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date..........: 02/23/2021
video.........: 1920x812 - 9382kb/s - crf 16.0
audio.........: English TrueHD 16-ch 3095kb/s

subtitles.....: English (PGS) - Spanish (PGS) - French (PGS) 
                Spanish (On-Screen Text) (PGS) - French (On-Screen Text) (PGS)

duration......: 01:35:16;00

source........: 31100kb/s
size..........: 8.39GB
packed........: 90x100MB

notes:     Proof is slightly illegible as the disc front has a frustrating 
        mirror finish.
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Pasted: Feb 23, 2021, 6:06:49 pm
Views: 57