and institutions that have destroyed their communities. They look angry, they look excited. Their energy is rallied behind you. The energy is exhilarating."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43680,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43679,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You speak to a great crowd of Asian Americans, college students, and technophiles. They can see the hope for the new world. In the stars they see their eternal destiny. With a crowd so brimming with hope, you can’t help but feel hopeful too. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43687,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43686,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You sit face to face with party leader Ocasio-Cortez. Negotiations begin, and hours become days. But eventually it is done. The Progressives endorse your campaign, Ocasio-Cortez withdraws from the race. The schism is over."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43691,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43690,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43724,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43723,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Andrew Yang thanks you politely for your interest, but declines. You haven't convinced him that you're a man in line with the Futurist vision."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43730,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43729,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It’s no secret Swift is a progressive in private, and seeing the threat of Cortez, she endorses your campaign, drawing Gen Z women to your campaign. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43736,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43735,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Pierced with a crown of white hair, the ailing president works up the energy to campaign, one last time. As you leave after the event is over, he says his last words to you. His eyes are almost pleading. “Please… Don’t let them win.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43741,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43740,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue on with your campaign, having lost no time seeking the endorsements of these people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43745,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43744,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Awakening movement grows day by day, and you feel as if you are not fighting a movement, but an all-consuming black hole. You see the crowds cheering on Cortez, staring into the abyss facing America. The abyss stares back."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43748,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43747,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You make a sound theological point, especially to Evangelical Protestants. Parts of your coalition doesn’t appreciate the implication that their lifestyles are “mistakes”. But overall, you’ve managed to shake the Cortezian coalition, at the cost of your own."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43753,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43752,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Every conservative Christian from Birmingham to Los Angeles rapidly shred your argument to ribbons. Even the theologically liberal churches have to speak up and explain that’s badly out of context. Furthermore, you’ve pissed off Cortez’s entire voterbase by calling them Pharisees."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43758,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43757,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No one believes you are actually arguing in good faith here. The conservative Christians just see your lack of faith and ignore your argument. And the rest of your coalition is uncomfortable that you decided to use this much religious language."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43765,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43764,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Fair enough. People are more than just their faith."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43768,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43767,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The circle of theologically liberal denominations has been in consistent decline since the 1960’s. Nevertheless, you meet up with their declining ranks and welcome them as they bolster your northern ranks."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43772,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43771,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A lot of Catholic voters are skeptical, but are just as afraid of the Evangelical domination as you are. Some of them decide to work with you… Reluctantly."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43781,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43780,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The African American population much more socially conservative than your coalition is comfortable with and have been drifting away for decades. Nevertheless, the visit through the Deep South is enough to ensure their loyalty."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43786,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43785,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Andrew Yang thanks you politely for your interest, but declines. You haven't convinced him that you're a man in line with the Futurist vision."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43789,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43788,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Taylor Swift, not wanting to tarnish her reputation, refuses to either you or Cortez in this election. Though those close to her tell say she plans on voting for the Progressive Party in the coming election. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43793,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43792,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Pierced with a crown of white hair, the ailing president works up the energy to campaign, one last time. As you leave after the event is over, he says his last words to you. His eyes are almost pleading. “Please… Don’t let them win.”"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43798,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43797,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You continue on with your campaign, having lost no time seeking the endorsements of these people."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43802,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43801,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Awakening movement grows day by day, and you feel as if you are not fighting a movement, but an all-consuming black hole. You see the crowds cheering on Cortez, staring into the abyss facing America. The abyss stares back."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43805,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43804,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You make a sound theological point, especially to Evangelical Protestants. Parts of your coalition doesn’t appreciate the implication that their lifestyles are “mistakes”. But overall, you’ve managed to shake the Cortezian coalition, at the cost of your own."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43811,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43810,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Every conservative Christian from Birmingham to Los Angeles rapidly shred your argument to ribbons. Even the theologically liberal churches have to speak up and explain that’s badly out of context. Furthermore, you’ve pissed off Cortez’s entire voterbase by calling them Pharisees."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43816,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43815,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Some of the more traditionally minded are not entirely comfortable with Cortez’s brand of capitalism either. Having moderated enough people will listen to you, this attack hurts, and some leave the Cortezian coalition."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43822,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43821,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The engine of your campaign is running dry, the well of campaign donations you can draw from is drying up. This begins to limit where and how you can campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43826,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43825,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This fails. Wheatly berates you for abandoning the progressive left and informs you she will be putting her warchest behind the Progressives. Shortly afterwards, every state on the East and West coasts is stormed with ads."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43829,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43828,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You win over the leaders, but fail to inspire the everyday union workers. They think you’re just another out of touch establishment elite, and long for the days of Trump or DeSantis."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43832,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43831,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You do everything in your power to convince him. Stroke off his ego, flattery, appeal to the disasters of the Cortez presidency. But he remains unmoved. He dismisses you, and you shuffle out of the room in anger."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43836,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43835,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "No dice. The second you say this, she launches into a passionate defense of her faith. Laced with talking points for both Evangelicals and Catholics. You wince bitterly, and the campaign continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43841,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43840,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your pleas fall on deaf ears. Cortez responds that nuclear war is no longer a serious threat, and she puts her faith in TRINITY, America's nuclear defense network. Most Americans agree with her."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43846,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43845,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You strike a nerve among the conservative base. Particularly the populist right. What started out as disillusionment has now escalated to full blown disobedience. The Cortezian coalition is beginning to fracture."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43851,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43850,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your message lands with a wet thud. After you’ve pivoted so much to the right, the progressives that would have normally been energized by this have now left your coalition."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43871,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43870,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Ocasio-Cortez refuses to see eye to eye with you. The divide between Democrats and Progressives persist. Disagreements becomes frustration. The negotiations go nowhere."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43875,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43874,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This goes as expected, your core supporters cheering you on. Here’s hoping it will be enough."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43883,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43882,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was the expected response from you. The recent ban has greatly energized your base and gained you many new voters. Young, college educated women join your coalition in droves."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43890,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43889,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "So much for your conservative pivot. Whatever inroads you made with the right have just been wiped out. Protests outside the White House escalate to violence, and Cortez is forced into a bunker for her safety."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43896,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43895,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your silence on this issue does not go unnoticed. Your left flank begins abandoning your campaign in droves, as your party pivots closer and closer to the center."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43901,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43900,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "People immediately notice this as an extended hand to the conservatives. Progressives leave and conservatives begin to consider your campaign in a positive light."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43907,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43906,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was the expected response from you. The recent ban has greatly energized your base and gained you many new voters. Young, college educated women join your coalition in droves."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43914,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43913,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This was aggressive, and demonstrations for reproductive rights engulf the nation. Protests erupt outside of the White House, and President Cortez had to be evacuated for her safety. Pro-life counter-protests begin shortly afterwards, and the nation becomes more divided. "
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43920,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43919,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Progressives feel betrayed, while moderates are confused. You manage to anger everyone, and please no one. You’re forced to move on to the next part of your agenda."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43924,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43923,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This seems like a complete regression in the principles of the Democratic party, and you take a hit in the polls for that. Nevertheless, if you're trying to pivot more to the right, this might be your best bet."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43929,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43928,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It took gallons of tears, sweat, and blood, but you manage to do it. By pulling on every moderate Republican you could, threatening them losing their seats in several close elections, the bill gets stalled 59-31. Equality lives to fight another day."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43935,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43934,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Massive protest movements occupy every city and every street. Probable millions show up in the streets. Emotions run high, and heated violence between protesters and counter-protesters occur. The country descends further into division."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43941,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43940,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Progressives grimace in pure hatred. They hate that this is happening, they wonder how many more compromises the Democrats will have to make before they actually win."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43949,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43948,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This turned the traditional narrative of states rights on its head. In the coming weeks, blue states and green states across the nation would pass legislation protecting same-sex marriages. An ember of equality burns on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43955,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43954,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It took gallons of tears, sweat, and blood, but you manage to do it. Several Republican senators are threatened in close swing races thanks to your recent rightwards pivot, and they were able to halt the bill from passing further."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43961,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43960,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This turned the traditional narrative of states rights on its head. In the coming weeks, blue states and green states across the nation would pass legislation protecting same-sex marriages. An ember of equality burns on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43967,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43966,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Conservatives fighting in the Conservative Civil War aren't the ones who are going to be moved by gay marriage of all things. Furthermore, you have completely lost the support of the left."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43975,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43974,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Uh, wow. I guess when you said pivot to the right, you REALLY meant pivot to the right. At this point, you're not just fighting for control of the Conservatives. You're also trying to peel off some insurgent faction of Evangelicals too."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43980,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43979,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Surprisingly, this works. You flood the internet with this message, getting the message out across progressive forums, news media, and more. The violence dies down"
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43983,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43982,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Though your intentions were good, your message got drowned out in a sea of noise. Despite your best efforts to call for peace and calm, emotions are running high, and the violence continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43987,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43986,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Emboldened by your words, the situation spirals out of control. Low-intensity street battles engulf the nation, as right wing militias arm themselves for conflict. In the end, all you've managed to do is further radicalize the conservative movement."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43993,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43992,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The violence continues. The right begins to arm itself, and the better armed right wing protesters eventually gain the upper hand. Hundreds are dead, and the right believes they gained the upper hand."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43995,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43994,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Surprisingly, this works. You flood the internet with this message, getting the message out across progressive forums and news media, and the violence dies down."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 43998,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 43997,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Though your intentions were good, your message got drowned out in a sea of noise. Despite your best efforts to call for peace and calm, emotions are running high, and the violence continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44002,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44001,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "As protests continue across the nation, you successfully deflect the blame onto Ocasio-Cortez, who fumbles the bag trying to condemn the death of the street preacher. You still take a hit, but most of the damage is soaked up by the Progressive Party."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44008,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44007,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You meet Cortez, you pose with her and snap a few photos. She smiles through the entire thing. You get the creeps just looking at her. There is just something wrong with that woman… Furthermore, most of the positive press went to Cortez, not you."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44010,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44009,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You call for calm on the forums and internet chats organizing this violence, but your word carries little weight with the radicals mobilizing this. The violence continues."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44024,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44023,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Eisner gives an extremely technical and detailed speech, and by the end 90% of the audience had fallen asleep. You wanted to show the American people what he was like... Well, mission accomplished, I guess."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44055,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44054,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You did everything you could, Progressive and Democrat alike doing everything they could to try and stop it. But with a Republican supermajority in Congress, it's not long until it passes through to the Resolute Desk, and is signed into law. You can feel an ember of equality die with it."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44061,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44060,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Massive protest movements occupy every city and every street. Probable millions show up in the streets. Emotions run high, and heated violence between protesters and counter-protesters occur. The country descends further into division."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44067,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44066,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You breathe in, and breathe out, and let this light of liberty burn out, swallowed by the darkness. You look around at the encroaching darkness. Perhaps you sacrifice one in order to save the others."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44075,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44074,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This turned the traditional narrative of states rights on its head. In the coming weeks, blue states and green states across the nation would pass legislation protecting same-sex marriages. An ember of equality burns on."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44105,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44102,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your campaign manager nods, and the topic never comes up again."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44117,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44116,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "This is an incredibly dovish take from a postwar president. Americans may not want another war, but they sure as hell don’t want to negotiate with the Ruskies or the Chicoms."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44129,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44128,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "American-Israeli relations have not exactly been the same since the Americans left the Israelis out for dry during the 3rd Intifada. But relations are still lukewarm, and this gains you support from Jewish Americans as well as Israelophiles."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44133,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44132,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your rally in Philadelphia is enormous; America will not go quietly into that gentle night. In the encroaching darkness, this gives you a glimmer of hope."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44152,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44146,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Congrats on losing the entirety of the Latino vote. At least you have votes from university liberal white women. Oh wait, they don’t vote."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44156,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44155,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You give a speech so uninspiring that could have been generated by ChatGPT. Needless to say, no one is impressed. But at least no one is pissed off, at least."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44167,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44158,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Cortez is a Latina, you fool. This just ends up looking incredibly desperate. Numerous black leaders call in, saying “you don’t own the black vote”."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44170,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44159,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "80 years of voting Democrat, and this is the thanks they get. Thanks for nothing, I suppose."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44188,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44187,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The party is a confusing mess between moderates who think Cortez was too extreme, and extremists who think Cortez was not extreme enough. The vast majority stayed with Cortez, but an insurgent minority have gone with Starmer."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44192,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44191,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The party is a confusing mess between moderates who think Cortez was too extreme, and extremists who think Cortez was not extreme enough. The vast majority stayed with Cortez, but an insurgent minority have gone with Starmer."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44195,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44194,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The deal falls through, and the 2044 election looks set to end as one of the most chaotic elections in history, with everything up in the air."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44199,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44198,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The deal falls through, and the 2044 election looks set to end as one of the most chaotic elections in history, with everything up in the air."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44204,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44203,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The party is a confusing mess between moderates who think Cortez was too extreme, and extremists who think Cortez was not extreme enough. The vast majority stayed with Cortez, but an insurgent minority have gone with Starmer."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44207,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44206,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You recognize some of these Congressmen as the ones you worked with to ensure gay marriage was protected. They wrangle a few more fiscally conservative concessions out of you, but you manage to secure them into your pocket."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44211,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44210,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The deal falls through, and the 2044 election looks set to end as one of the most chaotic elections in history, with everything up in the air."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44230,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44229,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The party is a confusing mess between moderates who think Cortez was too extreme, and extremists who think Cortez was not extreme enough. The vast majority stayed with Cortez, but an insurgent minority have gone with Starmer."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44233,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44232,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It is an unusual alliance, but against the Christian nationalist insanity of Cortez, unusual alliances are needed. They wrangle a few more fiscally conservative concessions out of you, but you manage to secure them into your pocket."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44239,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44238,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The deal falls through, and the 2044 election looks set to end as one of the most chaotic elections in history, with everything up in the air."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44244,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44243,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The party is a confusing mess between moderates who think Cortez was too extreme, and extremists who think Cortez was not extreme enough. The vast majority stayed with Cortez, but an insurgent minority have gone with Starmer."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44247,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44246,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The deal falls through, and the 2044 election looks set to end as one of the most chaotic elections in history, with everything up in the air."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44251,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44250,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "\"America First\"... Many of them recall that slogan, like a long-forgotten dream. A coalition of militarists and old-school Trump-era populists cross the floor. They wrangle a few more populist and militarist concessions out of you, but they endorse you."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44257,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44256,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "It's an unsightly coalition. Liberals, Moderates, and Conservatives all in one alliance. But it was the alliance you were looking for. It's time to take America back."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44275,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44274,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The complete normalcy in your day gives you more energy to dedicate to your campaign."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44279,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44278,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "\"Collusion with the Chinese government\" is equivalent to \"Endorses MAP Rights\" in 2044 America. Cortez makes the immediate accusation you're a Chinese spy, and it sticks. You hand yourself in."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44282,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44281,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "A fraction of the left on one side, and the entirety of the right, and the US government on the other. Your rebellion got curb-stomped, and your sentence has been upgraded to treason."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44287,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44286,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "If this election wasn't crazy enough, you defected to China just days before the election. You spend the rest of your life working some low-end factory job and died from air pollution. 冰淇淋 +500000 Social Credit."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44297,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44296,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You attend a mass, meeting up with voters and campaigning once again. You stare up at a statue of the crucifixion, and wonder if he is on your side."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44301,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44300,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You visit the governments in exile of Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, the Netherlands, and others who were lost in the 3rd World War. On their faces was a grim determination to take back their homelands. A fading light in an encroaching night."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44308,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44307,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Union of Germany has always been more democratic and friendly than the rest of the Eurasian Pact. The German government in exile screams bloody betrayal, and you take a hit among Polish and Ukrainian Americans. But many Russophiles begin watching you with great interest."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44313,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44312,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "American-Israeli relations have not exactly been the same since the Americans left the Israelis out for dry during the 3rd Intifada. But relations are still lukewarm, and this gains you support from Jewish Americans as well as Israelophiles."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44317,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44316,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your rally in Philadelphia is enormous; America will not go quietly into that gentle night. In the encroaching darkness, this gives you a glimmer of hope."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44321,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44320,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "You visit the governments in exile of Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, the Netherlands, and others who were lost in the 3rd World War. On their faces was a grim determination to take back their homelands. A fading light in an encroaching night."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44328,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44327,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "The Eurasians are skeptical of meeting up with you. No meeting ever materializes, and you are left waiting like a fool."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44333,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44332,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "American-Israeli relations have not exactly been the same since the Americans left the Israelis out for dry during the 3rd Intifada. But relations are still lukewarm, and this gains you support from Jewish Americans as well as Israelophiles."
        "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback",
        "pk": 44337,
        "fields": {
            "answer": 44336,
            "candidate": 300,
            "answer_feedback": "Your rally in Philadelphia is enormous; America will not go quietly into that gentle night. In the encroaching darkness, this gives you a glimmer of hope."

campaignTrail_temp.multiple_endings = true;
endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) => {

    function setImage(url) {
        if(url == '' || url == null) return;
        let interval = setInterval(function () {
            img = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
            if (img != null) {
                img.src = url;
        }, 50);

    if(quickstats[0] > undefined) {
        return `Put ending text here, you can and should use <p>HTML tags</p>!`;

campaignTrail_temp.jet_data = [{
    "nicknames": {
        "300": "Walker",
        "301": "Cortez",
        "302": "Ocasio-Cortez",
        "303": "Philips"
    "cyoa_enabled": true,
    "cyoa_data": {
        "1710215621304": {
            "answer": "44286",
            "question": "44277",
            "id": 1710215621304
    "endings_enabled": true,
    "ending_data": {
        "1709746554871": {
            "id": 1709746554871,
            "variable": 0,
            "operator": ">",
            "value": 0,
            "endingImage": "",
            "endingText": "Put ending text here, you can and should use <p>HTML tags</p>!"

e.cyoa = true

var progressivism = 0;
var militarism = 0;
var futurism = 0;
var populism = 0;
var theocrat = 0;
var eurasian_cooperation = 0;
var winston = 0;
var eurasian_war = 0;
var diplomacy = 0;
var gay = 0;
var collusion = 0;
var chinese_cooperation = 0;
var havana_war = 0;
var united_party = 0;
var lost_running_mate = 0;
var defect_to_china = 0;
var conservative_unity = 0;

campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = [];

e.noCounter = 0
e = campaignTrail_temp

function tunnel(new_q){
	return e.questions_json[>];

cyoAdventure = function(a) {
	ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length-1];
	if (ans == 44286) {
        campaignTrail_temp.question_number = getQuestionNumberFromPk(44277);
	// Question 1
	if(ans == 42582){
		progressivism += 1;
	if(ans == 42590){
		populism += 1;
	if(ans == 42596){
		populism -= 1;
	// Question 2
	if(ans == 42610){
		progressivism += 1;
	if(ans == 42605){
		progressivism -= 1;
	// Question 3
	if(ans == 42640){
		populism -= 1;
	if(ans == 42641){
		populism -= 1;
		progressivism +=1;
	if(ans == 44023){
		populism -= 2;
	// Question 4 (Progressive)
	if(ans == 43906){
		progressivism += 1;
	if(ans == 43913){
		progressivism += 2;
	if(ans == 43919){
		progressivism -= 1;
	if(ans == 43923){
		progressivism -= 2;
	// Question 4 (Conservative)
	if(ans == 43882){
		progressivism += 1;
	if(ans == 43889){
		progressivism += 2;
	if(ans == 43900){
		progressivism -= 1;
	// Question 5
	if(ans == 42672){
		militarism += 2;
		progressivism -= 1;
	if(ans == 42682){
		militarism += 1;
		futurism += 1;
	if(ans == 42689){
		militarism -= 2;
		progressivism += 1;
	// Question 6
	// (Moderate)
	if(ans == 43928){
		gay = 1;
	if(ans == 43934){
		progressivism += 1;
	if(ans == 43940){
		progressivism -= 2;
	// (Conservative)
	if(ans == 43954){
		gay = 1;
	if(ans == 43966){
		progressivism -= 1;
	if(ans == 43975){
		progressivism -= 5;
	// (Progressive)
	if(ans == 44066){
		progressivism -= 2;
	if(ans == 44060){
		progressivism += 1;
	// Question 7
	// (Progressive)
	if(ans == 43986){
		progressivism += 2;
	// Question 9
	if(ans == 42764){
		populism += 2;
	if(ans == 42768){
		populism += 1;
		futurism += 2;
	if(ans == 42775){
		populism -= 2;
	// Question 12
	if(ans == 42825){
		collusion = 1;
	// Question 13
	if(ans == 42827){
		militarism += 1;
		diplomacy -= 1;
	if(ans == 42830){
		eurasian_cooperation += 1;
	if(ans == 42832){
		chinese_cooperation = 1;
	if(ans == 44116){
		diplomacy += 2;
	// Question 14
	if(ans == 42839){
		eurasian_cooperation = 1;
	// Question 15
	if(ans == 42841){
		militarism += 1;
		havana_war = 1;
	// Question 18
	if(ans == 42874){
		progressivism += 2;
		lost_running_mate = 1;
		campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = '';
		campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Phillips';
	if(ans == 42881){
		progressivism -= 1;
	if(ans == 42886){
		militarism -= 1;
	// Question 19
	if(ans == 43330 || ans == 43352 || ans == 43840){
		diplomacy += 1;
		militarism -= 1;
	if(ans == 43335 || ans == 43357 || ans == 43380 || ans == 43401 || ans == 43423 || ans == 43444 || ans == 43465 || ans == 43487 || ans == 43845){
		populism += 1;
	if(ans == 43340 || ans == 43363 || ans == 43385 || ans == 43407 || ans == 43428 || ans == 43449 || ans == 43471 || ans == 43492 || ans == 43850){
		progressivism += 1;
	if(ans == 43375 || ans == 43396 || ans == 43418 || ans == 43439 || ans == 43460 || ans == 43482){
		militarism += 1;
	// Question 21
	if(ans == 44207 || ans == 44233 || ans == 44250 || ans == 44256) {
		conservative_unity = 1;
	// Question 22
	if(ans == 42938){
		lost_running_mate = 1;
		campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = '';
		campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Phillips';
	if(ans == 42948){
		progressivism -= 1;
	// Question 23
	if(ans == 44286){
		defect_to_china = 1;
	// Question 27
	if(ans == 42965){
		progressivism += 1;
	// Question 28
	if(ans == 43545 || ans == 43614 || ans == 43662 || ans == 43686){
		united_party = 1;
	// Achievements
	if(ans == 43928 || ans == 43954){
		unlockAchievement("Pride will not die softly");
	if (ans == 43747 || ans == 43804 || ans == 43815){
		unlockAchievement("Lay Theologian");
	if (ans == 43986){
		unlockAchievement("You will never forgive yourself");
	if (ans == 43439 || ans == 43460 || ans == 43482){
	if(ans == 43545 || ans == 43614 || ans == 43662 || ans == 43686){
		unlockAchievement("Progressive Coalition");
	if(ans == 44207 || ans == 44233 || ans == 44250 || ans == 44256) {
		unlockAchievement("A New Coalition");
	if(ans == 44286){
		unlockAchievement("+10,000 Social Credit");
	// Question Switcheroo
	//Question 4
	if (progressivism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[3] = tunnel(43881);
	else if (progressivism>=0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[3] = tunnel(43905);
	//Question 6
	if (progressivism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[5] = tunnel(43953);
	else if (progressivism<=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[5] = tunnel(43927);
	else {
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[5] = tunnel(44053);
	//Question 7
	if (progressivism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[6] = tunnel(43996);
	else if (progressivism>=0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[6] = tunnel(43981);
	//Question 8
	if (progressivism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(42992);  
	else if (progressivism<3){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(43763);
	else if (progressivism>=3){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[7] = tunnel(43013);
	//Question 10
	if (progressivism<2 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(43784);  
	else if (progressivism>=2 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(43722);
	else if (progressivism<2 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(43034);
	else if (progressivism>=2 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[9] = tunnel(43076);
	//Question 11
	if (progressivism>2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[10] = tunnel(43113)
	else if (progressivism>=0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[10] = tunnel(43743)
	else if (progressivism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[10] = tunnel(43800)
	// Question 14
	if (eurasian_cooperation==0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[13] = tunnel(44319)
	else if (eurasian_cooperation==1){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[13] = tunnel(44299)
	//Question 17
	if (progressivism>=2 && populism>=1 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43298)
	else if (progressivism<2 && populism>=1 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43259)
	else if (progressivism>=2 && populism<1 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43282)
	else if (progressivism>=2 && populism>=1 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43236)
	else if (progressivism<2 && populism<1 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43198)
	else if (progressivism<2 && populism>=1 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43184)
	else if (progressivism>=2 && populism<1 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43154)
	else if (progressivism<2 && populism<1 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[16] = tunnel(43820)
	//Question 19
	if (progressivism<0 && militarism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43834)
	else if (progressivism<3 && militarism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43324)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && militarism<0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43346)
	else if (progressivism<0 && militarism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43369)
	else if (progressivism<3 && militarism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43390)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && militarism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43412)
	else if (progressivism<0 && militarism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43433)
	else if (progressivism<3 && militarism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43454)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && militarism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[18] = tunnel(43476)
	// Question 20
	if (progressivism>0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[19] = tunnel(44186)
	else if (progressivism>-2 && populism<2 && militarism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[19] = tunnel(44190)
	else if (progressivism<=-2 && gay==1 && populism<2 && militarism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[19] = tunnel(44202)
	else if (progressivism<=-2 && gay==0 && populism<2 && militarism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[19] = tunnel(44228)
	else if (progressivism>-2 && (populism<2 || militarism>=2)){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[19] = tunnel(44242)
	else if (progressivism<=-2 && (populism<2 || militarism>=2)){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[19] = tunnel(44255)
	// Question 23
	if (collusion == 0){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(44273)
	else {
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[22] = tunnel(44277)
	//Question 25
	if (progressivism<3 && populism<2 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43855)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && populism<2 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43530)
	else if (progressivism<3 && populism>=2 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43553)
	else if (progressivism<3 && populism<2 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43575)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && populism>=2 && futurism<2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43599)
	else if (progressivism<3 && populism>=2 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43621)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && populism<2 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43645)
	else if (progressivism>=3 && populism>=2 && futurism>=2){
		campaignTrail_temp.questions_json[24] = tunnel(43669)
	if(ans == 42985 || ans == 42988 || ans == 43694 || ans == 44286){	//Trigger ending
		campaignTrail_temp.question_number = 25;

	// Debug Option
	console.log(`Progressive ${progressivism} Futurist ${futurism} Populist ${populism} Militarist ${militarism} Diplomacy ${diplomacy}`)

campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = '';
campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = '';
campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Walker';
campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Eisner';
campaignTrail_temp.election_json[0].fields.advisor_url = "";

function getTooltips(str) {
    let matches = [];

    tooltipList.forEach((tooltip, index) => {
        // Adjust the regex to match searchString potentially surrounded by “ and followed by optional punctuation
       let regex = new RegExp(`(?<=\\b|\\s|^|“)${tooltip.searchString}(?=[.,;!?]?\\b|\\s|”|$)`, 'g');

        let match;
        while ((match = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
                start: match.index + (match[0].startsWith('“') ? 1 : 0), // Adjust for potential starting “
                end: match.index + match[0].length - (match[0].endsWith('”') ? 1 : 0) - (match[2] ? 1 : 0), 
                tooltipIndex: index

    // Sort by starting position; if two start at the same position, longer match comes first
    matches.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start || b.end - b.start - (a.end - a.start));

    // Filter out overlaps
    for (let i = 0; i < matches.length - 1; ) {
        if (matches[i + 1].start < matches[i].end) {
            matches.splice(i + 1, 1); // Remove the next match since it overlaps
        } else {
            i++; // Move to next match

    return matches;

function applyTooltips(str) {
    const matches = getTooltips(str);
    let result = '';
    let lastIndex = 0;

    matches.forEach(match => {
        const tooltip = tooltipList[match.tooltipIndex];
        result += str.slice(lastIndex, match.start);
        result += `<span class='mytooltip'>${tooltip.searchString}<span class='mytooltiptext'>${tooltip.explanationText}</span></span>`;
        lastIndex = match.end;

    result += str.slice(lastIndex); // Add the remainder of the original string
    return result;

function applyTooltipsToObject(obj) {
    for (let key in obj) {
        if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') {
            obj[key] = applyTooltips(obj[key]);
        } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
            applyTooltipsToObject(obj[key]); // Recursive call


function setImage(url) {
	if(url == '' || url == null) return;
	let interval = setInterval(function () {
		img = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0];
		if (img != null) {
			img.src = url;
	}, 50);

endingPicker = (out, totv, aa, quickstats) => {

	// Astro's Ending Template

	// Template 2 - 1v1 races, with ending (or endings) based on specific answer

	//out = "win", "loss", or "tie" for your candidate
	//totv = total votes in entire election
	//aa = all final overall results data
	//quickstats = relevant data on candidate performance (format: your candidate's electoral vote count, your candidate's popular vote share, your candidate's raw vote total)

	//quickstats[0] is the default, and it tracks your electoral vote count.

	// player_answers starts counting at 0, so it's checking for the answer on Question 25 here. 

	// If answer for question 25 is 8090, and you get at least 270 Electoral votes, and your running mate's last name is specified here, it'll give you this special ending. I used this for the 'A truce, not a compromise' ending in 1876.

	// if (campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[24] == 8090 && quickstats[0] >= 270 && campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name == "PlaceLastNameHere") {
	if (united_party == 1 && conservative_unity == 1){
		unlockAchievement("A Big Tent Coalition");
	if (united_party == 1 && conservative_unity == 1 && futurism >= 2 && populism >= 2 && militarism >= 2){
		unlockAchievement("Neverending Bickering");
	if (quickstats[0] == 538) {
		unlockAchievement("Wake Up");
		slides = assemble_slide([
		return slides
	} else if (aa[0].electoral_votes == 538 && aa[0].candidate == 301) {
		return "<span id='cortezlandslide' style='display: initial;'><h3>The Harbinger of God</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Cortez stood in front of the presidential podium, after winning in a 50 state landslide, including Washington DC.<br><br>“I can no longer tolerate the proliferation of the secular disease. You WILL attend the church potluck.”<br><br>Armed with a Frank Turek book, she then began levitating into the air and began to DESTROY all atheists with FACTS and LOGIC.<br><br>90% of China was dead within 5 hours.</p></div></span>"
	} else if (aa[0].electoral_votes <= 270) {
		return "<span id='cortezlandslide' style='display: initial;'><h3>Deadlocked Election</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>After months of hard work and sweat, you've actually managed to do it, at least partially. A deadlocked electoral college, both you and the Progressives combined have managed to score enough to prevent Cortez from getting a majority. But it's not over, it's far from over. You'll need to undergo negotiations for the Progressive electors to vote you into office. Failing that, a Republican controlled House and Senate might get her into office.<br><br>The Mad Lady has shown vulnerability, but she is far from down. You feel a bead of sweat grow on your forehead. Prepare yourself for a rough next few months, it's far from over.</p></div></span>"
	} else if (defect_to_china == 1) {
		return "<span id='cortezlandslide' style='display: initial;'><h3>+100000000000 SOCIAL CREDIT</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>If the election wasn’t insane enough before, it is certainly insane now. Patrick Walker, after being investigated by the FBI, decided to defect to China just days before the election in a hijacked plane going across the Pacific.<br><br>The nation did not process this well, <em>nobody</em> knew how to process this well. Even the Cortez campaign was completely baffled by this news, completely fumbling trying to make any kind of response to this. On the other hand, there didn’t need to be a response to this, the entire situation just kind of speaks for itself. Like, how do you even respond to this? What are you supposed to do when your main presidential rival literally defected to the People’s Republic of China?<br><br>The Democratic Party just gave up trying to field any kind of candidate literal days before election day, the Progressives got absolutely walloped by the Republicans in the election. But at this point, everyone was just so dumbfounded everyone decided to just never talk about it again and moved on.<br><br></p></div></span>"
	} else if (quickstats[0] < 269) {
		if (quickstats[0] > 220) {
			unlockAchievement("An Ember in the Darkness");
			slides = assemble_slide([
		} else {
			unlockAchievement("Under the Iron Crucifix");
			slides = assemble_slide([
		return slides
	} else if (quickstats[0] >= 270) {
		unlockAchievement("Sweet Victory");
		if (eurasian_cooperation==1) {
		if (havana_war==1 && militarism > 2) {
			unlockAchievement("Communism Death");
		if (diplomacy>1 && militarism <= 2) {
			unlockAchievement("Battered Peacemaker");
		} else if (diplomacy>1 && militarism > 2) {
			unlockAchievement("Peace through Strength");
		if (united_party==0) {
		else if (united_party==1) {
		if (havana_war==1 && militarism <= 2 && diplomacy<=1) {
			unlockAchievement("Yet Another Vietnam");
		if (militarism>=5 && diplomacy<=1) {
			unlockAchievement("Annihilation of America's Enemies");
		if (militarism<5 && militarism>=0 && diplomacy<=1) {
		else if (militarism<0 && diplomacy<=1) {
		slides = assemble_slide(slidelist)
		return slides
	} else {
		return "<h3>That's odd. The mod seems broken.</h3><p>Contact the creator of the mod. Congrats if you won, better luck next time if you lost.</p>"

var cod_dict = {

var slide_dict = {
	light_in_the_darkness:["","<h3>Light in the Darkness (2044 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker wiped the sweat off his brow, the campaign room was hot, and he was still drained from the months of campaigning. He looked up at the great screen that stood over his election night rally, towering over him like a skyscraper. The map was awash with red. A great red serpent, come to swallow America whole, and drag it down into the deep from where it came. He stared back at it, gripping his microphone like he would a sword. For a moment, it was him, staring down the red dragon that had come to reap the future of America.<br><br>He felt he had come to the end of a great and exhausting battle, his body was covered in sweat, and he struggled to catch his breath. Even after everything he had done, he could still not overcome her. He laid down his arms, and conceded defeat towards the great adversary. But even though he was defeated, he still saw the silver lining. Red was not the only color that was on this map, there on the coasts, there were patches of blue. More patches of blue than expected. Growing out from them, were patches of resistance, a rebuke to the agenda of Cortez, a defiant cry, shouting “we will not go down softly”.<br><br>He smiled, then laughed. Even in defeat, he laughed. Even though he had fallen short of the final goal, he could still take home a worthy consolation prize. He had gotten close, far closer than anyone could have expected. He had made the monster bleed, and proven that the beast was not invincible.<br><br>“You are not as invulnerable as you think,” Walker whispered under his breath, talking to no one around him. “I have proven that even you can bleed. Even you can be overcome one day.”<br><br>“I might not have won, but I have come close. Closer than anyone had any right to believe. And that, that is worth something,” he whispered. “It may not be me, it may not be the person after me. But one day, your empire too, will fall. And daylight will shine once again, my dear Cortez.”<br><br>He laughed into the silent night, long after the room around him grew cold and empty.<br><br>"],
	frustrated_agenda:["","<h3>Frustrated Agenda (2048 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Come on, come on!” Cortez ordered her secretary, pacing around her office, quickly writing down notes, as her number of phone messages reached 15.<br><br>“Okay,” the stressed-out secretary stammered. “Major items on the agenda: You have a meeting with League of Free Nations this afternoon, a meeting with Evangelical church leaders the following morning. You scheduled a meeting with some Republican senators the afternoon after that to whip them into shape. You have a meeting with the CIA director over the continued threat of the Quebecois terror groups tomorrow evening, and you are being called to oversee the development of ANGEL this week.”<br><br>“What about my Patriotic Education Bill? What happened to that?” Cortez asked.<br><br>“It’s getting delayed in the Senate. Democrats are attempting a filibuster, not enough Republicans to enforce cloture.” The secretary responded.<br><br>“Damn it,” Cortez said. “Schedule me to go talk to the Senate Majority Leader and see if anything can be done. Give me a briefing of the latest news.”<br><br>“Unemployment has grown to 8%, income inequality has gotten worse, even though the economy continues to grow. France had a falling out with the Eurasian Union, and has proclaimed Greater France, the Secretary of State would like to meet with you with ideas on leveraging this to our advantage. Increasing authoritarianism in Canada, a second round of the Troubles have boiled over in Great Britain. Rumors spread across the Silent Veil, rumors of an underground Polish resistance force…”<br><br>The secretary caught her breath. “That’s all ma’am. Sometimes there are weeks where too many damn things happen.”<br><br>“And my approval ratings?” Cortez asked.<br><br>“45% ma’am. Recent polling suggests you would win an election held today with roughly 290 electoral votes,” the secretary replied.<br><br>Cortez breathed in and breathed out. “Okay, schedule all the foreign policy stuff in times when I am available, but keep my schedule free and open, I can’t be dealing with all this foreign policy stuff when we’re already behind on our domestic agenda. Get me a meeting with moderate Democrats, as many as you can muster, tell my speechwriter to start drafting something for the State of the Union address. Something about… American renewal, or something like that. I dunno, just tell him to start brainstorming ideas, we’ll workshop this later.”<br><br>“Right away ma’am,” the secretary said.<br><br>Cortez sighed. “And get yourself a coffee or something while you’re at it. It’s been a rough week. Make sure you don’t burn yourself out.”<br><br>“Thank you ma’am,” the secretary replied, and swiftly walked away.<br><br>There was a pause, Cortez sat down, leaned her head against her hand, and sighed.<br><br>“I don’t think it’s her who needs to avoid burning themselves out,” a familiar voice said behind her.<br><br>“Hello honey,” Cortez sighed, clearly out of it.<br><br>“Hello Victoria,” the man said. He locked the doors around him. He was Bartholomew Cortez, First Gentleman of the United States of America. Bart for short. “Are you feeling alright?”<br><br>Victoria began. “I’m fine, it’s just-” Her voice was strained and choked with frustration, but she couldn’t continue.<br><br>“Shh…” Bart said, hugging and patting her on the back. “It’s okay,” he said. “It’s okay,” he repeated. It’s incredible he was doing this with arguably the most powerful person in the world.<br><br>“Victoria,” Bart continued. “Everyone can see it. You’re burning yourself out. I know being president isn’t meant to be easy, but by all means, you’re doing too much.”<br><br>“It wasn’t supposed to be easy being governor, or mayor either,” Cortez said.<br><br>“But I’ve never seen you like this before,” Bart said. “We’re in the last year of your term. It might be okay to relax, just a little bit.”<br><br>Bart breathed in. “Look, you’ve already done amazing things for this country. No one, liberal or conservative will ever forget your presidency. You’ve changed the country more than any president since Franklin Roosevelt. Your impact will still be felt, a hundred years from now,” he paused. “So what are you missing? What are you searching for?”<br><br>Cortez closed her eyes, so tired and exhausted from all she had done. “There’s so much that I didn’t get to do. So much… I wanted to build God’s nation. I feel like I have let God down.”<br><br>“It’s okay,” Bart says. “No one gets to do all the things they set out to do. You’ve done a lot more for God than most people. That’s enough, Victoria. That’s enough.”<br><br>Victoria leaned into Bart’s arms. “I feel like I am building Herod’s Temple,” she said. “And it’s hundreds of years before the messiah will come.”<br><br>“No man knows the day or the hour,” Bart replied.<br><br>"],
	faded_legacy:["","<h3>Faded Legacy (2048 AD to 2056 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>The election of Democratic President Jin Hui in a narrow victory against Cortez’s running mate, Tom Hayes proved to be a decisive turning point. Hui had not done anything particularly special; he just studied the path Walker walked down, leveraged the weaknesses found in the Cortezian coalition, and finished the job that Walker had started.<br><br>Hui had finally forced the Progressives to crack, after 8 years of the Cortezian nightmare, even their stubborn idealism could not stand another term under a Republican 3rd term. And Hui used the weight of the monster against it, allowing it to sink under the pressure of its own approval ratings. Hui was not the best candidate, he was not the worst, he was simply present when the monster finally fell, and America was under Democratic control once again, at least for a little while.<br><br>It would be nearly impossible to reverse everything Cortez had done, the Democratic-Progressive coalition in the House only had a narrow majority, and the Republican majority in the Senate still held firm. But at least the bleeding had been stemmed, the damage had been limited, and not everything had been lost.<br><br>The 5th Great Awakening lasted from the late 2030’s to the mid 2050’s, before ultimately fizzling out, the percentage of Christians stabilized around 80%, and the upwards trend of religious zeal was eventually halted. Cortezian orthodoxy has ruled the party for roughly 16 years, and without major disillusionment to the system, it will likely remain the Republican orthodoxy for some time. Somewhere down the line, the Republicans would win another election, but never would they have the same influence as the Mad Lady did, in her 8 years of power.<br><br>The descendants of the Awakening movement, the New Evangelicals, are beginning to fracture, with new sects rising up, as they always seem to do in Protestant dominated circles, creating a continuously competitive religious landscape, which some speculate might be responsible for America’s higher propensity towards religion.<br><br>In particular to look for is the Christian Forwardist movement, a strange mixture of progressive, Christian nationalist, and Futurist thinking that has spread across the center and the left, as opposed to the right.<br><br>"],
	cortez_goodnight_america:["","<h3>Goodnight America (2044 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker stared at a map awash in red. Despite all his best efforts, he had lost. America had lost. The country truly had been subsumed in darkness, one so great that it may never recover. The Awakening had overwhelmed them, and now the country was engulfed by Christian nationalism, promising them a future that would beat back the tides of tyranny of Eurasia and China, and shine America’s light upon the world.<br><br>But that light wouldn’t be liberalism, not anymore. He look out towards the glittering skyline, and thought about the future, not only for him, but for the children he now fathered in this country. America would change now, it would forever be different from the country he grew up in. Cortez had already radically altered the Constitution, and now with Republican majorities in both House and Senate, there was not a lot he could do to stop them.<br><br>The problem was structural, it seemed every year the Awakening got stronger, and the ever-dwindling alliance of liberals, progressives, and Democrats got weaker. The conservative Christians were the only group in this country having enough kids, and they would create the next generation. And the next generation after that. Progressives refused to have kids unless they were wealthy, Cortez’s Christians would have kids no matter what.<br><br>He looked out towards the further future, he wondered if there was any future for liberalism in such a fallen world. Where would Cortez go from here, her movement, her people? Her coalition was vast and could go in one of many directions. Cortez herself favored democracy, but there were already factions who saw things differently. In a dark timeline, far from here, it is not inconceivable they too could seize power. Where would the Democratic Party go from here? He reckoned that the Democrats could win in 2048, but most likely only after greatly shifting further to the right. He sighed, the future of the Democratic Party was one of a right-wing party, or at least right wing, compared to today.<br><br>If there was to be light, it would have to emerge in the distant future, through the maze of future possibility. If there was light at the end of this tunnel, it must be down a foggy path he could not see. He looked into the vast paths of possibility open to America right now, he saw no light. He could only hope through the fog, the light would emerge.<br><br>He looked out towards the skyline one last time, feeling a great sense of melancholy and loss all the while.<br><br>“Goodnight America,” he whispered.<br><br>"],
	cortez_victory:["","<h3>Upon the Cross of Democracy (2044 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Cortez smiles, walking to a jubilant crowd of tens of thousands. The stadium had been completely packed, and she was treated as a rock star as she strode on stage. She takes the mic and looked into the eyes of her thousands of adoring fans.<br><br>“FOUR MORE YEARS!” they cheer. “FOUR MORE YEARS!”<br><br>“This is victory,” she said. “Not just for me, not just for the Republican Party, but for America. Four more years of putting families first. Four more years of unprecedented economic growth. America has come back, bigger and stronger than ever.”<br><br>The crowd cheered.<br><br>“But you know whose victory this really is?” Victoria Cortez asked. “This is God’s victory. From New York to Mumbai, this is only the first step towards a global Christian revolution. The Day of the Lord is coming, and this is just the first step towards the revolution.”<br><br>“When every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together,” she said, invoking the words of the Bible.<br><br>The crowd cheered, more loudly and fanatically than ever. Cortez smiled, she knew exactly what her base wanted, and exactly what she was fighting for. Most importantly, she knew this was exactly what God wanted.<br><br>“Tomorrow marks the dawn of a new age,” she said. “And one day God’s glory will shine from one end of the earth to the next. I truly believe this, I believe we will see it one day.”<br><br>The crowd cheered again.<br><br>“But until that day comes, I’m going to have to work night and day to ensure the new kingdom is built. When you wake up tomorrow, remember to spread the gospel, to fight for what is right, remember the promises of God, and work tirelessly until his kingdom comes. May God bless you all.”<br><br>Cortez walked off the stage to the sound of jubilant cheers, as the American national anthem began to slowly play. She walked with a spark in her eyes, a spark that gave her unrivaled determination. The transformation was not yet complete, and she would stop at nothing until the country was remade in her image.<br><br>"],
	cortez_nowhere_to_run:["","<h3>Nowhere to Run (2046 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>“We the people of the United States, humbly acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all authority and power in civil government, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Governor among the nations, and His revealed will as our supreme authority, in order to constitute a Christian government, to form a more perfect union…” - US Constitution, 2046.<br><br>…<br><br>“Now, are we all good for our foreign policy objectives for the next few years?” Cortez asked.<br><br>The other world leaders gave Cortez dirty looks at the League of Free Nations summit that year. Cortez had just passed a great deal of socially conservative legislation, ones which were deemed heavily repulsive to the other nations of the League there. The League of Free Nations was all that was left of the pre-war Euro-American order, an alliance between the world’s remaining Western democracies. What was once a proud and powerful bloc was now greatly reduced. And yet they looked at Cortez in contempt.<br><br>Cortez was the only one sitting down, looking uninterested, while all the other leaders stood and surrounded her. She was picking her teeth while the other world leaders shot dirty looks at her. “Well? Care to explain why everyone is giving me dirty looks?”<br><br>Surrounding her was the leaders of the other members of the League of Free Nations. Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Australia, and New Zealand. All that was left of the Western democracies, after their loss in the 3rd World War.<br><br>Canadian Prime Minister McCullough was the first to speak up, his voice shaking with barely contained rage. “Your ideology is repugnant to the ideals of liberal democracy,” he said, with utter contempt. “Your entire ideology… Is simply put, a perversion of everything this alliance stands for.”<br><br>Cortez was still sitting down, looking uninterested. McCullough’s hands were balled up into fists, and the other League members looked at her from a distance. America was now the black sheep of the League. Cortez shrugged.<br><br>“The League of Free Nations has passed a resolution condemning the actions of your administration,” said British Prime Minister Buckingham. “And given your administration’s repulsive social policies, it may be wise for the United Kingdom to begin looking for strategic partners somewhere else-”<br><br>“Oh please,” Cortez said, she crossed her arms and glared upwards. She had finally had enough of this. “Where are you going to run to? The Eurasians? The Chinese? You going to cry to the international community? Just like the Palestinians did, after the Israelis evicted them from the West Bank?”<br><br>She paused. “Fact of the matter is, there is nowhere else to run. You all know just as much as I do that your countries are tied to the American sphere of influence. We make up 80% of the League’s GDP, military spending, and geopolitical influence. There is nowhere left to run. You really think you have the capacity to go it alone?” she asked. “Be. My. Guest.”<br><br>“Your ideology is an anachronism,” said Erlend Bjorge, Prime Minister of Norway, sweating a little bit, in Cortez’s presence. “You will be on the wrong side of history, one day.”<br><br>Cortez stared Bjorge in the eyes. “Liberal democracy has been dying for a long time. All of your nations get their culture downstream from America. The 5th Great Awakening has already spilled over our borders and into yours. America is the only nation in this godforsaken alliance with a naturally growing population. Your progressives don't have children. How many of your conservative movements have begun to emulate my methods?”<br><br>The other world leaders shuffled around in awkward silence. Everything Cortez said was true. And they felt what Walker felt, so many years ago. They thought that Cortez was a specter, an unwelcome ghost from the distant past. But now they saw something different in her, she was not a ghost from their past, but a harbinger of their future, not just for America, but for all of them.<br><br>“Now let me ask again,” Cortez said, menacingly. “Are we all good on the foreign policy objectives for the next few years?”<br><br>"],
	cortez_blue_conservative:["","<h3>The Blue Conservative (2048 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>4 years after the victory of Cortez in the 2044 election, John Winston of the Democratic Party was able to win in 2048. 8 years after the socially conservative nightmare of the Cortez administration, and a Democrat was finally back in office. Progressives, however, had little to celebrate.<br><br>“And we’re not going to leave this country to the whims of weak-minded progressives, or weak-minded fanatics anymore, you hear me?” Winston shouted into the microphone. “America is done holding back on the world stage, it is time we show those damn Chinese the eagle still has talons.”<br><br>Winston had led a hostile takeover of the Democratic Party, a new party, one that could fight the power of Cortez. The crowd cheered; Winston basked in its embrace. He had fought a long campaign, tooth and nail to be here. It wasn’t easy fighting the entire party establishment to get here, and to fight that bastard Tom Hayes in the general, but Winston had always done it his way, and no one else’s.<br><br>“I dream of America, big, beautiful, strong, and united. No longer will we be pushed around; no longer will we kowtow to the whims of other great powers. America will never again be the one on its knees, begging for mercy at the end of a peace negotiation. No, we will be the ones dictating the terms.”<br><br>The Conservative Civil War had finished, the schism between Christians and Conservatives ended up being irreconcilable, and they ended up in different parties. The Christians maintained their control over the Republican party. And the Conservatives...<br><br>“We are not your dad’s Democratic Party, no longer will the whims of this party be dictated by the technocratic elites in ivory towers. We are a proud, patriotic movement, for the people, by the people,” he paused, and pondered briefly before he used the next line. “God bless America, have a good night, folks.”<br><br>That was the only invocation of God during his entire speech, and it had been done carefully. The tripartite division of American politics was complete, the Republicans were what was to the right of the right, and the Progressives were now what was left of the left. And somewhere between the two, laid the Democrats, nominally in the “center”.<br><br>Even when Cortez was long gone from office, her influence would persist forever. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.<br><br>"],
	cortez_ww4:["","<h3>The 4th World War (2061 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>The reality Walker escaped from was not a pleasant one. Plopped back into the world he remembered, the world stood on the edge of a knife.<br><br>One of the first things the Winston administration would do is aggressively ramp up the tensions between the three powers, all while simultaneously sending countless weapons to the Eurasian Union, hoping they would annihilate China with them.<br><br>This aggressive, short-sighted foreign policy backfired shortly afterwards. The tensions between the superpowers could not last forever, and in the year 2056, the worst fears of the world had come true. With American weapons the United States had supplied them, and now with American weapons the Eurasians hunted them.<br><br>Hundreds of millions of people were now dead, across Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. The American continent had become a battlefield. Only craters remain where there was once idyllic farmland. Smoke covered the sky and choked the air. Cities turned into rubble, and Earth turned into hell. Even as the world was burning alive, the war continued.<br><br>Soldier Ryan Jackson trudged through the ruins of an American city, assault rifle in his hand, a faltering strength in his arms. His uniform was torn, his surroundings were full of rubble. He looked out to the desolate wastelands, remembering these cities that once ruled the world. An eruption, a flash of light, then a pinpoint of light, escaping into the sky. As Jackson watched the missile trails shooting up above him, he knew he was watching the end of the modern world.<br><br>“Farewell, Mangual,” he thought. “America is gone, I’m sorry I couldn’t save her.”<br><br>Thousands of missiles were freed from the ground, and reached upwards, unbound from its tethers on the world. Cities were bathed in fire, and all men were equal, under its blinding light.<br><br>"],
	cortez_bar:["","<h3>The Bar at the End of the World (2065 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>There was once a bartender. He owned a bar, a place he built from the ground up. He attended to the establishment and wiped down the counters. It wasn’t much, but it was a place he owned, and could call his own. His bar was far from the urban centers and was therefore spared so far of Armageddon.<br><br>Few customers showed up in these days, but he continued to wipe down the counters, it helped him keep a sense of structure, a sense of schedule amidst all the chaos. Nuclear winter was still going on outside. Billions of people were already dead. And during this, a customer came in through the front doors.<br><br>He was different from everyone else he had encountered, a great black robe covered most of his body, and his face was dark and obscured. He looked to be very hairy, with a great beard. He walked with a limp, and he seemed to radiate heat around him.<br><br>“Give me whatever you have, I don’t care. Just get me something to drink,” the man ordered. His voice was raspy and deep and shook with barely throttled rage. He shook with great regret, like there was something he wanted to forget.<br><br>The bartender poured him a beer and slid it over. The man caught it, and the beer began to froth and churn, as if it was boiling. The man poured it into his mouth, steam rising up from his mouth. The bartender caught a glimpse of his eyes, they were glowing yellow.<br><br>“Give me another,” the man said, and the bartender obliged. The man downed several more drinks, this only barely intoxicating him. 6 drinks down, and he was barely buzzed.<br><br>“More!” he demanded.<br><br>The bartender poured him whisky, and the man downed it just as fast. He was growing more agitated. As whatever he was fighting couldn’t be easily drowned.<br><br>“Are… Are you okay?” the bartender asked.<br><br>The man stared back into the bartender’s eyes, his eyes were glowing a violent yellow, and his skin was hellish red. “Humans,” he said. “You had damn near everything they could give you. Food, water, a world hand-tailored to your species. A playground where you could live and thrive. You take that and look at what you’ve done with it.” He slammed his mug to the table. “What a disgrace.”<br><br>His skin continued to shine a crimson red, and his eyes a brilliant yellow. He continued to radiate heat around him. Like a lump of coal, slowly burning.<br><br>“Who- Who are you?” the bartender asked, becoming more unnerved by his unnatural skin and eyes.<br><br>“Who do you think I am?” the man asked back. His tone of voice was resentful, but also so, so tired.<br><br>“Sh-shouldn’t you be in-”<br><br>“The underground is empty, humans brought hell up to the surface, and now I'm stuck with you,” the man replied. “Now pour me another drink!”<br><br>The bartender poured another drink, his hands shaking while he did so, he slid it over. The man, after downing this one, finally seemed satisfied with his alcohol levels, He reached into his pockets, and pulled out a wad of American currency. His hands blackened and scorched the bills as he touched them, he placed them on the countertop.<br><br>“These won’t be worth much soon enough, the way your people are going,” he said. “Have a good night.”<br><br>The mysterious man stumbled out the door, mumbling bitterness at the world he now found himself in.<br><br>"],
	cortez_mankind_endures:["","<h3>Mankind endures (2068 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Nuclear winter enveloped the world. Billions had died already from nuclear fire, billions more were dead from famine, billions more would die from fighting. The Americans discovered concentration camps being operated out of the West Coast and Long Island, and repaid the Russians with apocalyptic rage.<br><br>Bitter winters would consume the world, followed by famines. Billions would flee, riding the waves as refugees among a sea of war and destruction. Pristine countryside reduced to rubble and wasteland, a global desecration of the natural world. The world was dying, mankind trudged through the bitter snow, battered and bruised. Nature was coughing up blood, humanity moved forward.  <br><br>Against the freezing winters, against famine, amidst battlefields, war machines, and the ruins of war, they survived. Through nuclear Armageddon, angels of steel would protect him. Man would look upwards and see TRINITY, the American nuclear defense system, and POLARIS, the Eurasian equivalent.<br><br>Cities were wiped out, but he would build more. Even through the apocalypse, the war continued. Mankind was not the same race he was when the war had started, through the eye of the apocalypse, man discovered his inner strength. But even with solidarity in the fact of this horrific tragedy, the hatred continued. Not even the fires of Apocalypse could stop the hatred of mankind.<br><br>Ravaged cities, hanging bodies, smokestacks that smelled of burning flesh. Humanity had always been a monster, a demon, unrestrained from the shackles of morality. Hatred beget generations of hatred, as mankind entered its darkest moment.<br><br>And through the darkness, even this too would pass. In due time, the winters would recede, grass would grow again in the barren wastes, the world would begin to heal, and one day too, would the guns finally fall silent. Man would learn how to love again, and time would heal all wounds one day.<br><br>In the dawn of a new day, as the white flag was raised over the Eurasian capital, and the Western powers recoiled in horror at what they had done, could Reconstruction begin. The Long Night was over, Humanity’s Nightmare had finally passed.<br><br>And the survivors were left to pick up the pieces of a broken world.<br><br>"],
	cortez_helsinki:["","<h3>2nd Helsinki Accords (2093 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>The year was 2093, Cortez and her administration was now a distant memory. By now, even the 2-party system she was a part of had broken down. Yet her legacy still remained. America still remained a Christianized nation, and perhaps, by now it was too late to change that fact.<br><br>Newly elected President Blaine Reed of the Patriotic Unionist Party was being given the tour around the White House, being briefed by the Secret Service as well as the other intelligence agencies of the United States.<br><br>“This is the nuclear bunker. Should the United States find itself under attack, you may be required to take shelter here until it's safe to return back to the surface.”<br><br>Reed carefully lowered himself into the bunker, him gaining a great sense of unease, just being here.<br><br>“In the case of a nuclear strike, you use your nuclear launch codes to activate TRINITY. And you would authorize a nuclear counterattack with this panel. This panel will allow you to launch America's nuclear triad at any potential threats we are facing.”<br><br>Reed simply stared at the panel, his unease growing. An ocean of emotions washed around inside his brain. “How many nukes do we still have?”<br><br>“The United States, as of right now, has somewhere around 3,000 actively deployed warheads, with another 10,000 in reserve. The United States under previous administrations has not quite filled up America's storage capacity ever since the Day of Nuclear Hail. We should practice initiating a retaliatory nuclear strike.”<br><br>“I will not.” Reed snapped. “I refuse to touch that button, even as practice. I... Say a nuclear war starts. Say our cold war with the European Ascendancy, it finally escalates. I would be condemning hundreds of millions of lives for no crime of their own, except for being born in a country they cannot leave. I cannot do it.”<br><br>Reed closed his eyes and remembered his childhood. He had lived through the horrors of a nuclear war, gathered around a radio as cities were wiped off the map. The panicked phone calls to loved ones you feared were now dead. The hours upon hours upon uncertainty, as civilization broke down around you, and you had no idea if huge swathes of people you knew were alive or dead. And then the slow trickle of news in the coming weeks; alive, dead, alive, alive, dead. Reed had grown up through the horrors of the Day of Nuclear Hail. They were known as Children of the Atom, borne in the wake of its radioactive ashes.<br><br>He opened his eyes. “TRINITY will protect us. My administration will use every measure possible to retaliate against such a heinous act. But this world cannot afford another Long Winter, another Day of Nuclear Hail. We cannot have another Great Bleeding. The last nuclear war, the only nuclear war we've ever fought, mind you, killed 3 billion people. I refuse to subject the people of another country through what we went through. Never again.”<br><br>...<br><br>All over the world, this sentiment was common, as the children who lived through the 4th World War, the Rubble Generation, came to power. Becoming politicians, presidents, and every other position of power. Nearly everyone had known someone who had died in the conflict. Even some of the AIs had trauma from the horrors of the 4th World War. The older generations talked about “the old world”, the world that was before the nuclear holocaust that brought an end to it all.<br><br>They showed the younger generations the photos of the skylines of cities as they used to be. Old New York, Old Beijing, Old Moscow, and then drive there and see that everything was now different. The old world was gone, and the new world had been constructed on its ruins. They would never get to see the old Big Ben, or the old Trade Center, or the old Statue of Liberty, landmarks and structures that had captured the imaginations of the old generations, but were now alien to the newer generations.<br><br>LIBERTY mourned Old America, JIN DUN himself would mourn over the loss of Old China. Sure, many of these structures would be reconstructed, made as close as possible to the originals out of a sense of nostalgia. But the continuity to history was broken. There was a clear rift of where the old world was, and where the new world began.<br><br>...<br><br>“... Your fathers died so they could fix the world your great-grandfathers had broken.” said a diplomat. He was a bit older than the political leaders which surrounded him. But he was one of the first to have noticed that now the generation who had grown up in the 4th World War was now the one in power. Sensing an opportunity for something truly historic, he had seized the chance for lasting peace. “No one should ever have to live through another Long Winter. Another Day of Nuclear Hail. We should take this burden upon ourselves and say that we will be the last generation that will ever have to carry such a burden. Let us put this terror back to where it belongs; the dustbin of history.”<br><br>He paused. “Never again.”<br><br>...<br><br>SIGNATORIES OF THE 2ND HELSINKI ACCORDS: VAST MAJORITY OF THE WORLD'S NATIONS. ALL NUCLEAR ARMED NATIONS EXCEPT FOR THE EUROPEAN ASCENDANCY.<br><br>ARTICLES:<br><br>NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT (REDUCTION TO LESS THAN 1000 WARHEADS PER COUNTRY BY 2150)<br><br>NO FIRST STRIKE POLICY (NO NATION WILL LAUNCH NUCLEAR MISSILES UNTIL THEY ARE STRUCK FIRST)<br><br>GLOBAL COOPERATION FOR RESEARCH INTO BETTER ANTI-NUCLEAR DEFENSES<br><br>A BLESSING OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY TO ALL<br><br>LET US BE THE LAST.<br><br>"],
	cortez_monument:["","<h3>The Monument (2100 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>A monument stands to the 3 billion people died in the 4th World War. In a reconstructed version of the city that was once Salt Lake City. The population eventually recovered, civilization rebuilt, nations recovered, and then thrived, more than they ever did before. But they didn’t forget, they never, ever forgot.<br><br>So many people were missing, and their absence was still felt, 30 years later. In a cruel twist of fate, the Fighter Generation, the generation that would die in the 3rd World War fathered the Golden Generation, the generation that would die in the 4th. Like father, like son, they fought for what they believed in, died in the same trenches, and they paid the price.<br><br>Generation Z tried to protect their children from fighting like they did, but the Golden Generation looked up to their parents, saw them as heroes. Rather than living by their wishes, they wished to live in their footsteps, and died looking to be the heroes they saw them as. For every 10 that went, only 2 returned.<br><br>An old army vet stumbled towards the monument, names stretching on for kilometers in every direction. On his arm was a patch, given to him for fighting in the Pacific theatre of the 3rd World War. He never forgave himself for not fighting harder. Maybe if he had died winning the 3rd World War, the next generation would never had to fight in the 4th. He touched his hand to the name of his son, lost in the fighting of the 4th World War, and began to cry.<br><br>“It should have been me…” he cries. “It should have been me…”<br><br>"],
	cortez_jesusland:["","<h3>The Jesusland Colony (2121 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Elizabeth Alinor was one of a hundred or so colonists that arrived on Mars on the colony ship <em>the Manifest Destiny</em>. She came with her husband, Robert Alinor, and her 6 kids. She was not the first family to make this trip, nor would she be the last. She, like many Evangelical Christians at the time, were motivated by an ideological mission, to settle the stars and to keep the fire of Christianity burning.<br><br>America was too secular for them, see. Though America saluted the cross and pledged fealty to the Lord, that was not enough for them; America had clearly lost its way. They came to the American Jesusland colony with the vision of creating God’s country on Mars. Her trip had been funded by the US government, an effort to support American colonization of space, and was sponsored by the Evangelical Stellar Colonization Society. She was far from the first, and she knew she would be far from the last.<br><br>Her husband, Robert, did some math. He estimated the average birthrate of the people around him could not have been any lower than 4, and new arrivals consistently arrived from the United States, primarily Christians. He saw the open space around him and knew it would not be open for long. Still, a whole new world would be pretty empty for now, and it would be generations from now before they had colonized the entire thing. He reckoned it would not be long until America was joined by the rest of the great powers.<br><br>In particular, he knew of one colony ship consisting primarily of American Catholics, who would be landing in the nearby territory of Cortez. He recoiled in disgust, the thought of the new world of the Lord being tainted by filthy papists. The Brazilians would be sending their own colony ship as well, the day would come when Mars would be just as swarming with other cultures as Earth was.<br><br>On Earth, the world was dealing with the ramifications of overpopulation, the invention of anti-aging technology in the 2090’s led to a near doubling of the population by 2121. The young would never grow old, and the old would become young and fertile again. Yet when almost every country imposed on itself strict population control, America alone continued to grow, choosing to offset their excess populations into space.<br><br>They looked up at the Stars and Stripes, the flag for which they still had some fondness. They looked up at the many stars on its design, and imagined more and more being added, until the flag became a fractal, infinitely expanding outwards. He imagined every star as a real star, one that America would touch one day.<br><br>"],
	walker_victory:["","<h3>A Dream Vindicated (2044 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker stood triumphantly in front of a crowd of excited supporters. He saw their faces, white, black, brown, yellow, every kind of person from all walks of life. He still wasn’t sure how, but he had done it. He remembered staring down the map 8 months ago, when the map was a sea of red, and he stared down 400 electoral votes with only less than a hundred of his own. Yet here he was, months later, celebrating victory.<br><br>A coalition of the willing, rallied together against the agenda of Cortez, he cobbled together a new coalition, and brought the Democrats back from the brink of defeat. But seeing the dark path America was about to go down, did he ever really doubt himself? Yes. Yes he did. But now he was here, against the odds.<br><br>For the first time, his voice was not the measured, the controlled politician tone he usually carried himself with was no longer there. After 8 grueling months on the campaign trail, he just wanted to speak from the heart, and speak how he really felt.<br><br>“8 months ago, I began my campaign as the Democratic Candidate, fresh out of the primaries. I had barely been elected by the slimmest of margins, thrown out into the wild against the most formidable political opponent of our times,” he said. If nothing else, he had to respect Cortez as an opponent. Defeating her was not easy, beads of sweat still remained from the sweat and tears he went through.<br><br>“With a divided party, weak voter enthusiasm, and the creeping mold of Cortezian conservatism growing, day by day, I stared down the map I was facing. 400 electoral votes for Cortez, against my measly less than 100. This was less of an uphill battle, and more a vertical climb.” He continued.<br><br>“I had to cobble together new coalitions from nothing. Pull out every stop I could, and find new partners that could be brought together, a coalition of the willing against the insanity of Cortez,” he said. “But here I am.”<br><br>The crowd cheered his name, again and again. “After all the people I met, all the new wrangling I had to do. In the Senate and in the office and on the campaign trail, did I ever really doubt myself?” he asked, a kind of confident arrogance rising in his voice. The crowd cheered. “Yes, I did,” he said, his tone of voice changing abruptly. The crowd went quiet. “I really did. There was never a day that passed when I didn’t feel that I was fighting some kind of all-consuming vortex, that today was the day, the day when my poll numbers would plunge for the final time, and everything would be lost.”<br><br>“But that day never came. I made mistakes, and I plunged in the polls plenty of times,” Walker said. “But they were never enough to knock me out. I kept going forward, climbing step after step, closer to the summit. Whatever the world threw at me, whatever Cortez and her campaign team threw at me, I took them, and I fought back.”<br><br>“Even when I finally peaked ahead in the polls I still lived in fear,” Walker said. “That Cortez would defy the polls and pull ahead. That she would pull some kind of trump card at the 11th hour. But that event never came, and I realized that people you consider to be invincible turn out to be not so invincible after all, and maybe our problems aren’t so big when you put your mind to them.”<br><br>The crowd was silent. The lights beamed down on Walker’s face. He considered pulling out, pulling back, but he shook his head. He was going to say what was on his mind, regardless of what other people thought.<br><br>“What I want you to take away from this is this,” Walker said. “If you are struggling out there, against some kind of insurmountable problem. Take it on, one step at a time. Even if the problem seems supernatural, there is no power greater than the power of human resilience. And one day, through the darkness, we see the light-”<br><br>He began tearing up. He repeated himself. “Through the darkness, we see the light. You might lose this fight; you might lose the next 10. But one day, the night will end. And one day, the sun will shine on you once again.”<br><br>And the audience erupted.<br><br>"],
	marriage:["","<h3>De-Cortezification (2045 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>The next few years were far from easy, with a weak majority in Congress, and the Senate consistently against him, what Cortez put in place could not easily be scaled back. There were decades worth of damage done through Cortez’s supermajority. Her influence was in the school systems, the universities, the big tech companies, and the bureaucracy. States and institutions would fight you, and you realize it would be a long time before things could return to the way they could be.<br><br>But none of that mattered today. You managed to repeal one of the most important bills of all of the Cortez administration, and the fruits of your labor were clear in front of you. You were at a wedding, a favor, for two friends of yours. A local priest was asked to do the honors. He was a trusted friend; properly vetted and everything.<br><br>“Amy, do you take Rachel to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?” the priest asked.<br><br>“I do,” Amy said.<br><br>“Then I join you two together in holy matrimony, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” The priest said, and the two kissed.<br><br>Walker breathed a small breath of relief as it came, he reminded himself though his duties were grand and presidential, this is what he was really fighting for. The duties of a president weren’t found charted on a map, or in diplomatic meeting rooms, ones that will decide the fate of nations, or even as a stack of papers, which found themselves on his desk, waiting to be signed. No, they were to be found in people on the ground, in the trenches of everyday life. He did this for them, he did it for the American people.<br><br>“Let’s give special thanks to our friend Patrick Walker, who allowed this wedding to take place!” Rachel said.<br><br>“Don’t mention it,” Walker said, smiling, but still a bit tired. “Don’t mention it.”<br><br>“Guess they let you take a day off, eh?” Rachel asked. “How are you holding up?”<br><br>Walker looked up towards the ceiling. “God helps me get through it.”<br><br>“Don’t mention his name,” Amy hissed. “We still don’t know if he’s on our side.”<br><br>“I’d say he’s been on my side so far,” Walker laughed weakly.<br><br>“I’m just saying, the Awakening came from somewhere, and I’m not sure I can forgive him for that just yet,” Amy said, hurt.<br><br>“Amy,” Rachel replied. “Don’t say stuff like that, I’m Catholic, remember?”<br><br>This was… Contentiously disputed. The Progressive Catholics had only separated from the church in Rome months prior, over the same issue of same-sex marriage.<br><br> “I know, it’s just that, it still hurts,” Amy said.<br><br>“Hey,” Rachel said, putting her arms around Amy’s shoulders. “It’s alright, I love you, remember?”<br><br>Rachel wiped a tear away from Amy’s eyes, and they walked down the aisle together. Walker remained, staring into the light above.<br><br>“God,” he asked, in something barely more audible than a whisper. “Are you really on my side or am I on the wrong side of history?” he asked.<br><br>His mind was conflicted, all these months of stress had brought him closer to the aura of the divine. And in these moments, he really wondered if Cortez really had a divine mandate behind her, and whether her actions were sanctioned by the Almighty above.<br><br>Receiving no answers, he walked away, still contemplating the depth of the Almighty above.<br><br>"],
	havana_hellfire:["","<h3>Hellfire in Havana (2046 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker walked among the gears of the war machine he built. Pounding machinery, beating in a slow, rhythmic fashion. And as he looked around him, he saw the production lines roar to life. A hundred new fighter jets, 10 more aircraft carriers. He stared at the metal behemoth before him, knowing it was only one of the 31 aircraft carriers America would soon operate.<br><br>Elsewhere, the waiting in a situation room, as all engines were a-go, and the American war machine roared to life. With coordination with their Brazilian and the United States of North Mexico, they would be taking back America’s backyard. Explosions that would light up the soil, as steel shrapnel pelted the earth.<br><br>By day one, all of the initial targets in Cuba and Mexico had been sufficiently neutralized, the Cuban military was crippled, taking a few hundred losses to hundreds of thousands of the enemies. The fight was long from over, after this, the rest of the Havana Internationale would surely join in a brutal war. After Mexico and Cuba, was Venezuela, Central America, Bolivia, and Argentina behind them.<br><br>But nevertheless, it was a roaring success, one that proved to the world the eagle still had talons, and that the United States still could exert its military power far beyond its borders.<br><br>In the coming years, the United States would achieve a full liberation of Cuba, a great cross-border migration between the United States and Cuba and plans to set up a new civilian government there. Existing cultural connections with the Cuban-American population helped ease the transition, and brutal anti-communist suppression stamped out the vestiges of the old government.<br><br>The rest of the war looms on.<br><br>"],
	havana_quagmire:["","<h3>Quagmire in Havana (2054 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>An American soldier trudged through the heavy mud, he swatted at a mosquito, and tugged at the collar of his sweat-stained combat dress. He swore, as he looked back and forth, wondering if the trees concealed Cuban guerilla fighters. He wondered whose godforsaken idea it was to send soldiers unprepared into a damn jungle.<br><br>America had been here for 8 years, what was supposed to be a “quick” and “easy” operation turned into a quagmire, with no end in sight. After all this time, America had trouble just holding down Cuba and Mexico, much less the rest of the Havana Internationale. Brazil pulled out of the war years ago, North Mexico was now a battleground. Far-left militias had launched several attacks into the United States itself.<br><br>Walker’s lukewarm attitude towards the military quickly did a 180 as failures began to pile up. Neither the Democratic nor Republican administration that came after it could fix the problem. The war dragged on Walker’s popularity until he was dragged out of office, practically tarred and feathered by the American people. But not even the magic touch of Cortez’s second term could fix this mess. More and more money was funneled into it, but every bomb, every killing turned the civilian populations more and more hostile, as calls for peace piled up at home.<br><br>All the while, the war allowed Eurasia and China to expand their influence, while America was pre-occupied subduing Latin America. Finally, a following pacifist Democratic administration threw in the towel, retreating from the expedition as a humiliating defeat for America’s foreign policy.<br><br>"],
	handshake_deal:["","<h3>A Handshake Deal (2047 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Your plane lands in the Union of Germany, you’ve come to negotiate a meeting with the Eurasian Pact. The German government in exile back at home is crying bloody murder, but to hell with them. Amidst towering buildings and crumbling skyscrapers, you get your first look at the world behind the Eurasian Pact, you’ve come to begin a meeting that will change the trajectory of the world as we know it. You look into the eyes of the Germans you pass by. They are living lives considerably below the standard of living for America, yet in their eyes you notice a soul, a fire in their eyes. They see purpose, they see something they fight for, it’s the fire alight in their eyes.<br><br>You look around, is this really the superpower that brought America to its knees in the 3rd World War? Is that a testament to Eurasian strength, or American weakness? You journey across historical sites and ornate architecture, the Germans explain they have spent billions to reconnect with the beauty of their past, and billions in the pursuit of beauty.<br><br>In a conference room, you meet with the despot of the Eurasian Union, a frail, aging old man, Alexander Dugin. You walk up to him and shake his hand. He stares at you with an absent glare and nods his head slightly. The German ambassador serves as a mediator between you two. In the coming hours, directed and helped by your diplomatic team back home, you begin to hammer out the dawn of a new relationship. Trade, travel, a prisoner exchange, and most importantly, an implicit agreement to begin working together against China.<br><br>You shake hands, and the trajectory of the world would be forever changed.<br><br>"],
	two_party:["","<h3>The Two Party System (2048 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>The schism between the Democrats and the Progressives ended up to be short-lived, and reconciliation efforts under Walker, and later Democratic administrations would help mend the divide between the two parties. In the meantime, the Cortezian right solidified around a message of Christian nationalism, capitalism, and various concessions to the populist and militarist wings of the party.<br><br>The two parties would be locked in stalemate, neither side being able to break through to the other’s coalition, but it appears that once again, America has settled back into its normal status quo. The demographics of the left continue to erode, as more and more Hispanic refugees pour in from the southern border, and the followers of the Awakening continue to have more kids.<br><br>In the coming years, it looks like even this stalemate will erode.<br><br>"],
	three_party:["","<h3>The Tripartite Party System (2048 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker’s election did not signal the end of the ongoing political fights over America’s future. The struggle continued, the Republicans continuously stuck with the Cortezian coalition built up of Christian fanatics, and the powerful Awakening movement, the Democrats being a disparate coalition of militarists, populists, democrats, and moderates. And finally the Progressives being a party of urban coastal peoples and cosmopolitan cities, in a time when globalism and cosmopolitanism became increasingly rare.<br><br>Cortez herself would not go away so easily, she orchestrated a comeback in the 2048 primaries, and narrowly beat Walker in his second faceoff with the Mad Lady, though with a much-reduced majority in Congress, she would have a much-reduced leash on policy, something which she still learned to deal with.<br><br>Walker would once again win back the presidency in 2052 against Cortez’s vice president Tom Hayes, finishing a series of back and forth blows between the two bitter rivals. This stalemate of American politics would prevent very much from being done. The Democrats in the center, the Republicans on the right, and the Progressives somewhere on the sidelines.<br><br>"],
	end_of_time:["","<h3>Everything, Everywhere, at the End of Time (???? CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker didn’t know where he was, or when he was. After countless cycles, playing election after election against that damned Cortez. Win, lose, it didn’t matter. It would all restart, and he would have to relive the worst 8 months of his life, again, and again, and again. So he cheated, and he broke the story. Now he floated, somewhere, and he felt, somewhen, outside of time.<br><br>“Damn it,” Walker said, drifting in and out of a blank, white void. “What’s happening? What…”<br><br>He sat next to a bearded man with antlers, obscured by the darkness, yet his heart glowed a radiant white. His skin was the color of burnished bronze, and his hands and side were pierced for our inequities. Upon his head was a crown of thorns.<br><br>“You brought yourself back here,” the Thornking said. His voice echoed in a thousand different languages, and a thousand different voices. “Because you blame yourself for what happened, you relive these moments, hoping you can get a second chance. But there are no second chances. In the end, we only live in one world, and one reality. You imagine a world that could have been, but never was.”<br><br>“Wait, so all of that was just an illusion?” Walker panicked. “Nothing I did was real? What year is it? What-”<br><br>“We are in a place without years, a place without time,” the Thornking responded.<br><br>Walker thought back, he had thought the past months hadn’t felt right. And he remembered what he was doing before he began the campaign. Somewhere, in the back of his head, buried in the recesses of his memory, he saw it, what he was running away from. “It was all my fault, if that damned Cortez wasn’t elected, and that idiot Winston elected after her, then-”<br><br>“There is no point beating yourself up over the actions of the past,” the Thornking said. “The story has not ended yet, my son.”<br><br>“How does it end then?” Walker asked.<br><br>The Thornking touched his fingers to Walker’s forehead, “It is time for you to return. You have spent the last few months living in an alternate timeline. You must not run from your reality, but confront it. The past is the past, and has been for a while now. Let go, the future still waits for you.”<br><br>A pause. “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. If anyone is in me, he is a new creation.”<br><br>"],
	awakening:["","<h3>Awakening (2054 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>Walker woke up, passed out on the couch. The past few weeks were a dizzying haze of half-remembered dreams and visions. He was in his underwear, a greasy, half-finished tray of takeout laid next to him. And suddenly, it all came back to him.<br><br>He never won the Democratic primaries, he had come in second place. He had lost to a jackass named Landon Madoff. A smug, arrogant asshole who used his charisma to ride his way to victory, carried there by his legions of adoring progressive fans. Walker came in second place, cobbling together a coalition of moderates and liberals.<br><br>And from there, he was forced to watch from the sidelines as Madoff threw the election, harder than anyone he had ever seen before. He reflected the worst of the Cortezian excesses off of him, descending the country into chaos, guided by his own self-righteous violence.<br><br>He would always fight fire with fire, going to extremes not even Cortez had imagined. After Cortez had passed that godforsaken “Defense of Traditional Marriage” act, Madoff poured even more gas on the fire. He called on his supporters to “let the conservatives know just how afraid the LGBT community has been, all these years”. An antifascist mob, returning violence with violence on the streets of Times Square.<br><br>But that was just one part of it. Walker picked up a framed photo, a picture of himself, and his son Danny. He first lost his son to the Awakening, being swept up in the waves of religious fanaticism gripping the nation. They had a fight, and they broke off. He picked up the red hat, donned the rifle, and he stood up for what he thought was right. And now he lay dead in Times Square.<br><br>He blamed Cortez, for losing him the first time, he blamed Madoff, for losing him the second time. And he blamed himself, for losing him at all. And since then, he’s been lost here, struggling to let go.<br><br>He remembered all the cycles; he remembered all the dreams. They all ended by the 2060’s. His brain could no longer forecast what laid beyond that hazy barrier. He recalled the events of the past few years. Cortez won, then Winston, and now, America looked to be on the brink of another world war.<br><br>He had spent the last few months living in the past, so he could never look into the future. That’s why the dreams always fizzled out around the 2060’s.  He shook his head and got ready for the day. He had lived in the past far too long.<br><br>He would not be whole, he would probably never be whole, but the only way through was to keep. Moving. Forward. Looking at America, Eurasia, and the world around him. It had been trapped in the limbo of his mind.<br><br>It was finally time to know how the story truly ended.<br><br>"],
	walker_gets_cucked:["","<h3>Walker warns Eurasia, China, of consequences of crossing 3rd “Red Line”. (2047 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>AP News, June 17th, 2047.<br><br>1 year after the signing of the Berlin Agreement, China has once again been caught conducting military drills in Japanese waters, in a blatant violation of the agreed upon neutrality of the Japanese Republic. This comes as a further escalation as China also continues to harass American shipping vessels and continues to do training drills on model cities resembling the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco.<br><br>Meanwhile, the Eurasian Union has continued to fly air sorties over the nation of Britain, once again violating the Berlin Agreement. A large build up of military forces has been spotted gathering in French Calais, in what observers have called “a build up for an invasion”.<br><br>President Walker has stated that he is “disappointed” by the recent development and urges both Eurasia and China to abide by the terms of the Berlin Agreement. He will be writing the 4th strongly worded letter this week, and appeal to their moral conscience to back down for the good of humanity.<br><br>Representatives from both the Eurasian and Chinese governments have responded to these words, saying that “America does not have the right to interfere with our internal matters, and call for the Americans to cease meddling with said internal affairs.”<br><br>In other news, in an interview yesterday, Eurasian Vozhd Alexander Dugin made an off-hand remark that the Eurasian Union has a historical right to Alaska.<br><br>"],
	peace_through_strength:["","<h3>Peace Through Strength (2047 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>“Sit down,” Walker said firmly, greeting his Eurasian and Chinese counterparts. There was no smile on his face, instead a look of grim determination.<br><br>“We all know why we are here, yes?” Walker asked.<br><br>The Eurasian and Chinese leaders looked at each other, nervous. This was on the tail end of America’s campaign against the Havana Internationale, which had succeeded with flying colors. The eagle was far stronger than they thought. The socialist regimes were toppled one by one, some by the US military, others by their own people. As they speak, new regimes were being set up in the burning remains of the continent.<br><br>“It is time to set up the balance of power. You agree to stay in your sphere of influence, I’ll agree to stay in mine, got it?” Walker asked.<br><br>And they began the negotiations. They haggled and they bartered, as the rise of a new world order began to take shape. One held in place by the great powers, a forced global order which the rest of the world would be forced to play along.<br><br>To China: Dominion over East Asia, free reign over southeast Asia, the existing oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and a promise of neutrality should China invade Singapore, to secure their trade through the Straits of Malacca. And a recognition of their East African colonies in Ethiopia, and the East African Federation.<br><br>To Eurasia: Dominion over Europe. A promise of neutrality, should they reassert control over Greater France, a recognition of the Union of Germany, an AfD-based allied regime. Influence over the Middle East, Iran, and to sweeten the deal, free reign over their dealing with Turkey, to at last secure the Straits of Bosphorus, and to secure for themselves a warm water port.<br><br>To America: Dominion over the Americas. Free reign over the existing members of the League of Free Nations. And neither the Eurasians or Chinese would threaten their hegemony over their new influence in South America, nor trespass on the interests of the new American ally of Brazil.<br><br>As well, America agreed to share technology relating to TRINITY, America’s anti-nuclear missile defense system, in exchange for Eurasia doing the same for POLARIS, and China with BEIDOU. A sharing of anti-nuclear technology, to ensure the nightmare of nuclear war would never come to haunt them.<br><br>They shook hands, and the balance of power was set in place. The world became frozen in time, and the powers that be forced the world to stay still. A treaty was signed, and this policy would continue on in subsequent administrations.<br><br>Though the rest of the world chaffed and struggled under the thumb of the three powers, it would be peace. For now.<br><br>"],
	american_wrath:["","<h3>Total Annihilation (2057 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>(If you are reading this, you have obtained a militarism score of 5, the highest physically possible.)<br><br>American drones stalked the night; its hordes of mechanical monstrosities terrorized the soldiers of the other side. American soldiers prowled in suits of power armor, enhanced by augmented reality capabilities. The American war machine was omnipresent, already their fighters swarmed the skies. And after 20 years of humiliation, it was time for the eagle to strike back.<br><br>War had barely been declared for 24 hours, and Operation Polar Storm had already landed thousands of strikes. Crippling militaries bases, air strips, and nuclear installations across both Eurasia and China. The Eurasian and Chinese airforce lay ruined, its armies on the retreat, they had fought against the true might of the American military, and their planes lay battered on the strips of ruined asphalt they once lay.<br><br>Even with their military in ruins, the nations of Eurasia and China refused to surrender, making America do one last show of force to force a final surrender. They could bombard them with nuclear fire, now that all of their anti-nuclear installations had been taken out, but Walker had different ideas in mind. High above from here, was the orbital laser THEON. Sitting silently up until now, hopefully, it would only have to be used once, to ensure eternal peace.<br><br>The priest onboard consecrated the holy beam, to smite the enemies below. Then blessing it with the holy waters, praying to Dick Cheney who art in heaven, hallowed be his name, and fired. The station sat above the Siberian wastelands. In a sparsely populated area, so not enough to hurt anyone, but strong enough to send a message. Harnessing the unrivalled power of the sun, a light appeared above the ground, and the sky was split in two.<br><br>Below the beam of light, the ground ruptured, the earth beneath it shattered, and the crust beneath it began to crack. Forests in a hundred-kilometer-wide radius began to burn, and its blinding light shone for a thousand miles. The bedrock beneath splintered and evaporated, burning into ethereal plasma.<br><br>Then the beam stopped, and a great crater was left in its wake. This was stronger than any nuclear weapon, stronger than Tsar Bomba several times over. The message was clear, and the 2nd Continental Coalition surrendered.<br><br>God bless America.<br><br>"],
	american_steel:["","<h3>American Steel (2061 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>World War 4 would come with little fanfare. A 3-way war between the Eurasians, Chinese, and Americans, along with their respective alliances. America dug in and prepared to weather the storms. Despite heavy and sporadic attacks across its East and West coasts by the combined forces of Eurasian, French, and Chinese seapower, America’s geographic position meant it was in the best position long term, as the main battle took place among the Siberian tundra. Horror stories would begin to unfurl on the Eurasian-Chinese border.<br><br>America’s military remained strong and robust, buoyed by popular support at home, and years of investment made beforehand. Then, missile trails in the sky, and the Day of Nuclear Hail would begin. TRINITY stopped most of them, but black smoke arose from the ruined continent of Eurasia. Out of the three, America alone had survived the ordeal.<br><br>The sky was pitch black, then the clouds began to dribble, then the snow came down in sheets. Nuclear winter, no more, no less brutal than anyone expected. The world lived in bunkers, but the fires of war continued. Not even nuclear winter could cool down the burning hatred of war. The Eurasian continent smouldered, and then fell silent.<br><br>American humanitarian relief workers would scavenge and salvage what was left of the Old Continent. Europe, Russia, China, India… All caught in the crossfire.<br><br>By the end of the conflict, billions were dead, across Europe, China, India, and Eurasia. America once again escaped relatively unscathed, and marched in to pick up and rebuild a shattered world.<br><br>"],
	american_resistence:["","<h3>American Resistance (2061 CE)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>America was not ready when the 4th World War broke out. A surprise invasion on both coasts, and a chronically underfunded military, followed by a 3rd invasion from the Havana Internationale… The 4th World War had begun, and it would be fought on the American homeland.<br><br>Eurasian and Chinese soldiers slammed into the West Coast, French and Eurasian soldiers slammed into the East. Overnight, people went from citizens to refugees, fleeing from the chaos of a world gone crazy. Even without a strong military, citizen militia groups formed almost just as quickly, gathering up arms and waging a fierce resistance.<br><br>An army of 100 million had been amassed. Americans were not a people to take oppression lying down, and the invading forces were about to see why America could never be ruled by anyone but Americans. Guerilla warfare, extreme resistance, mass reprisals being carried out on American cities. The Massacre of New York and Los Angeles, stories that should never happen, but did regardless.<br><br>That was not the final straw, that would have to be the camps. One tragic winter morning, a soldier would come across extermination camps strewn across the occupied wilderness, smoke piling up to the sky, and the smell of burning bodies.<br><br>One day later, the Day of Nuclear Hail would begin. America’s nuclear defense network, TRINITY would do its best, but now substantially damaged, it was unable to hold them back.<br><br>The cities of the world went dark, one by one.<br><br>"],
	bernie:["","<h3>Bernie Sanders's SUPREME Victory (2092 AD)</h3><div style='overflow-y:scroll;height:235px;'><p>THE COMEBACK OF THE CENTURY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. BERNIE SANDERS CAN STILL WIN.<br><br>Through means honestly beyond the comprehension of any sane person, Bernie Sanders had somehow won the 2092 election, at the ripe old age of 152. And no, he wasn’t taking anti-aging pills, this was all natural powered by nothing but spite. He dragged himself to the Resolute desk, face full of wrinkles, and his shaking hands steadying himself with a trusty cane.<br><br>“Un… acceptable…” Bernie Sanders moaned. “America… Still… Doesn’t… Have… Free…” he said, gasping for air repeatedly. “Healthcare!”<br><br>Bernie Sanders had finally won the 2092 elections. But he had been running in every single election for 76 years straight. He had been running in every single election since 2016. He was always there, through Trump, through Biden, through DeSantis, Buchanan, Cortez, Winston, Jackson, and so on. He was always there, demanding that America enact free healthcare. He had been fighting this for over a hundred years, and he could easily go for a hundred more.<br><br>He pulled out an old stack of papers, a free healthcare bill he had personally typed out. He sent it down to Congress, and threatened to haunt them for another thousand years if they didn’t pass it like he wanted to. At this point, this was a very credible threat, all of the senators had grandparents younger than Bernie was, and at this point they were just scared of him.<br><br>The free healthcare bill passed through both houses, literally no one wanted to oppose him. And finally, the stack of papers arrived back at the Resolute Desk.<br><br>“Finally,” Bernie Sanders said, his hands shaking. He grabbed a pen, quickly scribbled his signature on it, then immediately had a stroke, hit his head on the Resolute Desk, and died, his life mission finally complete.<br><br>After his death no one dared trying to repeal free healthcare, in fear that repealing the bill would bring Bernie Sanders back from the f---ing dead.<br><br>"],

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