-Oh, Come on! You could’ve merged there, you fucking MORON! =I got a little distracted, is all. (Won’t get us out of this traffic any faster, anyway.) Hey, do me a solid and put your briefs back on? Last thing I want is pussy juice getting all over my new seats. - Then don’t pick out a girl this horny next time! God, I feel like I’m on fire. Why’d you think one last screw before we left was a good idea? Got all worked up for nothing over here. =Fuck you, you were the one sticking your hand down my pants. -No, Fuck YOU. The Clinic closes in 12 minutes and I have work in the morning! I’m going to be a LAUGHINGSTOCK because you’re too much of a virgin to get a girl to sleep with you the normal way. Noooo, you have to PAY to turn you friend into a cock-hungry bimbo! =Don’t give me that shit. Look me in the eyes and tell me you weren’t gonna guilt me into doing the EXACT same thing next chance you got. -...Ok, fine, I’m sorry, this isn’t me. Just… hurry up, please. I really hope we make it in time, dude. I’m thinking about some of the guys in my department, and I don’t think I can control myself if I go in like this...