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The dream about reconnecting with an old friend could also indicate that we are feeling lonely or disconnected in our waking life. Perhaps we are going through a difficult patch where we feel like we don’t have anyone to turn to, or we are struggling to connect with new people in our social circle. The dream might be reminding us of the importance of having close relationships and encouraging us to reach out to the people we care about. When you dream about reconnecting with an old friend, it could be a sign that there is unfinished business between you. Perhaps, you had a falling out with this friend in the past, or you lost touch over time due to various circumstances. Regardless of the reason why your friendship ended, the dream of reconnecting suggests that your subconscious mind wants to address the situation and find closure. It’s possible that you have been carrying unresolved feelings towards this friend, such as guilt, anger, or regret. These emotions may have been suppressed in your conscious mind, but they can surface in your dreams as a way of prompting you to deal with them. Read More: Dreams about Lions Good or Bad? Overall, dreaming about reconnecting with an old friend can be a powerful reminder that it’s important to confront and resolve our emotional baggage to move forward and live a fulfilling life. -

Pasted: Aug 30, 2023, 7:08:50 am
Views: 21