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The Ghost of Shiketsu (Kinji, Sunlight Man,...

The Ghost of Shiketsu (Kinji, Sunlight Man, Blackout)

Shiketsu High Class 1-D had to stay late for hero training that evening. It was pouring rain outside, thunder rumbled, and the sun had set early. Bobby, Ashleigh, and Genma were scheduled to stay after class for cleaning. Still wearing their hero gear, they watched through the windows of the classroom as their classmates left the school. 

Bobby swept the floor while Ashleigh cleaned the windows and Genma wiped down the board. Abruptly the power went out just as thunder rang outside.

Bobby activated his quirk and started to glow. "A powerline must've come down." 

Genma sighed, pulling out his lighter and flicking it on. "Just work faster, so we can get out of here."

Immediately they heard a strange noise coming from the halls outside, it was a mix of howling and low moaning with an alien quality.

"Did you guys hear that?" Ashleigh asked as she held out her phone as a flashlight and looked around nervously.

"Yeah, sounded like a ghost or somethin." Bobby chuckled as he moved forward and peeked into the dark hallway. 

Genma rolled his eyes as he wiped down the desks. "It's just the wind. Get back to work."

The three students went back to cleaning, but the howling noise grew louder and more persistent. A sense of dread hung heavy in the air.

"I heard from the seniors that there's a student who died here... she haunts the school grounds at night during the full moon," Ashleigh whispered, her cross-pupiled eyes going wide as she shivered.

Bobby puffed up his chest. "Don't worry, guys. I'll protect us." As he spoke, his body began to glow brighter thanks to his quirk.

Genma lit a cigarette and inhaled. "Why don't you go see what it is then, Starboy."

"It's Sunlight Man, and I will." Bobby marched out into the hallway.

"Put that away, we're gonna get in trouble." Ashleigh said with concern.

Genma puffed out a circle and leaned back against the wall. "The faculty and the other classes left early. We're the only ones in the building."

The howling continued.  

"Just us.. and the ghost.." She murmured nervously.

Suddenly a large looming shadow appeared by the door. It groaned.

They both jumped. Genma pulled out a chain from his quirk to use as a weapon and Ashleigh moved behind a desk.

Bobby: "It's just me ya'll." 

His chest lit up and he grinned. "Got ya, didn't I?" He pointed and laughed at Genma. 

Genma frowned.

"That's not funny." Ashleigh stammered. 

Bobby gave her an apologetic look and pointed at the ceiling. "I looked all over, I think it's coming from the third floor. We should find out what it is."

Genma put out his cigarrette on one of the desks. 

Genma: "Fine. Let's find this thing and shut it up."

Ashleigh: "That's a bad idea. We should just leave."

Bobby: "Come on, Ash. We're heroes in training. We can handle whatever it is. What if it's someone in danger?"

Genma: "You two better be behind me."

Ashleigh reluctantly agrees, and they make their way up the stairs, searching the halls and rooms for any signs of the ghost. Bobby was right, the howling was louder in the third floor.

Bobby: "It's not in the bathrooms."

Ashleigh: "The ghost isn't in the classrooms."

Genma: "There's no such thing as ghosts."

Ashleigh: "If quirks exist, something that we can't fully explain. Why can't ghosts be real?"

Genma: "Because ghosts are stupid. It's someone playing a prank on us."

Bobby: "Dunno know bout that dude. Back home, we had plenty of ghost stories. Ever hear of the Ghostrider? The dude kinda looks like you."

Genma's chain rattled. The howling got louder and louder. The trio bunched together. 

Suddenly a shadowy humanoid figure sprung out of the stairwell. It twisted and crawled forward in an inhuman way, like something that crawled out of a cosmic horror game. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed loudly outside, shaking the whole building.

Caught by the figure's sudden appearance, Ashleigh pushed her way in front of Genma to try and use her quirk. Genma swung his chain wildly. Bobby yelled out, growing bright and charging forward only to trip as a chain wrapped around his ankle.

The figure let off a shrill cry, turned around, then dashed off down the stairwell disappearing. 

The lights turned back on.

Genma: "What the hell was that."

Ashleigh: "I don't know, but I'm never staying late at school again."

Bobby: "I think I need to change my costume."

The trio untangled themselves and made their way back to the classroom. 

Genma: "It's gone. We must've given it a good scare."

Ashleigh: "I'm just glad it's over. That was traumatizing."

Bobby: "Yeah we got it! But I'll stick to fighting villains instead of ghosts."

They finish cleaning in silence and leave the school, the lone security guard at the gate wishing them good night. They made their way to their homes still shaken from their encounter with the ghost of Shiketsu.

Pasted: Apr 17, 2023, 11:12:34 am
Views: 67