get paid to paste


ENTER: The interior of an airliner. A Japanese STEWARDESS stands at the front of the vessel, thanking the passengers as they alight.

STEWARDESS: Thank you for flying with us... thank you for flying with us... thank you for flying with us...

Her voice trails off. There is what appears to be the lower half of a man's body standing in front of her. She is only tall enough to be at eye-level with his crotch. The STEWARDESS looks up, up, up, craning her neck, and realizes at last that there is an incredibly TALL MAN standing before her. He is wearing a cheap suit. He has no face.

STEWARDESS, shakily: T-thank you for f-flying with us?

The TALL MAN stares down at her. To fit into the vessel, he has bent almost double, and he bends lower still to bring his head down to the STEWARDESS's level. As the blank expanse of his face hovers before hers, the STEWARDESS visibly resists the urge to back away into the cockpit. After a few seconds, the TALL MAN swings his head to the left and shuffles off of the airliner. Behind him, an ELDERLY JAPANESE COUPLE smiles kindly at her. The STEWARDESS smiles back nervously.

ELDERLY JAPANESE COUPLE, shaking their heads in bemusement: Gaijins.

CUT TO: A TAXI DRIVER, rigid in his seat. A bead of cold sweat rolls down his temple. The TALL MAN's oval-shaped head pokes out from the backseat, swivelling gently from side to side as his lower body sits cross-legged in the back. It is the only position that will allow his entire body to fit into the taxi. As the TAXI DRIVER turns a corner, he coasts to a stop and exhales in relief.

TAXI DRIVER: Y-your destination, sir.

Without making a sound, the TALL MAN's bony hand deposits a veritable rain of currency into the TAXI DRIVER's ashtray. Then he opens the door and slides out, lugging an immense pink suitcase behind him. The camera follows him as he glides over the pavement towards the nondescript apartment building before him. As he approaches, he lifts a key out of his pocket and examines it. There is an OLD LADY struggling with the door, arms laden down with plastic bags. The TALL MAN reaches out and opens the door for her.

OLD LADY: Oh! Bless you.

She shuffles in. The TALL MAN follows. His bald head bumps against the ceiling. The OLD LADY thumbs a button on the lift and waits. When the lift arrives, she holds the door for him and watches as he folds himself to fit into its cramped confines. When the lift arrives on his floor, he steps out. The OLD LADY watches him go as the doors slide shut.

OLD LADY: What a nice young man.

The TALL MAN unlocks the door to his apartment and steps in, pushing his suitcase gently to the side as he steps inside. He still has to lower his head to fit inside, but it's better than nothing. The view, while spectacular, is one that he is indifferent to. The TALL MAN walks into his bedroom, sits down on the tatami, and tips backwards onto its soft surface. A few minutes later, the soft sound of snoring begins to echo around the apartment.

CUT TO: The door to the TALL MAN's apartment. After a few moments of stillness, it creaks open, revealing the PURPLE MAN, who glances off-screen for a moment before slipping inside, shutting the door behind him, and padding into the apartment. He rounds a corner, finding the TALL MAN still sprawled on his mattress, bony hands slack on the floor.


The TALL MAN jerks upright, hitting his head on the ceiling. The PURPLE MAN laughs uproariously as the TALL MAN rubs his pale, shining dome. There are no visible abrasions.

PURPLE MAN, unapologetic: Terribly sorry about that. Thought I'd drop by and say hi -

The PURPLE MAN's face pales. Pressing the back of his hand to his mouth, he stumbles into the bathroom and begins retching into the sink. The TALL MAN adjusts his tie, fiddles with his rumpled shirt, and reaches across the room to unzip his immense pink suitcase, from which he retrieves a notepad and a ballpoint pen. When the PURPLE MAN emerges from the bathroom, the TALL MAN holds up his notepad.

PURPLE MAN: Yeah, yeah, whatever. So. Tall Man, yes?
PURPLE MAN: Yes. Stupid name.
PURPLE MAN: Mmm. Pleasure.

They shake hands.

PURPLE MAN: Breakfast? My treat.
PURPLE MAN: Mmm. Sure.

Pasted: May 1, 2023, 1:32:31 pm
Views: 31