get paid to paste

Plurky Blogger Challenge #2

Hola challenge fiends!

Week 2 starts Monday, September 5th and runs through Sunday, September 11th.

The theme is "Gone, But Not Forgotten".

Your goal is here to post from designers/stores who have either closed or are on an undetermined hiatus.

I would say - to be fair and keep everyone on the same plane - that the definition of hiatus for this challenge would be a store that is still up and running but has not had a new release or any communication from group notices or SoMs in at least 6 months.

I'm pretty sure we all understand closed.  And this does not apply to those designers who have closed one brand and opened another.  Example: Jane Doe closes "Awesome Shop" and rebrands to "Okidokie Shop".

You can post as many times as you would like with as many outfits or creations as you would like. 

ALSO!!  Friday, September 10th is the first Bonus Color Day!  You have only Friday to post your challenge.  Remember that at least 80% of your creation must be the color noted.  And that color is.....RED!!

For my plurkers, please post your links on my plurk regarding it and I will update my blog as soon as I can.  

Non-plurkers, please feel free to add your link in comments under the blog post I will do on Monday.

Thank you again for participating and having fun!
-Alysha Rennahan

Pasted: Sep 5, 2010, 9:20:28 pm
Views: 140