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Unaware Mother

Damian was doing the laundry before his mother came home when, unbenknownst to him, a TF Storm materialized outside. Unfortunately for him he was one of the random, unlucky people to be effected and transformed into one of the clothes in the laundry pile.

Damian sat alone, in darkness, getting accustomed to the feel of his now cloth body. After what seemed like hours he suddenly heard the front door open as his mother began calling for him. As his mother was at work, she was unaware that a TF Storm had passed by and assumed that Damian was out with his friends. She entered the laundry room and sighed as she saw the pile of laundry on the floor. "Damn that boy. Couldn't even finish the laundry before heading out!" She huffed as she began to clean up the pile of laundry.

Damian felt the clothes around him begin to shift as he, in vain, shouted to his mother that he was here. Eventually Damian saw light as his mother worked through the laundry, before her hand reached towards him. "There's a clean bra!" She said as she lifted Damian's farbric form to her face, lifted her shirt up, and began fastening his straps around her chest.

Damian began freaking out as he felt his body being wrapped around his mother's generous chest before being let go and being forced to carry their weight. Damian pleaded for his mother to hear him but never got his wish as his mother never put together what happened.

Pasted: Jul 31, 2023, 6:06:40 am
Views: 54