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We Need a Tax Code That Is Fair To All Americans!

[tpb]We Need A Tax Code That Makes Sense

Mitt Romney’s tax rate continues to be the topic of much LIBERAL debate over whether or not he paid his “fair share”, but the fact is that this debate is a Liberal fabrication with the intention of redefining the term "FAIRNESS". The debate should not be about if what someone is paying is fair, it should be about if the tax code itself is fair to the American citizens. To that end, the whole country should be in agreement that it is NOT fair.  TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION was the root cause for the American Revolution.

Romney pays 65%+ in Federal taxes including charitable contributions, EVERY YEAR.  Romney paid the highest rate, 35% on his original earnings, since then he has paid an additional 15% capital gains tax on the earnings from the same money, then he pay's 15%+ on the total amount for charitable contributions.  This is what he & his family pay each year for the past 40 years or so.  The unending debate on Romney's federal income tax is a diversion  orchestrated by the Obama administration with help from MSmedia & other Liberal cronies, to divert attention from actual crimes committed, and under federal investigation by Obama, his czars, his cabinet members, and various Obama appointees to various Federal agencies.  

In 1895 the Supreme Court of the United States declared the income tax unconstitutional. Since then, the Congress has overruled the court and consequently the tax code is currently 2,500 pages long; nearly 7 times the length of the bible. Not only is this insane, but it is truly criminally unfair!

The IRS is currently under INTENSE criminal investigation for working as a politicized agency as Obama's illegal "storm troopers" against Conservative groups, Christian groups, Conservative media pundits, & Conservative individuals. A "Flat Tax" does not solve any these problems, but a "Fair Tax" solves them all, including the illegal IRS.  CRITICAL DIFFERENCES  between FLAT TAX & the FAIR TAX. Don't believe Obama's lies, the IRS’s lies, & Lib LIES!

The tax code is full of holes, punishes success and even punishes inheritance after a family member’s death! It needs to go. The Contract From America seeks to change this. We want to enact real tax reform, and make the code flatter and fairer. Less people would point fingers about others’ tax rates if they fully understood the tax code and felt that everyone was treated fairly, something which currently can’t be said.[/tpb]

Pasted: Jun 4, 2013, 3:50:29 pm
Views: 6