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In The Jungle

In The Jungle

    “So, Anon, any plans for the weekend?” Gura turns and asks from her place in the desk ahead of yours, snapping you out of your absentminded stupor. Your phone is still dead silent, and with only 25 minutes before the end of the school day you figure if you haven’t been sent anything by now, you weren’t gonna be needed. Looking back up at Gura, you give a noncommittal shrug before listening to her plans. She’s heading to the beach with her regular crew, and whoever else she can scrounge up who doesn’t mind the sun and the sea. Just as she opens her mouth, to ask if you wanted to tag along if you had to guess, your phone buzzes on your desk. You glance down at your phone and then quickly snatch it up before Gura can see who texted you.

Wim‘poi’weh: Art Room.
Wim‘poi’weh: Won’t be long.

Dang, you kinda did want to go to the beach, seemed like it’d be fun. But if this is gonna go anything like the last time, it’ll probably be for the best if you don’t take your shirt off in public for the next little while. Though, unlike last time, it's summer. Which means you can’t wear a scarf to cover up the more obvious marks that’ll be left at the end of it all. Oh well, you aren’t too bothered by it. It’s more for her sake at this point, anyway. You can’t recall if you were this much of a masochist at the beginning of your and Botan’s little ‘agreement’, or if you’ve just changed to fit the role. Gura seems to notice your change in demeanour though.

    “Oooh? What’s the big grin for, champ? Another one of your ‘Super Secret Escapades’?” she asks, waving her hands.
    “It’s nothing particularly exciting, it’s just not my place to talk about it just yet.” Kind of a lie, scandals can be thrilling. She just shrugs, clearly not too accepting of yet another cop out answer.
    “Whatever you say, Anon. Still gonna think you’re a super spy or something.” Which is fine with you, really. The two of you shoot the shit for the rest of the time until the bell rings. The two of you say your goodbyes and you begin to walk to the staircase you think back to how this whole thing got started.

You and Botan have been friends since you were both pretty young. Her relaxed attitude and boyish interests meant she was a nice escape from the rest of the relatively wild kids in your neighbourhood. You hadn’t been as close as you were back then for the last year or so; up until recently anyway, having ended up making new friends and kinda just drifting apart. You were apparently still the first person Botan had told when she and Lamy had officially gotten together, however, and also the first she confided her apprehension regarding certain aspects of her blooming relationship. She was still a lioness, and was worried that some of her more ‘wild’ aspects would be too much for the comparatively sweet girl. She asked in a bit of a roundabout way if you were up to helping her blow off some steam so she wouldn’t be so on edge around the snow elf. You agreed, and soon found yourself standing in the local park, way past dark. You didn’t think too much of it at the time, simply assuming she was a busy girl and this was the soonest you could meet up.

What does she even want to do here? Your initial assumption was just to probably go for a run or something, let her flex that 50 mile an hour land speed she’s so proud of, get the adrenaline going. Though, why you need to be here for that is a flaw in that line of thinking. Unless she just wants to vent while doing it? You don’t have time to ponder for too long, however, as the sound of rapid footsteps behind you makes you whip your head around only to see Botan jump right at you. You instinctively raise your arms to protect yourself, but she just grabs your wrists as he slams into you, tackling you into the grass. Anything you were gonna say is cut off as you feel her razor sharp fangs pressing against your throat, and the two of you just sit there for a moment. It’d probably look pretty intimate from a distance, but right here you’re paralyzed with fear. She’d just have to snap her jaws shut and she’d kill you. Your eyes focus over her shoulder on her tail, watching it thrash back and forth. She hasn’t moved at all, aside from squeezing your wrists a little tighter on occasion. You’re pretty sure her nails have broken your skin and you’re bleeding. Any small breath you make catches in your throat whenever Botan’s tongue flicks against your adam's apple or when she lets out a heavy exhale from her mouth, her warm breath clashing with the cool night air on your neck. Eventually you summon up the courage to speak.

    “B-Botan? What a-are you doing?” You try and lift your arms but she pushes them back into the ground and squeezes even harder. Ow. Okay, you’re definitely bleeding now. She eventually lets out a growl and says something against your neck you can’t make out.
    “W-what? Botan, come on, please talk to me.”
“You’re too slow.” She finally says, her voice sounds rough and angry, nothing like how she used to. Pulling off your neck, she slides her hands from your scratched wrists down to your shoulders. Keeping you pinned, she shifts from crouching over you to kneeling by your side, her silver mane blocking out the moonlight overhead. Really? You’re both a little too old for roughhousing, especially when you had no clue what you were getting into. Finally being able to take stock of your wrists, you see the rivulets of blood running down them. Yuck.
“Sorry, wasn’t exactly expecting a play fight.” you rub at your bloody wrists. “God, and would it have killed you to show a little restraint? This shit hu-ACK!” Botan cuts you off by suddenly wrapping her hands around your throat and pressing her body weight down on you, leaning in close enough that your noses are touching.

“Don’t talk to me about restraint right now. Do you know how much I already have to hold myself back for her sake?” You can’t breathe. You kick and struggle but she still easily pins you in place. You grab at her wrists and try and pull her hands off but they don’t budge. Fuck, was she always this strong? You open your mouth to try and choke out something, anything that might convince her to stop. But nothing can come out.
“Besides, you already agreed to help me, didn't you?” The look in her eyes is even wilder than before. What the fuck happened to her? You don’t remember even the slightest hint that she’d do anything like this! Letting out a few more strained gasps, you notice her eyes flit down from yours to look at your open mouth. She stares for only a moment before her head rushes down and she shoves her tongue into your open mouth, rolling it around every square inch and pushing your own tongue around your mouth, like a cat playing with a stuffed mouse. Your oxygen deprived brain can’t really appreciate that simile and you're rapidly losing the energy to fight anyway. The last of your breath being forced out into the lioness’s open maw. Is this really how you’re gonna die? A former friend strangling you while also trying to suck your face off?

But just as your vision starts to go black around the edges, Botan suddenly lets go and sits back on her knees. Watching you cough and roll around on the ground, struggling to get air back into you. Rolling over on to your front, your breathing finally starts to even out when you feel her climb onto your back and flatten you out into the grass again. She pulls your left arm behind your back with one hand and places the other on the back of your head. Your voice comes out raspy and it hurts your throat when you speak.
    “Are you-are you just gonna torture me all night?” She doesn’t respond and you don’t try to crane your head to look at her, you couldn’t bear to look at whatever expression she has on now. She slowly pulls your head to the side and the peripheral vision in your left eye fills with silver hair. Oh god, she’s really gonna do it this time, isn’t she? She’s gonna tear your throat out, and watch you bleed to death. Tears well up in your eyes. Where did your friend go? What happened to the girl who’d laugh until she couldn’t stand watching people fall when they tried to ride in shopping carts? The girl who’d you’d stay up all night playing Call of Duty with? She’s not here anymore. You’re not with the girl who'd spend all day sledding with you in the winter, or helping you build your first PC. It’s just a lioness and her unsuspecting prey now. You brace yourself for the end as her teeth clamp down on your neck.




Instead of the gruesome and painful end you were dreading, all your feeling is her sucking on your neck. You’re frozen as she leaves a trail of hickeys down your neck. letting go of your arm, she tugs at the collar of your sweater to reveal more skin for her to assault, while the hand on your head begins to softly pet you.

This is too much for you. Feeling like you’re gonna die three times in a row and now this almost saccharine act just leaves your brain absolutely fried. You don’t know if she kept at it for 5 minutes or five hours, but eventually Botan must have deemed your neck sufficiently marked, because she lifts her head from your neck and gets off you. You don’t move, you feel like you’ve partially fused to the ground and can’t even imagine trying to get your legs under you. She steps into your field of view and you look up at her. She has a look of relaxation on her face, like she just got out of a massage parlor. She stretches her arms over her head and lets out a big yawn. She looks at your prone form before letting out a giggle, now sounding like her old self.
    “Heh heh. You can see why I can’t do this sort of thing with Lamy, huh?”
You can only let out a groan. But she seems to get what you're trying to say. What the fuck was all that?
    “Sorry, but I really needed to let loose, and if I had told you what was gonna happen you probably wouldn’t have agreed, or even if you had you probably wouldn’t have fought back the way I wanted you too. You understand, right?” You really don’t, but she takes whatever noise you make as a positive affirmation. She lets out another yawn.
    “Hoooo, that took more energy than I thought. I’m gonna head home, are you okay to make it back to yours?” Again, not really, but that’s not how she takes it. She leaves the park with a happy “Goodbye!” and you just lie there on the grass. You don’t know how long it is before you try to stand, or how long it takes for you to walk home in a daze. You pass out the second your head hits your pillow.

It continued for the next 8 months, with each encounter with Botan varying in intensity and regularity. It never happened less than twice a month, but did as often as four times in a week, with once being twice in one day! It never got as scary as the first time, with more often than not just being her wrestling with you until she got into a position of total control, from there she’d really just revel in the fact that she could do just about whatever she wanted to you, and you’d be powerless to stop it. You’d never come out unscathed, though, always coming out with scratches, bite marks, and the occasional hickeys. The inherent violence of your little get-togethers quickly stopped being a problem for you, in fact you began to earnestly enjoy it all, but the overall clarity of what was going on still scratched at the back of your mind. Sometimes, these things sometimes get weirdly...intimate, and have been more often than not recently. It wasn’t uncommon for her to try shoving her tongue about as far down your throat as possible, or to just essentially lay there essentially cuddling for a while after. Her reasonings for them have been becoming less and less believable too, now that you’re thinking about it. 6 month anniversary date? Sure, you can see the logic for not wanting to be on edge, you guess. ‘Might’ walk home with her after school? Not so much.

By all accounts, Botan and Lamy were in a happy and healthy relationship. At first, you thought that maybe Lamy was just wanting to take things too slow and Botan just couldn’t wait, but that suspicion was dashed when you overheard Polka teasing the two for almost getting caught doing ‘something’ in an empty classroom. Maybe she was telling the truth, that Lamy was just too sweet to handle the things the two of you get up to, at least from Botan’s perspective anyway. From your limited interactions with the snow elf, she probably would do whatever Botan wanted her to do. But Botan seems oddly insistent that she does this with you. You shake your head as you climb the stairwell. Whatever, your musings don’t really matter. This was the longest stretch of time between meetings yet, so you don’t really know what to expect. You push the door open and walk into the Art Room, not seeing Botan in front of you, though that doesn’t mean much. And the door slams shut behind you. Of course. You sidestep to the right and Botan goes sailing past you sliding across the floor on all fours. Is she even trying anymore? Maybe this won’t be as bad as you thought. Feigning fear, you slowly back up until you hit the wall. After a beat of staring at each other, she moves first and rushes you. You make a half hearted attempt to open the door before she grabs a hold of you.

Botan snakes one arm under yours and another across your neck before kicking your legs out, leaving sitting on your ass in a half-nelson choke that you have no trouble breathing in. Honestly, you are a little disappointed. She sinks her head into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent and occasionally making happy little sighs. Your suspicions are rapidly becoming more concrete.
    “Honestly, this is something Lamy can absolutely handle. You could probably start going to her for these things from now on.” Your voice seems to jolt her from whatever stupor she’s in and she pulls you down onto your back.
    “W-What? Don’t be ridiculous.” She says as she repositions to straddle you, not even bothering to hold your arms down. You put your hands behind your head as you look up at her.
    “I’m just saying, she seems a bit more than a delicate flower, and you haven’t exactly been scratching me to ribbons recently. Especially now. It was, what, 3 weeks since the last time? I don’t know if you’ve just lost your killer instinct or if you’ve got a better handle on the whole ‘Lioness’ part of you, but we can just go back to hanging out like normal people again.” Botan’s eyes widen and she leans forward to grab your forearms.
    “NO! I, we still have to keep doing this. Look.” She shoves her head back into your neck and begins to nip and suck all over. Her hands let go of your forearms and slide under your shirt, scratching down your chest. You let out a groan, which seems to invigorate her, and she doubles her efforts on your neck.
    “E-Easy, Botan. I’m not gonna be able to hide those.” You gasp out, but she doesn’t seem to listen. You’re not really bothered, and if she’s not gonna consider it, neither are you anymore. She trails kisses up your jaw to the corner of your mouth.
    “See? You really think I could do this with anyone else?” Botan says against your cheek. Of all the ways to phrase that, she really had to say it like that? You don’t really get to comment on it, though, as your mouth quickly becomes occupied with hers. Your tongue plays a similar cat and mouse game, moving around your mouth trying to avoid her comparatively rougher one's pursuit. Like before, you eventually let the chase come to an end let her catch your tongue. Botan’s tongue swirls around the entirety of your mouth. The back of your teeth, the roof of your mouth, it’s all making your head start to go blank. You're still hyper aware of her hands slowly trailing down to grab your pants, at least until the buzzing sound of a kazoo interrupts your thoughts.

What the fuck?

Your eyes dart over to the source of the sound, it originating from Botan’s backpack. Is that her phone? She seems reluctant to acknowledge the sound, but the way her ears twitched and the fact her brows furrow shows she definitely heard it. The sound eventually stops, and she begins to restart her ministrations, only for the kazoo to start again. With a loud sigh, Botan pries herself off you and goes over to her bag, fishing out her phone. Oh, right. ‘Won’t be long.’ You kinda forgot. Flexing your legs, you try to get your blood flowing to...other areas for your walk back through the school. You’re genuinely worried what would happen if Marine-Sensei saw you with a hard on. Botan looks up from her phone and apologizes. Guess her and Lamy were supposed to walk home together, and she’s wondering what’s taking Botan so long. You chuckle.
    “Well Shishiron, I’m free all weekend~.” Her eyes dart back to her phone before looking back at you.
    “ What about tomorrow night?” You just nod in response, and she types something on her phone before slinging her bag over her shoulder.
    “I’ll think about it.”
    “Well, I hope you can come to a decision soon.” Two can play at this double meaning game. She leaves without another word. You leave once your dick decides it can behave itself.


“Whoa! What are those, Anon?” You hear Gura’s voice off to your left and notice that it’s not just her, but all her friends too. Uh oh, hope they’re not all her to gawk. The shark in question jogs up to you and begins poking at the marks all over your neck. Some are newer than others. You bat her hand away and turn to face her properly.
    “They’re none of your business, Goo-ruh.”
    “Yeah right, Buster! Is that what your big secret was all about?” You just chuckle.
“Why would he keep that a secret?” You hear Ina ask.
“Ooh, maybe cause it’d be a big scandal!” You open your mouth to comment, but Amelia keeps going.
    “Maybe, he’s having a secret tryst with someone who’s already with someone else, and it’s only gotten like more and more passionate, but the other person is still indecisive, and he’s all like ‘I don’t know how much longer I can keep it a secret’ and she’s all like ‘Oh, what do I do?’ but it’s still too hot for either of them to stop?”

Everyone goes quiet.

You’ve got to be kidding.

Kiara is the first to break the silence.
    “PFFFFFTTTTTT HAHAHAHAHAHA! Him!? Yeah right!” She holds her stomach and leans against Calli for support while she continues to laugh. What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Amelia get’s a contemplative look on her face.
    “Hmmm, yeah, that might have been a bit too presumptuous.” Phew.
    “But that still leaves the question, who’s the lucky girl?” Shit.

The group begins to throw out girls that it may be. Polka? No, she’d be screaming it from the rooftops that you two were together, and you would have gone missing by now. Nene’s a big softie and also wouldn’t have a reason to keep it a secret. Botan and Lamy are together, so that strikes those two from their list. Thank god. While the group continues debating, you spot the formerly mentioned couple walking on the other side of the courtyard. You make eye contact with Botan, who sheepishly looks away, pulling out her phone. Gura pulls at your collar to try and get a better look at your neck, but you slap her hands away again. The group seems to agree on it being Ollie, for some reason you didn’t catch. You try to deny it, but they don’t seem to believe you.

Your phone gets a notification, and when you pull it out you're crowded by the five girls trying to get a look at the screen. They keep asking “Was it her? Is it her? What’d she say?” even though you hid it against your chest before you even got  a chance to look at it yourself.

But you’re sure it is.

Pasted: Jun 2, 2021, 7:57:43 am
Views: 94