get paid to paste


// Draft of the game of life
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char world[10] [10];
int a = 0;
int xSeed[256]; //Initiating the variable that will get the user input for the X coordinate of the Seed
int ySeed[256]; //Same as the xSeed, except for the y coordinate
int Seeds; //Initiating the variable that will tell me how high I will have to list upwards in the array
int neighbors; //Used in the function birth to count how many neighbors a cell has
char var2[4]; //Variable used to enter another seed, only will be used once.
//Creating function that will print the gameboard onto the screen.
int gameboard(){ // Making the gameboard. Helped to learn about line continuation :P
    cout << "\n__| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10" << \
    "\n1 | " << world[1] [1] << "   " << world[2] [1] << "   " << world[3] [1] << "   " << world[4] [1] << "   " << world[5] [1] << "   " << world[6] [1] << "   " << world[7] [1] << "   " << world[8] [1] << "   " <<  world[9] [1] << "   " << world[10] [1] << \
    "\n2 | " << world[1] [2] << "   " << world[2] [2] << "   " << world[3] [2] << "   " << world[4] [2] << "   " << world[5] [2] << "   " << world[6] [2] << "   " << world[7] [2] << "   " << world[8] [2] << "   " <<  world[9] [2] << "   " << world[10] [2] << \
    "\n3 | " << world[1] [3] << "   " << world[2] [3] << "   " << world[3] [3] << "   " << world[4] [3] << "   " << world[5] [3] << "   " << world[6] [3] << "   " << world[7] [3] << "   " << world[8] [3] << "   " <<  world[9] [3] << "   " << world[10] [3] << \
    "\n4 | " << world[1] [4] << "   " << world[2] [4] << "   " << world[3] [4] << "   " << world[4] [4] << "   " << world[5] [4] << "   " << world[6] [4] << "   " << world[7] [4] << "   " << world[8] [4] << "   " <<  world[9] [4] << "   " << world[10] [4] << \
    "\n5 | " << world[1] [5] << "   " << world[2] [5] << "   " << world[3] [5] << "   " << world[4] [5] << "   " << world[5] [5] << "   " << world[6] [5] << "   " << world[7] [5] << "   " << world[8] [5] << "   " <<  world[9] [5] << "   " << world[10] [5] << \
    "\n6 | " << world[1] [6] << "   " << world[2] [6] << "   " << world[3] [6] << "   " << world[4] [6] << "   " << world[5] [6] << "   " << world[6] [6] << "   " << world[7] [6] << "   " << world[8] [6] << "   " <<  world[9] [6] << "   " << world[10] [6] << \
    "\n7 | " << world[1] [7] << "   " << world[2] [7] << "   " << world[3] [7] << "   " << world[4] [7] << "   " << world[5] [7] << "   " << world[6] [7] << "   " << world[7] [7] << "   " << world[8] [7] << "   " <<  world[9] [7] << "   " << world[10] [7] << \
    "\n8 | " << world[1] [8] << "   " << world[2] [8] << "   " << world[3] [8] << "   " << world[4] [8] << "   " << world[5] [8] << "   " << world[6] [8] << "   " << world[7] [8] << "   " << world[8] [8] << "   " <<  world[9] [8] << "   " << world[10] [8] << \
    "\n9 | " << world[1] [9] << "   " << world[2] [9] << "   " << world[3] [9] << "   " << world[4] [9] << "   " << world[5] [9] << "   " << world[6] [9] << "   " << world[7] [9] << "   " << world[8] [9] << "   " <<  world[9] [9] << "   " << world[10] [9] << \
    "\n10| " << world[1] [10] << "   " << world[2] [10] << "   " << world[3] [10] << "   " << world[4] [20] << "   " << world[5] [10] << "   " << world[6] [10] << "   " << world[7] [10] << "   " << world[8] [10] << "   " <<  world[9] [10] << "   " << world[10] [10];
    return 0; // Returning a vaulue to the function to signify that the function ran without a hitch
//Creating a function that places the cells on the board
int cells(){
    for(int a=0; a != 11; a++){
        world[a] [1] = '-'; // This changes every cell on the x axis on the 1 y coordinate to '-'
    for(int b=0; b != 11; b++){
        int inc = 0;
        world[inc] [b] = '-'; // InC increases the X coordinate, while B stays on the same Y coordinate, changing the whole line to a dash
        world[inc] [b] = '-';  // Same as before comment
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
        world[inc] [b] = '-';
    return 0;  //Returning a value to the function to signify that the function ran without a problem
//Creating function that allows the user to create seed cells.
int seeds(){
    cout << "\n\nHow many seed cells would you wish to have? ";
    cin >> Seeds;
    cout << "\n\nPlease enter the X and Y coordinates for the seed.";
    cout << "\nX: ";
    cin >> xSeed[1];
    cout << "\nY: ";
    cin >> ySeed[1];
    int SeedY = 1;
    int q=1;
    while(SeedY != Seeds){
        if(q <= Seeds){
        cout << "\n\nPlease enter the X and Y coordinates for the seed.";
        cout << "\nX: ";
        cin >> xSeed[q];
        cout << "\nY: ";
        cin >> ySeed[q];
    int q2 = q; //Alright, variable q is the number of seeds there are in the arrays in the variables xSeed and ySeed, this just assigns that number to a new variable.
    q = 0;
    while(q2 != 0){ //Finnally found a way to change all the seed cells to alive on the gameboard, and let the user chose how many he wants!
        world[xSeed[q2]] [ySeed[q2]] = '+';
    return 0;
// Function that creates the neighbors of the seed cells :P
int birth(){
    for (int m = 0; m < 11; m++){ //This will start at 1, making the Y coordinate 1, and will increase each time
        for (int n = 0; n < 11; n++){ //When the first for loop executes, this one will execute, making the X coordinate 1, and will increase once each thru unctil it is 10.
            if(world[m] [n] == '-'){ //This checks if a cell (ex. 1,1) is dead, if so it checks if surrounding cells are alive
                if(world[m++] [n] == '+'){ //Check if 2,1 is alive, if so move on
                if(world[m] [n++] == '+'){ //Check if 1,2 is alive if so, make 2,2 alive.
                if(world[m--] [n] == '+'){
                else if(world[m] [n--] == '+'){
                else if(world [m++] [n++] == '+'){

                else if(world [m--] [n--] == '+'){
                else if(world [m++] [n--] == '+'){
                else if(world [n--] [m++] == '+'){
                cout << "";

                if(neighbors == 3){
                    world[m] [n] = '+';
                    neighbors = 0;

int main(){
cells(); //Assigning values to world[] []
gameboard(); //Prints gameboard to screen
seeds();//Allows user to be prompted for seed coordinates
cout << "\n\nInput (Seed Cells)\n";
cout << "\n\nOutput\n";
return 0;

Pasted: Nov 16, 2011, 5:10:15 am
Views: 12