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;;100% bugfix walljump, By GreenHammerBro
;;list of fixes:
;;-walljumping "away from the wall" (example: jump and presss right on the right side of
;;the wall at the same time) causes mario to jump away from the wall shorter than what he's
;;suppose to and in faster X speeds, it can "suck" mario into the wall and die. It uses
;;$7E:0093 to detect sides.
;;-check mario's "status" like in the water (best for level that can switch between water
;;and dry), carrying something, and being in the air (so you can't walljump on the ground
;;if placed on the ground).
;;-If mario's top half (his head) touches the side of the block, he cannot walljump
;;how set the left X speed distance to be the same speed as the right speed is to use this
;;formula: L=$100-R (so if left speed is #$60, then the R speed is #$A0 for example)
;;Note: mario can walljump on the same wall without alternating walls by steering back
;;into the wall, If you don't want that, use the patch version, one of them disables
;;the d-pad to prevent mario from veering back into the same wall until the frame "timer"
;;goes back to zero again. This is more suitable for puzzle hacks due to not allowing
;;mario to walljump when holding an item.

db $42
JMP return : JMP return : JMP MarioSide : JMP return : JMP return : JMP return : JMP return
JMP return : JMP return : JMP MarioSide

!left_jump	=	$D0	;Left Jump speed (from close to far: $FF -> $80)
!right_jump	=	$30	;right Jump speed (from close to far: $01 -> $7F)
!jump_height	=	$B0	;upwards speed for both (from short to tall $FF -> $80)
!sound_num	=	$02	;Sound effect. Default: 02: sound when spinjumping on spikey
!ram_sound_bank	=	$1DF9	;ram address to play a sound. Default: $1DF9

		LDA $73			;>must not duck (must be zero)
		ORA $75			;>must not be in water (must be zero), this is
					;useful for levels that can switch between water and dry.
		ORA $187A		;>must be off yoshi (must be zero)
		ORA $1470		;>must not be carrying something (must be zero)
		ORA $140D		;>must be normal jump (must be zero)
		BNE return		;>or be cement
		LDA $72			;\and must be in the air (not zero)
		BEQ return		;/

		LDA $16			;\if not pressing jump
		AND #$80		;|
		BEQ return		;/then return

		LDA $93			;\if mario is touching the left side..
		BEQ left_side		;/then use the left side code
;right side:
		LDA $15			;\if not pressing left
		AND #$02		;|
		BEQ return		;/then cement
		LDA #!right_jump	;\make mario jump right
		STA $7B			;/
		BRA skip_left		;>and don't run the left code.
		LDA $15			;\if not pressing right
		AND #$01		;|
		BEQ return		;/then cement
		LDA #!left_jump		;\make mario jump left
		STA $7B			;/
		LDA #!jump_height	;\make mario jump vertically
		STA $7D			;/
		LDA #!sound_num		;\effects and jump animation
		STA $1DF9		;|
		JSL $01AB99		;|
		LDA #$0B		;|
		STA $72			;/
		STZ $140D		;>don't jump off the wall spinning

print "A block that can be wall-jumped off."

Pasted: Jul 30, 2018, 11:34:18 am
Views: 17