get paid to paste

Reply to 中华腐败 from exCHKL

Well, there are always good and bad perspective of things, sometimes changes are necessary in long term wise. The only part that I am strongly against is where they are increasing the intake without providing enough room at the first place. That's the only back-wards step that I can see in the long run, however due to the shortage of private schools and the mass increase in student applications, they have to increase their intake due to high demand, long term wise they will generate more income and provide more funding to expand.

I heard nowadays classes have only 60ish people which is considered quite good compared to our times where 70-80ish people have to struggle to fit in a class. ( These people who complain do not know how bad was it in the past before complaining, they only keep complaining without looking at the improvement the school have made )

Regarding the socks, sometimes 肥水不外流 is correct, rather than letting companies out there the opportunity in earning students $$, why not earn it ourselves, and in a way it provide us funding for more expansion projects in the future. And yes socks have holes are mainly because students are at their growing/puberty stage, your feet gets bigger every month, of course they will burst, even my OUTSIDE BRANDED socks show holes every month, but who give a shit about holes in socks? Pasar malam 4 Ringgit can get 3 pair , then their quality very good?

Unified exam is practical for long term wise as well, it encourages students of different class to study together, thus reducing the barrier between classes, yes those smart people at front class will sapu, but they sapu for a reason, they are smarter + more hardworking. Would you rather have easy exam while the smarter people have harder exam? This will only cause smarter people to be smarter and less smart people to stuck on their level. Oh they said they like a sudden test whenever the teacher want? So what if your teacher is being a bitch like Mr. Yeung ( Those at my year would know him ) and give you ultra hard exam while you are at classes behind? You think teacher are obligated to give u easy exam when you are at classes behind? No you are wrong, many do not do so especially when some teachers are way strict. And when this is the case, when students get teachers like Mr.Yeung they will only say FUCK MY LIFE because I get a strict teacher and refuse to study because they will never pass, unified test system saved your ass for unknown sudden test/being unprepared. The way these complainers want different treatment is the same where uneducated BUMIs wishing for special BUMI right from the government, and do you agree with what the government is doing? If no then stop bitching, even some of my Malay friends disses the way the government unfairness towards non-Bumi, because it will only cause the lazier ones become lazier.

Not being able to turn on aircond during H1N1 is a general procedure of safety precaution, have the people who complain ever think about the possibility of a H1N1 outbreak in the school? and what are the possible consequences? Yes you will suffer the heat, the OMG so fucking hot, but do they know during our times when we dont even have aircond, we have to cope with the heat everyday even when there were no H1N1. Regarding the detox spray, yea tell me when you get H1N1 and at that time you will blame the school not having prevention procedure.

Regarding the thermometer, even obvious, the students complain that the school collects them back once used, YES of course that's what they should do, so they could recycle them in the future if ever needed, OK if they dont collect it, what can you do with 1 or maybe 2 thermometers when there are 60 people in the class, who will take it back? YOU? Or do you throw it away? Think before you talk.

For the "teachers getting aircond while students don't" part, ask every teacher how much are they getting paid every month before you talk, and if a teacher cant teach/prepare well, compare it to you suffering hot weather ( which is already very common in Malaysia ), which 1 is more important? 1 teacher faces not only 60 students, they teach multiple classes, 1 teacher faces atleast 300 students per day, and mark about 300 homework per day, you do 1 homework, they do 300 and how much are they getting paid? Teachers are leaving CHKL and you blame it on the principal, but do you know most of their motives are either students are too hard to teach nowadays or another school is offering higher pay for the degree they have? Few airconds in the teachers office compared to probably more than 500 airconds in the student classes, which 1 provide more benefits to the school?

Regarding the 10000 dinner event, CHKL have always been forcing students to get the tickets since it was organized ( how is this going againts the tradtion ? ), in the olden days, they used to force students to gather donation on the street, so do you prefer that and does that method still works with the current society where there are a lot who believe that students that ask for donations are con men? The ticket you have gotten, at least you can try to sell to others who want it, it has value. And yes do you know how much it cost to run a school? You should be happy that CHKL do not change their pricing drastically while it only follow the market inflation slowly, you complain the school fee increases every year, but do you know what are inflation rate out there annually? During my parents days, 1 meal is 5 cents, and that's only 50 years ago, so should I complain to the hawker/restaurant?

Yes, people might say that you are ruining the tradition, but that's exactly the flaw in most Chinese oriented organization, they are too afraid to change to fit in the modern ever changing world, they prefer to do what they do best without thinking of improvement, the world has changed alot, and I bet most of you agree that MEMORIZING is not the way in studying, but look back on the learning style encouraged in CHKL and compare them to the International schools where UNDERSTANDING and CREATIVITY are emphasized, which 1 do you prefer?

Yes, things might not turn out good in short term, but long term wise it has its benefits, but I doubt this principal will be able to be at his position until he sees the long term result since people love to complain too much. Good luck to CHKL!

Pasted: Jul 14, 2010, 7:05:52 pm
Views: 63