get paid to paste

Saki by Nymphaie

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ___ _  _ ___ ___  ___  _   _ ___   _   ___ ___ _____ _  _ ___ __  __ ___ ___   
 / __| || |_ _| _ \/ _ \| | | / __| /_\ / __|_ _|_   _| || | __|  \/  | __/ __|  
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 |___/_||_|___|_|_\\___/ \___/|___/_/ \_\___|___| |_| |_||_|___|_|  |_|___|___/  
 - requested by Ryuuguu_Azaka ---------------------------------------------------
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Pasted: Jan 2, 2016, 4:56:40 am
Views: 100