get paid to paste

Playing around with the API, I found a way to store and retrieve information from using Linden Scripting Language (LSL) in Second Life(r)

[tpcode]// Title: TinyPaste API Calls via LSL
// Author: Lewis Moten (inSL: Dedric Mauriac)
// Blog:
// This script permits you to store and retrieve
// information from
// It will also give you a link to the information
// to view in your web browser
// API:
// Terms/Privacy:
// NOTE: LSL does not have methods for encoding/decoding HTML.
// While this script attempts to encode the most common symbols,
// appears to strip them out

key getPaste_RequestId;
key setPaste_RequestId;

getPaste_Begin(string id)
    getPaste_RequestId = executeMethod("getPaste", [id]);
setPaste_Begin(string text)
    setPaste_RequestId = executeMethod("setPaste", [text]);
string getPaste_End(string xml)
    return getFirstStringResponse(xml);
string setPaste_End(string xml)
    return getFirstStringResponse(xml);
string escapeHTML(string text)
    // escape ampersand
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["&"], []), "&");
    // escape less than
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["<"], []), "&lt;");
    // escape greater than
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, [">"], []), "&gt;");
    // escape double-quote
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["\""], []), "&quot;");
    return text;
string unescapeHTML(string text)
    // unescape double-quote
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["&quot;"], []), "\"");
    // unescape greater than
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["&gt;"], []), ">");
    // unescape less than
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["&lt;"], []), "<");
    // unescape ampersand
    text = llDumpList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(text, ["&amp;"], []), "&");

    return text;
key executeMethod(string methodName, list params)
    integer i;
    // count parameters
    integer count = llGetListLength(params);
    // define xml-rpc call
    string xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>tinypaste." + methodName + "</methodName><params>";
    // loop through each parameter
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
        // add parameter to xml-rpc call
        xml += "<param><value><string>" 
            + escapeHTML(llList2String(params, i))
            + "</string></value></param>";    
    // close xml-rpc call
    xml += "</params></methodCall>";
    // setup xml-rpc end-point
    string url = "";

    // execute the xml-rpc call
    return llHTTPRequest(url, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST"], xml);
string getFirstStringResponse(string xml)
    // find where text begins
    integer i = llSubStringIndex(xml, "<string>");
    if(i == -1) return "Error";
    // cut off xml before paste begins
    xml = llGetSubString(xml, i + 8, -1);
    // find where text ends
    i = llSubStringIndex(xml, "</string>");
    if(i == -1) return "Error";
    // cut off xml after paste ends
    xml = llGetSubString(xml, 0, --i);
    // decode HTML characters and return results
    return unescapeHTML(xml);
        // paste the text, "Hello World"
        setPaste_Begin("Hello World");
    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
        if(request_id == getPaste_RequestId)
            // parse and write the text received
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, getPaste_End(body));
        else if(request_id == setPaste_RequestId)
            // parse the id from the response
            string id = setPaste_End(body);
            // show link where text was pasted
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Your paste is located at" + id);
            // fetch the text

Pasted: Nov 15, 2009, 12:59:23 am
Views: 212