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White Russian Recipe

You will need one rocks glass that holds at least 6oz (they generally range from 6-10oz), a shaker, ice, and the drink's ingredients. First, fill the rocks glass with ice according to its' capacity (for instance, perhaps 1/3 of  the way full for a 6oz glass since the drink itself is about 4oz, or for a 10 oz glass, somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of the way full). Also fill your shaker with ice. Next, mix the ingredients in the shaker. I bet you can guess what comes next... that's right, you give the shaker a good ole shimmy-shimmy shake or two or eight. Finally, pour the mixed drink over the ice in the rocks glass and there ya have it, a delicious, creamy White Russian.

2oz Stolichnaya Vanil
1oz Kahlua (Tia Maria is also acceptable and preferred by some)
1/2 cup half-and-half (or thereabouts - amount is to taste, ultimately)

*sometimes I like to garnish with a Hershey's kiss or a Lindor Lindt truffle ball - just drop it in the bottom of the glass! That or I add just a dollop of Godiva liqueur. You can add many liqueurs to a White Russian - it all depends on your taste preferences. Some examples include Bailey's Irish Cream, Frangelico (hazelnut liqueur), Creme de menthe, and a whole host of others. Here is a list of liqueurs from wikipedia:

*makes one single-serving cocktail

Pasted: Feb 1, 2012, 8:02:55 am
Views: 11