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Reddit API Tutorial Part 2: Getting all the submissions...

import json
import requests
from pprint import pprint as pp2
#import os
#print os.getcwd()
def login(username, password):
    """logs into reddit, saves cookie"""
    print 'begin log in'
    #username and password
    UP = {'user': username, 'passwd': password, 'api_type': 'json',}
    headers = {'user-agent': '/u/TankorSmash\'s API python bot', }
    #POST with user/pwd
    client = requests.session()
    r ='', data=UP)
    #print r.text
    #print r.cookies
    #gets and saves the modhash
    j = json.loads(r.text)
    client.modhash = j['json']['data']['modhash']
    print '{USER}\'s modhash is: {mh}'.format(USER=username, mh=client.modhash)
    client.user = username
    def name():
        return '{}\'s client'.format(username)
    return client
def subredditInfo(client, limit=25, sr='tankorsmash',
                  sorting='', return_json=False, **kwargs):
    """retrieves X (max 100) amount of stories in a subreddit\n
    'sorting' is whether or not the sorting of the reddit should be customized or not,
    if it is: Allowed passing params/queries such as t=hour, week, month, year or all"""
    #query to send
    parameters = {'limit': limit,}
    #parameters= defaults.copy()
    url = r'{sr}/{top}.json'.format(sr=sr, top=sorting)
    r = client.get(url,params=parameters)
    print 'sent URL is', r.url
    j = json.loads(r.text)
    #return raw json
    if return_json:
        return j
    #or list of stories
        stories = []
        for story in j['data']['children']:
            #print story['data']['title']
        return stories
client = login('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
j = subredditInfo(client, limit=1)

Pasted: Aug 28, 2012, 5:07:24 am
Views: 1,580