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[Vivid] Uchouten Kazoku - 13 [AF281E39].mkv...

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Dialogue: 5,0:00:05.58,0:00:10.19,Default,,0,0,0,,Until recently, I had been held captive by the Friday Fellows.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:12.61,0:00:17.58,Default,,0,0,0,,It was due to the scheming of none other than Ebisugawa Soun, sitting right over there.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:17.58,0:00:20.75,Default,,0,0,0,,How could a tanuki plot to make one of its own kind into stew?
Dialogue: 5,0:00:20.75,0:00:26.88,Default,,0,0,0,,I am no tengu or human, \Nand I doubt there is any tanuki so cruel.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:28.32,0:00:30.17,Default,,0,0,0,,He is telling the truth.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:30.58,0:00:33.26,Default,,0,0,0,,He's a fellow member of the Shimogamo family!
Dialogue: 5,0:00:34.40,0:00:36.39,Default,,0,0,0,,Some people have entered the next room!
Dialogue: 5,0:00:39.21,0:00:43.14,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}It's been 1,200 years since Emperor Kammu settled on a location for his palace.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:43.95,0:00:47.64,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Humans live in the city, tanuki crawl the earth,
Dialogue: 5,0:00:47.64,0:00:49.88,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}and tengu fly the skies.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:50.32,0:00:52.42,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Since Kyoto's establishment,
Dialogue: 5,0:00:52.42,0:00:55.74,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}humans, tanuki, and tengu have maintained a delicate balance.
Dialogue: 5,0:00:55.74,0:00:59.56,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}That's what keeps the great wheel \Nof this city turning round and round.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:00.21,0:01:03.96,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}And watching that wheel spin \Nis more fun than anything else.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:05.52,0:01:07.46,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm what you'd call a tanuki
Dialogue: 5,0:01:08.27,0:01:11.73,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}but too proud to be a {\i0}mere{\i1} tanuki.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:11.73,0:01:16.21,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}I admire tengu from afar, \Nand I love imitating humans.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:16.95,0:01:21.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}That's why my daily life is busy enough to make your head spin.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.47,0:01:24.06,Suzuki,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\blur2\bord2\frx0\fry326\frz357.8\3c&H324D63&\c&H324D63&\t(3700,4320,1,\blur0.5)\fscx53\fscy94\pos(744,319)}Sensuiro
Dialogue: 1,0:01:17.47,0:01:24.06,Suzuki,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\blur2\bord0\frx0\fry326\frz357.8\c&H4A638C&\3c&H324D63&\t(3700,4320,1,\blur0.5)\fscx53\fscy94\pos(744,319)}Sensuiro
Dialogue: 5,0:01:21.00,0:01:23.40,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}In fact, there's no time to be bored at all.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.06,0:01:27.06,uchoutitle,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\fscx52\fscy52\pos(641,171)}Epi{\c&H8181CC&}sode {\c&H9BC33C&}Thir{\c&H0BAEEF&}teen
Dialogue: 0,0:01:24.06,0:01:27.06,uchoutitle,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\c&HD4A657&\fscx96\fscy96\pos(650,509)}The {\c&H827FD3&}Ecst{\c&H9FC638&}atic {\c&H08AEEC&}Fam{\c&HC18C96&}ily
Dialogue: 5,0:01:28.24,0:01:33.15,Default,,0,0,0,,It's a bit cramped compared to Chitose-ya. \NIs this really the biggest room you had for seven?
Dialogue: 5,0:01:33.67,0:01:35.11,Default,,0,0,0,,I am terribly sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:35.51,0:01:37.81,Default,,0,0,0,,Can't we use the next room?
Dialogue: 5,0:01:37.81,0:01:40.07,Default,,0,0,0,,There are a great number of guests over there.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:40.31,0:01:42.89,Default,,0,0,0,,Really? I don't hear a sound.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:42.89,0:01:44.90,Default,,0,0,0,,It's as though it were empty.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:45.37,0:01:48.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Indeed, they {\i1}are{\i0} quite quiet.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:01.69,0:02:05.35,Default,,0,0,0,,So, why don't you let me know what you're plotting?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:05.68,0:02:07.21,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm afraid I cannot.{will not}
Dialogue: 5,0:02:07.57,0:02:11.43,Default,,0,0,0,,I wouldn't mind tagging along, as long as it's fun.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:11.93,0:02:13.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Just don't get too rough.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:15.11,0:02:17.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Your delivery has arrived.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:25.43,0:02:29.31,Default,,0,0,0,,That's a rather beautiful tanuki.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:29.31,0:02:33.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Unusually so. What do you think, Daikoku?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:35.38,0:02:39.13,Default,,0,0,0,,This is a fine tanuki, wouldn't you say, Hotei?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:41.78,0:02:43.66,Default,,0,0,0,,What's wrong, Hotei?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:44.53,0:02:48.07,Default,,0,0,0,,We've had enough of your \Nabsurd fabrications, Yaichirou!
Dialogue: 5,0:02:48.71,0:02:49.52,Default,,0,0,0,,It's pathetic.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:49.86,0:02:51.74,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm amazed.
Dialogue: 5,0:02:52.56,0:02:55.60,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm amazed you have the guts to lie like that, you slimeball!
Dialogue: 5,0:02:55.60,0:02:59.21,Default,,0,0,0,,Is that any way to talk to your uncle?
Dialogue: 5,0:02:59.21,0:03:00.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Learn some manners!
Dialogue: 5,0:03:00.84,0:03:05.03,Default,,0,0,0,,Uncle, my ass! You put Father into a stew pot!
Dialogue: 5,0:03:05.46,0:03:08.04,Default,,0,0,0,,He cooked Souichirou?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:11.46,0:03:12.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Hold on. 
Dialogue: 5,0:03:12.72,0:03:14.09,Default,,0,0,0,,Calm down.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:14.86,0:03:17.30,Default,,0,0,0,,That is just another one of his baseless accusations.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:17.80,0:03:21.03,Default,,0,0,0,,None of his lies have worked so far,
Dialogue: 5,0:03:21.03,0:03:24.74,Default,,0,0,0,,so he appears to have dragged in this \Nsad story about his father out of desperation.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:24.74,0:03:28.09,Default,,0,0,0,,But of course, he has no proof of {\i1}that{\i0} story either.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:28.09,0:03:30.59,Default,,0,0,0,,Who can corroborate this wild tale?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:30.59,0:03:33.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Kaisei is our witness! Your daughter!
Dialogue: 5,0:03:33.78,0:03:36.90,Default,,0,0,0,,She's at precisely the age
Dialogue: 5,0:03:36.90,0:03:40.07,Default,,0,0,0,,where young girls often dream up such tragedies.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:40.50,0:03:45.61,Default,,0,0,0,,Aren't you embarrassed to have taken my daughter's fantasies seriously?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:45.61,0:03:49.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you really believe I sent Souichirou to the stew pot?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:49.58,0:03:52.33,Default,,0,0,0,,How long are you gonna keep playing dumb?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:52.33,0:03:55.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, you guys keep spouting \Nthe most outrageous nonsense.
Dialogue: 5,0:03:55.77,0:03:59.33,Default,,0,0,0,,What tanuki would believe such a horrible story?
Dialogue: 5,0:03:59.75,0:04:01.10,Default,,0,0,0,,How about it?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:01.10,0:04:03.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Do you think I would do such a thing?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:05.92,0:04:12.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Indeed, it is still not clear how Souichirou ended up in the Friday Fellows' stew.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:12.89,0:04:14.84,Default,,0,0,0,,It's strange that a tanuki so great
Dialogue: 5,0:04:14.84,0:04:19.07,Default,,0,0,0,,could so easily fall into those humans' hands.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:19.07,0:04:25.24,Default,,0,0,0,,However, it would be a different story \Nif he had been inebriated.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:25.46,0:04:27.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Rumor has it
Dialogue: 5,0:04:27.26,0:04:30.26,Default,,0,0,0,,that on the night Souichirou was captured by the Friday Fellows,
Dialogue: 5,0:04:30.26,0:04:34.62,Default,,0,0,0,,there was another tanuki \Ndrinking with him until the end, was there not?
Dialogue: 5,0:04:35.30,0:04:40.88,Default,,0,0,0,,I daresay that's the reason Souichirou was captured by those hateful humans.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:41.20,0:04:43.38,Default,,0,0,0,,But even now,
Dialogue: 5,0:04:43.38,0:04:46.64,Default,,0,0,0,,the concerned party has not stepped forward.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:47.40,0:04:51.88,Default,,0,0,0,,Though he was responsible for the leader of tanuki society ending up in a stew,
Dialogue: 5,0:04:51.88,0:04:53.48,Default,,0,0,0,,he remains tight-lipped about his own involvement.
Dialogue: 5,0:04:53.99,0:04:57.91,Default,,0,0,0,,I heard a rumor that, ashamed of his base actions,
Dialogue: 5,0:04:57.91,0:05:02.36,Default,,0,0,0,,he now spends his days \Nhiding in the well of some temple.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:10.83,0:05:12.58,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't let you get away with this!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:16.66,0:05:18.84,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't care if you're my uncle or anyone else!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:19.43,0:05:21.34,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll crush you into paste myself!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:21.34,0:05:23.55,Default,,0,0,0,,If you think you can bite me, give it your best shot!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:23.55,0:05:26.01,Default,,0,0,0,,You'll just be chewing up your own chances of ever becoming Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:27.58,0:05:30.35,Default,,0,0,0,,Sounds like they're getting \Ndown to business next door.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:30.35,0:05:31.88,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an8}Calm down, Yaichirou! Order! Order!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:31.88,0:05:34.85,Default,,0,0,0,,Are they holding some sporting event in there?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:41.89,0:05:42.86,Default,,0,0,0,,A tiger!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:43.42,0:05:45.36,Default,,0,0,0,,Good heavens, it's a tiger!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:45.61,0:05:48.11,Default,,0,0,0,,B-Benten!
Dialogue: 5,0:05:50.10,0:05:53.95,Default,,0,0,0,,My, it certainly is rowdy tonight.
Dialogue: 5,0:05:56.60,0:05:59.46,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, Ebisugawa?
Dialogue: 5,0:05:59.84,0:06:04.17,Default,,0,0,0,,What? Why do you have that tanuki?!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:04.56,0:06:06.80,Default,,0,0,0,,I thought I'd left her in the storeroom.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:07.06,0:06:11.39,Default,,0,0,0,,It's a long story, but in short, we'll be borrowing her.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:11.39,0:06:13.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Borrowing her for what?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:13.52,0:06:14.72,Default,,0,0,0,,To cook her in a stew.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:14.72,0:06:16.73,Default,,0,0,0,,That's not borrowing!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:17.03,0:06:19.60,Default,,0,0,0,,I clearly stated that this one was not to be cooked!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:20.29,0:06:22.11,Default,,0,0,0,,That's {\i1}my{\i0} tanuki!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:22.11,0:06:25.11,Default,,0,0,0,,And what if she is "your" tanuki?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:25.35,0:06:27.87,Default,,0,0,0,,You can cook anyone else but her!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:27.87,0:06:30.06,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't allow this!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:30.06,0:06:32.80,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't provide you with any more Fake Denki Bran!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:32.80,0:06:35.12,Default,,0,0,0,,Then all I have to do is take it by force.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:35.63,0:06:39.17,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't that right, Benten?
Dialogue: 5,0:06:39.17,0:06:40.54,Default,,0,0,0,,It is indeed.
Dialogue: 5,0:06:40.89,0:06:42.62,Default,,0,0,0,,This is it!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:42.62,0:06:46.01,Default,,0,0,0,,This is why humans are so despicable!
Dialogue: 5,0:06:47.69,0:06:50.38,Default,,0,0,0,,What's the matter, Hotei?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:05.82,0:07:07.61,Default,,0,0,0,,This is the one!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:08.89,0:07:11.57,Default,,0,0,0,,The one I took care of!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:12.86,0:07:14.53,Default,,0,0,0,,I won't let you have her!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:14.53,0:07:17.78,Default,,0,0,0,,This is your fault for letting the first one get away.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:17.78,0:07:20.42,Default,,0,0,0,,That's why I went to such great pains to get her!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:20.42,0:07:22.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you suggesting we steer clear of tanuki this year?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:22.80,0:07:25.35,Default,,0,0,0,,What of the Friday Fellows tradition?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:25.35,0:07:27.30,Default,,0,0,0,,You'll be kicked out of the club, Hotei!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:27.75,0:07:30.24,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't care {\i1}where{\i0} you kick me!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:30.24,0:07:32.39,Default,,0,0,0,,So these are your true colors, are they?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:32.84,0:07:35.09,Default,,0,0,0,,I was the wrong person for the job after all.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:35.09,0:07:38.64,Default,,0,0,0,,This is defeat. Ideological defeat.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:39.40,0:07:41.35,Default,,0,0,0,,But that's fine!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:41.68,0:07:47.01,Default,,0,0,0,,I mean, why do we still eat tanuki stew for kicks in these enlightened times?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:47.01,0:07:48.78,Default,,0,0,0,,To hell with the Friday Fellows!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:48.78,0:07:49.99,Default,,0,0,0,,To hell with tradition!
Dialogue: 5,0:07:50.43,0:07:53.25,Default,,0,0,0,,You've eaten a ton of them too, you know.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:53.25,0:07:56.83,Default,,0,0,0,,I thought you said, "To eat is to love." What happened to your pet theory?
Dialogue: 5,0:07:57.22,0:07:59.07,Default,,0,0,0,,Indeed, to eat is to love.
Dialogue: 5,0:07:59.07,0:08:02.29,Default,,0,0,0,,But to refrain from eating is also love!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:02.29,0:08:06.03,Default,,0,0,0,,You're just making it up as you go along, aren't you? And with such conviction!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:06.03,0:08:07.71,Default,,0,0,0,,This is sophistry! Pure sophistry!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:07.71,0:08:10.55,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm fine with sophistry! Your opinion is irrelevant!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:10.55,0:08:13.18,Default,,0,0,0,,I've decided on a complete about-face!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:13.18,0:08:17.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Feel free to about-face all you like, \Nbut the tanuki stays here.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:23.28,0:08:26.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Th-The Friday Fellows!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:36.46,0:08:38.20,Default,,0,0,0,,What a marvelous sight!
Dialogue: 5,0:08:39.16,0:08:41.95,Default,,0,0,0,,We can make all the stew we can eat.
Dialogue: 5,0:08:49.58,0:08:51.92,Default,,0,0,0,,Sorry. Excuse me.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:10.87,0:09:12.44,Default,,0,0,0,,Shut it!
Dialogue: 5,0:09:14.36,0:09:15.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Shut up!
Dialogue: 5,0:09:26.37,0:09:29.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Good grief, what a mess.
Dialogue: 5,0:09:35.24,0:09:36.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Shut {\i1}up{\i0}!
Dialogue: 5,0:09:38.77,0:09:40.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you injured?
Dialogue: 5,0:09:46.78,0:09:50.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Master, I beg of you, please quell your rage!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.91,0:09:59.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.14,265)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.91,0:09:59.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(674.77,340)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.91,0:09:59.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(733.77,411)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.91,0:09:59.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(695.77,520)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.95,0:09:59.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.22,242.88)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.95,0:09:59.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(674.85,317.88)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.95,0:09:59.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(733.85,388.88)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.95,0:09:59.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(695.85,497.88)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.99,0:10:00.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.3,220.75)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.99,0:10:00.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(674.93,295.75)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.99,0:10:00.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(733.93,366.75)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.99,0:10:00.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(695.93,475.75)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.03,0:10:00.07,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.35,198.75)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.03,0:10:00.07,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(674.97,273.75)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.03,0:10:00.07,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(733.97,344.75)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.03,0:10:00.07,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(695.97,453.75)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.07,0:10:00.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.42,176.93)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.07,0:10:00.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.04,251.93)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.07,0:10:00.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.04,322.93)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.07,0:10:00.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.04,431.93)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.12,0:10:00.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.5,155.34)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.12,0:10:00.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.13,230.34)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.12,0:10:00.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.13,301.34)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.12,0:10:00.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.13,410.34)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.16,0:10:00.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.57,133.98)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.16,0:10:00.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.2,208.98)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.16,0:10:00.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.2,279.98)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.16,0:10:00.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.2,388.98)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.20,0:10:00.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.63,112.87)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.20,0:10:00.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.26,187.87)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.20,0:10:00.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.26,258.87)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.20,0:10:00.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.26,367.87)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.24,0:10:00.28,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.7,92.02)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.24,0:10:00.28,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.33,167.02)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.24,0:10:00.28,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.33,238.02)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.24,0:10:00.28,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.33,347.02)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.28,0:10:00.32,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.77,71.4)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.28,0:10:00.32,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.39,146.4)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.28,0:10:00.32,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.39,217.4)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.28,0:10:00.32,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.39,326.4)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.32,0:10:00.37,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.85,51.11)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.32,0:10:00.37,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.47,126.11)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.32,0:10:00.37,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.47,197.11)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.32,0:10:00.37,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.47,306.11)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.37,0:10:00.41,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.89,31.11)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.37,0:10:00.41,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.52,106.11)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.37,0:10:00.41,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.52,177.11)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.37,0:10:00.41,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.52,286.11)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.41,0:10:00.45,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(672.95,11.39)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.41,0:10:00.45,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.58,86.39)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.41,0:10:00.45,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.58,157.39)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.41,0:10:00.45,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.58,266.39)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.45,0:10:00.49,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.02,-8.06)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.45,0:10:00.49,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.65,66.94)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.45,0:10:00.49,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.65,137.94)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.45,0:10:00.49,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.65,246.94)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.49,0:10:00.53,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.08,-27.11)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.49,0:10:00.53,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.71,47.89)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.49,0:10:00.53,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.71,118.9)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.49,0:10:00.53,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.71,227.9)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.53,0:10:00.57,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.15,-45.85)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.53,0:10:00.57,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.77,29.15)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.53,0:10:00.57,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.77,100.15)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.53,0:10:00.57,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.77,209.15)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.57,0:10:00.62,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.2,-64.29)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.57,0:10:00.62,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.83,10.71)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.57,0:10:00.62,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.83,81.71)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.57,0:10:00.62,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.83,190.71)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.62,0:10:00.66,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.26,-82.34)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.62,0:10:00.66,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.88,-7.34)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.62,0:10:00.66,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.88,63.66)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.62,0:10:00.66,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.88,172.66)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.66,0:10:00.70,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.31,-100.08)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.66,0:10:00.70,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(675.93,-25.08)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.66,0:10:00.70,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(734.93,45.92)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.66,0:10:00.70,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(696.93,154.92)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.70,0:10:00.74,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.39,-117.32)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.70,0:10:00.74,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.01,-42.32)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.70,0:10:00.74,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.01,28.68)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.70,0:10:00.74,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.01,137.68)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.74,0:10:00.78,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.43,-134.25)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.74,0:10:00.78,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.05,-59.25)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.74,0:10:00.78,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.05,11.75)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.74,0:10:00.78,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.05,120.75)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.78,0:10:00.83,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.49,-150.73)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.78,0:10:00.83,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.11,-75.73)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.78,0:10:00.83,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.11,-4.73)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.78,0:10:00.83,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.11,104.27)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.83,0:10:00.87,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.54,-166.77)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.83,0:10:00.87,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.16,-91.77)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.83,0:10:00.87,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.16,-20.77)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.83,0:10:00.87,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.16,88.23)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.87,0:10:00.91,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.58,-182.41)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.87,0:10:00.91,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.21,-107.41)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.87,0:10:00.91,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.21,-36.41)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.87,0:10:00.91,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.21,72.59)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.91,0:10:00.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.64,-197.51)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.91,0:10:00.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.26,-122.51)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.91,0:10:00.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.26,-51.51)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.91,0:10:00.95,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.26,57.49)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.95,0:10:00.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.69,-212.13)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.95,0:10:00.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.32,-137.13)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.95,0:10:00.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.32,-66.13)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.95,0:10:00.99,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.32,42.87)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.99,0:10:01.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.73,-226.3)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.99,0:10:01.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.36,-151.3)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.99,0:10:01.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.36,-80.3)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:00.99,0:10:01.03,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.36,28.7)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.03,0:10:01.08,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.77,-239.9)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.03,0:10:01.08,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.4,-164.9)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.03,0:10:01.08,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.4,-93.9)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.03,0:10:01.08,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.4,15.1)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.08,0:10:01.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.82,-252.89)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.08,0:10:01.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.44,-177.89)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.08,0:10:01.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.44,-106.89)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.08,0:10:01.12,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.44,2.11)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.12,0:10:01.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.85,-265.36)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.12,0:10:01.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.48,-190.36)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.12,0:10:01.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.48,-119.36)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.12,0:10:01.16,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.48,-10.36)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.16,0:10:01.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.88,-277.11)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.16,0:10:01.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.5,-202.11)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.16,0:10:01.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.5,-131.11)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.16,0:10:01.20,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.5,-22.11)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.20,0:10:01.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.05\c&H3344D5&\blur0.6\bord0\b1\frx20\fry8\fscx72\fscy79\pos(673.92,-288.22)\frz358}Congratulations
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.20,0:10:01.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.08\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz357.8\fscx102\fscy89\pos(676.55,-213.22)}to     the
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.20,0:10:01.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.15\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.6\fscx160\fscy129\pos(735.55,-142.22)}new
Dialogue: 0,0:10:01.20,0:10:01.24,book unfair,,0,0,0,,{\fax0.2\c&H202E35&\blur0.5\3c&H061922&\bord1\b1\frz353.1\pos(697.55,-33.22)\fscx130\fscy98}Nise-emon!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:04.33,0:10:05.49,Default,,0,0,0,,How long—
Dialogue: 5,0:10:10.18,0:10:12.42,Default,,0,0,0,,How long do you intend to keep me waiting?!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:13.30,0:10:16.17,Default,,0,0,0,,If you continue with this tomfoolery, I'll blow you all away!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:19.50,0:10:21.47,Default,,0,0,0,,Nyoigatake Yakushibou!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:22.34,0:10:24.70,Default,,0,0,0,,We've caught their infidelity red-handed!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:24.70,0:10:26.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Wh-What are you saying?!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:26.78,0:10:27.73,Default,,0,0,0,,This is a misunderstanding!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:27.73,0:10:28.69,Default,,0,0,0,,A complete misunderstanding!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:30.53,0:10:31.69,Default,,0,0,0,,You!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:32.04,0:10:36.49,Default,,0,0,0,,For human scum like you to lay his hands on Benten is completely inexcusable.
Dialogue: 5,0:10:36.49,0:10:38.39,Default,,0,0,0,,But it's not just you!{timing: from daga shikashi}{this actually looks weirder when timed correctly so idk...}{i don't mind if you start it at 'omae dake' cos of the scene change}
Dialogue: 5,0:10:38.80,0:10:40.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Every last schmuck here is guilty!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:40.79,0:10:44.29,Default,,0,0,0,,Hear me now! Behold this tengu!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:44.29,0:10:48.08,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't you understand? I despise the lot of you!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:48.38,0:10:50.65,Default,,0,0,0,,For I am a tengu!
Dialogue: 5,0:10:50.65,0:10:53.79,Default,,0,0,0,,All of you, without exception, need to learn your place!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:58.01,0:11:01.01,map,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(884,165)}Minamiza
Dialogue: 0,0:10:58.01,0:11:01.01,map,,0,0,0,,{\blur0.5\pos(707,399)}Sensuiro
Dialogue: 5,0:11:25.10,0:11:26.33,Default,,0,0,0,,Here he comes!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:30.02,0:11:33.83,Default,,0,0,0,,Master, why don't we call it a night \Nand show some mercy?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:48.93,0:11:51.85,Default,,0,0,0,,He still has some fight in him, I see.
Dialogue: 5,0:11:52.11,0:11:54.57,Default,,0,0,0,,Yasaburou, do something!
Dialogue: 5,0:11:54.57,0:11:57.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Can't you see I'm trying?
Dialogue: 5,0:11:58.05,0:12:00.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Big bro, he's taking a break.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:04.48,0:12:05.07,Default,,0,0,0,,Here's our chance!
Dialogue: 5,0:12:11.11,0:12:12.04,Default,,0,0,0,,We're gonna die!
Dialogue: 5,0:12:20.02,0:12:22.84,Default,,0,0,0,,He's such a hooligan, isn't he?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:23.53,0:12:24.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Nice work.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:25.14,0:12:27.43,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll take it from here.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:34.47,0:12:35.40,Default,,0,0,0,,Master.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:36.39,0:12:37.82,Default,,0,0,0,,Benten?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:38.37,0:12:42.06,Default,,0,0,0,,I think everyone understands \Nthe terror you represent well enough now.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:42.69,0:12:43.82,Default,,0,0,0,,How about we leave it at that?
Dialogue: 5,0:12:44.88,0:12:46.32,Default,,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 5,0:12:47.00,0:12:49.14,Default,,0,0,0,,I bought some cotton swabs.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:49.14,0:12:52.09,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll clean your ears for you
Dialogue: 5,0:12:52.09,0:12:54.54,Default,,0,0,0,,with your head in my lap, just like old times.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:56.54,0:13:00.42,Default,,0,0,0,,Master, could you do me a favor and let them be?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:02.69,0:13:04.95,Default,,0,0,0,,Let's go home.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:15.43,0:13:18.23,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you lot up to no good again?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:18.69,0:13:20.61,Default,,0,0,0,,You'd better get yourselves back to the forest.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:21.36,0:13:27.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Hairballs who get cocky \Nand stay out late wind up eaten!
Dialogue: 5,0:13:37.02,0:13:38.40,Default,,0,0,0,,By the way, Yajirou,
Dialogue: 5,0:13:38.84,0:13:41.64,Default,,0,0,0,,how long do you plan on staying a frog?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:41.64,0:13:42.55,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't it a bother?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:42.82,0:13:46.72,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, I haven't quite got the knack back yet.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:47.15,0:13:49.68,Default,,0,0,0,,For the time being, I'll just have to remain as a frog.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:50.08,0:13:51.93,Default,,0,0,0,,Who'll be Nise-emon?
Dialogue: 5,0:13:52.55,0:13:56.94,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, I committed assault in front of the elders.
Dialogue: 5,0:13:57.21,0:14:03.35,Default,,0,0,0,,But so many of Soun's misdeeds were exposed that there's no way it'll be him either.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:03.35,0:14:07.43,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess Yasaka will continue on as deputy for a while in that Hawaiian shirt of his.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:08.56,0:14:10.09,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh right, Mother!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:10.44,0:14:14.86,Default,,0,0,0,,Right, right. I told her to go \Nto Akegarasu{The Empty Cup} ahead of us, but...
Dialogue: 5,0:14:14.86,0:14:16.25,Default,,0,0,0,,I wonder if she made it okay.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:20.13,0:14:22.63,fone,,0,0,0,,{\shad3\blur0.8\frz347.8\4c&H2F272E&\c&HFFFFFA&\fscx80\fscy80\pos(611,500)}Please charge
Dialogue: 5,0:14:21.17,0:14:22.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Isn't the battery dead?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:23.59,0:14:24.72,Default,,0,0,0,,No problem!
Dialogue: 5,0:14:32.01,0:14:34.59,Default,,0,0,0,,I just arrived at Akegarasu.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:35.08,0:14:37.35,Default,,0,0,0,,You're all okay, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:14:37.78,0:14:42.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Yup, we're all here. I'll put on Yasaburou.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:43.94,0:14:47.15,Default,,0,0,0,,Hello, Mother. I'm still kicking.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:47.15,0:14:50.32,Default,,0,0,0,,Yasaburou? You did a great job.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:50.32,0:14:54.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, it was nothing. Well, here's Yaichirou.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:56.20,0:14:59.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Mother, today was a complete mess.
Dialogue: 5,0:14:59.99,0:15:01.17,Default,,0,0,0,,I can't apologize enough.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:01.76,0:15:07.58,Default,,0,0,0,,On top of that, I'm sorry to say it, \Nbut I doubt I'll become Nise-emon.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:07.58,0:15:09.16,Default,,0,0,0,,That's fine.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:09.16,0:15:12.55,Default,,0,0,0,,As long as you're still with us, you'll get another chance.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:12.90,0:15:14.15,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm sorry.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:14.98,0:15:16.68,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll give the phone to Yajirou.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(1038,424)\frz359}Calling
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,479,999,482)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC9D1B9&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,482,999,485)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC8D0B8&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,485,999,488)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC7CFB7&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,488,999,491)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC6CEB7&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,491,999,494)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC5CDB6&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,494,999,497)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC4CCB6&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,497,999,500)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC4CBB5&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,500,999,503)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC3CAB4&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,503,999,506)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C9B4&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,506,999,509)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C8B3&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,509,999,512)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C7B3&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,512,999,515)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC6B2&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,515,999,518)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B2&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,518,999,521)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,521,999,524)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,524,999,527)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,527,999,530)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C5B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,530,999,533)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,533,999,536)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,536,999,539)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,539,999,542)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,542,999,545)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,545,999,548)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC3C7AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 1,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\frz359\fscx120\fscy120\pos(917,513)}Hold
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,485,1200,488)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H465AF2&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,488,1200,491)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H4358F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,491,1200,494)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H4156F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,494,1200,497)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3F54F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,497,1200,500)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3D52F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,500,1200,503)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3B50F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,503,1200,506)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H394EF0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,506,1200,509)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H374CF0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,509,1200,512)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H354AEF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,512,1200,515)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3348EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,515,1200,518)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3146EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,518,1200,521)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2F44EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,521,1200,524)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2D42EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,524,1200,527)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2B40EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,527,1200,530)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H293FEE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,530,1200,533)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2A40EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,533,1200,536)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2B41EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,536,1200,539)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2C42EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,539,1200,542)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2E43EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,542,1200,545)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2F44EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,545,1200,548)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3045EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,548,1200,551)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3146EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,551,1200,554)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3348F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 1,0:15:20.19,0:15:26.19,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\frz359\fscx120\fscy120\pos(1108,519)}End
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(1038,424)\frz359}Calling
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,479,999,482)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC9D1B9&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,482,999,485)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC8D0B8&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,485,999,488)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC7CFB7&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,488,999,491)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC6CEB7&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,491,999,494)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC5CDB6&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,494,999,497)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC4CCB6&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,497,999,500)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC4CBB5&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,500,999,503)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC3CAB4&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,503,999,506)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C9B4&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,506,999,509)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C8B3&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,509,999,512)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C7B3&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,512,999,515)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC6B2&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,515,999,518)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B2&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,518,999,521)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,521,999,524)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,524,999,527)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,527,999,530)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C5B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,530,999,533)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,533,999,536)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,536,999,539)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,539,999,542)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,542,999,545)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,545,999,548)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC3C7AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 1,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\frz359\fscx120\fscy120\pos(917,513)}Hold
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,485,1200,488)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H465AF2&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,488,1200,491)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H4358F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,491,1200,494)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H4156F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,494,1200,497)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3F54F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,497,1200,500)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3D52F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,500,1200,503)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3B50F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,503,1200,506)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H394EF0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,506,1200,509)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H374CF0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,509,1200,512)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H354AEF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,512,1200,515)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3348EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,515,1200,518)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3146EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,518,1200,521)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2F44EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,521,1200,524)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2D42EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,524,1200,527)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2B40EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,527,1200,530)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H293FEE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,530,1200,533)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2A40EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,533,1200,536)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2B41EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,536,1200,539)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2C42EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,539,1200,542)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2E43EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,542,1200,545)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2F44EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,545,1200,548)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3045EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,548,1200,551)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3146EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,551,1200,554)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3348F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 1,0:15:31.20,0:15:43.21,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\frz359\fscx120\fscy120\pos(1108,519)}End
Dialogue: 5,0:15:31.49,0:15:35.18,Default,,0,0,0,,Yajirou? Why aren't you saying anything?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:35.84,0:15:37.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you all right?
Dialogue: 5,0:15:44.32,0:15:46.96,Default,,0,0,0,,It's been a long time, Mother.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:48.29,0:15:50.14,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for so long.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:50.96,0:15:53.79,Default,,0,0,0,,Please forgive me.
Dialogue: 5,0:15:55.06,0:15:56.72,Default,,0,0,0,,It's okay.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(1038,424)\frz359}Calling
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,479,999,482)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC9D1B9&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,482,999,485)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC8D0B8&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,485,999,488)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC7CFB7&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,488,999,491)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC6CEB7&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,491,999,494)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC5CDB6&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,494,999,497)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC4CCB6&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,497,999,500)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC4CBB5&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,500,999,503)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC3CAB4&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,503,999,506)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C9B4&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,506,999,509)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C8B3&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,509,999,512)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C7B3&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,512,999,515)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC6B2&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,515,999,518)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B2&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,518,999,521)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,521,999,524)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HBFC5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,524,999,527)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C5B1&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,527,999,530)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC0C5B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,530,999,533)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,533,999,536)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6B0&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,536,999,539)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC1C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,539,999,542)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,542,999,545)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC2C6AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(828,545,999,548)\pos(917,513)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\c&HC3C7AF&\fscx60\fscy30}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 1,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\frz359\fscx120\fscy120\pos(917,513)}Hold
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,485,1200,488)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H465AF2&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,488,1200,491)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H4358F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,491,1200,494)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H4156F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,494,1200,497)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3F54F1&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,497,1200,500)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3D52F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,500,1200,503)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3B50F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,503,1200,506)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H394EF0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,506,1200,509)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H374CF0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,509,1200,512)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H354AEF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,512,1200,515)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3348EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,515,1200,518)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3146EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,518,1200,521)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2F44EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,521,1200,524)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2D42EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,524,1200,527)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2B40EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,527,1200,530)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H293FEE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,530,1200,533)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2A40EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,533,1200,536)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2B41EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,536,1200,539)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2C42EE&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,539,1200,542)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2E43EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,542,1200,545)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H2F44EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,545,1200,548)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3045EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,548,1200,551)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3146EF&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\clip(1017,551,1200,554)\pos(1108,519)\an7\bord0\blur3\p1\fscx73\fscy30\c&H3348F0&}m -100 -25 b -100 -92 -92 -100 -25 -100 l 25 -100 b 92 -100 100 -92 100 -25 l 100 25 b 100 92 92 100 25 100 l -25 100 b -92 100 -100 92 -100 25 l -100 -25
Dialogue: 1,0:15:56.72,0:16:04.23,fone,,0,0,0,,{\fax-0.2\blur0.8\shad3\4c&H000000&\4a&H8C&\frz359\fscx120\fscy120\pos(1108,519)}End
Dialogue: 5,0:15:57.71,0:16:01.10,Default,,0,0,0,,I understand how you feel.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:01.60,0:16:04.23,Default,,0,0,0,,So no more crying, okay?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:07.72,0:16:10.53,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, it's certainly been quite the night.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:12.10,0:16:14.55,Default,,0,0,0,,We're all waiting for you to get here!
Dialogue: 5,0:16:17.49,0:16:19.64,Default,,0,0,0,,Shall we kick things off together with a belly strike?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:20.19,0:16:23.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Those always upset my stomach, though.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:23.91,0:16:25.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Yasaburou.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:25.76,0:16:26.75,Default,,0,0,0,,Big bro!
Dialogue: 5,0:16:29.94,0:16:30.75,Default,,0,0,0,,Well then!
Dialogue: 5,0:16:42.23,0:16:44.31,Default,,0,0,0,,This sure is some crowd.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:44.72,0:16:47.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Wouldn't want to get crushed, would we?
Dialogue: 5,0:16:47.63,0:16:50.37,Default,,0,0,0,,I have the most to worry about.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:50.37,0:16:52.57,Default,,0,0,0,,After all, I'm just a frog.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:53.09,0:16:55.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Please don't drop me, Yasaburou.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:55.48,0:16:57.34,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll get trampled.
Dialogue: 5,0:16:58.74,0:17:00.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, hello.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:00.90,0:17:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Happy new year.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:03.00,0:17:06.65,Default,,0,0,0,,Hello, and a happy new year to you as well.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:07.10,0:17:09.05,Default,,0,0,0,,Might I inquire after your health?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:10.20,0:17:11.84,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm doing just fine.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:12.26,0:17:16.84,Default,,0,0,0,,But you know, no matter \Nhow many times I go over it in my head,
Dialogue: 5,0:17:16.84,0:17:20.68,Default,,0,0,0,,I have no idea what happened that night.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:21.11,0:17:23.36,Default,,0,0,0,,I went through hell, though.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:23.36,0:17:25.92,Default,,0,0,0,,They expelled me from the Friday Fellows.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:26.20,0:17:29.87,Default,,0,0,0,,But if you're doing well, \Nisn't that more than enough?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:29.87,0:17:32.91,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah, I guess you're right.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:33.35,0:17:36.05,Default,,0,0,0,,Come visit me at my office again sometime!
Dialogue: 5,0:17:42.62,0:17:44.77,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey, take a look at that.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:45.60,0:17:47.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Kurama tengu?
Dialogue: 5,0:17:49.60,0:17:56.47,Default,,0,0,0,,There's no telling how many of these people are actually tengu or tanuki.
Dialogue: 5,0:17:56.90,0:18:01.02,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, in this day and age, even a frog can visit a shrine for New Year's.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:01.45,0:18:04.41,Default,,0,0,0,,Even tengu make New Year's wishes, huh?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:04.41,0:18:07.48,Default,,0,0,0,,And just what's wrong with a tengu making a New Year's wish?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:09.47,0:18:13.27,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, if it isn't Nyoigatake Yakushibou!
Dialogue: 5,0:18:13.27,0:18:15.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Happy new year!
Dialogue: 5,0:18:15.74,0:18:16.78,Default,,0,0,0,,Indeed.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:17.20,0:18:19.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Are you on your way to the shrine?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:19.22,0:18:23.49,Default,,0,0,0,,That was the plan, but I can't be bothered anymore.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:23.73,0:18:27.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, come now. Let's visit the shrine.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:27.04,0:18:29.96,Default,,0,0,0,,Right, Master? It's only once a year.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:30.24,0:18:31.88,Default,,0,0,0,,I guess you're right.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:31.88,0:18:33.96,Default,,0,0,0,,It's not so bad every now and then.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:35.57,0:18:36.84,Default,,0,0,0,,Yaichirou.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:37.20,0:18:37.97,Default,,0,0,0,,Yes?
Dialogue: 5,0:18:38.45,0:18:41.97,Default,,0,0,0,,You should try to just take things as they come once in a while.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:42.24,0:18:43.62,Default,,0,0,0,,U-Understood.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:44.01,0:18:45.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Yajirou.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:46.03,0:18:49.72,Default,,0,0,0,,For starters, you should quit being a frog.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:49.72,0:18:50.48,Default,,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:50.90,0:18:52.23,Default,,0,0,0,,Yashirou.
Dialogue: 5,0:18:53.03,0:18:56.17,Default,,0,0,0,,For now, you should hurry up and grow!
Dialogue: 5,0:18:56.17,0:18:57.11,Default,,0,0,0,,Got it!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:05.63,0:19:09.74,Default,,0,0,0,,Well, there's no reason for us \Nto keep standing around here.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:10.13,0:19:11.26,Default,,0,0,0,,Shall we go?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:19.24,0:19:21.58,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey there, Kinkaku, Ginkaku. 
Dialogue: 5,0:19:21.58,0:19:23.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Happy new year.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:23.49,0:19:25.43,Default,,0,0,0,,Getting a head start on your idiocy this year, I see.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:25.43,0:19:28.84,Default,,0,0,0,,You got us pretty good that night, Yasaburou.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:29.28,0:19:33.27,Default,,0,0,0,,We caught a horrible cold, \Nand we've been bedridden until yesterday!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:33.27,0:19:34.56,Default,,0,0,0,,I thought I was gonna die.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:34.95,0:19:39.40,Default,,0,0,0,,{\q2}They say that stupidity keeps the common cold away, \Nbut I guess idiocy is a whole other story.
Dialogue: 5,0:19:39.84,0:19:41.15,Default,,0,0,0,,What'd you say?!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:41.15,0:19:42.41,Default,,0,0,0,,Hey!
Dialogue: 5,0:19:44.82,0:19:49.16,Default,,0,0,0,,Can my idiot brothers not even \Ngive a proper New Year's greeting?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:49.92,0:19:51.12,Default,,0,0,0,,"Idiot"?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:51.12,0:19:52.97,Default,,0,0,0,,You too?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:52.97,0:19:53.75,Default,,0,0,0,,Kaisei?
Dialogue: 5,0:19:53.96,0:19:55.89,Default,,0,0,0,,Don't worry. Just go.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:00.11,0:20:01.13,Default,,0,0,0,,Kaisei!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:05.11,0:20:08.96,Default,,0,0,0,,I've never seen her, so I wouldn't know who to look for anyway...
Dialogue: 5,0:20:13.80,0:20:16.22,Default,,0,0,0,,Did Uncle come back?
Dialogue: 5,0:20:16.57,0:20:19.16,Default,,0,0,0,,No. He said he was going \Nto a hot spring, and that was it.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:19.16,0:20:21.11,Default,,0,0,0,,He might never come back.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:21.89,0:20:24.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Why don't you give this whole thing a rest and let me see you?
Dialogue: 5,0:20:25.78,0:20:27.49,Default,,0,0,0,,Not if I see you first!
Dialogue: 5,0:20:39.95,0:20:42.86,Default,,0,0,0,,I have so many things to wish for this year.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:42.86,0:20:45.41,Default,,0,0,0,,That's just because you're greedy.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:45.80,0:20:47.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Am I really that greedy?
Dialogue: 5,0:20:48.41,0:20:50.09,Default,,0,0,0,,If you don't narrow down your goals,
Dialogue: 5,0:20:50.09,0:20:52.39,Default,,0,0,0,,even wishes that {\i1}could{\i0} come true won't.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:52.71,0:20:54.19,Default,,0,0,0,,Hmm, in that case...
Dialogue: 5,0:20:54.91,0:20:58.41,Default,,0,0,0,,I'll wish to meet the one I'm destined for.
Dialogue: 5,0:20:58.41,0:21:01.69,Default,,0,0,0,,There you go, acting like a cute little girl again.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:01.97,0:21:05.45,Default,,0,0,0,,So what will you wish for, Yasaburou?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:08.02,0:21:10.90,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Huh. I thought about it,
Dialogue: 5,0:21:11.38,0:21:14.29,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}but I don't have any wishes in particular.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:15.18,0:21:20.21,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}As long as we're all living, and as long as \Nwe're all having fun, that should do it, right?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:20.84,0:21:22.92,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}We're tanuki.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:22.92,0:21:28.49,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}If someone were to ask me how tanuki \Nshould live their lives, this is how I would answer:
Dialogue: 5,0:21:28.49,0:21:33.71,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}"The tanuki crawling the streets of Kyoto should abandon all lofty ambitions."
Dialogue: 5,0:21:33.71,0:21:37.31,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}"There's nothing else we have to do besides lead an interesting life."
Dialogue: 5,0:21:39.95,0:21:40.98,Default,,0,0,0,,Yasaburou?
Dialogue: 5,0:21:42.45,0:21:45.70,Default,,0,0,0,,There's nothing in particular I need to ask for.
Dialogue: 5,0:21:51.86,0:21:58.44,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}Just a little glory for my family and our friends.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:58.42,0:22:03.30,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4630,4675,\1a&HFF&)}You just have to make
Dialogue: 1,0:21:58.42,0:22:03.30,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}You just have to make
Dialogue: 0,0:21:58.42,0:22:03.30,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}omoshiroku nai yo no naka
Dialogue: 0,0:22:03.30,0:22:07.35,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(3800,3845,\1a&HFF&)}this dull world more interesting
Dialogue: 1,0:22:03.30,0:22:07.35,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}this dull world more interesting
Dialogue: 0,0:22:03.30,0:22:07.35,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}omoshiroku sureba ii sa
Dialogue: 0,0:22:17.90,0:22:22.57,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4420,4465,\1a&HFF&)}Some people love to claim \Nthat something is boring
Dialogue: 1,0:22:17.90,0:22:22.57,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}Some people love to claim \Nthat something is boring
Dialogue: 0,0:22:17.90,0:22:22.57,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}tsumaranee no ga kuchiguse nano wa
Dialogue: 0,0:22:22.57,0:22:26.74,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(3920,3965,\1a&HFF&)}That habit is the most boring thing of all
Dialogue: 1,0:22:22.57,0:22:26.74,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}That habit is the most boring thing of all
Dialogue: 0,0:22:22.57,0:22:26.74,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}sore koso hontou ni tsumaranai
Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.29,0:22:31.87,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4330,4375,\1a&HFF&)}It's easy to complain about stuff
Dialogue: 1,0:22:27.29,0:22:31.87,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}It's easy to complain about stuff
Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.29,0:22:31.87,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}monku wo iu no wa kantan dakedo
Dialogue: 0,0:22:31.87,0:22:36.00,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(3880,3925,\1a&HFF&)}but it doesn't do any good at all
Dialogue: 1,0:22:31.87,0:22:36.00,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}but it doesn't do any good at all
Dialogue: 0,0:22:31.87,0:22:36.00,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}dareka wa nannmo kurenai
Dialogue: 0,0:22:36.00,0:22:40.55,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4300,4345,\1a&HFF&)}That sort of useless waste of time
Dialogue: 1,0:22:36.00,0:22:40.55,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}That sort of useless waste of time
Dialogue: 0,0:22:36.00,0:22:40.55,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}hashiranai kedo tomari wa shinai
Dialogue: 0,0:22:40.55,0:22:45.18,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4380,4425,\1a&HFF&)}runs in our idiot blood
Dialogue: 1,0:22:40.55,0:22:45.18,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}runs in our idiot blood
Dialogue: 0,0:22:40.55,0:22:45.18,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}dare ni mo nagareru ahou no chi
Dialogue: 0,0:22:45.18,0:22:50.18,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4750,4795,\1a&HFF&)}Just party on and on, \Nand the more you do
Dialogue: 1,0:22:45.18,0:22:50.18,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}Just party on and on, \Nand the more you do
Dialogue: 0,0:22:45.18,0:22:50.18,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}sawageba sawagu hodo kakitateru
Dialogue: 0,0:22:50.18,0:22:55.23,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4800,4845,\1a&HFF&)}the more awesome will be your days
Dialogue: 1,0:22:50.18,0:22:55.23,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}the more awesome will be your days
Dialogue: 0,0:22:50.18,0:22:55.23,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}nanto subarashiki hibi
Dialogue: 0,0:22:56.48,0:23:01.45,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4720,4765,\1a&HFF&)}You just have to make
Dialogue: 1,0:22:56.48,0:23:01.45,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}You just have to make
Dialogue: 0,0:22:56.48,0:23:01.45,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}omoshiroku nai yo no naka
Dialogue: 0,0:23:01.45,0:23:06.12,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4420,4465,\1a&HFF&)}this dull world more interesting
Dialogue: 1,0:23:01.45,0:23:06.12,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}this dull world more interesting
Dialogue: 0,0:23:01.45,0:23:06.12,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}omoshiroku sureba ii no sa
Dialogue: 0,0:23:06.70,0:23:10.92,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(3970,4015,\1a&HFF&)}The things you find \Nfor yourself in this world
Dialogue: 1,0:23:06.70,0:23:10.92,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}The things you find \Nfor yourself in this world
Dialogue: 0,0:23:06.70,0:23:10.91,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}jibun de mitsukerya
Dialogue: 0,0:23:10.91,0:23:14.92,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(3760,3805,\1a&HFF&)}quickly turn it into a little paradise
Dialogue: 1,0:23:10.91,0:23:14.92,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}quickly turn it into a little paradise
Dialogue: 0,0:23:10.91,0:23:14.92,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}hodohodo ni paradaisu da
Dialogue: 0,0:23:15.46,0:23:20.51,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4800,4845,\1a&HFF&)}Before you know it,
Dialogue: 1,0:23:15.46,0:23:20.51,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}Before you know it,
Dialogue: 0,0:23:15.46,0:23:20.51,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}ki ga tsukeba itsu datte
Dialogue: 0,0:23:20.51,0:23:25.60,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.5\c&H848355&\1a&HFF&\t(205,250,\1a&H00&)\t(4840,4885,\1a&HFF&)}you live a life of pure ecstasy
Dialogue: 1,0:23:20.51,0:23:25.60,OP13-en,,0,0,0,,{\shad0\bord0\fad(250,250)\blur0.5}you live a life of pure ecstasy
Dialogue: 0,0:23:20.51,0:23:25.60,OP13-jp,,0,0,0,,{\fad(250,250)\blur0.6}uchouten jinsei da
Dialogue: 0,0:23:30.01,0:23:35.56,card,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,80)\bord2\blur0.5\3c&HFFFFFF&\c&HFFFFFF&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(393,51)\t(5470,5515,\1a&HFF&)}Thank you so much
Dialogue: 1,0:23:30.01,0:23:35.56,card,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,80)\bord0\blur0.5\c&H000000&\3c&HFFFFFF&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(393,51)}Thank you so much
Dialogue: 0,0:23:30.01,0:23:35.56,card,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,80)\bord2\blur0.5\3c&HFFFFFF&\c&HFFFFFF&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(961,230)\t(5470,5515,\1a&HFF&)}for  watching!
Dialogue: 1,0:23:30.01,0:23:35.56,card,,0,0,0,,{\fad(0,80)\bord0\blur0.5\c&H000000&\3c&HFFFFFF&\fscx200\fscy200\pos(961,230)}for  watching!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.39,0:23:40.02,card,,0,0,0,,{\an4\fad(200,0)\bord2\blur0.5\3c&HFFFFFF&\c&HFFFFFF&\fscx240\fscy240\pos(17,544)\1a&HFF&\t(155,200,\1a&H00&)}Deep \Ngratitude!
Dialogue: 1,0:23:35.39,0:23:40.02,card,,0,0,0,,{\an4\fad(200,0)\bord0\blur0.5\c&H000000&\3c&HFFFFFF&\fscx240\fscy240\pos(17,544)}Deep \Ngratitude!

Pasted: Sep 29, 2013, 11:35:31 pm
Views: 11