get paid to paste

Now you can use Stumbleupon on iPhone and iPod Touch! Because StumbleUpon release Web-based toolbar, it's awesome already. This is how you do (do this on iPhone or iPod Touch):

1. Sign in to link on top "> Sign in < for recommendations" (> & < means link). Non-register can use too, but then you can't save bookmarks.

2. go now to and bookmark it.

3. Edit that bookmark and delete all except ""

4. Now are ready to go! It stumbles immediately when you click bookmark. Then when you done with that site, press "Stumble!". If you like site, press "I like this!" and you save bookmark into profile (only if your are sign in). You can zoom too closer, not lossing that zoom when you stumble (that's because that works in iframe)

Pasted: Oct 1, 2008, 9:11:22 am
Views: 56,681