get paid to paste

Rebecca Weber

1. Does your MHA have a social media presence?
Is it their real name, or their cape name, or do they have both?
What do they post? Who do they follow?
Have you been a good hero today?
Becky has a number of social media accounts, the vast majority of which she uses only to lurk. On these accounts, she does not track who she follows. She also has a moderately popular Instagram account that she occasionally updates with juicy gossip pertaining to particularly prominent citizens of Kyoto. In addition to this, she has a relatively quiet blog to which she uploads food reviews. She does not follow anyone on either of these accounts. She has not been a good hero today.

2. How do you feel about your quirk, fellow... uh... [name pending]?
Is this what elevates you above the rest of the bozos? Is it a curse you wish you never had? Is it just a tool you happen to own?
If you had the chance, would you trade your quirk in for another random one?
Becky's opinion on her quirk would be best summed up via the phrase "resigned acceptance". She vacillates between regarding it as a curse and treating it as a tool, but has drifted more in the latter direction as of late, since it's helped her to claw her way back to some semblance of solvency. However, if she had the chance to trade in her quirk, she'd do so in a heartbeat.

3. What deeds of 'heroism' have you done lately that you want Senpai to praise you for?
Who is your favorite Pro Hero?
Who do you think has the most potential, good or evil, among our up and comers?
What's your favorite snack?
Do you jaywalk?
Becky thinks that treating hero students is an exceedingly heroic endeavour but would not be particularly interested in being praised for it; she's just doing her job. Her favourite Pro Hero is Popsy, because whenever she checks in on her, she ends up feeling much better about herself afterwards. Potential-wise, she thinks Chris has the greatest potential for good because of his powerful quirk. She thinks the clique has the greatest potential for evil because she hates bullies. Her favourite snack is chocolate bonbons. She does not jaywalk, primarily because she does not think she'd be able to make it across the street in time.

4. Have you done anything to help others today?
What's your ultimate move called, what's it do? Have you used it before? Did it work or fail spectacularly?
Do you plan to commission any tools or gadgets when you get the funds? If so who from?
Do you have exceptional Willpower?
What are your thoughts on the Night Parade?
Regarding helping others, Becky thinks her job as a nurse is more than sufficient. She does not have a name for her ultimate move, but it essentially consists of calling forth all of her minions and using them to swarm her targets. She has used it before, and was able to create enough of a ruckus to get away scot-free. She does not plan to commission any tools or gadgets since she doesn't have any ideas for them, but she would like a faster laptop. She does not have exceptional willpower. She thinks the Night Parade pays well but that they have been awfully quiet lately.

5. Who would your character want to hang out with if you weren't at risk of getting arrested (like if you were suddenly pardoned of all of your crimes)?
There is no one whom Becky would particularly like to hang out with, but if pressed to give at least one answer, she'd say Christopher. She hangs out with him at least once a week, after all.

6. You got got, and you’re in jail now. Luckily, they’ve got you stuck in a normal holding cell for now, no considerations for your quirk, the idiots (if you’re an S-rank threat they’re prepping you for transfer to Tartarus). Still, there’s guards and bars. It might not be looking good… but no great villain is without at least a dozen escape plans. How are you getting out? Outside help, or just yourself?
Becky would probably try to use her minions to spy on the security and devise a way to get her cell unlocked, most likely by lifting the keys to her cell off of a guard. However, she'd probably give up if her first few plans fell through.

7. Let's talk residencies and bases of operation. What does yours look like? How is it decorated? For most folk this could be their actual house or apartment, but for the heroes who run their own agencies it could be their office building, or a villain's secret hideout, a supporter's workshop, etc. What's yours like right now?
What would you want it to be like?
Becky lives in a dilapidated apartment in a decaying building sited in a neglected ward of Kyoto. It is not decorated. Her minions cover every available surface but are motionless unless she orders them to do something. It is a one-room flat with no kitchen and no bedroom, which means that she sleeps on her loveseat by the window and orders in everyday. It does, however, have a bathroom, which Becky keeps in pristine condition... if you ignore the chittering insectoids, of course. As for how she'd want her residence to be like, she doesn't ask for much; a larger apartment with more modern furnishings and appliances would be enough for her.

8. You got hobbies outside of doing school/heroics/villainy/whatever? We can't be all business, all the time, right? What do you do for fun?
Becky likes to go on walks around Kyoto to seek out underrated dining spots.

9. What do you think your biggest flaw is?
Not in terms of strength, but in personality.
Where do you fall short as a person?
Becky thinks that her greatest flaw is that she tends to be very agreeable. She's rarely able to assert herself in person and takes a long time to process things, especially if it's a stressful situation. She tends to act on instinct in such situations and usually only manages to grasp the ramifications of her response after the fact.

10. We've learned your flaws and your fears. Now I wanna see some big egos. What's your greatest strength?
Personality-wise, that is.
Becky thinks her greatest strength is her patience. She can put up with a lot to get what she wants.

11. What are your hidden talents? Things that people wouldn't expect you to be talented at, but you are. Maybe you're secretly a good singer, or a great chef? Could be anything.
Becky is a great actress. No one at Shiketsu has so much as smelled a rat as of yet.

12. What are you going to be up to during the Shiketsu sports festival? Will you be attending, and if so, for what reason? Are you going to show up to probe for the Next Generation's weaknesses, or are you going to be taking the opportunity to do a little tomfoolery while the heroes aren't as alert? Or maybe you just like watching the festival. I don't judge.
Becky will be at the sports festival as an assistant to the Doctor. That's her job. She'll watch and cheer for all of the students impartially, but won't pay any particular attention to their weaknesses, as she doesn't expect to have to face them in battle. She's not the type to battle others.

13. Aside from family or friends, what person would you say has positively impacted your life the most? It could be your idol who you strive to follow, or it might be some random guy you never got the name of who gave you some sagely advice. Could be anything, really.
The closest thing to a family member or a friend whom Becky had was the matron of the orphanage that she grew up in. She died shortly before Becky left the orphanage, but she taught Becky the importance of observing everything around her as well as the importance of patiently and methodically cataloguing her enemies' weaknesses before making a move.

14. What would you say is your most prized possession? Is it a keepsake from your family? A gift from a first friend? A weapon that's carried you through all your dangerous situations?
Her most prized possession is an ancient record-player gifted to her by the aforesaid matron, which comes with a vinyl record of Frank Sinatra's "I've Got You Under My Skin". It only occasionally works.

15. It's natural to regret things in your life. Whether it's something big like never being able to make amends with a family member, or something tiny like selling a collector's item right before it skyrocketed in value, we've all got things we wish we could do better.
So a 2-for-1 today, friends. What is your biggest regret, and what's a really trivial one you still think about?
Becky's biggest regret is not killing more of her tormentors. A trivial regret that she sometimes thinks about is that she ought to have settled in Tokyo instead of Kyoto. On the one hand, it would have landed her even deeper in debt; on the other hand, she might have been able to make more money there.

16. Something's got you mad. Maybe it was a lot of little things building up throughout the day or it's something you brought on yourself, but the important thing is that this isn't something physical you can punch in the face to make go away.
So how do you blow off steam? Do you break things? Channel your seethe into something productive? Relax with a game?
If she's smaller, Becky goes out and picks up guys. She also keeps tabs on homeless people in her neighbourhood for if she's too big. In such an eventuality, she sends out her minions to eat them while they sleep.

17. What is your happiest memory? A single moment you remember to this day, that reminds you of good times (whether that makes you feel better or worse about where you're at now).
Maybe it's a crowning accomplishment, or maybe it was just hanging out with some friends you don't keep up with anymore, or getting to meet your idol.
Becky's happiest memory is escaping the heroes who'd arrived to take her into custody. The feeling of sheer relief that suffused her body at the sight of them disappearing beneath thousands of biting, chewing insectoids is one that she revisits on occasion whenever she needs a pick-me-up.

18. How did you come up with your hero name? Is it something that is deeply personal to you or is it something that you could care less about. Would you ever want to change it if you had the opportunity?
Becky doesn't have a hero name, but uses a variety of insect-themed aliases to sell information to third parties. They're not personal to her, and she's considering switching to a more generic set of aliases so as to avoid tipping people off to her quirk.

19. We all have guilty pleasures that we indulge in from time to time, whether it be food, activities, or something else. What's yours? Maybe you like to sneak out to concerts for some embarrassing band, or you like trashy romance novels, or you eat ice cream right out of the carton.
Becky's guilty pleasure is watching reruns of old soap operas on her ancient TV set.

20. Does your character play /tg/? It can be a trpg, a tcg, or even a board game. What's your character's poison if any?
Becky enjoys single-player card games.

21. Do you participate in any clubs, and if so, how do you feel about how they are run?
Graduates in the extended cast, (are there any?) feel free to answer if you feel you made history or reputation that might have lingered.
Becky occasionally patronizes the First Aid club with the Doctor. She doesn't really care about how it's run, but she has a soft spot for those members who sometimes volunteer to help out.

22. Aside from the obvious answer of "your home," what's your favorite place to go? Whether to calm yourself down or cheer yourself up, what's a place you find yourself returning to often to feel better?
It could be a cliff with a nice view, an arcade where you hold the high score on the dance game, or that restaurant with great sushi.
Becky's favourite place to go is Thanks a Latte. The food is affordable, and Helene makes a killer hot chocolate. When she's starving, she drops by her neighbourhood McDonald's.

23. You've won the lottery! Whether you bought a ticket on the whim, found it on the ground, or just have a crippling addiction to scratch cards, you've found yourself in possession of a large (yet finite) sum of money.
What are you doin' with it?
Becky's priorities would be as follows: (1) A new apartment. She'd splurge on stuff like a massive TV set, a highly sophisticated desktop, and several Roombas. (2) A car as well as driving lessons. (3) Some new clothes. 

88512445: Does your mha character pass the shopping cart litmus test?
Becky passes, but sometimes likes to guilt other people into returning her shopping cart for her.

24. How's your relationship with your parents, both right now and when you were younger? How did they raise you?
If they're dead, do you have any unresolved regrets involving them? An argument that never got cleared up, some decision of yours they never approved of, stuff like that.
Becky never knew her parents. She was raised in an orphanage.

25. What were your parents' quirks? It's always interesting to me to see how quirks would combine.
And since that isn't really enough for a prompt on it's own, another question.
How and when did your quirk first come in? What did you (and your family/friends) think of it at the time? Is that different from how you feel now?
Becky never knew her parents, but hypothesizes that one of them had a quirk which allowed them to generate some sort of material, and the other had a quirk which allowed them to produce minions from their own tissues. As for how and when her quirk first came in, she was a late bloomer, so she thought she was quirkless initially, and was bullied for it. When her stomach began to swell, the matron's successor thought she was a slut and shamed her at every possible opportunity. It wasn't until the infestation was in its terminal stages that the entire orphanage realized what Becky could do. To cut a long story short, Becky killed most of them and fled. She cycled through a number of aliases before settling on her current moniker.

26. What is something you're especially afraid of? Is it an irrationally fear of bugs? Is it a hero or villain that you're terrified of? It might be something that you're scared of losing. Something in your past resurfacing to shatter your life.
How would you react if you came face-to-face with that fear right now? Do you cower and lose yourself in despair, flee from the problem, or rise above it and come out better?
Becky used to have an irrational fear of bugs, but that's mostly faded away due to the nature of her quirk. What she's truly terrified of is her past coming back to haunt her. If she were to be confronted with this fear, she'd probably drop everything and call in every favour she has to get the hell out of Japan immediately, accompanied by every last one of her minions.

27. To all students, heroes and villains, if you could change one thing about your quirk what would it be?
If you could choose the quirk of another character over your own, who's quirk would you take? Provided you know everything about their quirk. After a 30-day trial, would you want to switch back or keep the new quirk?
If Becky could change one thing about her quirk, she'd adjust her Projection quirk to something more external and less consumption-focused. Materializing the material and forming her minions from there instead of... what she currently does. If she could choose the quirk of another build over her own, she'd take Drone's in a heartbeat. It's something that she's familiar with, and the minions her quirk produces are much more resilient. And she'd choose to keep it, too.

28. What's the fastest way for someone to get on your bad side with minimal effort? Do you really hate people who move your stuff without telling you, hate having your parents insulted, something else?
How do you deal with people who do those things?
How much would someone have to do for you to actually see them as an enemy, rather than just "someone you don't like"? Short of straight up doing criminal acts to you, that is.
Becky doesn't like people who're too friendly. She likes to keep things collegial. She tends to dislike people who are too intense. When this happens, she usually ignores them or treats them with a certain chilly politeness. For her to see you as an enemy, you'd have to lure her into divulging something about her past, her villainous activities or her quirk - and then betray her trust. Alternatively, you could also figure out either of those things on your own and reveal it to the world.

29. What's your motivation to do what you do? Why do you want whatever your goal is? (For example if you wanted to become the Number 1 hero, why? Would being Number 1 let you do something that you couldn't otherwise, or is it just a simple drive to be the best)
When your back's up against the wall, what do you think of to drive yourself forward? 
Becky's motivation is survival and a comfortable life for herself. She's a very simple girl who is motivated almost entirely by self-interest. When her back's against the wall, she likes to recall the sensation of flight from the perspective of one of her flight-capable minions.

30. Opposite of the prompt from two threads back which is missing from this prompt comp, what small things do people do that make you think of them more favorably?
What would you say is the easiest way for someone to become your friend?
Becky tends to look more favourably on people who treat animals well, especially insects. The easiest way for someone to befriend her would be to figure out one of her secrets and then tell her about it while promising not to tell anyone else... and then continuing to keep her secret. After a few months of this, she'd probably consider that person an actual friend instead of a dangerously loose end.

31. What’s the absolute cruelest, most character-destroying thing someone could say to you? The kind of thing where, however you brush it off (because we wouldn’t be great heroes or villains if some words were all it took to take us down), it’ll stay in your mind for a long, long time afterwards. The words that draw on your deepest fears and insecurities and use them as fuel for a precise verbal annihilation.
"They'll find you."

88611973: Prompteru: What's your opinion on the Pro Hero System and the Safety Commission? Do you believe that going through them is the best way for heroes to help the world and use their quirk for good?
What's your opinion on vigilantes? Those who voluntarily carry out duties usually done by Pro Heroes without paying attention to the law. Do you agree that they're a danger to society?
Becky doesn't particularly care about the system, the commission, or morality in general, but she does recognize that it produces a certain vacuum that she can exploit. She doesn't think vigilantes are a danger to society, and only cares about whether they're a danger to her specifically.

88664443: Here's a question for MHAchads, which builds are currently living innawoods? I know Chihiro scavenges in the woods, and Sandatsu seems to be living there. I have an idea for a writefag "solving" the housing issues.
Becky does not live innawoods.

88674305: Expansion of prompt from last thread: what's your build's living conditions? Do you live with your parents, or do you have an apartment? Do you have roommates? Do you own or rent?
Extra question for students; since there aren't dorms yet, how do you get to school? Do you walk, cycle, take the train, or even use your quirk, legally or otherwise?
Becky lives alone in a shitty apartment that she rents. She takes public transport to Shiketsu.

32. MHA, what is your go-to strategy in battle? Against multiple foes? Against one big powerful enemy?
Switching it up, what is your go-to move when you want to befriend someone? Do you talk their ear off in class? Do you bring them gifts? Stalk them until they relent?
Becky's only real battle was at the orphanage, which was some years ago and involved her summoning all of her minions and throwing them en masse at the heroes who'd arrived to take her into custody. She's likely to follow the same strategy regardless of the number of foes involved. If she were to decide to befriend someone, she'd make a habit of thrusting food into their hands on occasion.

88704097: For MHA, do you have a tradition or ritual that you observe? Like washing your hands for 20 minutes after a fight. Or visiting your parents each month? Maybe you migrate south every winter (birds)?
Bonus question, what would you do if a Mormon-like missionary rang your doorbell?
Becky takes off her clothes and puts them back on when she returns to her apartment. Then, she smokes one cigarette and drinks an arbitrary amount of alcohol. To her, it's symbolic of shedding her public persona and returning to her "true nature". If a Mormon-like missionary were to ring her doorbell, she'd weave him a sob story about being a single parent and try to swindle him into giving her a little money to tide her over, since her living conditions are obviously so terrible. If it doesn't work, she'll slam the door in his face and ignore him.

88077809: MHAnons, whose your character’s favorite rapper?
Becky doesn't listen to rap music.

88729939: What manual skills and abilities would you like to to develop or improve?
Becky would like to figure out how to fix her treasured record player.

88732716: MHA: If your current career path doesn't work out, what other profession would you be interested in? Assuming you had the resources to pursue it. Do you fall back in with your family's business? Or would you rather be a hobo living under a bridge?
Name one or two things that motivates you daily. Perhaps it's your desire to leave crushing poverty? Do you have something to prove? Or is there someone special that keeps you going?
If Becky gets fired from her job at Shiketsu, she'd probably fall back on a barista role at Thanks a Latte. If that's gone, she'd likely hole up in her apartment and devote her time to information-gathering and other villainous-adjacent activities. She would rather not be a hobo living under a bridge, but if things were to come to that, she thinks she'd at least be better-equipped to chase off any vermin by dint of having her minions consume them. As for motivation, her immediate day-to-day goal is to pay off the debts that she incurred to cover her tracks and land her apartment.

Pasted: May 6, 2023, 2:48:44 pm
Views: 39