get paid to paste


-- Lanxility Mimic jumpscare script
-- Must have boombox gamepass
-- Must get a scary avatar [anything you want check the channel #scary-avatars to see the free and the cheap and the good ones]

-- the script wont have a fe big or any of big type becuse the script is simple and to be more clear the script is gonna broke

-- 1 more thing this mimic script is so simple and free so dont expect any big things that much and i dont mean that this script wont have updates and be so bad nono im making the script better day by day

-- Z - invisible + jumpscare toggle [use the script and you will understand]
-- C - fly
-- more things comming soon

-- script:
loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()

Pasted: Jul 3, 2022, 7:50:25 pm
Views: 495