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>>18581843 Donald J. Trump: The new weapon being used by the Democrats to cheat on Elections is criminally investigating a candidate, bad publicity and all, by the DOJ and their local henchmen at A.G. & D.A. OFFICES. They make lives miserable, destroy their families and friends, regardless of their innocence...We must stop them cold!
>>18581772 STOP COMPLYING There is more of us than [them] (Cap 1:14) Explains how we beat the NWO
>>18581310 How do you capture a very dangerous animal? Q 1
>>18581412 Trump went into some detail regarding his political relationship with Ron Desantis, which provided much needed clarity
>>18581332 We have internal CDC reports on vaccine "misinformation" Techno_Fog
>>18581334 There is NOTHING more dynamic that a Trump rally! screenshots
>>18581380, >>18581339 Truth Social appears to feature a song titled after the slogan of the QAnon conspiracy theory.
>>18581451 WACO TEXAS RALLY 25TH MARCH 2023 pastebin for notes below
>>18581486 'HAS'NT' misspellings by Trump - 6 Drops
>>18581522, >>18581529, >>18581616, >>18581926 PF Reports TF1 is #1 for departure
>>18581532 Was Adam Kinzinger a party to a massive fraud scheme? Sure seems cozy with these guys,federal investigation into Ripley's
>>18581538 Joe Biden doesn’t have the COVID excuse to hide his tiny crowds this time
>>18581560 Pfizer Quietly Admits it Will NEVER Manufacture the Vaccine that was FDA Approved – Will Produce New “Tris-Sucrose Formulation” mRNA Vaccine Instead
>>18581596 Kari Lake: The Biden administration has been caught flying illegal immigrants, deliberately moving migrants closer to red states
>>18581622 Meatball Ron Desanctimonious Pig Dig
>>18581569, >>18581714, >>18581628, >>18581614, >>18581706 QClock illustration 1776
>>18581653 Michael T. Flynn: It's Trump's America First Versus Klaus Schwab's Great Reset Rumble
>>18581661 Devin Nunes: Dutch Pro-Farmer Party Won Big Despite Being Outspent by Ten Parties
>>18581411, >>18581415 Donald J. Trump: Flyover (Cap 0:47)
>>18581433, >>18581438 Donald J. Trump: The abuses of Power will go down as the most depraved in American History (Cap 1:18)
>>18581449, >>18581453 Donald J. Trump: Explain that to me Dan, It's BULLSHIT, these people are innocent (Cap 1:48)
>>18581465, >>18581470 President Trump dances off stage after a huge, ENERGETIC rally in Waco, Texas! (Cap 0:12)
>>18581472, >>18581495, >>18581610 President Donald J. Trump: Announces His Texas Elected Leadership Team no Dan Crenshaw, no Abbot, no Chip Roy, no John Cornyn, no Ted Cruz
>>18581693 Meanwhile in France (Cap 0:51)
>>18581711 KanekoaTheGreat: Russian officials warn that the continued supply of western weapons to Ukraine is bringing the world closer to a "nuclear apocalypse
>>18581722 President Trump opens his first 2024 rally in Texas with the Star Spangled Banner sung by the J6 prisoners 
>>18581796 Trump Says Pelosi And Schumer Are Bigger Threats Than China And Russia
>>18581852 Mayra Flores : Trump is their worst nightmare
>>18581859, >>18581880 UFC Superstar Holly Holm uses her win tonight to call out the sexualization of children
>>18581863, >>18581873, >>18581798, >>18581873 Big Name Fake News Journalist Hacks Deployed At Trump R Ally Reporting
>>18581870 New Video Shows Police Officers Inciting Crowd on January 6th, Prosecutors Desperately Try to Hide Footage
>>18581886, >>18581748, >>18581751,  >>18581810  The Good Humor brand by Unilever use the 'girl lover' Pedo logo 
>>18581737, >>18581906, >>18581956, >>18581970 "[comb you hair]".  Q post #873
>>18581995 Donald J. Trump: They’re not coming after ME, they’re coming after YOU—and I am standing in their way! 
>>18582003 #22792

>>18580531 RALLY LINKS LIVE: President Trump in Waco, TX
>>18580540 Trump plays J6 Prison Choir song "Justice for All" to open rally in Waco, Texas.
>>18580544 "When this election is over I will be President of the United States" Q1157
>>18580568 Liking the Witch Hunt signs
>>18580572 6:52 Trump Came Out, 6:55 Trump Reached Podium, 6:58 Trump Began Speaking
>>18580579, >>18580595 POTUS called out 93 (lb) now he’s talking about HRC connected lawyers
>>18580590 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s FULL SPEECH 
>>18580610 Picture Painted
>>18580658, >>18580745 Catherine Herridge: potential criminal indictment of a former President of the United States by an elected local prosecutor…
>>18580706, >>18580703, >>18580688 POTUS just said 69
>>18580742 CHY-NAH
>>18580759 EYES ON? Are two planes allowed to have same callsign while in air at the same time? 
>>18580769 "I spy…"  - Obama
>>18580673 Trump 2024 Texas Elected Leadership Team
>>18580795, >>18580808 President Trump does an INCREDIBLE flyover over his rally in Waco as the Top Gun theme plays in the background
>>18580800 MSM turned off their red lights 30 mins 
>>18580822 Obama was the one who weaponized "the rule of law".
>>18580842, >>18580843, >>18580844, >>18580847 I was in Washington 17 times in my life. Never over night
>>18580855 You are Damn Right This is an ‘Us -vs- Them’ Conflict – And There are More of Us Than Them
>>18580888 ''Demonic Forces" - DJT
>>18580889, >>18580923, >>18580887, >>18580892, >>18580900, >>18580901 I am your Warrior "Strength and honor, warrior. We stand at the ready. Always."  Q post #4695
>>18580930 that painter was fantastic.(Cap 0:32) (Cap 0:07)
>>18580931 John Kerry defends global elites flying their private jets
>>18580974 Mitch on house arrest? Das Boot?
>>18581021, >>18581028 Randy Quaid: “Either the Deep State destroys America or we destroy the Deep State”   Donald J. Trump 
>>18581039, >>18581132 Michael Sussmann? Who wrote the book Trump was talking about that he said was "Absolutely killed" in his speech tonight? 
>>18581154, >>18581164, >>18581169 We NEED BABIES.
>>18581162 The nation belongs to YOU
>>18581227 #22791-B

>>18580614 President Trump: We have to stop them from cheating in elections. Because if we don't win this next election, 2024, I truly believe our country is doomed.
>>18580634 President Trump: I did a little tariff hunting with them [China], and we took in hundreds of billions of dollars.
>>18580697 President Trump: I left behind a magnificent life, and I stepped up to fight for America, because no one else would do it, or would do it properly.
>>18580711 President Trump: They want you. They're not getting you. They're not even getting close.
>>18580732 President Trump: Mike Bloomberg spent two and a half billion dollars; he never got past the first question.
>>18580746 President Trump: They're not coming after me, they're coming after you, and I'm just standing in their way, and I'm gonna be standing in their way for a long time, and eventually I won't have to stand in their way, because in 2024, we gonna have the Greatest Victory of Them All.
>>18580766 President Trump: While leftist thugs are allowed to roam the streets, killing, looting, burning, raping and pillaging, patriotic parents, Christians, conservatives, pro-left activists, are being hounded by the FBI and the DOJ. Like terrorists, they are being treated so badly.
>>18580776 President Trump: Joe Biden is a stone-cold criminal, caught dead-to-right, and noting happens to him.
>>18580802 President Trump: The weaponization of our justice system is not, as some have called it, a political spectacle. This is the central issue of our time.
>>18580813 President Trump: The destruction of the rule of law is a tremendous threat to western civilization.
>>18580820 President Trump: In many ways these sick people are more of a threat. Because we can deal with China.
>>18580852 President Trump: The only way to stop these arsonists is to rebuke and reject this evil persecution by sending us straight back to the White House to expel the communists, and the marxists, and all of them, in 2024. And we'll do it in short order.
>>18580891 President Trump: They're flooding your towns with deadly drugs, selling your jobs to China, mutilating your children, setting fire to your life savings, releasing violent criminals to prey on innocent people. We have so many people pouring in, and so many of these people are not the people you want coming into your country.
>>18580910 President Trump: I am your warrior. I am your justice…for those who have been wronged and betrayed…I am your retribution. We will take care of it.
>>18580936 President Trump: The stakes of this election could not be more clear. Either we surrender to the demonic forces, abolishing, and demolishing, and happily doing so, our country. Or we defeat them in a landslide on November 5th, 2024. Either the deepstate defeats America, or we destroy the deepstate.
>>18581055 President Trump: As president, I'll sign a massive increase in Border Patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE Deportation Officers. We're gonna clean up our country. These are great American Heroes; nobody knows about it.
>>18581084 President Trump: We will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources, to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history…I will reinstitute Title 42 to keep sick people out of our country, and to bring back Remain In Mexico policy. You can't come in, you have to remain in Mexico.
>>18581108 President Trump: I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one of them that is here illegally, will be packed up, and immediately taken out of our country, and delivered to their country of origin.
>>18581122 President Trump: It's no coincidence that the deepstate is coming after me evern harder since I pledged to swiftly end the war in Ukraine.
>>18581151 President Trump: We will defeat the cult of gender ideology, to reassert that God created two genders, male and female.
>>18581228 #22791-A

>>18579769, >>18579853 Dan, +++ Please get the callsign TF1 assigned for the return trip!!!
>>18579985 His plane registration and callsign is N757AF
>>18580115, >>18580141, >>18580160, >>18580163, >>18580164, >>18580173, >>18580169, >>18580157, >>18580156, >>18580155 Flyby 3 minutes
>>18580175, >>18580192, >>18580211 DANga zoooooone
>>18579796 RALLY LINKS LIVE: President Trump in Waco, TX
>>18579800, >>18580457 Fired FBI Goon Peter Strzok Issues Veiled Death Threat to Donald Trump as Leading GOP Candidate Heads to Waco, Texas 
>>18579833, >>18579905 US President Donald J. Trump Announces His Texas Elected Leadership Team
>>18579867, >>18579950 Rally Viewers 62000+ on the rumble feed and climbing fast
>>18579835, >>18579883 Eyes on guys! Tineye sez 0 hits
>>18579957, >>18580032 Confirmed: Other image sizes No matching images found
>>18580046, >>18580075 Matched with Karli's vid
>>18579875, >>18579986, >>18579992 "Polio Vaccines Were Contaminated" says MMR Vaccine Developer Maurice Hilleman
>>18579858 Doomsday Clock had to have moved a coupla secs towards midnight here, pffft
>>18579901 Dan Scavino: @realDonaldTrump is wheels up for the Great State of Texas…
>>18579913 Massive crowds and lines fill arena ahead of Trump rally in Waco
>>18579927, >>18580396 4 year Delta Q Proof!
>>18580005 Biden just learned the president can't force people to get vaccinated
>>18580338, >>18580168 Waco massacre happened on 4-19 also?
>>18580204, >>18580212, >>18580223, >>18580206, >>18580241, >>18580216, >>18580225, >>18580232, >>18580235, >>18580236, >>18580241, >>18580242, >>18580250, >>18580253 ARTIST NOW
>>18580290, >>18580311 Q 21 Paint the picture 
>>18580315, >>18580316 Q 3369 Paint a narrative
>>18580343 A picture is worth many sentences Q 2504
>>18580230 TF1 Did a "loopdy-loop" or "figure-8" before landing
>>18580255, >>18580258, >>18580259 POTUS Landed Screenshots
>>18580341 Ted Nugent Opens Waco Trump Rally With…
>>18580355, >>18580362 Trump not wearing a tie!
>>18580377 Q-sa Q-sa Q-sa
>>18580381 CROWD IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!
>>18580398 Justice for All #J6 (Cap 2:20)
>>18580414 MEGA MAGA CROWD awaiting President Trump in Waco, Texas!
>>18580473 #22790 

>>18579422, >>18579187, >>18579349 RALLY LINKS LIVE: President Trump in Waco, TX
>>18579057 Ray EPPS' New Lawyer, Michael Teter, Manages The 65 Project
>>18579062 Targeted Trump Atty Jenna Ellis said she "LIED" about the 2020 election results on Mar 8 2023 The 65 Project
>>18579063, >>18579444 PF Reports  Q 0 = Q+ Air Force One proof
>>18579170 PF Reports Trump Force One Wheels Up!
>>18579664 TF1 Headed for Waco
>>18579356, >>18579232, >>18579235 Top of climb. 38 you say? 383?
>>18579064, >>18579077 Bannon: I don't care how many grand juries they impanel, suck on this: Trump won! 5:26
>>18579074 Bill Maher Says Indicting Trump Would Be ‘Colossal Mistake’ and ‘Rocket fuel’ for His Candidacy
>>18579088 'Fake News Media' Q 3194 Q Proof - Normally 250, tonight 500 MSM Bonus :17 
>>18579108 RSBN: President Trump boards Trump Force One to head to his RALLY in Waco, Texas 1:08
>>18579112 Donald J. Trump: Thank you @JimJordan 1:26
>>18579366 House Judiciary GOP response to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
>>18579116, >>18579144 Dan Scavino: @realDonaldTrump departing Mar-a-Lago, on his way to Waco, Texas 0:22
>>18579131 Stanford Law School Suspends Tirien Steinbach Diversity Dean After She Doubles-Down On Duncan Debacle
>>18579133 The Pentagon papers Daniel Ellsberg, 91, has inoperable pancreatic cancer
>>18579136, >>18579204 "they're coming for you next"
>>18579138 Australian TGD document revelations from Dr. John Campbell
>>18579157, >>18579173 Emmanuel Macron while asking for sacrifices from the French people suddenly realizes he is wearing a €80.000 watch
>>18579163 Kinzinger was ON THE BOARD of the Ukraine org that scammed people out of millions of dollars
>>18579179 For 5 weeks, Xi Jinping has refused to take a call from Biden
>>18579253 Paul Sperry: Mary Daly scrubbed her official FED bio
>>18579254, >>18579269  Mid-Tier Donor Class Very Worried About Ron DeSantis 2024 Management Agenda
>>18579281 Waco - 1993 Tanks under FBI command fire incendiary rounds disguised as tear gas to burn the Branch Davidians alive
>>18579346, >>18579647 Thomas Massie: Proposition to be debated: “Resolved, academic DEI programs should be abolished.” April 4th 7:30pm Eastern
>>18579355, >>18579372, >>18579426 Waco and OKC are connected. The FBI became emboldened because nobody held accountable at Waco.
>>18579420 Donald J. Trump: On my way to Waco, Texas! Join me LIVE at 6:00 PM EDT
>>18579367, >>18579498, >>18579646 WACO: FED massacre cover up and Clinton 'suicide' called out by Trump
>>18579490 mgt interview
>>18579516 Vicious Animals for sale $100,000 Scott LoBaido art
>>18579554, >>18579592, >>18579593 Trump campaign says that anyone who works for DeSantis will be blacklisted from ever getting a job with him
>>18579579 Todd Wood: Vaccine Mandates And DEI Programs Are Destroying The U.S. Military with Vaccine Injuries
>>18579589, >>18579688 Tom Renz: Altering your genes #Missouri #ChamberOfCommerce lying about #HB1169
>>18579620 Vladimir Putin agrees with the conclusions made by veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh
>>18579628 Epic Fail: “We Can Stop Him”, Unhinged Mary Trump Tries to Sabotage Waco Rally Attendance
>>18579674 Stand up: Obama weaponized psychological operations against the American People (Cap 1:10)
>>18579697, >>18579677 World Trade Center / Waco Attack; FBI connected?
>>18579720 #22789 

'''#22788'''   >>18578238
>>18578292 4 year delta: Q#3193 Flags out? Have a Great Night! Q
>>18578308 Thomas Massie: Why should anyone listen to Jerome Adams? (Surgeon General for President Trump)
>>18578332 Taliban have released new pictures of some of the military equipment left behind in Afghanistan by the U.S. Army
>>18578340 WATCH: John McAfee explains the real reason for the crackdown on TikTok.
>>18578373 Kari Lake's Attorney: This Is Not A Few Bad Signatures, But a 'Systemic Failure' In Voter Verification
>>18578395 Emergency Motion Claims FBI Didn't Disclose Informant Inside Proud Boys Defense Team
>>18578497 Why would any Republican vote against this? Department of Education’s authority to control elementary and secondary education
>>18578424 Donald J. Trump: Fake News Media getting ready for tonight—Normally 250 for President Trump, over 500!
>>18578426, >>18578934 New Jersey Pickle Factory fire
>>18578444 Top General Admits Pentagon Is Training Coup Leaders In Africa
>>18578471 Push to expand voting rights in US for those held in jails
>>18578506 Iran taunts France over unrest, calling on Paris to talk to its people and listen to their voices
>>18578528 Ukraine not ready for offensive, lacking ammunition and resources – Zelensky
>>18578551 US Must Worry About 'Chinese Hypersonic Threat', Lawmaker Says, as American Tests Show No Progress
>>18578568 US airstrikes kill 19 fighters in Syria after fatal Iranian drone attack 
>>18578638 @Potato responds to Mississippi tornadoes, already deployed emergency provisions 
>>18578748 Media touts ADL report that equates anti-Zionism with antisemitism, ADL continues to use a politicized definition of antisemitism
>>18578684, >>18578760, >>18578774 Anon calls for WACO news, Trump is in Waco FOR A REASON
>>18578775 Iran Says Any Attack On Its Bases In Syria Will Be Met With Swift Response
>>18578858 TikTok Hires Former Biden Aide To Lobby Congress – Ankit Desai, who worked for Biden when he was a senator in 2005
>>18578877 @GenFlynn: Death results from this “bat virus” manipulation and only evil experiments with it
>>18578894 JUST IN: Justice Dept sides with court ruling Obamacare unconstitutional
>>18578975 National Archives just torpedoed Joe Biden's 'I know nothing' defense about son Hunter Biden's business deals
>>18579004 #22788

==Previously Collected==
>>18577468 #22786, >>18578230 #22787
>>18575146 #22783, >>18575950 #22784, >>18576699 #22785
>>18572850 #22780, >>18573643 #22781, >>18574418 #22782
>>18570522 #22777, >>18571306 #22778, >>18572075 #22779

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Pasted: Mar 26, 2023, 2:39:10 am
Views: 16