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Curse of Exhibition

“Guys you aren’t listening!” The essentially nude woman said to a group of laughing men as she fruitlessly tried to cover herself. You see, she wasn’t always a woman and she hadn’t always walked around in the nude.In fact she used to be a guy named Mac who was living the college dream. He was still young, was top of his classes, was surrounded by friends, and had a girlfriend. He ended up getting drunk one night at a party and cheated on his girlfriend with another woman which she didn’t take well. They had gotten into a fight which ended up with her shouting at him that he’d regret his choices, drunk or not. When he woke up the following day he quickly realized that he had been turned into a rather busty woman but the strange thing was that his pajama shirt was closer to a drop shoulder crop top while his pajama pants were now a pair of skimpy leggings.

Mac quickly realized that any clothes he put on would rapidly change until everything below his shoulders and everything above his thighs was exposed. This also included any underwear or any of his ex’s bras he tried on as they would simply vanish, leaving him completely exposed. Another part of his curse somehow bent reality around him as though people would recognize that he was exposing himself they would somehow know he can’t do anything about it. So professors or strangers would comment on his presentation, which led to unsolicited comments and groping, but they’d still let him into class or out and about in public.

It’s now been months since he’d been cursed and had swapped his name over to Mackenzie and he finally felt comfortable enough to go out to a party with his friends, well… as comfortable as he could get. The only problem was that his friends had too much to drink and were beginning to be sleazy towards Mackenzie and began teasing and mocking her for her predicament. “How was I supposed to know she was such a fucked up witch!?” She stomped her feet which caused her exposed and unsupported breasts to bounce.

“Come on ma- er… dudette, we can all see your hard nipples.” One of his friends reached out and tweaked his erect nipple. “You’re blushing because you like this.”

“I- I don’t…” Mackenzie blushed harder. She couldn’t deny that she was indeed feeling a bit aroused. She had been too scared to explore her new body so far and she had noticed how people looked at her exposed body. “It’s- it’s just cold in here…”

“Come on Mac… er Mackenzie.” Another of his friends chimed in. “You’re feeling it, we’re feeling it. Plus,” His friend reached out and groped her groin as he rubbed his index finger around her bushy labia, “you gotta admit you’re pretty hot!”

Mackenzie swallowed hard as her arousal grew from being groped in front of her friend group. Shew could see the drunken lust growing in their eyes as they leered at her body, committing her aroused body to their minds. “I- I- I mean… I-” She had a fun night with her friends who were surprisingly supportive of the changes she had been struggling for months with.

Pasted: Jul 31, 2023, 5:41:31 am
Views: 14