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Python Redis [How to] : Cache Python MySQL...


# Author  : Fajri Abdillah a.k.a clasense4
# Twitter : @clasense4
# mail    : [email protected]

# import modules used here -- sys is a very standard one
import sys
import db_base_local # ==> Your MySQL Connection
import redis # ==> Make sure to install this library using pip install redis
from datetime import datetime
import time
import cPickle
import hashlib

startTime =

CURSOR = db_base_local.conn.cursor()

# Redis Object
R_SERVER = redis.Redis("localhost")

sql = "select * from news_crawler_rss" # Or Any SQL script

# Gather our code in a main() function
def cache_redis(sql, TTL = 36):
    # INPUT 1 : SQL query
    # INPUT 2 : Time To Life
    # OUTPUT  : Array of result

    # Create a hash key
    hash = hashlib.sha224(sql).hexdigest()
    key = "sql_cache:" + hash
    print "Created Key\t : %s" % key
    # Check if data is in cache.
    if (R_SERVER.get(key)):
        print "This was return from redis"     
        return cPickle.loads(R_SERVER.get(key))
        # Do MySQL query   
        data = CURSOR.fetchall()
        # Put data into cache for 1 hour
        R_SERVER.set(key, cPickle.dumps(data) )
        R_SERVER.expire(key, TTL);

        print "Set data redis and return the data"
        return cPickle.loads(R_SERVER.get(key))

# Standard boilerplate to call the main() function to begin
# the program.
if __name__ == '__main__':

Pasted: Jul 28, 2012, 5:14:31 pm
Views: 86