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NFO Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers

                           ‏
                           ‏‏    °
                   ‏          ²
          ²           
²²     ²²          ²
     ²²°  ‏                      ‏²°
²²    ²²² ²                          °²
° ² ²²° ²                          
²   ²²°     ²                 
°²²  ²² ²²²²±±± °² ²    ²²     ²²
±²°  ° ²²²²±±°°°   ²°
² ²²²° ±²±±²±° ‏ °²²²²
  ²°   ±°°  ²
 ²²±  ²° °²²
±     ²°²±  °°   ²±
°  ±²²²²²²°²² °°  ±°°  °²
  °²   ² ° ²  ²²   ²²°°   
  ²°     °      ° ²°   ±°°  °
  ²²° ²                  ²²±°   
  ²°                 ²²° ²²±°    ²²
                     ° ²²±±°      ° 
   ²²°                     ²±±°°°   
   °²² °                   ±±°° ±±±°
   °°² ²                     ²±±² ²²
   °²  ±²°                  ±²°   ²   ° 
    ± ²²              ² ²°          °    ±°
 °²² ²²²       °                        ²   
 ²²°²²²±±± ²     °                    ±   
²°²° ²²²²±± °°  ²  ²                    °  
 ²²     ²±²²²±±°°°      ²°                  
        ° ²²²²²²²±±±    ²²              
 ²²  °° ²° ²° ±±      ²   
  ²± ²² ²±    ±
 °²²  ²²²²²²²²²°  °
 ²  °²²°² °²²²²²²±°
² °²  ²  ²²°±²²²²²²²²²²°°
   ²° ²±°          °²²² ²²²²²²²±±°
  ²²²                 ² ²±±²²²²²±±°°
² ²²  ² °                      ° ±±° °  ±±°°°
²±°  °   ‏ °   °                            ² 
±°  ‏  ²   ²             ²°    ²²    ²°  ²
°   ‏  ‏   °  ²°  ‏ ²‏   ‏‏   ° 
 ²° °° °°  °° °²°²  ² ²‏°° ±     °     ±°
 °  ²²‏±±  ±±         ±  °    °±     ²±
      ²² ²²      °    ²²      ±²     ²
    ‏   ²²² °     ±         ²²     
     ±±     °  ²  ²   ²   ±±     
    °°   ‏°±    ²±  ²²    ²  °°   ° 
 ²    ²  ²  ° ±²  ²  ²±°  ²  ²    ²²    ²  ² ± 
 ²²  ²      ±  ²²° ²²  ±°       ²‏±²      ²± ² 
 ±±  ±²‏°°  ²  ²  ²±  °   °°²  ²² °±  °°  ±°  ²
 °°  °± ±±    ±  ±°  ²  ±±  ±±   °²  ±±  °   ±
‏     °  ²²  ‏°  ° ²²°  ²²  °°     ²‏ °
 ²‏        ² °        ‏²²  ²  ²
 °  ‏‏      ‏‏                ²    ²      ²°
   ²°±                °²²   °² ²  ²²
 ²²²              °     ²
°²² ²  ²²      ²² ²    ±
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² °²²²²°    ² 
²±² ²²²²° ‏   ²²°
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° ²     ‏    ²²   ²²
²²²     ² ° ²          °            ²² ²²
°        ±                                        °    °
                    ²²                                               
                      °                                              
                                                                       ‏
                              S  K  I  D  R  O  W                     ‏   
°°°                           .the leading force.                        ²
±±±                                                                      
²²²                           proudly presents                         ‏²
‏            Magrunner: DarkPulse (c)  Focus Home Interactive          
                                                                        
                                                                        
    20-06-2013......Release Date <-> Protection.................Steam    ²
    Action/Adventure...Game Type <-> Disk(s)....................1 DVD    ±
                                                                         °
                                                                        ²
                                                                     ‏°
     RELEASE NOTES                                                      
                                                                        
                                                                         
 Ignite your spark with Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers!         
                                                                         
 With over 12 million fans, discover what makes Magic: The Gathering     
 the world's premier trading card game.                                  
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 Become a Planeswalker and travel the planes of existence unleashing a   
 torrent of spells and creatures to devastate your opponents. Prove      
 yourself in combat against Chandra Nalaar-a fiercely independent        
 Planeswalker with an affinity for fire and quick temper-then battle     
 your way through the planes to face the mysterious villain trying to    
 pull Chandra's strings.                                                 
                                                                         
 Explore the rich storyline of Magic 2014 and fire up your game:         
                                                                         
 - The best way to learn to play Magic: A detailed tutorial makes it     
 easy to get started.                                                    
 - Deck building: Open virtual booster packs of Magic cards to build     
 decks and battle in single-player and multiplayer modes.                
 - Hours of game play: Discover 10 new decks, each with many new cards     
 to unlock, plus campaigns to complete, encounters to overcome,          
 and challenges to decipher.                                             
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                                                                     
                                                            ²
  ‏                                                 
                                               ²²  ²
                                   ²² °    ²² °
     INSTALL NOTES      ²         °   ²       °     
                       ‏                     ²                   
                   ‏                                                 
                                                                         
 1. Unpack the release                                                   
 2. Mount or burn image                                                  
 3. Install                                                              
 4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder and into the main   
    install folder and overwrite                                         
 5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as      
    secure/trusted in your antivirus program                             
 6. Play the game                                                        
 7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!            
                                                                         
                                                                     
                                                            ²
  ‏                                                 
                                               ²²  ²
                                   ²² °    ²² °
     ADDITIONAL NOTES   ²         °   ²       °     
                       ‏                     ²                   
                   ‏                                                 
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                                                                     
                                                            ²
  ‏                                                 
                                               ²²  ²
                                   ²² °    ²² °
     GREETINGS          ²         °   ²       °     
                       ‏                     ²                   
                   ‏                                                 
                                                                         
 To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!                
                                                                         ²
                                                                         ±
                                                                     °
                                        ²°                           ²
                                    ²°                         ‏°
²²                                                  
²      ² ²²                          ‏      
²²²  °                                ²
   ascii art by the                  ±
²²   godlike & terrific duo  ²² ‏     °
  °        malodix + irokos     °²²‏
             ²²     titan artdivision    ²²
                        ²°                          
                      ²²                                      ²²
                                                                 ° 
                                                                      

Pasted: Jul 3, 2013, 8:16:12 am
Views: 4